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the Leon Poll

Do you like Leon?

  • Yes, a lot

    Votes: 28 52.8%
  • He's o.k

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • No I don't

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • I don't like him a lot

    Votes: 5 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
While I cast my vote for Leon, it was not a fair survey: I loved the old Leon – ah shucks, country boy. I don’t like the new Leon - dirty, grungy, metaled-up guy.
Totally agree, I wish there was a Leon before the grunge and Leon after the grunge poll. Because I liked him a lot before he suddenly appeared to stop showering, but now I don't even watch his scenes anymore unless he's paired up with someone I do like.
The truth hurts sometime

While I cast my vote for Leon, it was not a fair survey: I loved the old Leon – ah shucks, country boy. I don’t like the new Leon - dirty, grungy, metaled-up guy.

I long for the pristine, well groomed, and metal detector avoidance system in place so Leon can "Fly the Skies..."! (Unless he wants to strip and have a cavity search at every airport") I do not understand how a "self-confessed neat freak" can go down this path. I do not think anyone likes it!

Leon is too good looking in his early 20's to let himself go! Somewhere, I believe I heard it mentioned that he either owns or works in a "medical marajuana" store when not modeling for Broke Straight Boys My advise to Leon is regardless of the legality issue - STAY OF THEM "MEDS" UNLESS YOU HAVE A PAINFUL FORM OF CANCER.

I always have high hopes for young people like Leon accomplishing their goals. I don't think Leon lacks support from your fans. Just don't give up on yourself, Leon!

Still your loyal fan,

I like Leon. he is a little dorky but so am I lol. I prefer him with shorter hair like he ahd at the beginning.
I like him because he seems normal and doesn't whine or complain, he seems willing to try anything.
Any chance we can get him to taste his load or take one in his mouth?
Line up here please

I like Leon. he is a little dorky but so am I lol. I prefer him with shorter hair like he ahd at the beginning.
I like him because he seems normal and doesn't whine or complain, he seems willing to try anything.
Any chance we can get him to taste his load or take one in his mouth?

Wouldn't we all enjoy a fresh load.:drool: Perhaps if he had a location set up in Disney World for this humanitarian purpose.:blushing: I'd gladly purchase a ticket.:cumbuddy::worship:
I really don't quite know how to state my objections to Leon. For sure, he needs to clean up his act and forget the grunge, but it's more his personality that just seems to me to be off-putting. He's like a golden retriever. He's overly eager, almost panting like a dog. Now that I think about it, I think it is the combination/contradiction. He's starting to look like a thug and act like Urkel. He just creeps me out, and it gets worse with every scene.
Well, I guess I gotta be the one to speak of my forbidden love for Leon.. lol.

Personally, I like him. I like the piercings as well. I like the scruffy hair.

I'd like to see him on Broke Straight Boys for quite a while longer.
I can understand what you are saying about the "grunge," Carking. But you should see some of the musicians, roadies and sound techs I hang out with and perform with (not to mention much of the audience members...) Leon is positively clean-cut in comparison. He isn't covered in tats. He's not sporting a mohawk, or fauxhawk, or spiked hair, or multicolored dyes, or black eyeliner and nail polish, etc. So Leon at his most grungy doesn't bother me (aside from the hardware during sex), while I'm sure it will drive some others up the wall. Hey, we can agree on Alden, right? :biggrin: (And likely quite a few besides.)

If Leon ever starts in with the eyeliner, though, I'm changing my tune.
Well, I guess I gotta be the one to speak of my forbidden love for Leon.. lol.

Personally, I like him. I like the piercings as well. I like the scruffy hair.

I'd like to see him on Broke Straight Boys for quite a while longer.

I agree. My ardor for Leon has been previously stated! I don't get the part about him being dirty...I have agreed he has a complexion problem (which if you notice he has had from the beginning), but I can't see dirty.
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I agree. My ardor for Leon has been previously stated! I don't get the part about him being dirty...I have agreed he has a complexion problem (which if you notice he has had from the beginning), but I can't see dirty.

I don't really mean dirty, I mean unkempt. The little goatee, the unkept hair, the scruffy clothes just don't do it for me. I admittedly like preppies, guys who appear to take some pride in the way they look. I like the boy next door, not the boy on the block. Leon could be more attractive with little effort, he just doesn't seem to want to put out the effort. Still, overall, it's the personality that grates on my nerves. I would love to get the opportunity to know him.......on valium.
Leon's kissing of Tyler shows he has an attactive side to his sexuality. He just needs an experienced partner to knock the rough edges off and for him to develop his style. :biggrin:
I spent last evening watching all of the BTS vids from Denver. I had a great time hearing myself laughing and whooping it up in the bar scene at Swallows, and at one point I saw myself from behind from the waist up. Kind of funny, that.

I met Leon in Denver, had him put tattoos on the "girls" even. I was completely out of my element and totally anxious, and I have to admit I could think of absolutely nothing to say to him. It was an awkward couple of moments. Glad that didn't make it onto the BTS, cause I'm pretty sure Sha was filming. I hope someone did me a favor and burned that footage!

