hey everyone i'm spending two weeks in paris next month and wondered if anyone knew of some things that i should do while i'm there in addition to the typical touristy sites.
hey everyone i'm spending two weeks in paris next month and wondered if anyone knew of some things that i should do while i'm there in addition to the typical touristy sites.
Go to an outdoor market. The organic on Raspail on Wednesdays is wonderful. Buy some bread and cheese and maybe some sausage and have a picnic along the river. Shop the flower and garden stalls north of Notre Dame just to see the beautiful exotic plants in full bloom. If there's a vendor selling lilacs, buy an armful and take them to your hotel. Have a least one meal in the grocery at Bon Marche picking things for their smell and look - the pastries and salads are gorgeous. Buy at least one work of art from a street artist around the Louvre or along the Seine. Pay no attention to anything but how much you like it and how little you have to pay for it and how hot the artist is. When you get home put it in a frame and hang it in your bedroom. Look for inexpensive prints from the used book vendors, too. There's some great used book stores and stalls around St. Michaels Square. Have French ham, eggs and a roll for breakfast everyday at the same sidewalk cafe - be a regular. Their ham is so sweet and lean with very little salt and such a light taste and their eggs are so delicately fried they almost seem poached. Sitting in the same cafe every morning in that wonderful Paris light makes you feel like you understand Conrad, du calme, du calme. Go to a movie. The French post the language of every film on the schedule outside the box office. It's easy to see almost any film in English or French. Pick your language and see why most great cinema lovers are French. The French go to movies like Southerners go to church. And for God's sake DO ALL THE THINGS TOURISTS DO! There's a reason the Tower and Notre Dame and the Louvre and the Seine Cruise and Champs are so popular - they're like nothing else on earth! Don't be foolish and waste an opportunity to experience them. What you don't want to do is act like a tourist. You could spend two weeks in the Louvre - one week seeing the Museum and one week seeing the German tourists seeing the Museum!