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The New Look Pages


Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
I like the New Look! The "BEHIND THE SCENES" is very kool, and I am glad that after so long in the anticipation....it has finally been delivered.
Yet another improvement to an EXCELLENT site
Where's CJ?

I love the new look too and I love the new line up of boys on the member page with Tyler in the middle. There seems to be one very hot guy missing though. Where's CJ? He has been in a lot of clips recently but he is not part of the line up. He is banished?
I must admit that I regret having looked at the "Behind the Scenes" features. I don't have issues about the guys wearing film makeup. My issue is that I've lost some of the fantasy element that promotes my thrill in watching the videos. For some time, I've noticed that when a guy is supposed to be just entering the filming room to be introduced to another guy already there it's rather obvious that they've both been in the room for the entire time. It's fake. Another thing that I'd figured was that guys who are bottoming have douched. I certainly am not saying I'd prefer for them to be unclean! But, in realizing that they are always clean I knew there had been prep done for bottoming.
It's one thing to ponder these things and put the reality in the back of my mind in order to buy into the "spontaneity" of the scenes. Now, though, I am confronted with knowing that all the bantering for more money, the guys' surprise and reluctance to touch each other or do oral/anal is just acting. It's all been arranged before filming begins.

That knowledge has really taken an important element of my viewing away.

This isn't a complaint, just me expressing my regret that I checked out the "Behind the Scenes" area.


Behind the Scenes

I like the New Look! The "BEHIND THE SCENES" is very kool, and I am glad that after so long in the anticipation....it has finally been delivered.
Yet another improvement to an EXCELLENT site

This is going to sound dumb but where is the access to Behind The Scenes?
This is going to sound dumb but where is the access to Behind The Scenes?

Not dumb, and if you haven't already found it, it is at the very top of this page next to episodes.
I must admit that I regret having looked at the "Behind the Scenes" features. I don't have issues about the guys wearing film makeup. My issue is that I've lost some of the fantasy element that promotes my thrill in watching the videos. For some time, I've noticed that when a guy is supposed to be just entering the filming room to be introduced to another guy already there it's rather obvious that they've both been in the room for the entire time. It's fake. Another thing that I'd figured was that guys who are bottoming have douched. I certainly am not saying I'd prefer for them to be unclean! But, in realizing that they are always clean I knew there had been prep done for bottoming.
It's one thing to ponder these things and put the reality in the back of my mind in order to buy into the "spontaneity" of the scenes. Now, though, I am confronted with knowing that all the bantering for more money, the guys' surprise and reluctance to touch each other or do oral/anal is just acting. It's all been arranged before filming begins.

That knowledge has really taken an important element of my viewing away.

This isn't a complaint, just me expressing my regret that I checked out the "Behind the Scenes" area.



Actually, I suspect a lot is real. These kids aren't actors. They've been briefed and brought to speed on sexual technique but it's otherwise improv.
I must admit that I regret having looked at the "Behind the Scenes" features. I don't have issues about the guys wearing film makeup. My issue is that I've lost some of the fantasy element that promotes my thrill in watching the videos. For some time, I've noticed that when a guy is supposed to be just entering the filming room to be introduced to another guy already there it's rather obvious that they've both been in the room for the entire time. It's fake. Another thing that I'd figured was that guys who are bottoming have douched. I certainly am not saying I'd prefer for them to be unclean! But, in realizing that they are always clean I knew there had been prep done for bottoming.
It's one thing to ponder these things and put the reality in the back of my mind in order to buy into the "spontaneity" of the scenes. Now, though, I am confronted with knowing that all the bantering for more money, the guys' surprise and reluctance to touch each other or do oral/anal is just acting. It's all been arranged before filming begins.

That knowledge has really taken an important element of my viewing away.

This isn't a complaint, just me expressing my regret that I checked out the "Behind the Scenes" area.



Excellent post Allen and I'm sure there are lots of members like yourself who now wish they hadn't entered that area. But there are equally lots of members who like that area and, based on the questions to David recently, a lot have been wanting to get detail to the Nth degree.

