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The Lucas & Mike thingy


Well-known Member
Sep 28, 2009
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I guess I'm starting this thread but I need someone to tell me what I just saw. I really feel for Mike and I don't know what to think about Lucas. It just doesn't compute in my brain the Lucas and Sha interview with his demeanor as well as the things he says in that interview with what I just saw in the scene.

A Broke Straight Boys cliff hanger, will Mike come back or will he just cum somewhere else, like at home?

I dunno??
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lucas has grown on me. mike refused to return the favor after lucas did all that work. what a waste! i guess a guy who doesn't like blowjobs could never suck like he likes to be sucked.
Return of the bottom of the barrel

lucas has grown on me. mike refused to return the favor after lucas did all that work. what a waste! i guess a guy who doesn't like blowjobs could never suck like he likes to be sucked.

Dear Another1,

You might have hit on something. OBVIOUSLY NO ONE ELSE HAS AS FAR AS MIKE IS CONCERNED! Why would anyone expect Mike to be capable of returning the favor? Certainly Lucas has thrown in a lot of "sweat equity" into this pairing to get nowhere!

Not surprised by this outcum, or lack thereof from Mike! I really don't understand Mike's thinking on being a model?


Lucas was a total asshole, what a little bitch. Fuck with his attitude I wouldn't have wanted to suck his dick either. Maybe this is what happens when you put two newbies together who aren't comfortable with the whole situation? With all of the talking that Lucas did in the BTS bits and the talking he's been doing on the forums I am so disappointed with his attitude. Dude when you got a guys dick in your mouth even if you don't like but you're getting PAID for it you do not tell him "it's gross" or that "You hate this" you're in the real world now suck it up.

First of all the scene started out as a total bummer, "We lost the house, I'm living in a motel with my dad" oh man that really sucks and makes me feel bad and it does not put me in the mood to watch porn. It was a total dick killer. Yes after all you are here for my entertainment not to depress me. Hey buddy sorry your life sucks right now but you know we all have our problems we all have things that suck or have sucked hey that's part of the reason we come here. If I want to go to a bar and have a few drinks because I had a bad day I sure don't want to hear the bartender talking about his problems.

I actually said the second thing in my first paragraph Lucas was an asshole and treated Mike like shit.

I will say it did look like Lucas was a decent cock sucker. I loved the view between Mikes Legs so damn sexy. Mike has a hot set of balls that make my mouth water. Lucas, well he looks better with his cloths on. After this performance I just can't understand why Broke Straight Boys is putting so much effort into this boy. I know most of you are enamored by his forum charms but he didn't snag me. I liked him in his solo but now I have a completely different opinion of him and that's all I'm going to say.

I feel sorry for Mike being put in that kind of situation it must have been terrible for him, he was stressed out enough and the way Lucas was talking I would have felt insulted if he were between my thighs saying those words. I hope someone sensitive, like Sha sat down and had a talk with Mike and spent some time with him. It would be great if he was given another chance with a respectful model who would make him feel comfortable and treat him better.

As far as Lucas goes I would have cut bait right there and sent him on his way, Lucas did not deserve to be paid for that session. I hope Mike got an apology for having to go through that. I will never watch a Lucas scene again, nothing he can do or say will change my mind, he's a total dick.

I really don't like this whole scenario of putting all the attention on one guy until he cums then doing the other guy. I know when I first started sucking dick once I came I was done I didn't want to do anything else then to expect a new guy who's never done it before to give a blow job after he shot his wad (I realize Mike did not cum) is not a good idea. What's wrong with them taking turns then jerking off or even jerking each other off to an orgasm at least when they're first beginning let them move up to the more advanced stuff as they get used to it.

