underwear fun
Well-known Member
Thanks for the posting LL. I too just watched all the BTS Denver Pride 2010 videos and was pleased to see Leon being his own man and doing his own thing, talented boy. Real shame the DJ didn't have 'scotty doesn't know' so we could see Leon shake some more of his cute booty. An underwear suggestion: try flip flops instead of shoes when you're only wearing undies (I know you probably weren't expecting it to be that hot and would strip down....but as they say be prepared). Looking forward to your next shoot Leon.
A couple of other funny bits were: someone calling Diesal 'yum' which seemed to surprise him. Come on Diesal you're just too cool to be straight. And the other was CJ counting up his college fund of $7.26. Dear oh dear....back to the futon me thinks.
I spent last evening watching all of the BTS vids from Denver. I had a great time hearing myself laughing and whooping it up in the bar scene at Swallows, and at one point I saw myself from behind from the waist up. Kind of funny, that.
I met Leon in Denver, had him put tattoos on the "girls" even. I was completely out of my element and totally anxious, and I have to admit I could think of absolutely nothing to say to him. It was an awkward couple of moments. Glad that didn't make it onto the BTS, cause I'm pretty sure Sha was filming. I hope someone did me a favor and burned that footage!
I watched the BTS with my mouth hanging open while Leon played the drums and the guitar with complete confidence. And then, he started dancing! I'm not surprised that Leon seems to be a fully diverse and accomplished individual.
Many of you have discussed Leon's obvious intelligence and his a quirky charm. He enjoys being on camera and obviously enjoys shooting porn. Now we know he's musically inclined and grows pot, i'm sure legally, for a dispensary. So, he's a smart, creative stoner with a kinky side and a smoking hot body.
While I fully remember discussing the things I don't like about Leon, I enjoyed seeing him behind the scenes, off the futon. I wish I'd seen this all in person instead of on film. For all I've criticized him, I guess I should admit that I kinda like Leon now....
Thanks for the posting LL. I too just watched all the BTS Denver Pride 2010 videos and was pleased to see Leon being his own man and doing his own thing, talented boy. Real shame the DJ didn't have 'scotty doesn't know' so we could see Leon shake some more of his cute booty. An underwear suggestion: try flip flops instead of shoes when you're only wearing undies (I know you probably weren't expecting it to be that hot and would strip down....but as they say be prepared). Looking forward to your next shoot Leon.
A couple of other funny bits were: someone calling Diesal 'yum' which seemed to surprise him. Come on Diesal you're just too cool to be straight. And the other was CJ counting up his college fund of $7.26. Dear oh dear....back to the futon me thinks.