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The Hopeless Romantic


Well-known Member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
SO I was reading through the forum posts today and was so happy to find out that I am not the only hopeless romantic on here (you know who you are) :) In light of this I have decided to start a thread dedicated to all you stalwart lovers out there where you can share romantic stories, give and recieve romance/relationship advice, or just tell us all why you have such an amazing heart :) Who knows, maybe we will all learn from eachother.

I'll start us off with some lyrics by one of my favorite artists Selena Quintinilla Perez. To the one I love.....I am "Dreaming of You" always.

Late at night when all the world is sleeping.
I stay up and think of you.
And I wish on a star, that somewhere you are.
Thinking of me too.

Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight.
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight.
And there's nowhere in the world, I'd rather be.
Than here in my room, dreaming about you and me.

Wonder if you ever see me, and I.
Wonder if you know I'm there. (am I there, am I?)
If you looked in my eyes would you see what's inside?
Would you even care?
I just wanna hold you close but so far.
All I have are dreams of you.
So I wait for the day. (wait for the day)
And the courage to say how much, I love you.
Yes I do.

I'll be dreaming of you tonight.
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight.
And there's nowhere in the world, I'd rather be.
Than here in my room dreaming about, you and me.

(Spanish): (Translation):
Corazon. Sweetheart.
No puedo dejar de pensar en ti. I can't stop thinking of you.
Como te necesito. How I need you.
Mi amor, como t'extrano. My love, how I miss you.

Late at night when all the world is sleeping.
I stay up and think of you.
And I still can't believe.
That you came up to me, and said "I love you.";
"I love you too."

Now I'm dreaming with you, tonight.
Till tomorrow (till tomorrow).
And for all of my life.
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be.
Than here in my room.
Dreaming with you endlessly.
Sadly No

Uh, Slim, I believe he's talking/singing to you!? Lucky dog!


Get real Your Majesty. Denver is one of several Hopeless Romantics among the youngest newbies. He's obviously found a contemporary with as big a heart as his. You know me for the sentimental ass I privately am, but no one would mistake me for anything but crass from reading my posts :001_unsure:

I'd be knocked out if the awesome Denver dedicated a beautiful song to me, but it ain't gonna happen!

(by the way "real" in Spanish means "royal", not that you need to get any royaller than you are darling.)
Hum well I guess I have been through a lot in my life and cherish every person that is part of my life. I love doing things for the one I love as well as my friends. On a 6 month anniversary with my x-boyfriend I had candles lit all the way to the bedroom with roses surrounded by candles shaped like a heart with roses and a poem I wrote in the middle. After that we went up to the moutains for a nice romantic candlelight dinner. I have tons of stories and I love doing things for other people to put a smile on their face. I still have a million other ideas in my head that I will be able to give to some lucky guy, sigh.

As for songs I like the lyrics of this one....

What if I told you it was all meant to be?
Would you believe me? Would you agree?
It's almost that feeling that we've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
when I tell you love has come here and now

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people search forever for that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happeneing to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Everything changes but beauty remains
Something so tender I can't explain
I may be dreaming but until I awake
Can't we make this dream last forever?
And I'll cherish all the love we share

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people search forever for that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happeneing to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Could this be the greatest love of all?
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall
So let me tell you this...

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this..
A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Some people search forever for that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe it's happeneing to me

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment, a moment like this...
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me..
some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.

I am indeed a hopeless romantic and I offer you my favorite song lyrics
When the dark wood fell before me
And all the paths were overgrown
When the priests of pride say
there is no other way
I tilled the sorrows of stone

I did not believe because I could not see
Though you came to me in the night
When the dawn seemed forever lost
You showed me your love in
the light of the stars

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me

Then the mountain rose before me
By the deep well of desire
From the fountain of forgiveness
Beyond the ice and fire

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me

Though we share this humble path, alone
How fragile is the heart
Oh give these clay feet wings to fly
To touch the face of the stars

Breathe life into this feeble heart
Lift this mortal veil of fear
Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears
We'll rise above these earthly cares

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me
Please remember me
Well as a hopeless romantic myself I was actually a bit weary about opening this thread to begin with as I feared it was going to be a rather upsetting topic, I'm glad to see it isn't that bad hehe.

If I may be so bold as to say, that personally I believe a large part of the reason for the lack of romance in a lot of homosexuals lives is down to the fact that for most gay guys when they are younger (teens to mid twenties) they feel in some way afraid to open up about who they are, or to express their wants or needs, in short they feel oppressed. Due to that fact, once they reach a point in their lives where they feel sure enough of them selves that they can be who they are, they want everything of it and that usually means regressing to a more adolescent view point of the world. They want flings and they want x number of guys to add to their bed post markings etc, but they don't want a heavy commitment because they feel they haven't had a chance to properly explore the world and find out what it is they want from someone else.

