Jayman, I am really picky about my punctuations, spelling and the way I say things. I am harder on myself than I am when I am reading something that someone else has posted.
We're not perfect.
Then sometimes, my fingers get to typing faster than my mind is working and visa versa.
I just laugh at myself and say, "You dummy"
Bless your heart, I know you do your best always. What I am saying is we are human and we can only focus on so much at once time mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Like you, I do my best to not make any typos or errors in grammar. I run spell check frequently. Many times I even run grammar check just to be sure. Yet, I still find a mistake or two a few days later. Thanks to the recently imposed 5 min. rule we cannot edit those messages without going through mgt. So, I have had to accept that mistakes happen. Mgt. had good reason to impose the 5 min. rule... So, I will never challenge that.
We are not bad people because we make a mistake or grammatical error. God made us perfect whole and complete just the way we are. Orientation, race/ethnicity, developmentally challenged, anal retentive, OCD, ADD, ADHD, hearing impaired, visually impaired, or developmentally challenged in some capacity etc... we were all made perfect whole and complete just the way we are. I used to say things like goof ball , dummy, and sometimes worse. Then I realized that our words, our thoughts, and our actions have energy and the ability to affect our lives positively or negatively. So, I have had to learn that I am here for fun and entertainment. Making a mistake here can certainly affect how some members perceive us but in general I think "Let he/she who is with out sin cast the first stone." So, I accept, "to err is human."