I blame Clay again, I mean when a football team loses a game people always blame the coach. This was a real stinker and who's responsibility was it to make it come off? It wasn't the players fault it was the coaches. I sincerely believe we need a new coach.
BTW I am glad this video was posted so we know what happened, I kinda want to find out what happened after that was probably more interesting. I wonder if this scene will set the record for lowest rated video on the site? Does anyone else know what the currant lowest rated video is?
I see where Mike is coming from, its really hard for some lads to do gay sex, and I kind agree with BenBen
Clay sorry but this one sucked and it was your dam fault on this one sorry but Lucas has to go. he is rude and tell you the truth he is not all that hot . Clay your really screwed up on this one I sure hope you learned a lesson from this one
Hmmm, well, lets see! I liked the fact that lucas did a BB scene, but other then that I think the attention given to him is wasted. I don't think he has the "it" to do good porn. Mike well shouldn't even have tried. Sorry but these two should hit the road.
So, are we to now understand that Broke Straight Boys is reverting back to the original premise and format of Broke Straight Boys 2 when that new version first dropped its anchor? As many of you including myself remember, how did THAT go? That is all I have to say on the subject. To quote Olympia Dukakis as that character she played in Steel Magnolias, "If you haven't anything nice to say, come sit by me!"
I agree that Lucas is getting way too much "face" time on Broke Straight Boys, with his three sex scenes, and his multiple BTS scenes as he was first introduced to us a few weeks ago. But more importantly to me, he is getting too much "naked body" time, as he really doesn't cut it as a porn star. He is a decent looking young guy, but he looks better in clothing than out of it, and so perhaps porn is not his best option as a career path.

Mike was clearly nervous from his BTS to his solo to this aborted oral scene. As I've said many times, one has to have at least a smidgen of interest in male to male sex to successfully work in the industry, and Mike appears to me to be "hopelessly" straight.

As of 8 AM Eastern time, this scene has a 1.6 rating and will probably not go much higher, but I don't blame Lucas for his protesting comments, as he clearly has no problem performing gay sex on camera, based on his sucking Mike here, and more importantly what he did in his scene with Johnny. And I don't blame Clay, as he was just doing his job, trying to get what he could out of these two guys who were flown into the studio to appear in several scenes. (I am reminded of the crude saying, "you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit"). What happened is a case of, "it is what it is".

My problem is that Broke Straight Boys released this as a regular sex update, rather than a "bloopers" or "out take" clip. When Clay told us on the forum that Lucas had done a "progression" scene with another model who walked out mid scene, I suspected it was "Desperate Mike", as it was. But Clay told us that we might see this scene in "some form", so I don't think that he envisioned it being presented as a regular update to us. Neither model shot a load, and the scene just faded to black when Mike quit. The fault with this scene was releasing it to us as a sex scene, when it turned out to be more of a curiosity that belonged on a blooper real and not as our February 4th regular update.
Worst scene ever on Broke Straight Boys this good scene bad scene has got to stop. Nobody is paying to see awful porn get it together and why is everyone on Lucas he acts just like Jimmy did and you loved him. Mike is another story it just seems that putting newbies in scenes together does not work.
You guys have to remember that no matter what Lucas says he has become a bottom willing to do anything. Id like to see him with a mouth full of cum so he doesn't talk so much. I like Lucas. Mike on the other hand refused to do what was expected. See the difference? Maybe the scenes with Lucas shouldn't have interviews.
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Worst scene ever on Broke Straight Boys this good scene bad scene has got to stop. Nobody is paying to see awful porn get it together and why is everyone on Lucas he acts just like Jimmy did and you loved him. Mike is another story it just seems that putting newbies in scenes together does not work.
Everyone didn't love Jimmy, while I did. I have no problem with Lucas's attitude about gay sex. My problem is that Jimmy had a very hot body and a big hard dick, who is apparently still a star in the gay for pay industry, based on the many links provided by fellow forumites to his work with other studios.

I have no problem with Lucas's perceived "bad attitude" about gay sex, it is his physical appearance that is my problem with him. I don't see him as a good gay sex performer.
Everyone didn't love Jimmy, while I did. I have no problem with Lucas's attitude about gay sex. My problem is that Jimmy had a very hot body and a big hard dick, who is apparently still a star in the gay for pay industry, based on the many links provided by fellow forumites to his work with other studios.

I have no problem with Lucas's perceived "bad attitude" about gay sex, it is his physical appearance that is my problem with him. I don't see him as a good gay sex performer.
Agree completely my friend.
BTW I am glad this video was posted so we know what happened, I kinda want to find out what happened after that was probably more interesting. I wonder if this scene will set the record for lowest rated video on the site? Does anyone else know what the currant lowest rated video is?
As far as I know, the lowest rated scene in Broke Straight Boys-2 history was the "feet scene" with Jimmy and Vinnie (4-25-2011). Currently it is rated 2.0.