For some people (like myself) it's different though, some of us came out when we were younger and never had to have that same fear of not being ourselves. I came out to my friends and family when I was 15 years old and they were and still are all very accepting of it, it's not even an issue, I even have grand parents who try to set me up with their friends grand kids who are gay or who have gay cousins etc so I've never felt that I had to hide who I was. After coming out at 15 I had my first serious relationship with another guy that lasted for over a year and then after that I had a series of relation ships lasting for varied lengths of time and I never did feel the need to hide any of it from the other people I cared about in my life, which was why when my ex fiancée proposed to me after we'd only been dating a year (we had known each other for far longer as friends) I accepted, because at the time I felt I was ready to "settle down" and have that part of my life over with, he on the other hand then proved he wasn't by cheating on me, though I don't blame him at all and we're still good friends even though I broke off the engagement and stopped dating him. The reason I don't blame him is because he didn't come out as bisexual until he was 20 and he only did that because we started dating, so in essence I was his first serious relation ship and I could understand (not at first but after time of thinking on it) that he needed to be free to explore who he was and what he wants from his life.

Anyway, since I've got that off my chest (bet you're all cursing the day I signed up considering all my long boring posts lol), here's a poem I wrote a while back (I write a LOT of poetry and have even won awards for a couple of my "darker" pieces), you can take a read and let me know what you think if you want to.

What is it to love?
Is it to know someone?
Is it to understand someone?
Is it a longing to be with someone?

When you look into their eyes,
Do you see your reflection?
Or do you see your counterparts’ soul?
Is there a stare that melts your heart?

When you cry alone,
Do you long to be found?
To be held and reassured?
Have a shoulder to cry upon?

When you hate,
Do you hate because you love?
Or is it from jealousy?
Is it because you know nothing else?

Love is an undying passion,
It is the most important part of Humanity,
It is what I have for you,
And now I begin to realise…

Love is hatred,
Love is jealousy,
Love is you and I,
But most of all...

Love is life.

Also, just so no one thinks I'm having a go at anyone, I fully understand that even without oppressive circumstances, not everyone wants more than just sexual relationships and that's fine by me as at the end of the day, all that matters, is that people are happy and being themselves. :thumbup:
Well as a hopeless romantic myself I was actually a bit weary about opening this thread to begin with as I feared it was going to be a rather upsetting topic, I'm glad to see it isn't that bad hehe.

If I may be so bold as to say, that personally I believe a large part of the reason for the lack of romance in a lot of homosexuals lives is down to the fact that for most gay guys when they are younger (teens to mid twenties) they feel in some way afraid to open up about who they are, or to express their wants or needs, in short they feel oppressed. Due to that fact, once they reach a point in their lives where they feel sure enough of them selves that they can be who they are, they want everything of it and that usually means regressing to a more adolescent view point of the world. They want flings and they want x number of guys to add to their bed post markings etc, but they don't want a heavy commitment because they feel they haven't had a chance to properly explore the world and find out what it is they want from someone else.

For some people (like myself) it's different though, some of us came out when we were younger and never had to have that same fear of not being ourselves. I came out to my friends and family when I was 15 years old and they were and still are all very accepting of it, it's not even an issue, I even have grand parents who try to set me up with their friends grand kids who are gay or who have gay cousins etc so I've never felt that I had to hide who I was. After coming out at 15 I had my first serious relationship with another guy that lasted for over a year and then after that I had a series of relation ships lasting for varied lengths of time and I never did feel the need to hide any of it from the other people I cared about in my life, which was why when my ex fiancée proposed to me after we'd only been dating a year (we had known each other for far longer as friends) I accepted, because at the time I felt I was ready to "settle down" and have that part of my life over with, he on the other hand then proved he wasn't by cheating on me, though I don't blame him at all and we're still good friends even though I broke off the engagement and stopped dating him. The reason I don't blame him is because he didn't come out as bisexual until he was 20 and he only did that because we started dating, so in essence I was his first serious relation ship and I could understand (not at first but after time of thinking on it) that he needed to be free to explore who he was and what he wants from his life.

Anyway, since I've got that off my chest (bet you're all cursing the day I signed up considering all my long boring posts lol), here's a poem I wrote a while back (I write a LOT of poetry and have even won awards for a couple of my "darker" pieces), you can take a read and let me know what you think if you want to.

What is it to love?
Is it to know someone?
Is it to understand someone?
Is it a longing to be with someone?