I watched the BTS with my mouth hanging open while Leon played the drums and the guitar with complete confidence. And then, he started dancing! I'm not surprised that Leon seems to be a fully diverse and accomplished individual.

Many of you have discussed Leon's obvious intelligence and his a quirky charm. He enjoys being on camera and obviously enjoys shooting porn. Now we know he's musically inclined and grows pot, i'm sure legally, for a dispensary. So, he's a smart, creative stoner with a kinky side and a smoking hot body.

While I fully remember discussing the things I don't like about Leon, I enjoyed seeing him behind the scenes, off the futon. I wish I'd seen this all in person instead of on film. For all I've criticized him, I guess I should admit that I kinda like Leon now....
I spent last evening watching all of the BTS vids from Denver. I had a great time hearing myself laughing and whooping it up in the bar scene at Swallows, and at one point I saw myself from behind from the waist up. Kind of funny, that.

I met Leon in Denver, had him put tattoos on the "girls" even. I was completely out of my element and totally anxious, and I have to admit I could think of absolutely nothing to say to him. It was an awkward couple of moments. Glad that didn't make it onto the BTS, cause I'm pretty sure Sha was filming. I hope someone did me a favor and burned that footage!

I watched the BTS with my mouth hanging open while Leon played the drums and the guitar with complete confidence. And then, he started dancing! I'm not surprised that Leon seems to be a fully diverse and accomplished individual.

Many of you have discussed Leon's obvious intelligence and his a quirky charm. He enjoys being on camera and obviously enjoys shooting porn. Now we know he's musically inclined and grows pot, i'm sure legally, for a dispensary. So, he's a smart, creative stoner with a kinky side and a smoking hot body.

While I fully remember discussing the things I don't like about Leon, I enjoyed seeing him behind the scenes, off the futon. I wish I'd seen this all in person instead of on film. For all I've criticized him, I guess I should admit that I kinda like Leon now....

Great report. As a Leon fan, Thanks!
I like Leon ok, definitely not one of my favs but he also doesn't annoy me either. I do think he looks a lot better when he's recently had a fresh haircut. Some guys look great with the "scruffy" look, but with Leon not so much. Especially since he actually has great hair when it's freshly cut!

I really like that his popularity hasn't seemed to go to his head, and he appears to have a cool personality.

I spent last evening watching all of the BTS vids from Denver. I had a great time hearing myself laughing and whooping it up in the bar scene at Swallows, and at one point I saw myself from behind from the waist up. Kind of funny, that.

I met Leon in Denver, had him put tattoos on the "girls" even. I was completely out of my element and totally anxious, and I have to admit I could think of absolutely nothing to say to him. It was an awkward couple of moments. Glad that didn't make it onto the BTS, cause I'm pretty sure Sha was filming. I hope someone did me a favor and burned that footage!

I watched the BTS with my mouth hanging open while Leon played the drums and the guitar with complete confidence. And then, he started dancing! I'm not surprised that Leon seems to be a fully diverse and accomplished individual.

Many of you have discussed Leon's obvious intelligence and his a quirky charm. He enjoys being on camera and obviously enjoys shooting porn. Now we know he's musically inclined and grows pot, i'm sure legally, for a dispensary. So, he's a smart, creative stoner with a kinky side and a smoking hot body.

While I fully remember discussing the things I don't like about Leon, I enjoyed seeing him behind the scenes, off the futon. I wish I'd seen this all in person instead of on film. For all I've criticized him, I guess I should admit that I kinda like Leon now....

Thank you dear woman. Have pored over all four of those videos to extract the Leon essence, exactly as described, and just want to say that you've encapsulated the best of him in your post. What I liked was the fact that for the most part Leon was out there unseen on the fringes doing his amazing repertoire of tricks, while all the filming was of the newlyweds, who'd done some cherry popping in the swimming pool the day before. I think Sha, who is obviously great: great voice, great sense of humor, great laid-back attitude, great inquisitiveness about his "entorno", was also quite pleased with himself as a great porn director and cameraman. I guess he naturally hung out with his stars the day after filming the fuck. And all the while Leon was being generally amazing, and mostly unfilmed (Oh yeah, I think Leon is playing the drums...Someone said Leon can play the guitar?...Ha ha, yeah, I think Leon is over there dancing, ho hum.)

btw the swimming pool scene was almost insulting. David gets a lot of flak on here for filming flubs or inopportune banter, but I have new respect for the man after seeing Sha's masterpiece uploaded beside David's work. I was also uneasy at Blu stepping out of their role, and releasing what was at best a noisy, uncomfortable, staged BTS vignette on the episode page. The whole premise that Diesal was going to mentor little JC through the scene, complicit with Sha, winking into the camera in closeup with oatmeal cookie stuck in his gumline, was super weird. It was a fabricated BTS scene, dressed up as an episode. I really really hope they never try to do that again.
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