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BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
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so cal
nice boy. he wears his genes well.
what i really like about him is the way he put everything into the task at hand.
don't remembering seeing anybody work so hard.
back on the farm, he would be the one to churn the butter.
he is build for action.
this phrase comes to mind, 'if i told you, you have a great body? would you hold it against me?' please!
Certainly not a conversationalist with vocabulary for most of the scene limited to a four letter word beginning with S and ending with T!

I think Steve has some possibilities especially as bottom to a trained taskmaster, but, overall not up to the standards of other recent newbies -- at least not in my opinion.We have seen some new talent just come and go right after their solo and I do not believe that I would be overly disappointed if that happened with Steve,
Well, all I can say is he ain't no Blake Bennett that's for sure.
The bar has been set pretty high and I'm afraid our latest recruit did'nt scale it in my opinion :sleeping:.
I hope Steve at least made enough money to get him to his next destination.
anybody who would put that much energy into a scene should have two more rides around the park.
me thinks, if blake is the standard, then many eating fish will be thrown back.
after you catch a prize winning fish, all the others seem less worth keeping.
First of all, I don't think it is fair to compare Steve to Blake.......EVERY model BSB2 has had is quiet and unanimated compared to Blake. I don't remember any model this animated, with the exception of Cousin Mikey.

I am not a fan of solos, so I will not give an opinion of Steve's performance. I will say that I was happy to have a model with no scalp or ribs showing.......but that is strictly my own personal preference.
I agree Ms "K" about comparing. Although me loves me some Blake, I thought Steve was very intense (total turn on for me). And i'm a huge fan of "I just woke up puffy eye look" so this scene works for me. I can imagine him a total top with an submissive bottom (say Anthony). Would lke to see him again.
wow! He's so into his jerking off, I thought for sure that he was going to go face first off the edge of the sofa!! I kinda like him so I'm looking forward to seeing him on screen sometime soon... I hope!!
Well, all I can say is he ain't no Blake Bennett that's for sure.
The bar has been set pretty high and I'm afraid our latest recruit did'nt scale it in my opinion :sleeping:.
I hope Steve at least made enough money to get him to his next destination.

anybody who would put that much energy into a scene should have two more rides around the park.
me thinks, if blake is the standard, then many eating fish will be thrown back.
after you catch a prize winning fish, all the others seem less worth keeping.

I agree Ms "K" about comparing. Although me loves me some Blake, I thought Steve was very intense (total turn on for me). And i'm a huge fan of "I just woke up puffy eye look" so this scene works for me. I can imagine him a total top with an submissive bottom (say Anthony). Would lke to see him again.

LOL! i was just curious to see what everyone would be saying to the newest guy, and LOL you guys are awesome. Im blushing so hard my cheeks hurt! Yall are the best. :angel:

But in his defense, He is definitely a bigger guy than me, so im sure he will be appealing to the audience with appetite for more meat. :p

Man i wish i could build like that.. but apparently i have a body time of Indo-something meaning i cant build very much mass or something. Denver told me everything about it, with his body building competitions that he goes on, literally the first convo we had was him telling me what body type i was cuz he knew that i worked out but couldnt gain a pound. lol :offtopic:
ectomorph and mesomorph

blake an ectomorph is a typical skinny guy.
steve is a mesomorph. muscle builder's body.
endomorph are your big guys, who tend toward fat.
eric for eric and ross was an endomorph. he got very fat when he stop exercising.
some guys have to work very hard to gain mass, some have genes to help them and still others have to work very hard to keep from gaining fat.
i don't have a type, taste is not that easy to define.
i can't explain what i like, but i can tell you when i see what i like.
blake an ectomorph is a typical skinny guy.
steve is a mesomorph. muscle builder's body.
endomorph are your big guys, who tend toward fat.
eric for eric and ross was an endomorph. he got very fat when he stop exercising.
some guys have to work very hard to gain mass, some have genes to help them and still others have to work very hard to keep from gaining fat.
i don't have a type, taste is not that easy to define.
i can't explain what i like, but i can tell you when i see what i like.

LOL yeah!!! thats what he was talking about, dang that almost bugged the crap out of me trying to remember.. lol

But, nah man, i hear ya, im pretty sure it works the same on my end too. lol

even though there are 3 types of attraction that the human brain looks for when choosing a "Mate/partner"
1. Physical. Obviously we see first
2. Emotional. We get to know and feel warm things.
3. Chemical. the second your partners hormones release the intoxicating smell that makes your whole back and legs quiver.

That is also why i know that being gay (for most) is not a choice, if your brain is like "Check 1, Check 2, and finally Check 3" you cannot control that at all.

and if someone argues with you or you know they will before you make the statement. Make sure you make them recall a time when they were about to have sex or just even hug or move in for a kiss.. ask them this... "When ever you get close to someone you really want to have sex with, do you take in a deep breath every time you Hug or kiss?" then they should answer Yes, if not then just turn away. lol but when they say yes you say well that feeling that you get that you are ready to do whatever happens, butterflies before the kiss, is what you feel when you hold another man. its in your brain, its part of the animal kingdom.

