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Upcoming scene Paul & Flint get tested...........


Well-known Member
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Oahu Hawaii
Does this make for scintillating video watching two guys get tested for STD's???? What's next, behind the scenes watching a guy butt douche before he does anal ??
We don't only get to see blood being drawn in part 1, but in part 2 it appears that we get to see them rewarded for being good little boys by going swimming. Now I can't wait for that one. NOT
I am all for getting to know the talent better --- but updates about getting tested are so far away from why I joined this site.
Does this make for scintillating video watching two guys get tested for STD's???? What's next, behind the scenes watching a guy butt douche before he does anal ??

I am unaware of anything that requires you to watch the video. If you aren't interesting I would suggest you don't watch.
Actually, it was good and entertaining.
It's a shame the industry wasn't a good fit for Flint, he seems like such a nice guy...*sigh*
Thoroughly entertaining BTS. While Flint and Duncan are not favorites of mine in the actual scenes, they and Paul are all adorable as they go for their tests. Paul continues to be a joy for me watch in everything I've seen him do, sex scenes, BTS, youtube and posts on the forum. He is a total charmer. It makes me even more sorry that Broke Straight Boys and Paul are not coming to NYC Pride this year.

Thanks for another glimpse into what goes on at "Broke Straight Boys Central", behind the scenes.

(And seeing Paul again naked, playing strip pool with Flint, gave me my little morning thrill as well :smile:)
Mark - for those of us who are members, it would be nice of you to make upfdates like this one with Paul and Flint be able to RECORD these so tht we can watch these & enjoy them later! I for one woul like toi eath his.


I enjoyed this and got some insight into Flint he is in the military that laptop bag,backpack, and duffel are all military issue for soldiers going to Afghanistan.I am thinking Flint did this after he came back where we have three months off and get a little fat before reporting back to duty.
I enjoyed this and got some insight into Flint he is in the military that laptop bag,backpack, and duffel are all military issue for soldiers going to Afghanistan.I am thinking Flint did this after he came back where we have three months off and get a little fat before reporting back to duty.

Possibly. I have a close friend who is the the British Army and in between tours of Afghanistan and other shit places, he improves his income by escorting.
I enjoyed it as well. I like learning about what happens bts. Paul can do no wrong by me at all. Flint I'm happy he tried his hand at gay porn but as someone mentioned its not for everyone. I hope to as I mentioned already a bts of what happens after a scene is done and what the models have to say about the experience.
I know it is going to be a sensitive topic but it is good to see what these guys go through. Seeing this will help others seeing how easy it is to get tested. I would suggest not watching it if you think it is going to upset you.


Hey, Mark -

I am 100 per cent with you guys, on airing these testing videos. From the point of view of public service/social responsibility, these videos are (I think) a big boost to getting across the message that a responsible approach to sexual contact is important - and, as you said, that getting tested to ensure that your partner is safe, is not a difficult thing to do. AND, I imagine that a lot of people who might not stop to read Broke Straight Boys's written prefaces about safer sex, and the site's testing practices, may well stop and have a peek at this video: because Mr. Paul Canon is smiling out at them ;-)

Plus, the video was, while very informative, also really fun, and entertaining. Paul playing naked billiards was a definite plus!

So, "bravo", to you and all your team, for getting a great message out, in a singularly entertaining and effective way!

"A" :)))))
Mark - for those of us who are members, it would be nice of you to make upfdates like this one with Paul and Flint be able to RECORD these so tht we can watch these & enjoy them later! I for one woul like toi eath his.



I know I agree. We just have so many issues with the pirates stealing our videos but are working on a system soon that will tag each video so we will know who is stealing them.

Hey, Mark -

I am 100 per cent with you guys, on airing these testing videos. From the point of view of public service/social responsibility, these videos are (I think) a big boost to getting across the message that a responsible approach to sexual contact is important - and, as you said, that getting tested to ensure that your partner is safe, is not a difficult thing to do. AND, I imagine that a lot of people who might not stop to read Broke Straight Boys's written prefaces about safer sex, and the site's testing practices, may well stop and have a peek at this video: because Mr. Paul Canon is smiling out at them ;-)

Plus, the video was, while very informative, also really fun, and entertaining. Paul playing naked billiards was a definite plus!

So, "bravo", to you and all your team, for getting a great message out, in a singularly entertaining and effective way!

"A" :)))))

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought it turned out really well. :)
I really enjoyed last night's update also. Oddly enough even I felt sadness watching Paul leave the house and go to the airport. I actually had to rationalize the fact that he was going home to his own life, family and friends...which is all a good thing of course. :) Watching Jason freak out at the baby-faced swamp creature coming out of the bottom of the pool was quite funny. lol