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Tyler barebacks

If all of you are really that tired of Tyler, I have a very simple solution: he can quit his job at Broke Straight Boys and join me in my bed anytime he wants. He would never have to work again (or get dressed for that matter). Problem solved.

:w00t:I'm so glad someone came up with another solution to the constant bickering.

I myself have tried "Let's all agree to disagree" and sending everyone to a happy (all about Diesal/Jimmie) place. These approaches have only had minimal success.

Carking1 you are my new hero!:001_wub:
I wonder what Tyler thinks when he reads these. As for me I enjoy seeing him dressed or undressed. He is a nice guy I wish I really knew and not for sex. Would be good if the people we write abou had a chance to reply to our questions and fan mail.
Thanks, Ms. K! I love you, too.

It's all really about taste. We all have different tastes, and I think that the management at Broke Straight Boys does a hell of a job trying to please us all.

I guess when you have a site like this, and a bunch of panting, quivering queens anxiously awaiting the next post, you're going to get some mumbling and grumbling. The funny thing is, these people whine about not liking a particular model, but I would love to be a fly on the wall if that model showed up at their house and wanted to get it on. I bet their story would change. What a bunch of fickled little wenches we are!
Thanks, Ms. K! I love you, too.

It's all really about taste. We all have different tastes, and I think that the management at Broke Straight Boys does a hell of a job trying to please us all.

I guess when you have a site like this, and a bunch of panting, quivering queens anxiously awaiting the next post, you're going to get some mumbling and grumbling. The funny thing is, these people whine about not liking a particular model, but I would love to be a fly on the wall if that model showed up at their house and wanted to get it on. I bet their story would change. What a bunch of fickled little wenches we are!
Carking1, you need to put this web site, and the forum in perspective. This is a fun diversion to real life. And many of the members and particularly the posters on the forum are passionate about this site. I have found similar rabid fan base's in many diversions, including the fans of professional and amateur athletic teams, playing chess, history buffs, etc. Real life can be very difficult, and being a fan, (comes from the word fanatic), of sites such as I mentioned above including Broke Straight Boys can become a temporary escape from "the real world".

Of course most everyone on the forum would be very happy to have sex with even the least popular models here, but that is not what we are discussing, when rating models. In this fantasy world, we are discussing our ideal fantasy guy's. I read and listen to many sports forum's and all sports talk radio. People slam world class athletes for not performing well in a clutch situation. It is the nature of "fandom", so please give us "panting, quivering queens" and "fickled little wenches", a break. It is only human nature. We are passionate fans and have very definitive opinions, and I find it fun to discuss and debate such "issues".

After all, "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll", and I like it.:001_smile:
Ooh, Mikeyank, somebody got their knickers in a knot! Dude, don't you recognize sarcasm? I included myself in the fickled little wenches, didn't I? Of course, this is a diversion. Of course, it's fictional delusion. We just handle it differently. When I watch the site, I like to forget the world that has treated me like a red-headed stepchild all day (now, I'm gonna catch shit from all of the red-heads). I choose to immerse myself in the sex and indulge myself in a little left-handed genital exploration. Some people get their relaxation and recreation from viewing the segments from a critical standpoint much as a movie critic tackles his or her job.

Even more so, I tend not to critique the performers because of different people's varying tastes, but more so my own. I love chocolate, but I don't want to eat chocolate every day. The same with a nice juicy steak (I'm talking about food here, get your mind out of the gutter). I may want Tyler today and Giovanni tomorrow. Come to think of it, I would take them both today, what a heavenly sandwich, and I'm not talking about food now!!

I live alone. I am in a long-distance, long-term relationship. We see each other once a week. It works for us. I use these forums to spout off. I use them as the closest thing I get to adult conversation sometimes. They keep me almost sane.

If I state my opinion about something, don't take it personally. I don't even know you. And, more importantly, you don't know me well enough to hate me. That usually takes people weeks. Lighten up. Life is too short. Amongst other things.
I would think with my penis everyday if I could!:001_tongue:
If I state my opinion about something, don't take it personally. I don't even know you. And, more importantly, you don't know me well enough to hate me. That usually takes people weeks. Lighten up. Life is too short. Amongst other things.
Who said anything about hate? I'm just talking about diversity of opinions. I enjoy expressing mine and reading your's. It's okay to disagree. Take a couple of deep breaths and relax. It's all good. You can now go back to your left-handed genital exploration. Have a good one. :thumbup:
Mikeyank, you just don't get sarcasm, do you? I know you don't hate me. You are probably a really nice person and don't hate anyone.

And, raysvq, I didn't say think with your penis, I said think about penises. Huge difference.
It sucks to be misunderstood! Unfortunately it happens around here a lot.

Definately a HUGE difference. If you say "think with your penises" I'm not included, but if you say "think about penises" I am included. So thanks for thinking of all of us.
Mikeyank, you just don't get sarcasm, do you? I know you don't hate me. You are probably a really nice person and don't hate anyone.

And, raysvq, I didn't say think with your penis, I said think about penises. Huge difference.

Hi Carking1,
You said it - sarcasm plus a play on words.
The point is none of us should take things too seriously. This site & forum is about having a good time, getting our rocks off, saying what we think & above all enjoying each others company.
In other words don't read too much in to anything. :001_smile:
Who is this Jacob that Tyler was with, and when did that video come out? I have looked back over episodes and can't seem to find any such bareback seen.
February 2, 2008.

It's a bit confusing with more than one Jacob as a model. But JLipps, finding particular scenes is much easier now if you use the model search program on the home page. Click the icon for "Broke Straight Boys Search" and you can type in the name of any model to see a listing of only their episodes. Scorpio has made our lives much easier in that department. :001_smile: