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Update on my Jon


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Thanks to Joninliverton suggesting that the updates on my Jon be started in a different thread so that it doesn't get lost in the hundreds of pages on the "I'm Bored....Help" thread. I started talking about Jon on pages 462 and 463 of that thread.

I went up to see Jon in the hospital this evening and he seems to be doing pretty good, though he has a long way to go in his recovery from the stroke he suffered over a month ago due to a blood clot and anursim at the brain stem on on the right side. The doctors successfully removed the blood clot or opened it up, which ever they do.

He still has limited use of his left hand, double vision in his left eye and still not able to walk without supervision. The stoke affected his left side. Therefore he has to learn to eat on his right side of the mouth and he speech is still slurred which is getting better.

He is going through 5 therapy sessions a day in the hospital. Two in the morning, OT (Occupational Therapy) and PT (Physical Therapy). He also has OT, PT, and ST (Speech Therapy) in the afternoon. So he is pretty tuckered out by the end of the day. He is on blood thinning medication, currently being administered in his stomach via shot, since he is not able to swallow that well yet. He has that done at each nursing shift change with his first one being administered at 5:30 a.m.

He is hoping to be discharged from the hospital on Aug 6. Will have to go up to the hospital a couple of times a week for out patient therapy.

While I was up to see him this evening, his eye doctor came in and is concerned about a relaps in his vision. At first the double vision was getting better, but now Jon complains that it has gotten worse, so the doctor is going to see about getting him a pair of glasses this week.

I will be going back up there to see Jon again tomorrow evening, so I will do my best to keep everyone posted.

Thanks to Jon and Tampa for reassuring me not to worry about what other people will think because of the age gap between myself and my Jon. Love is stronger than anyone else's opinion on our relationship and I believe that whole hearted.

Thanks for the update Gary. I am glad to hear that things are working out well for Jon and his health is coming to fruition...:wink:
Yes thanks for the update Gary and I hope the relapse in vision is nothing too serious. From what I remember about my uncle, when they operated on the anurism - which incidentally is a very dangerous operation as they have to bypass the vein whilst they fix some sort of device that keeps the damaged part open. I'm not sure what they call this device but it is the similar to those they put in the heart with some sort of spring device that keeps the vein/arteries open.

Send my love to my namesake down under and rest assured that some of us will be praying for a full recovery. xx
Yes Gary,

Thanks for starting a new thread for it so we can keep updated on how Jon is doing. When it rains it pours, huh? It's not enough that you have your parents' health to worry about. Hang in there Gary! Because if his youth Jon has a very bright future ahead of him. And you do too. :001_smile:
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Yes, this is a trying time for me and I am doing my best to hang in there and be strong not only for my Jon but for my parents.

My father has had his share of health issues so far this year. He has been in the hospital with pneumonia and was diagnosed with COPD, a breathing disorder and just last month he was taken to the ER for a lower bowel obstruction which he needed emergency surgery. He is doing better.

Believe me, I do have my moments when I just break down and cry. I am a pretty emotional person to begin with, and with your prayers it makes it easier for me to deal with all of this.

Jon, I believe what you are talking about is what my father had implanted a few years ago to open up his arteries. It is called a stint. They make the blood flow easier and with out the risk of it clotting.

I am going up to see Jon this evening after supper. Will pass on any thing that I have to share.

Love ya all,
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Yes, this is a trying time for me and I am doing my best to hang in there and be strong not only for my Jon but for my parents.

My father has had his share of health issues so far this year. He has been in the hospital with pneumonia and was diagnosed with COPD, a breathing disorder and just last month he was taken to the ER for a lower bowel obstruction which he needed emergency surgery. He is doing better.

Believe me, I do have my moments when I just break down and cry. I am a pretty emotional person to begin with, and with your prayers it makes it easier for me to deal with all of this.

Jon, I believe what you are talking about is what my father had implanted a few years ago to open up his arteries. It is called a stint. They make the blood flow easier and with out the risk of it clotting.

I am going up to see Jon this evening after supper. Will pass on any thing that I have to share.

Love ya all,

Our prayers are with you always... You need to take some time for yourself too. That is very important while serving as a care giver for so many. You be good to yourself and take everything one moment at a time... "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Just remember with each step you take you are one step closer to accomplishing your goal. Be well my good friend and fellow Capricorn.:001_rolleyes:
I went up to see Jon this evening as promised I would. He seems to be doing fine.
His eye doctor stopped in and checked his vision. He still has the double vision, so the doctor set him up with a certain type of eye glasses, the only difference is that the doctor place a quarter sized piece of lens on top of the right lens of the eye glasses and that seemed to make images clearer for Jon and lessened the double vision some.
Also, Jon needed to use the restroom while I was there, so he called for the nurse to assist him to the restroom in his room. He walked to and from the restroom to his bed. I felt that he did a pretty good job. Still a little wobbly but seems to be getting more strength in that left leg. Always good to see improvement.
He does get a day pass to go to his mom's again on Sunday, which will do him a world of good. Gets him out of the hospital for a few hours.

