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Torrid Torin, Awesome Aiden & Sexy Steve


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
The island next door to Ibiza
Dave says at the end of this shoot:

I asked if the boys would be willing to come back to do anal and to my surprise Torin was first to speak up in saying that they have done everything else, what did they have to lose.

Torin is excellent in this video. He does his diss number on Aiden just as in the previous shoots, even refusing to say his name. He tosses his head like a filly being bridled for the first time at every new outrage that's thrust upon him, but he goes the course. And throughout, from way before his jeans come off, his telltale stiffy is right there belying every word he says and every neggo moué he makes. I love seeing him whinge and deny, resign himself, philosophize, and buckle under for the bread. But at the same time not be able to hide the fact that the sex turns him on big time. Watch him try to keep his erection from showing as he turns away to get out out his jeans and boxers. Priceless.

He was by far the best one of the three excellent protagonists. Steve isn't sure he can show the enthusiasm he feels in front of Torin, Aiden flits prettily through the scene directing traffic and positioning bodies, Torin rolls his extraordinary eyes (they look like God installed them upside down) and sighs audibly in frustration and surrender. Man it's great stuff.

And the willies are superb, each one in character with the guy it's attached to. So many scenes with a cast like this have to limp through to semi-flaccid orgasms, but this one built moment upon moment to a fabulous double spew on avid Aiden's cute face.

So they had agreed in general terms to what was gonna be going down before hand? So what.

David's interventions at key moments rang absolutely true as he went through the motions of coaxing Torin to do more. And Torin is so smart that he didn't ever at any point betray to the audience that any agreement had been made before hand. Hell, it was so good that you got caught up in the process and believed it was all spontaneous. I loved this video and hope that those three guys will be back to fuck. :thumbup1:
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Nine minutes of whining and bitching before anything happened Really?? very entertaining
Nine minutes of whining and bitching before anything happened Really?? very entertaining

I liked that. Knowing that all the time he's complaining he has a hard-on just bucking around in his britches waiting for some Kinsey category 6 sex, is hot. And he doesn't protest too much, but just the right amount to make him sound petulant and huffy, and not enough to make him come across as the typical futon ham actor: whoa dude tolja before I draw the line at doin' any a' that fag shit I'm leavin' dude.

And after the nine minutes he stood up, and couldn't hide his diagonal stiffy tenting his jeans. It was like catching him in a terrible lie. Excellent.

But Lester, I do know what you mean.
Different Strokes For Different Folks

Nine minutes of whining and bitching before anything happened Really?? very entertaining
Again, the "great" Sly Stone must be quoted, as the "nine minutes of whining and bitching" is what made this scene so hot, to me. The set-up is what made the sucking so hot.

There are tons of gay porn scenes online, many free, of pretty young guys sucking dick and fucking and getting all passionate with kissing, rimming, etc., but Broke Straight Boys, creates the illusion of a quasi-reality scene, and here are two supposedly straight friends who came to David's studio for one thing, and wind up sucking each other's cock's.

While neither Torin or Steve are what I would call hot guys, the scenario presented, proceeded by the "whining and bitching" created an extremely hot scene. In fact, this is the first scene that I have watched in it's entirely for the last couple of weeks, so as Sly and his family Stone said, indeed, "Different Strokes For Different Folks". :thumbup1:
you are right " Different strokes for different folks" I will concede to my forum buddies. I still think we could have got to it much faster perhaps there could be a spin off site called Straight boys Bitching
Slim, your recap covered most all points perfectly. I also agree with Lester on the first 9 minutes.

I resigned myself to this just being a ho hum vid, until Aiden entered the room. I got the biggest grin, and even let out a huge belly laugh! :biggrin: Aiden is adorable! A geeky gay boy, that just loves to have fun. What's not to like? He certainly picks out cute undies, too!

I LOVED Aiden's tale of getting paid to eat pussy, and Torin's comparison to laundry! LOL!

From Torin's reptilian eyes, to him actually sucking Steve AND Aiden it was a very enjoyable vid. I was a bit worried I wouldn't get to see Steve's uncut cock, but not to fear. David was near! :thumbup:

Torin's constant pained expressions, Steve's give it a go attitude, and Aiden's histerical quips, just made me smile.