When you look into their eyes,
Do you see your reflection?
Or do you see your counterparts’ soul?
Is there a stare that melts your heart?

When you cry alone,
Do you long to be found?
To be held and reassured?
Have a shoulder to cry upon?

When you hate,
Do you hate because you love?
Or is it from jealousy?
Is it because you know nothing else?

Love is an undying passion,
It is the most important part of Humanity,
It is what I have for you,
And now I begin to realise…

Love is hatred,
Love is jealousy,
Love is you and I,
But most of all...

Love is life.

Also, just so no one thinks I'm having a go at anyone, I fully understand that even without oppressive circumstances, not everyone wants more than just sexual relationships and that's fine by me as at the end of the day, all that matters, is that people are happy and being themselves. :thumbup:


That was a beautiful heartfelt story. What a wonderful poem too! Thanks for sharing them. The most difficult time we all face is when is it time to "settle down"? What makes it even more difficult is when one party is ready and the other is not. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers.

Don't ever feel like you are "boring" us with you stories/post. That is why we have this forum. To share, learn, help us all on any and all of the life's daily issues. As you have seen here, we have some really knowledgeable postees here. We have all benefited from their words of wisdom. As too will you, and vice verse.

Live Long and Prosper,

Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem with us kham. That really touched me. And thank you mark for sharing your story with us too. You both sound like such amazing guys....as does everyone on this forum :)

Here is a quote from Mother Theresa that I think is very inspirational:

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
hopefully romantic


You look,
You're looking at me again and
Not speculating especially,
Nor sizing me up
Nor wondering,
Nor trying to decide,
Nor judging, certainly
Not judging.

Maybe smiling a little.
Smiling your unseen smile.

You just know me
So well,

So well
That when you see
My eyes
From where you're sitting there,
You can look out through them

At yourself.

Just wrote that poem in this little reply box; it obviously didn't take any time at all (less than it's gonna take to explain it) and was triggered by what one of the newest posters on the thread said about the naturalness of his relationships with other guys. It suddenly came to me what it might be like to be him in love, being loved by his fella in that unspoken way that we all know.
Well as a hopeless romantic myself I was actually a bit weary about opening this thread to begin with as I feared it was going to be a rather upsetting topic, I'm glad to see it isn't that bad hehe.

If I may be so bold as to say, that personally I believe a large part of the reason for the lack of romance in a lot of homosexuals lives is down to the fact that for most gay guys when they are younger (teens to mid twenties) they feel in some way afraid to open up about who they are, or to express their wants or needs, in short they feel oppressed. Due to that fact, once they reach a point in their lives where they feel sure enough of them selves that they can be who they are, they want everything of it and that usually means regressing to a more adolescent view point of the world. They want flings and they want x number of guys to add to their bed post markings etc, but they don't want a heavy commitment because they feel they haven't had a chance to properly explore the world and find out what it is they want from someone else.

For some people (like myself) it's different though, some of us came out when we were younger and never had to have that same fear of not being ourselves. I came out to my friends and family when I was 15 years old and they were and still are all very accepting of it, it's not even an issue, I even have grand parents who try to set me up with their friends grand kids who are gay or who have gay cousins etc so I've never felt that I had to hide who I was. After coming out at 15 I had my first serious relationship with another guy that lasted for over a year and then after that I had a series of relation ships lasting for varied lengths of time and I never did feel the need to hide any of it from the other people I cared about in my life, which was why when my ex fiancée proposed to me after we'd only been dating a year (we had known each other for far longer as friends) I accepted, because at the time I felt I was ready to "settle down" and have that part of my life over with, he on the other hand then proved he wasn't by cheating on me, though I don't blame him at all and we're still good friends even though I broke off the engagement and stopped dating him. The reason I don't blame him is because he didn't come out as bisexual until he was 20 and he only did that because we started dating, so in essence I was his first serious relation ship and I could understand (not at first but after time of thinking on it) that he needed to be free to explore who he was and what he wants from his life.

Anyway, since I've got that off my chest (bet you're all cursing the day I signed up considering all my long boring posts lol), here's a poem I wrote a while back (I write a LOT of poetry and have even won awards for a couple of my "darker" pieces), you can take a read and let me know what you think if you want to.

What is it to love?
Is it to know someone?
Is it to understand someone?
Is it a longing to be with someone?

When you look into their eyes,
Do you see your reflection?
Or do you see your counterparts’ soul?
Is there a stare that melts your heart?

When you cry alone,
Do you long to be found?
To be held and reassured?
Have a shoulder to cry upon?

When you hate,
Do you hate because you love?
Or is it from jealousy?
Is it because you know nothing else?

