I think we have the makings of an incredible new show here. Complete with our own STARS. I think you need to get the video ready for some ROCK AND ROLL'IN as we start (drum roll please):
Staring: Rifle, Casper, Slim, Ihateazirona
Premise: Broke Straight Boys Forumites at loggerheads on worldly subjects get transported to a remote Desert Island. Only one will survive the hardships and return to Forumland. Who will it be????? Cameras on the Island will film the unfolding drama and will be aired daily.
Each days episode will begin with this haunting song (think Gilligan's Island):
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful debate
That started from this forum post
Aboard this might site.
The post was on 10 straight guys
Our Scorpio brave and sure
Our debators set to talk that day
For a three hour debate, a three hour debate.
The words started getting rough,
Our forum getting tossed,
If not for the courage of our fearless Dave,
The forum would be lost, the forum would be lost.
The debators set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
With Slimvintage,
And Rifle too,
Plus Casper the Friendly Ghost,
with IhateAriz
And the rest,
Here on Broke Straight Boys Survivor Island
So this is the Tail of the Debators
There yelling, for a long long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's an in & out ordeal.
The Friendly Ghost and Rifle
Will do their very best,
To screw the others senseless,
In this tropic Island nest.
No phone, no lights no motor cars,
Not a single luxury,
Just talking, screwing, sucking,
As primative as can be.
So join us here each week my friends,
You're sure to get a hardon,
From Broke Straight Boys debators,
Here on " Survivor Island".
The End!
Live Long and Prosper
I'm calling dibs on slimvintage. If I'm going to have some fun on this (almost) deserted island than he and I are building are own "Love Hut".
Oh, for God's sake. I do not bring a cattleprod to the pingpong game. I just don't back down when you wave your dictionary in my face. Why in hell would I say deleteriously and talk about laughter? You know deleriously, uncontrolled joy, running around, laughing - that sort of thing. Ha-ha-ha like.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, I don't go for the jugular until I have to. That's Dracula, you know. It's nice to try to label me with that, but it's not true. I will go for it metaphorically when there's a train coming, or a roof falling, or a time bomb ticking.
Pretty neat trick, too, putting quotes around the "several of us," as if I'm making that up. Heck, I don't blame them for not coming forth. It's not fun being slapped down, and I'm certainly not giving you other targets.
But the main thing, Mister, is how much I really don't like that old expression "I was only joshing." Now don't get me wrong. What you said was funny. (Except the ponderous part, but given that your humor can be so obscure, I guess I can forgive that.) In fact it was so funny that I've repeated it several times to friends today and we've all laughed. It just wasn't said in fun, nor was it expressed in fun, nor was it followed up in fun. Am I angry about it? Good Lord, no! I love a good joke. Just don't negate the quality of it by claiming you didn't mean it. That insults me a second time.
Oh, yeah, I never said I was doing anything right. Those are your words. I said "I might be able to do something." Obviously, I couldn't. I need to find you one of those Harry Truman desk signs, you remember, "The Buck Stops Here."
Thank you for your insights. And please don't get me wrong, I do LOVE Tyler too. I was just smitten by him since the car show. However, as much as he has been on film, one would think that he could be a bit more demonstrative,which he is not. That is where I find other straight boys who do several shoots, more interesting to watch. Diesal, for instance, comes across with a much straighter presence and did seem a bit shy at first, and now, he has done some incredible shoots! Tyler, even though he recognizes that he is more on the bi side now, still does not have "it", and has never done a shoot that just leaves one awed and craving more. Still, he is a cute boy and I do enjoy watching him.