Not until Aiden had both straight cocks in his mouth did I realize little paris was paying attention, too. :drool:

David, let us know when Aiden's cock sucking manual cums out! I'm sure it will be VERY entertaining!! :w00t:
Wow guys! You have covered everything so well already. And I agree with you 100%. Including your point Lester. While I thought that the talking (or bitching and moaning lol) went on a bit long, I was floored by all of the treats in store for us.

It was quite a turnon to see that after all of Torrin's straight boy whining, his body betrayed that he was secretly waiting great such antici.....pation for his buddy Steve to touch him. He already had a raging hardon in his jeans before Steve's first caress. Steve had to pretend he didn't want to do it. Because Torrin had already warned Steve not to turn gay on him.

Steve played his role perfectly. For us at least. The basically straight guy who was curious about gay sex but trying to hide it and seem nonchalant about the whole thing. Had no girlfriend and probably hadn't had sex with a girl in ages... and was very very anxious for any sex besides his hand that he could get. haha So in one corner we had Steve trying to pretend to Torrin that he was doing all of this under duress and trying to keep his enthusiasm in check.

Then you had Torrin himself who was failing miserably to hide his own enthusiasm for the gay sex. And with his buddy sitting there no less. The choreography in this scene is fantastic! Even the photos are super hot.

When I think back to Torrin being so modest at home that he would tell Steve (on the couch) to pull the covers over his head when Torrin wanted to walk naked from the bedroom to the kitchen and back... And then to watch Steve unbuckling Torrin's pants...and Torrin putting his hand in front of his urgent straining diagonal hardon that he's trying very unsuccessfully to hide from Steve and the camera...OMG! Does it get any better than that?

When Torrin no doubt insisted on finishing the disrobing himself there was another priceless moment there as he tried again in vain to hide the straining hardon in his underwear. How many of us have been in that timeless position of changing clothes in front of straight buddies and having to try to hide a raging hardon from them? Just as "straight" Torrin tried to do?

It had to be a little humiliating for him that his body wouldn't cooperate with all the straight guy trash talk coming out of his mouth. When their series started I thought that Steve was really the most curious and closeted of the two. Now I'm led to believe even more that that the most reluctant acting one is the one who wants it most of all. Maybe even more than Aiden. If that's possible! haha

And when the very modest Torrin stood there with his hardon rubbing against Steve's hardon...in Aiden's mouth...I thought I'd lose it right there.

And while I'm not usually a fan of the fem boys on the site, I have to show some love to Aiden. He is so sweet and such a doll. And from the standpoint of pure looks he is easily the most beautiful boy in the room. And yes. I do think that Torrin is handsome in his own rugged way. And while Steve is not the prettiest guy around I do like him too.

So how do you take a cute twink and 2 average looking guys and turn it into a 5+ star vid? Just like this one! The acting on the part of Torrin and Steve was superb. They played their roles perfectly. I bought into every bit of it. haha And the choreography and direction were top notch. One of the best vids I've seen in a while.
And while I'm not usually a fan of the fem boys on the site, I have to show some love to Aiden. He is so sweet and such a doll. And from the standpoint of pure looks he is easily the most beautiful boy in the room. And yes. I do think that Torrin is handsome in his own rugged way. And while Steve is not the prettiest guy around I do like him too.

So how do you take a cute twink and 2 average looking guys and turn it into a 5+ star vid? Just like this one! The acting on the part of Torrin and Steve was superb. They played their roles perfectly. I bought into every bit of it. haha And the choreography and direction were top notch. One of the best vids I've seen in a while.
I agree with you 100% on both points. I too do not usually enjoy fem gayboys on the site, but Aiden has such a hot body and he is so cool with the straight guys, that he is an exception to my rule & this video is one of the best seen for a while and totally deserves five stars.:001_tt2:
What's up with Torrins eyes, thats freaky....but great scene i gave it a 4
Fem kids

You can say 'different strokes for different folks' again. I'm horny and this video didn't help at all. Torin leaves me cold, but Steve started to become interesting. Then the fem kid showed up.....

Fem guys have the same effect on me as a cold shower. Remi says its a result of 'internal homophobia'. Not sure I am internally homophobic, or if that is the reason why fem boys leave me cold, but they do.

Went back and re watched Diesal and JImmy. That helped. A lot.
Loved Torin, liked Steve and hated Aiden. The talk didn't bother me, as I can always Fast forward (a hint to those who bitched about its length), but Aiden's constant commentary sapped whatever interest I had in the scene. If he has to be in any more scenes, put a gag on him to keep him quiet.