So David, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't, but I personally like the Behind the Scenes.
Yes! We are either damned if you do or we are damned if we don't. Again, we can't satisfy every single member that comes to this site. Everyone has there own fantasy of what really goes on "behind the scenes" and what is real and what is fake. Overwhelming by popular demand, over the years we have been requested by many and several members that they wish to see what goes on behind the scenes. This is something that "YOU" as the members requested. If its something that you feel that it takes away from the reality aspect and you think this is all fake, then that is the new imagine you can have.

Lets set the record straight (no pun intended) for those members that think we just pull poor Broke Straight Boys off the street and place them on the futon and start filming them needs to get a grip with the real world here. Again, and I have said this over and over again. We are a business/production studio. All the models apply and submit there pics into our studio. If I feel they qualify, then they get hired. Most of the models you see are flown in from all over the United States and meet for the very first time on Monday. We house and feed the models for the time they are here. The models are NOT professional actors, 90% of the time they are broke or struggling with bills (who isn't in this day an age). The stories you here for the most part are true. But when we film them, yes there is prep work that goes on behind the scenes, regardless of what adult website you join or enjoy watching, from the lowest quality sites to the best quality of sites, there is prep work that goes on behind the scenes. For the first time in these models life, they get make-up, if they are going to bottom we want them to enema themselves (many of these guys have no clue or never did an enema before) we want the models to be clean. The reason for the make-up is so that we don't see the shine with all the lights we have aimed at them and since we are going into HD, make is even now more important. So yes, there is prep work that goes on behind the scenes, during the week that we film models, we get to know them and there story and why they are here. The models get to know each other and it makes everyone more comfortable.

So to make comments that it kind of makes it look fake, no its not fake. We are taking guys that have no filming and acting or production experience and no adult experience and placing them into production so we can film them for YOUR entertainment. The scenes are not scripted...I don't sit and write scripts...its pretty much once they get make-up...we place the one, two or three boys in the Broke Straight Boys set and film them and what you see is what you get. We don't spend hours polishing up the scene, We don't edit the hell out of the videos. We don't make sure the models look perfect....we let nature take its coarse. We don't pretend the boy is straight when they are gay..I disclose what the sexuality of that person is...we try our best to disclose all the information in a timely fashion to all our members. We don't sugarcoat the fact and make all our models look pretty. We don't take pics and make it look perfect. We keep everything simple and too the point.

If you feel the "behind the scenes" is going to take away some of the fantasy, then don't watch it for those that are interested and is fascinated with what goes on..then watch it. If you feel filming the boys eating lunch is going to ruin your fantasy...then the behind the scenes footage is not for you. Remember, the models are people just like you and me, they shit, they eat, they sleep, they have bills to pay...they are not just pieces of meat with a hard cocks spewing cum for your sexual pleasure...they are human beings.
I'm one that loves to see the behind the scenes stuff. Please keep posting those clips.

Without any pre-shoot prep work, I don't think many of us would be enjoying the site much.

Pulling boys off the street, plunking them down on the Futon, and then telling them, "Ok, now we want you to fuck him.", would work very well. Lots of boys dashing for the door would ensue.

I like the Behind The Scenes. :thumbup1:
I'm one that loves to see the behind the scenes stuff. Please keep posting those clips.

Without any pre-shoot prep work, I don't think many of us would be enjoying the site much.

Pulling boys off the street, plunking them down on the Futon, and then telling them, "Ok, now we want you to fuck him.", would work very well. Lots of boys dashing for the door would ensue.

I like the Behind The Scenes. :thumbup1:
I also loved the behind the scenes shoots with Tyler and Mike. I do look forward to more. How often will these behind the scenes shoots be updated? Will there be some icon to notify us that there is new material available to view?

As I had requested a long form "sit down interview" with Tyler, many months ago, I am very appreciative that you guys have done this, and certainly hope that these interviews are updated on a regular nasis, as are the model's sex scenes. Thanks a lot guys for a great new feature.
Raw nerve????

