So recently I was asked about the person I met in DC. I recall talking with another1 in San Diego about this situation he was having, as it was all falling together for him in my presence. His excitment I assume, led him to create this forum. As he was in a jolly, scream from the roof tops, kind of excited mood. Although I never let on, I was reminded of this person from DC, as I had recently began referring to them as the one that got away. As mine was running, his was coming back. I was quite happy and excited for him as I knew all to well what it feels like when you go through life always wondering "what could that have been, where was that going" and that one gets away.
So I briefly began giving description of my account at the request of someone. Realizing the existance of this thread made me consider if this was perhaps a better forum for that story. So I am going to move that stuff over here and resume the conversation from here.
See I was rather interested in what video because I do watch all the BTS vids. I never recalled mentioning in the video but there was still the possibility I did. Then you said it was the DC one which made me wonder because we met in DC. Ill tell you though I very rarely invest my interest in people more than a plutonic relationship. Should something worth while come along Im absolutly not afraid to pursue it, but unfortunatly it rarely does.
It was almost a love at first sight kind of thing, for both of us I think. Either that or an extremely intense sexualy based attrraction. Its hard to say as some of it was clouded by alcohol and heat stroke. But I will say the next day... in sobriety, when our lips met for the first time I was instantly reminded of every love song I had ever heard. I suddenly learned why they discribe passionate kisses with fireworks exploding in the backround. It was like everything out of every cheezy love story all in one.
We actually crossed paths in other cities of the tour. At other times either my professional life or my personal life to me back to DC or in the area. My decision on going to DC for 4th of July vacation might have even been a factor not to be left unconsidered.
To be honest the sex was ... well below average but the passion was more than worth it. I enjoyed absolutly every second of my time with them. My favorite part, was waking up in the middle of the night, still asleep in my arms as I breathe deeply on their neck and just slowly inhale and admire the bodily scent. Unfortunatly, its a tale that ends in heartbreak and dispare.. like most good stories do! But it is a good story to tell and perhaps I will.. just in another venue

Until then Ill let the gender to your imagination, as its more relavant to you than I
Awwwww, I'm sorry Jason. When you said that spending time with them made your terrible hotel stay easier to deal with, I had hoped it worked out. At least you have the memory of that intensity, to look back on. I think there are many people that have never had that feeling.
I suppose in any situation, you win some and you lose some. As outgoing as I may be I actually rarely approach people that I’m interested in. I suppose it’s a subconscious way to avoid the pain of rejection or maybe something else. I feel if you want to talk to me then you will come talk. Unfortunately it doesn’t always play out so easily. This was one... that I approached. Probably the first in over a year. (That’s not to be confused with I never approach anyone ... only those I’m potentially interested in more than friends)
We met at the end of the night, second to last in Washington DC. I had been drinking, for my first time in months. Red Stag and Ginger Ale, a combination that’s close to heavenly. I had more than enough and the crew had already gone back to the hotel. They left me behind only moments before because something told me I just wasn’t ready to leave yet. Just before leaving to catch up with my "entourage" my attention became suddenly undivided. I sat back in a dark corner, like a lion measuring its prey and looking for the premier opportunity to pounce.
It was fortunate that this person was a bartender. Actually the least favorite bartender of Sha. That gave me an easy in. How do you approach a bartender? ORDER A DRINK. The bartender was wearing a Victoria Secret shirt that said "Let’s Get Wild" on the front. BAM easy in number 2! I go to order a drink that I neither wanted nor needed and didn’t even drink. They were out of red stag so I took a Heineken. The beer, came without charge. Although I wasn’t fully sure why, I didn’t really care. At that moment I tried what most drunkards do in a bar and started thinking of cheesy pickup lines. I came up surprisingly absent so I used the props I had to work with. I lean over the Bar and say as politely as possible " so .... Can we get wild?" Never in a million years would I expect that to have worked.. but it did like a charm.
We actually didnt get to see each other again that night. Not despite my best efforts, but someone left their phone in a car that day and wasn’t able to respond to my flood of drunk texts. The next day, we eventually connected. I made joke of how they were the worst texter ever and they explained the situation. We made plans to go out that night. Some sightseeing and perhaps a little drinking. I had spent the entire day baking in the sun and was litterly steps away from heat stroke. I could eat or drink anything and anytime I moved I just wanted to throw up. I was half recovered in time for the date. I drank water and sipped a single beer the entire night.
As I prepared in my hotel for the night ahead we were coordinating on the phone. You come here, I’ll go there we can meet at this place or that place. I was asked where I was staying and if I drove. We then decided on a local watering hole. I said "Ill grab a shower and take a cab over". As I stuck to that plan, I walk out of my hotel and you’ll never guess what comes next. Parked at the front door of the hotel is a limo, waiting for none other than
Jason Matthews to take me to my eagerly awaiting date across town.
Later that night (here’s the romance part of the novel) we sat on a curb in a dark, dirty back alley smoking cigarettes and watching the biggest rats I’ve ever scene run about. There under the stars and moon surrounded by disease ridden vermin, our lips met for the first time. I immediately knew I had made the right decision.
Life was favorable to us over the next couple months and as fate would have it our paths crossed often. Sometimes intentionally sometimes coincidentally. We were together all the same. We would go to dinner at fancy restaurants and argue over who paid the bill. As the gentleman should, I always won the battle, but it was never without struggle.
Thus we find ourselves at the end of the chapter.... until next time