Love is an undying passion,
It is the most important part of Humanity,
It is what I have for you,
And now I begin to realise…

Love is hatred,
Love is jealousy,
Love is you and I,
But most of all...

Love is life.

Also, just so no one thinks I'm having a go at anyone, I fully understand that even without oppressive circumstances, not everyone wants more than just sexual relationships and that's fine by me as at the end of the day, all that matters, is that people are happy and being themselves. :thumbup:

Kham, that is such a wonderful story. And the Poem is so real to life in many ways... I especially love your philosophy. Please, I am glad to have found a kindred spirit in this Land of Forum. Your posts are both insightful and meaningful. I so, agree that people need to just be happy being themselves.

I too am a hopeless romantic. However; I do believe that love is an inside job first. Kham what I am about to offer Devon and the Forum kind of ditos what you said from another perspective. Devon I would like to offer this poem from one of my fellow Reiki Master Teachers named Karyn Mitchell:

Love Your Self
By Karyn Mitchell

To heal yourself you must first love your Self
Love your Self first.
Love first that Little one hiding deep inside
So lost and alone…abandoned
To the night, to fear, and the hopelessness of being so small
Dirty, hurt, and frightened…
Love that Little One first.
Headlong you fell into steel-hard reality.
Heal that little one first.

Love next that rejected adolescent
Brooding alone, sensitive, silent.
Bearing the scarlet letter of society’s guilt and shame
With total Self-lost confusion.
Insecure, doubting, mistrustful…
It is time to embrace the child-no-longer
And weep for the loss of innocent vision.
Heal the pain that this one shares with no one.
It is time. It is you.

Love the adult whose eyes now gaze back at you
For the journey alone has been a long one
And you now realize that the only one
Who must truly give you what you need
The most in life…is you.
And what you need is love.
Only then will you know the way
To help others heal with the same truth.

Love your Self. Heal your Self. Teach others.

Thank you for letting me share...
Last edited:
I'm a poet
And don't know it
Got a snotty nose
And won't blow it

No doesn't really fit with this thread
I'm a poet
And don't know it
Got a snotty nose
And won't blow it

No doesn't really fit with this thread

Ray, dude, after rereading my quickie poem from last night, I can say deffo that it really does fit with this thread, at least my li'l corner of it lol...

Anyway, most of us didn't know the last two lines, so thanks for posting. They completely change the poem from a two-liner about existential quandary and revelation, to one with overtones of rebellion against society.

Signed, Hopelessly Pedantic:tongue_smilie:
Thank you all for your very kind responses to my post, I'm glad you were all able to appreciate the poem. :blushing:

You both sound like such amazing guys....as does everyone on this forum :)

The same goes for you Denver, you're a very kind and thoughtful person and you have a beautiful way of looking at the world.

Jayman I loved the poem you posted, it was very touching and a very inspirational poem to people who have forgotten how to love themselves for being who they are. :thumbup1:


You look,
You're looking at me again and
Not speculating especially,
Nor sizing me up
Nor wondering,
Nor trying to decide,
Nor judging, certainly
Not judging.

Maybe smiling a little.
Smiling your unseen smile.

You just know me
So well,

So well
That when you see
My eyes
From where you're sitting there,
You can look out through them

At yourself.

Who would have known that under that cynical exterior was a beautiful word smith :tongue_smilie: I'm not ashamed to say that I read that over a few times and it actually brought a little tear to my eye. I really am a sucker for romantic things lol.
Thank you all for your very kind responses to my post, I'm glad you were all able to appreciate the poem. :blushing:

The same goes for you Denver, you're a very kind and thoughtful person and you have a beautiful way of looking at the world.

Jayman I loved the poem you posted, it was very touching and a very inspirational poem to people who have forgotten how to love themselves for being who they are. :thumbup1:

Who would have known that under that cynical exterior was a beautiful word smith :tongue_smilie: I'm not ashamed to say that I read that over a few times and it actually brought a little tear to my eye. I really am a sucker for romantic things lol.

Bless your heart you are so welcome... Devon, Thanks for starting this great thread...
Thank you all for your very kind responses to my post, I'm glad you were all able to appreciate the poem. :blushing:

The same goes for you Denver, you're a very kind and thoughtful person and you have a beautiful way of looking at the world.

Jayman I loved the poem you posted, it was very touching and a very inspirational poem to people who have forgotten how to love themselves for being who they are. :thumbup1:

Who would have known that under that cynical exterior was a beautiful word smith :tongue_smilie: I'm not ashamed to say that I read that over a few times and it actually brought a little tear to my eye. I really am a sucker for romantic things lol.