Did we hit a raw nerve with David? His reply (above) is certainly comprehensive if defensive.
I can equate with Flopsy 8749's point of view...but all porn is fantasy for the guy (or girl) watching it. Sometimes our fantasies are fulfilled, sometimes shattered.
I enjoyed the "Behind the Scenes" but it does deflate some illusions which some guys have. Our dear boy Casper e.g. seems convinced that he and Tyler are going to marry one day. I myself am going to marry a French girl called Josephine and then conquer Europe. But not tonight, Josephine - I am going to wash my hair, do my ironing, and then paint that back bedroom....
Signed N. Bonaparte (Miss)
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Pass the lube, I mean the salt

Pulling boys off the street, plunking them down on the Futon, and then telling them, "Ok, now we want you to fuck him.", would work very well. Lots of boys dashing for the door would ensue.


Dude, you are so funny. I love it when I get to laugh out loud at something someone says (writes), and you keep doing it to me. I can just hear you saying that.

And who else is trembling with anticipation, like a puppy who can tell that that pretty stick is about to be thrown all the way across the yard, at the prospect of seeing the models EATING LUNCH? Oh my, oh my, look at my tail wag, and how I just suddenly jerk into a crouch and bark at you, listen to me whine and cock my pretty head to one side and prick up my ears. David, throw that stick honey bunch, throw that stick.
And who else is trembling with anticipation, like a puppy who can tell that that pretty stick is about to be thrown all the way across the yard, at the prospect of seeing the models EATING LUNCH? Oh my, oh my, look at my tail wag, and how I just suddenly jerk into a crouch and bark at you, listen to me whine and cock my pretty head to one side and prick up my ears. David, throw that stick honey bunch, throw that stick.

I am! I am! I can see the models eating Big Macs and Fries. One model says to the other "You've got a little Big Mac juice on your face". The other model attempts blotting it off with those fab McD napkins, but fails. The first model says "Let me", and he kisses it off! :tongue_smilie:

Oh, man! I think I've just cum up with a Director for a Day scene!!
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I'm not insulted...it just bothers me when we get many requests from members. We do read your request and if it makes sense to us we do it and figure out how to do it. We take your (the members) suggestions to improve the site and then once we make the improvement or implement the request, then we get deflated and the banter starts..I'm glad to see there are many other members coming to our defense and that the majority likes the "behind the scenes" addition. So thank you! For those that don't like the new addition, take your opinions out on your fellow members that suggested this idea :)
Aww... C'mon David. Don't be down. Those who don't care for the behind the scenes stuff are probably 5-10% of the membership. I love the behind the scenes stuff! And it is obviously a hit based on most of the posts in here. You have not wasted any of your time doing these vids. They are appreciated by a majority of members. It's also obvious that this section holds a lot of potential for future enjoyment.
I think "fake" wasn't the right word for this. I'm sure it wasn't meant to be an attack, though.

It's not like this is a "Muwahaha! Now we've tricked those silly subscribers!" situation.
I'm not insulted...it just bothers me when we get many requests from members. We do read your request and if it makes sense to us we do it and figure out how to do it. We take your (the members) suggestions to improve the site and then once we make the improvement or implement the request, then we get deflated and the banter starts..I'm glad to see there are many other members coming to our defense and that the majority likes the "behind the scenes" addition. So thank you! For those that don't like the new addition, take your opinions out on your fellow members that suggested this idea :)

Cmon David hun take a chill pill. :001_tt1: This is the 2nd time in a matter of weeks where you have appeared to taken a post the wrong way. :confused1: Maybe you should read the post a couple of times before getting those digits on the keyboard.

We're always going to get mixed comments on here and I'm sure some members would complain if they were given a million dollars - oh sorry I wanted them unused. :lol:

The main thing is that I like the new layout and the behind the scenes and the general improvements that have been done. Forget about everyone else. :thumbup:
Your right guys...sorry about that...I know most of the members like the behind the scene content..it was actually fun filming it, I just turned on the camera and that was it...the interviews, I planned out pulling questions from the forum and I ask a few of my own questions as well.

I'm glad the majority likes the new addition!!
I totally understand David's reaction. When you guys make suggestions, and we work on those suggestions, we get really excited. We put so much time and efforts in everything we do that any negative comments, even if one, simply hit a nerve :)

What I keep telling myself is that we can't satisfy everybody. We have thousands of members and 1 or 2 negative comments is actually great compared to all the positive ones ;) I know you guys love what we bring to you, so I'm not worried. If you didn't like what we do, you wouldn't be here anyway :) So thank you for your support, and We are of Peace... Always. lol