There may have been one rated lower on Broke Straight Boys-1, but I really doubt it.
Worst scene ever on Broke Straight Boys this good scene bad scene has got to stop. Nobody is paying to see awful porn get it together and why is everyone on Lucas he acts just like Jimmy did and you loved him. Mike is another story it just seems that putting newbies in scenes together does not work.

Seriously! Were you here then?:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
This was a tough scene for Broke Straight Boys right from the start. It was posted after Lucas did his cream pie scene and after his BTS interview with Sha. Many here expressed interest in seeing the video we had been told about when a model quit in mid stream. So, we got a real mixed bag of out of order scenes and the resulting backlash. I guess "be careful what you ask for" may apply. I would like to see Mike given another chance as long as he completes the assignment. Hopefully, Lucas, who received rave reviews from his BTS video, will get another scene posted soon so that he can redeem himself. I still think Lucas is not the 'anti gay' he was originally portrayed to be and will evolve into a well-liked model for Broke Straight Boys After the BTS piece, I'm not so sure about the farm story, but it seemed to play well at the beginning. Broke Straight Boys messed up big time by trying to get the first bb scene online and it has created the atmosphere that now surrounds this thread. But, this too will pass. I'd very much like to see Lucas returned to his farm boy image in his Hanes briefs and emerge into a top Broke Straight Boys model. As for Mike, it may be the last we have seen of him. But, I have a couple of wishes. I think that he should be given another chance if he wants it and That this scene had not been cut short off immediately when he objected to sucking Lucas....it would have been interesting to see another minute or two of what went on before the curtain came down. Again, Broke Straight Boys put themselves into this tough spot and it will be interesting to see how they get out of it. I'm sure they have a plan.
Okay, I'm going to say it, not to be mean, but to inform Lucas what turns me off about him (nothing that he can't change about himself).

First, I don't really mind his sour attitude about doing gay sex for money. I would probably be just as turned off about having straight sex. But it is all about his timing. Before and/or after the shoot is ENOUGH. During the shoot is not "performing" well, gives the wrong impression to his partner(s) and is extremely contagious. Before you know it, everybody is complaining and that TURNS ME OFF. I'm not paying to watch porn to be turned off. His performance, other than the complaining during the shoot, is actually very good.

Second, his body needs a little toning. Fat roles never did anything for me. He needs to get to the gym, loose a few pounds and tone his muscles a little. He could be an awesome looking model with just a little work.

Mike's problem, on the other hand, is more his mindset. He has a great cock and balls going for him, but I am having doubts that he will be able to perform gay-for-pay sex even for the money. I hope I am wrong. But at least he gave it a try and Broke Straight Boys forced us to watch.

Shame on you, Broke Straight Boys This failure should have remained private. I have been a manager all of my adult life and I have NEVER exploited an employee's failure as you have done here. And worse, we paid you to do it. Not exactly how I want to spend my money. My only hope at this point is that Mike DOES return to show HIMSELF that he can overcome his failures. He needs to do this.

As far as the scene goes as a whole....:(
I agree with most comments. I actually think Lucas is a very good cock sucker and did givea decent effort. I also don't understand how people are bashing Lucas when mike just sat there and closed his eyes and just got up and left. I still believe with a attitude adjustment Lucas could be a decent model. Mike however needs to go. You come to Broke Straight Boys to do gay sex and don't even try what's the point then begone. I don't care if I see either again. I also believe this should not have been a regular update. I feel like we are owed something.
I am sorry to add my voice to this but OH MY GOD that scene was a buzz kill. Please tell me i am not paying money on a porn site to hear models bitching and moaning about it and I am sorry but I do not believe a word of the farm story. This is ridiculous. BTW I hated the Jimmy scenes and have decided I have seen enough of that bull shit. As other people have stated I do not care about the models sexuality. I would like to be entertained and maybe get a little buzz from this site. Shakespeare said it "Methinks the lady doth protest too much" If you like sucking dick and getting fucked shut up and enjoy it. If you do not, please find another profession.