Now the proper term for those temporary eye glasses are called Prism Glasses. It slipped my mind when I posted earlier. I guess it must have been a senior moment that I had. lol.

Glad to see Jon has got the glasses to help him with his double vision and also good to see him getting up and out of bed. He will be needing plenty of physio now.

Gary mate, you deserve a million gold medals for all the work and care that you are doing for Jon and your father. And we don't know half of it and still admire you.

Keep in there mate and as Jay says, do one thing at a time. We don't want you ending up in there too. You have, as always, our best wishes, love and prayers... XXXX
Gary, my thought's and prayers are with you and Jon. When my mother had her stroke back in 1988, it was on her left side also. She was in the hospital for 6 months, but she did make a good recovery.
Thanks I2 for the thoughts and prayers.

I haven't seen Jon in a few days. Have been busy with other stuff. Will try to go up to see him tomorrow hopefully. I have a full day myself tomorrow.

I chatted with Jon for awhile this evening. He is really looking forward to being discharged from the hospital Friday morning.
He seems to be doing good and his speech is getting better. Can't say so about his vision. He still has the double vision so he is back to wearing the eye patch over his left eye.
He had his appointment today with the local Social Security Office and will know something in about 3-4 months in reference to him getting on Supplemental Security Income (SSI). For now, he is entitled to DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) which is at state level. He will be receiving cash, medical, and food stamps until his SSI goes into effect. Once that happens, he will most likely be transferred from Medicaid (DSHS) to Medicare (Social Security). He will also loose his cash payments from DSHS as SSI will take over and cover him. He should still be eligible for food stamps.
The therapy department and his doctor are making arrangements for therapy to deliver so equipment out so that he can be as independent as possible such as a shower bench, walker, wheel chair and a few other items that have slipped my mind.
Once Jon is discharged from the hospital, he will go back to the therapy unit at the hospital 2-3 times a week for Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy as an out-patient.
To date, he has been in the hospital for exactly one month and I feel that he has come a long way in progress in that month. I am so happy for him.
He's not sure if he will gain full use of his left hand and arm as that is the side that was paralyzed from the stroke. All we can do is give him all the support, prayers and love that he needs to continue to improve and heal.


I'm so glad you've been keeping us apprised of his progress. He is indeed fortunate that he has your support. He has a difficult road ahead of him, but knowing that you are going to be at his side through this must be very comforting for him. You and Jon are in my thoughts. Take care of yourself!

I chatted with Jon for awhile this evening. He is really looking forward to being discharged from the hospital Friday morning.
He seems to be doing good and his speech is getting better. Can't say so about his vision. He still has the double vision so he is back to wearing the eye patch over his left eye.
He had his appointment today with the local Social Security Office and will know something in about 3-4 months in reference to him getting on Supplemental Security Income (SSI). For now, he is entitled to DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) which is at state level. He will be receiving cash, medical, and food stamps until his SSI goes into effect. Once that happens, he will most likely be transferred from Medicaid (DSHS) to Medicare (Social Security). He will also loose his cash payments from DSHS as SSI will take over and cover him. He should still be eligible for food stamps.
The therapy department and his doctor are making arrangements for therapy to deliver so equipment out so that he can be as independent as possible such as a shower bench, walker, wheel chair and a few other items that have slipped my mind.
Once Jon is discharged from the hospital, he will go back to the therapy unit at the hospital 2-3 times a week for Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy as an out-patient.
To date, he has been in the hospital for exactly one month and I feel that he has come a long way in progress in that month. I am so happy for him.
He's not sure if he will gain full use of his left hand and arm as that is the side that was paralyzed from the stroke. All we can do is give him all the support, prayers and love that he needs to continue to improve and heal.


Gary thanks for keeping us informed. I continue to pray for him. Please, hug him for all of us when you see him next and let him know we all wish him the best in the days to come. Bless your heart for being there for him in this time of need.:001_rolleyes:
Absolutely Gary,

Thank you for keeping us advised as to his progress. Bless his heart...he has a long road ahead of him. But being so young he also has a very good chance of bouncing back from this very well. Please know that you are both in my thoughts and prayers as well. Best wishes to you both. And of course to your parents as well.
Absolutely Gary,

Thank you for keeping us advised as to his progress. Bless his heart...he has a long road ahead of him. But being so young he also has a very good chance of bouncing back from this very well. Please know that you are both in my thoughts and prayers as well. Best wishes to you both. And of course to your parents as well.

I ditto those sentiments x
Hey all, I had a message from Jon earlier this evening and he is home at his mom's place. So glad.
He has to go up to Seattle for an MRI on the 24th of this month. Will keep everyone posted.

Thank you for keeping us in the loop. :001_smile:
Hey All, got to spend a few minutes with Jon this afternoon while I was out running errands.
He is doing real good. His speech is getting more understandable. He is still wearing a patch over his left eye due to the double vision, but both he and his mom said that the double vision will correct itself in time. He is walking a little better on his own, though he does use a walker when he feels the need to.
We will start his out patient therapy the 1st of October at St. Joseph Medical Center here in Tacoma. I believe it will be two to three times a week. He will have speech, occupational and physical therapy.
That's is for this time.
