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Tattooed Bad Boys Calvin And Chris Fuck - scene thread


Scorpio from GA
Jun 7, 2018
Reaction score
Before scene is up. Yes, I love and adore Chris the most, and yes, he does have a little boy that turns one at the end of this month. Thanks for the shoutout. Looking forward to this scene.

Great to see Chris back again, for the first time as a new daddy. Chris looks great. Calvin still pretty quiet in his pre-scene interview but his real job here is the sex and we’ll see him in action bottoming for Chris tomorrow. Jay got two mentions and I think it’s great that Chris has forged a friendship with Jay. Looking forward to watching the scene tomorrow.
Scene was good. Of course I love Chris but I thought Calvin did a good job and had a great cum shot. I like his body, but I’m not crazy about his hair. I have a feeling he’s just in an in between stage, because I’ve seen pictures of him with dark hair and he looks great.
Welcome back Chris Star, congratulations on your almost 1 yr old son! Welcome to the new shy boy Calvin Michaels!

Just watched the scene I was a little disappointed for Chris's welcome back scene, did not feel any chemistry between both of them, maybe because this was Calvin's first time on Broke Straight Boys but he had hardon issues. I know Chris has had a lot more better scenes. 4's all around.
Scene was good. Of course I love Chris but I thought Calvin did a good job and had a great cum shot. I like his body, but I’m not crazy about his hair. I have a feeling he’s just in an in between stage, because I’ve seen pictures of him with dark hair and he looks great.

He and I worked together in January for a new site. They required him and another model to bleach the front of their hair for the scene. I guess he decided to rock the blonde for a bit instead of dying it back.
Great to have Chris Star back. Calvin has a nice body but did not seem all that engaged in the scene. Chris was so cute and his quips did make Calvin smile a bit, but as TouchKrazy said there was no chemistry. And thank you Brock for returning to the forum in the previous post and explaining Calvin’s unusual hair coloring. I gather that he was a “pillow princess“ for Brock at that other studio. :lol:

I loved Chris in this scene but Calvin has not won me over at this point.
He and I worked together in January for a new site. They required him and another model to bleach the front of their hair for the scene. I guess he decided to rock the blonde for a bit instead of dying it back.
Wow. Why would anybody do that? Well, at least it’s temporary. Was he more talkative when you worked with him? He seems a bit reserved. Btw….I miss you!
Two really good looking guys, but a badly shot scene in my opinion. And it's not the first. The angles are sometimes terrible and/or the editing is jolting. It's happened a few times in recent scenes, this one was not the worst, but it's up there. Am I the only one seeing it? It's not been commented on, so maybe it's just me.

There was a previous video where it was really bad.

If it's just me, I'll drop it, but if others see it it too, it needs sorting, coz I think it's really bad and it's ruining the scenes for me.
Two really good looking guys, but a badly shot scene in my opinion. And it's not the first. The angles are sometimes terrible and/or the editing is jolting. It's happened a few times in recent scenes, this one was not the worst, but it's up there. Am I the only one seeing it? It's not been commented on, so maybe it's just me.

There was a previous video where it was really bad.

If it's just me, I'll drop it, but if others see it it too, it needs sorting, coz I think it's really bad and it's ruining the scenes for me.
There may have had to edit out erection issues to give it a choppy feel to finished product. Perhaps David will address this.
Two really good looking guys, but a badly shot scene in my opinion. And it's not the first. The angles are sometimes terrible and/or the editing is jolting. It's happened a few times in recent scenes, this one was not the worst, but it's up there. Am I the only one seeing it? It's not been commented on, so maybe it's just me.

There was a previous video where it was really bad.

If it's just me, I'll drop it, but if others see it it too, it needs sorting, coz I think it's really bad and it's ruining the scenes for me.
I noticed the editing in this one.
There may have had to edit out erection issues to give it a choppy feel to finished product. Perhaps David will address this.
We strive and do our best to match up the models by looks and personalities. When the guys arrive the vibe is great and it seems everyone gets along and when they get along, it is going to be a great film week. This week, we all got along and we had a great vibe.

Recently, I've been filming more edgy raunchy scenes. When it came to this group, most of the boys didn't jive with each other sexually and didn't want to push the envelope. Most of the guys in this group were sexually reserved. As a studio, I can only push the models so far. I believe in respecting the models and their choices.

With this being said, it was challenging filming this group of guys which made for difficult filming and editing, the scenes do get better but without naming names and insulting certain models and fans of this certain model, you will notice a lackluster performance from him that effected the rest of the group.
The after scene was very cute. Calvin smiled more, although he did cover his dick with the towel, an unusual move as we usually get to watch the boy’s dicks as the after-scene goes on. We didn’t really see Chris’s dick much either. I love Chris’s smile as he is a favorite of mine. The segment had a sweet, accidental conclusion as Chris was talking about using his money to buy diapers and the brand name “Huggies” was mentioned, and David said, speaking of Huggies, how about a hug, and Chris climbed on Calvin showing his cute little ass as the scene ended in a mutual hug. :001_smile:.

Chris was adorable as always and hopefully Calvin will loosen up somewhat as his shoot week goes on.:thumbup1:
Just watched the before the scene, the scene itself, and the post video interview back to back! Chris, who I like more and more wikth every scene I watch of him, fucked Calvin well. Calvin seemed to have up and down moments throughout the video, but did take Chris' cock well. David paid both $1350 each. I admire Chris for doing gay porn to pay the expenses of his one year old baby.