I guess you twigged to which of our fellow-forumites set off the word-smithing. Go on admit it.
Well as a hopeless romantic myself I was actually a bit weary about opening this thread to begin with as I feared it was going to be a rather upsetting topic, I'm glad to see it isn't that bad hehe.

If I may be so bold as to say, that personally I believe a large part of the reason for the lack of romance in a lot of homosexuals lives is down to the fact that for most gay guys when they are younger (teens to mid twenties) they feel in some way afraid to open up about who they are, or to express their wants or needs, in short they feel oppressed. Due to that fact, once they reach a point in their lives where they feel sure enough of them selves that they can be who they are, they want everything of it and that usually means regressing to a more adolescent view point of the world. They want flings and they want x number of guys to add to their bed post markings etc, but they don't want a heavy commitment because they feel they haven't had a chance to properly explore the world and find out what it is they want from someone else.

For some people (like myself) it's different though, some of us came out when we were younger and never had to have that same fear of not being ourselves. I came out to my friends and family when I was 15 years old and they were and still are all very accepting of it, it's not even an issue, I even have grand parents who try to set me up with their friends grand kids who are gay or who have gay cousins etc so I've never felt that I had to hide who I was. After coming out at 15 I had my first serious relationship with another guy that lasted for over a year and then after that I had a series of relation ships lasting for varied lengths of time and I never did feel the need to hide any of it from the other people I cared about in my life, which was why when my ex fiancée proposed to me after we'd only been dating a year (we had known each other for far longer as friends) I accepted, because at the time I felt I was ready to "settle down" and have that part of my life over with, he on the other hand then proved he wasn't by cheating on me, though I don't blame him at all and we're still good friends even though I broke off the engagement and stopped dating him. The reason I don't blame him is because he didn't come out as bisexual until he was 20 and he only did that because we started dating, so in essence I was his first serious relation ship and I could understand (not at first but after time of thinking on it) that he needed to be free to explore who he was and what he wants from his life.

Anyway, since I've got that off my chest (bet you're all cursing the day I signed up considering all my long boring posts lol), here's a poem I wrote a while back (I write a LOT of poetry and have even won awards for a couple of my "darker" pieces), you can take a read and let me know what you think if you want to.

What is it to love?
Is it to know someone?
Is it to understand someone?
Is it a longing to be with someone?

When you look into their eyes,
Do you see your reflection?
Or do you see your counterparts’ soul?
Is there a stare that melts your heart?

When you cry alone,
Do you long to be found?
To be held and reassured?
Have a shoulder to cry upon?

When you hate,
Do you hate because you love?
Or is it from jealousy?
Is it because you know nothing else?

Love is an undying passion,
It is the most important part of Humanity,
It is what I have for you,
And now I begin to realise…

Love is hatred,
Love is jealousy,
Love is you and I,
But most of all...

Love is life.

Also, just so no one thinks I'm having a go at anyone, I fully understand that even without oppressive circumstances, not everyone wants more than just sexual relationships and that's fine by me as at the end of the day, all that matters, is that people are happy and being themselves. :thumbup:

Kham, that was beautiful! Please feel free to "bore" us any time you like! :wink:

I too am a hopeless romantic. Thank you to everyone for that great poetry!

In the context of a relationship I see sex as an important bonus for me (us) but the real prize is the companionship. From my own perspective I see a life of just random sex and not settling down, to be a very vacuous lifestyle. All of us want love whether we admit it or not.

Most times in life when people are acting out and being unkind it just shows how miserable they are. Most neagative behavior that we witness in our own lives is just a cry for love from our brothers or sisters. Even some of what are considered to be some of our most neagative emotions here in classroom Earth are all tied to Love. Even hate and fear are symptoms of feeling a lack of love. Whether it's a perceived lack of love from without, or a lack of love of self. Many also deal with a sense of feeling unworthy of being loved. It is those brothers (and sisters) among us in our daily lives who feel the most lost.

So here's to loving self, to loving others, and finding a soulmate with whom we can share nearly unconditional love! And for those of you who have already found that, congratulations! :thumbup:

Please keep posting guys. This is a great thread!:001_smile:
Bless your heart you are so welcome... Devon, Thanks for starting this great thread...

Thank you and I agree, thank you Devon for starting it :thumbup:

I guess you twigged to which of our fellow-forumites set off the word-smithing. Go on admit it.

Actually I'm as oblivious as I seem to be lol, don't read signals very well some times, I usually take a bit of nudging :lol:

Kham, that was beautiful! Please feel free to "bore" us any time you like! :wink:

I shall keep that in mind lol :001_tongue: