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This one was one and done for me- but then again I have become addicted to Conner and Kodi.
I agree with most people on Steve. He really worked for that orgasm like it was going to be his last one. I do agree that it was drawn out a bit but he was turned on and it showed. Look at it this way if he works that hard for a solo picture how he will be with another model. I liked his body and his work ethic. He doesn't look like someone that would do gay porn but straight porn. a 4 for me.
I gotta go with most of you. I too felt exhausted watching this guy approaching a climax, again, and again, and again. And it didn't seem all that fake, he did get quite sweaty. Now, I have seen guys (matters not if gay or straight) who do enjoy jerking off and make the whole event a memorable one. At least memorable to themselves!

If Steve is as intense with a partner, as he is in a solo, it might be very worthwhile watching! I enjoyed the episode, but then, I can enjoy solos, specially if the guy is as animated as Steve was.

As for looks, I found him attractive. Not really someone I would actively pursue, but, someone I would not turn down either. He does have a hot body, natural or not!
I am exhausted watching this guy and not in a good way. This scene does nothing for me. I am not a fan of solo jo but I think this is one of the worst I have seen on BSB2.
Over the top!!

Ditto to most of the comments on this guy! I thought he was a little over the top and too exuberant, but I like him. I hope he comes back soon!:welcome: Steve!
First of all, I don't think it is fair to compare Steve to Blake.......EVERY model BSB2 has had is quiet and unanimated compared to Blake. I don't remember any model this animated, with the exception of Cousin Mikey.

Not to take anything away from Blake:001_tt1: at all. But don't forget my boy Colin. :001_wub: His solo scene was very good too.
I think that his name is Nick on the "other site." Okay, hot is hot no matter where he performs or what his name is...
LOL yeah!!! thats what he was talking about, dang that almost bugged the crap out of me trying to remember.. lol

But, nah man, i hear ya, im pretty sure it works the same on my end too. lol

even though there are 3 types of attraction that the human brain looks for when choosing a "Mate/partner"
1. Physical. Obviously we see first
2. Emotional. We get to know and feel warm things.
3. Chemical. the second your partners hormones release the intoxicating smell that makes your whole back and legs quiver.

That is also why i know that being gay (for most) is not a choice, if your brain is like "Check 1, Check 2, and finally Check 3" you cannot control that at all.

and if someone argues with you or you know they will before you make the statement. Make sure you make them recall a time when they were about to have sex or just even hug or move in for a kiss.. ask them this... "When ever you get close to someone you really want to have sex with, do you take in a deep breath every time you Hug or kiss?" then they should answer Yes, if not then just turn away. lol but when they say yes you say well that feeling that you get that you are ready to do whatever happens, butterflies before the kiss, is what you feel when you hold another man. its in your brain, its part of the animal kingdom.

Woah... :offtopic: sorry about that... random rant.

You explained that so well Blake!

There are examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom also. And so it is among homo sapien primates. LOL Being gay is not a "lifestyle choice". It's a biological, physiological and psychological attraction towards the same sex that presents among a minority of the healthy general population. And gay people are "wired" that way from birth. It's not an apples or oranges "decision".
If Steve is as intense with a partner, as he is in a solo, it might be very worthwhile watching! I enjoyed the episode, but then, I can enjoy solos, specially if the guy is as animated as Steve was.

I liked Steve better than I expected to. He looks a little badboy, rough around the edges. As others say, like he's been burning the candle at both ends. He struggled to get and keep an erection. But I still wouldn't mind seeing if he can do more with other models here that would be entertaining. Time will tell.
nice boy. he wears his genes well.
what i really like about him is the way he put everything into the task at hand.
don't remembering seeing anybody work so hard.
back on the farm, he would be the one to churn the butter.
he is build for action.

I do not like solos, but Steve has an alluring macho thing going. I wouldn't mind seeing him with a shy Tomas type of guy.
I thought that Steve did a good job for a solo. He has a great manly body the won't stop. He was very polite to the director at all times and put on a good solo. I liked catching a little of his ass when he was laying down. Would like to see more of that. I think he would be the type to work well with others and hope to see him again. Thanks Steve for your hard work.
I enjoyed this solo very much, i like steve, he has a very nice body and cock. I would love to suck on that thing. His hand must be hurting after all that "Fast and Furious" stroking, i could never go that fast or last that long, i envy him for that.
Blake, don't worry about gaining weight... I couldn't either... and man did I try. I was 6'2" and had a 32" waist. I weighed 145 pounds at over 6'. Folks would come up to me and say "I hate you, you're so skinny." After a while, that started to get to me. I had a milkshake after every large meal, AND that powder stuff in milk... I ate and ate, and after two months, I had gained 2 pounds. I gave up. And THEN, I turned 30, and in 3 months, I gained 15 pounds without changing my diet whatsoever. Now (though I'm not fat) I would like to go back to those days, so enjoy your slender body now, while you got it. My anorexia is solidly in REMISSION! heh