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The Gayest Kid in America. . . .


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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God bless him - Brendan Jordan will make EVERYONE on this forum feel like a "Broke Straight Boys" ;-) *He makes me feel like Tom Selleck - and I don't even have a moustache.* He apparently caught the attention of the Internet by 'voguing' around in the background, during a news report.

(What is great is that his Mom is so loving and accepting, of him. I'm of course laughing and enjoying this, but - super-effeminate kids like this have their place in life, too, and enrich life and make it fun. So, if you ever chance to know a kid like Brendan, be kind, and be supportive.)


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Who is this guy ? Do they just pick these guys off the street ? I am not anti queen as I have a young friend Ryan who is just as bad - but I don't go out with him - we just fuck occasionally.
Who is this guy ? Do they just pick these guys off the street ? I am not anti queen as I have a young friend Ryan who is just as bad - but I don't go out with him - we just fuck occasionally.


Jon, he became famous for THIS video, which totally BAFFLES ME - I see nothing special about it at all. (It seems quite trite, and boring, to me.) However, apparently the REAL original version has multi-zillions of views.



Jon, he became famous for THIS video, which totally BAFFLES ME - I see nothing special about it at all. (It seems quite trite, and boring, to me.) However, apparently the REAL original version has multi-zillions of views.


The multi zillions need to get out more..
societies filled with trogs who worship crap-skanks for doing nothing of consequence soon believe turds are godiva...
societies filled with trogs who worship crap-skanks for doing nothing of consequence soon believe turds are godiva...


Now, dear KRU ~

That isn't very NICE, really :-(

I'll readily grant you that young Mr. Jordan is no great talent - and that the sensation he has made in the media is rather over-hyped. However, I think to term him a "crap-skank", or a "turd", is a bit harsh, by half. (And probably, by three-quarters.) He is an effeminate kid with a flair for the dramatic, who is seeking a little love and fame - as so many others do, in our society. Notwithstanding that he is no Horowitz, and no Lisiecki, he has really done no harm, to anyone. When you return with evidence that you have been so gently harmless, I will be pleased to afford you a full pass, on such commentary.

And, as you will recall, KRU, Lady Godiva (according to legend) humbled herself, in all her nakedness, in order to win an indulgence for some of her husband's suffering tenants. While I imagine Mr. Jordan's antics were not QUITE so noble in intention - in a roundabout way - the things he, and other "outrageous" members of the so-called "gay community", I think, DO accomplish, are PRECISELY what Lady Godiva intended (notwithstanding that, like Quentin Crisp, I believe there is no such 'happy confederacy', as an ACTUAL "gay community").

Because, KRU - when other gay people have been afraid to stand up for themselves, and have been able to hide in the closet. . . truly outre and outrageous and effeminate people like Mr. Jordan, have NOT been able to HIDE. People such as this started the Stonewall movement, which marked the beginning of gay liberation - at least in North America. (But which had wider repercussions, internationally, certainly.)

So, KRU, I would urge upon you, this simple proposition. Another person's style, or aesthetic, might not be our own. We might find it unusual, or odd, or even distasteful. But if he is HARMING NO ONE, and his only desire is to express himself, find love and self-expression, and BE loved in return, by someone of the same sex ~ ~ ~ then, I think it is incumbent upon us to consider that, perhaps HE IS OUR BROTHER, TOO: and we PERHAPS OUGHT to TREAT HIM KINDLY.


P.S. Please think about it, KRU, before you condemn others whom you deem more eccentric, than yourself. Though that circle indubitably includes your faithful correspondent, it may not be such a large set of human beings, as you imagine.

Lady Godiva.jpg

*He ain't HEAVY - he's my BROTHER. Rufus Wainwright.

Brendan could have his own talk show on the Logo Network.
Sorry Ambi, but for KRU to respond to any thread means he or they think it is worthwhile. I must agree with him or them.


Hey, Jon,

I'm glad KRU (consortium though he might be) enjoyed the little joust! I shall just have to frame a few more turds, on the board!!!! LOL!

In response, I would simply say that, while I am certain that Brendan Jordan is VERY SILLY INDEED, and is hardly bearing the Holy Grail of Western civilization before him (!!!!). . . and while today's media culture certainly pays an inordinate amount of attention to all kinds of folly. . . sometimes those of us who are a little more 'buttoned-down' in our approach to our sexuality (and the attending aesthetics) "misunderestimate" (to quote George W. Bush) the role that the outrageous, the frivolous, and the FLAMING amongst us, have played in winning our rights.

It's a delicate dialectic, of course. Without good, sound, responsible gay people - mainstream society would never have accepted us, in any degree whatsoever. But, without the courage (however involuntary) of people like Brendan - perhaps they never would have KNOWN about us, at all. It's worth thinking about.

Especially for young people, who have grown up in an environment when homosexuality has always been LEGAL. It was only legalized in Canada, when I was three; when I was 18, you could be arrested for purchasing a gay VHS video; and when I was 20, I was refused entry to a gay club here at the North Pole, because (according to the doorman) I "didn't look gay enough."



I'd rather watch Alex bag groceries at Target. Than watch this kid. Little to much for me. Just one opinion. Just saying......