Gave this one a 1.
I can see your point there Scott about Aiden's chatty personality. I don't go for the fem boys either. But with Aiden he is charming in his own way. And very sweet. Did he talk a bit too much? Probably. But I give Broke Straight Boys props here in that at least Aiden is really cute. So many times in the past the fem boys have not only been a downer to a scene but many times they've been unattractive as well. At least Aiden is easy on the eyes. And his youthful innocence just helped him work his way into my heart.

As Elyot and Remi have pointed out maybe some of our dislike for the fem gays is some internalized homophobia. Regardless though many of us here on this site just don't want to see them doing porn. Myself included.

I do wish this scene had scored higher though. I think it is one of the most creative and deliciously unpredictable scenes we've had in a while.
Torin's an asshole as he was in the previous shoots. He get's paid big bucks but reluctantly does what he's asked to do - David should have reduced his payment considering what other guys have got for a lot more input in recent films.

Steve was on a bit of a downer too but I reckon as this film was out of sequence, steve did kinda mature in the previous film we saw.

Aiden - I love this guy. Far too intelligent for the other 2 nerds but gay guys normally are.....
When I see a model make a gestural slip that betrays him, and know that for sure the Forumite anti-nelly brigade saw it too and is gonna come out in full force on the board, I feel really bad for him. Aiden is effeminate. But he's really physically attractive and smart, and is a terrific communicator.

My sex life has guys like him in it, and some of them have even had pretty serious crushes on me. I have to say that a lot of these guys are funny and quick witted and usually terrific in bed. Aiden reminds me of the cutest and smartest of them. I'd hang out with him any day.

On the other hand, if elyot is still horny...
Round Two

Torin's an asshole as he was in the previous shoots. He get's paid big bucks but reluctantly does what he's asked to do - David should have reduced his payment considering what other guys have got for a lot more input in recent films.

Steve was on a bit of a downer too but I reckon as this film was out of sequence, steve did kinda mature in the previous film we saw.

Aiden - I love this guy. Far too intelligent for the other 2 nerds but gay guys normally are.....
I just checked. The last episode with these three was released on October 24. Are we going to argue the same points on the perceived homophobia of Torin? I guess, if you like.:blink:
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When I see a model make a gestural slip that betrays him, and know that for sure the Forumite anti-nelly brigade saw it too and is gonna come out in full force on the board, I feel really bad for him. Aiden is effeminate. But he's really physically attractive and smart, and is a terrific communicator.

My sex life has guys like him in it, and some of them have even had pretty serious crushes on me. I have to say that a lot of these guys are funny and quick witted and usually terrific in bed. Aiden reminds me of the cutest and smartest of them. I'd hang out with him any day.

On the other hand, if elyot is still horny...

Did you take a "Little Mary Sunshine Pill"?

Elyot isdrinking hot chocolate and eating cookies before going downstairs to beat my Mom and Dad at a hot game of Scrabble.
I can see your point there Scott about Aiden's chatty personality. I don't go for the fem boys either. But with Aiden he is charming in his own way. And very sweet. Did he talk a bit too much? Probably. But I give Broke Straight Boys props here in that at least Aiden is really cute. So many times in the past the fem boys have not only been a downer to a scene but many times they've been unattractive as well. At least Aiden is easy on the eyes. And his youthful innocence just helped him work his way into my heart.

As Elyot and Remi have pointed out maybe some of our dislike for the fem gays is some internalized homophobia. Regardless though many of us here on this site just don't want to see them doing porn. Myself included.

I do wish this scene had scored higher though. I think it is one of the most creative and deliciously unpredictable scenes we've had in a while.

to be honest, it's not even his being a fem boy; I don't think he's clever or witty, just chatty with nothing to say. He's easy on the eyes, yes, which is why he should simply keep quiet.

This idea of internalized homophobia is pure bullshit by the way. That's like saying because I don''t like Marlin, I'm racist against his hispanics. People need to justify their feelings and attitudes at the expense of others and forget that sometimes A cigar is just a cigar-there doesn't have to be some kind of "internalized homophobia" (the stupidest term I've ever heard btw) simply because people have different tastes. But if it makes them feel better about themselves, so be it.