Woah... :offtopic: sorry about that... random rant.
I could be wrong, but I believe Steve was a regular on David's other site. His gig there was he gives blow jobs for $50, or something like that. Probably still straight/gay for pay, but not a video virgin.

- Josh
Steve actually looks a lot better in the actual scene than the thumbnail photo of him that has appeared for the last few days. He has a terrific body, that he claims is natural, but I have to believe that he has spent many hours at the gym to enhance what nature gave him.

He is a very masculine, good looking young guy. While he may be somewhat quiet or shy during his initial appearance before a camera shooting gay porn, I found him engaging enough with Clay, and thought that he acted just the way a straight guy would during his first experience of this sort.

I did notice that his cock never got rock hard during his scene, and wondered if shooting gay porn will really be something that he is interested in, or capable of doing moving forward. I also found it interesting that the date of this shoot is January, 2012, while many of the recent scenes were shot in February, which indicates to me that either management was hesitant to put this scene out, or that it was a "one and done", and they wanted to introduce some of the future stars of Broke Straight Boys first, like "Denver Grand" and "Blake Bennet" before showing us Steve.

I think that Steve has a real nice body and cock, and would be interested to see him again, but he may turn out to just be a footnote in the modeling catalog of Broke Straight Boys
I could be wrong, but I believe Steve was a regular on David's other site. His gig there was he gives blow jobs for $50, or something like that. Probably still straight/gay for pay, but not a video virgin.

- Josh

Josh you would be correct and he has done work at itgonnahurt where he bottomed there so I don't think he will hold much back coming here...I must say this is sort of a twist....the guys usually start here then go on to other sites and not the other way around......I guess they have to make a living
Steve is a very sexy young man. But, he worked so hard to reach his climax, I was exhausted for him. It was obvious to me that this was shot prior to the company meetings as the dialog and camera work was pre Blake in style. It would be interesting to see him with other models. The one time when he reached back to his head and shoulders is a 'modeling move', so I don't think this was his first rodeo. Just the same, I liked him and hope to see more of him.
Steve actually looks a lot better in the actual scene than the thumbnail photo of him that has appeared for the last few days. He has a terrific body, that he claims is natural, but I have to believe that he has spent many hours at the gym to enhance what nature gave him.

He is a very masculine, good looking young guy. While he may be somewhat quiet or shy during his initial appearance before a camera shooting gay porn, I found him engaging enough with Clay, and thought that he acted just the way a straight guy would during his first experience of this sort.

I did notice that his cock never got rock hard during his scene, and wondered if shooting gay porn will really be something that he is interested in, or capable of doing moving forward. I also found it interesting that the date of this shoot is January, 2012, while many of the recent scenes were shot in February, which indicates to me that either management was hesitant to put this scene out, or that it was a "one and done", and they wanted to introduce some of the future stars of Broke Straight Boys first, like "Denver Grand" and "Blake Bennet" before showing us Steve.

I think that Steve has a real nice body and cock, and would be interested to see him again, but he may turn out to just be a footnote in the modeling catalog of Broke Straight Boys

I watched this shortly after it came up, and I just couldn't think of what to say. Thank God I waited because once again, mikey, I can piggy-back on your post because I agree totally with it. As you know, I'm not a fan of solos and this scene is an example of why. I noticed every thing you mentioned, i.e. his body (nobody has a body like that without help from the gym), his dick never getting rock hard, etc. I was out of breath just watching him work so hard for an orgasm, and I thought he'd have a stroke if it soon didn't end.

He asked for porn and then rarely looked at it, keeping his eyes closed for much of the time, I assume trying to fantasize about something that could help get him off and even that took what seemed like forever.

If he does come back it will be interesting to see if being with another person will make any difference. I just don't know.

Steve breaks a sweat and almost busts several advanced warnings!

I don't know about you, but his building up approaching a climax so many times, that is what wore me out. It is like watching an Alfred Hitchcock thriller when the needle gets stuck and you repeat the build-up over and over again. Whoooo, Lordy mercy! I am worn out and I need some oxygen now!:001_tongue:

He has a nice body that either comes from lifting bales of hay or he is a gym rat. Regardless, he has a nicer than average body. Probably he will be a one-timer, but we definitely have had a lot worse than Steve. With his nice body, that only served to emphasize further his puffy, sleep-deprived eyes resulting from "burning the candle at both ends", no doubt.

If he never returns to Broke Straight Boys, I wish him well. Just don't let that candle flame get too close to your backdoor or get a tatoo declairing "Highly Flamable Area - Exercise CAUTION when backing up!


I don't know about you, but his building up approaching a climax so many times, that is what wore me out. It is like watching an Alfred Hitchcock thriller when the needle gets stuck and you repeat the build-up over and over again. Whoooo, Lordy mercy! I am worn out and I need some oxygen now!:001_tongue:

He has a nice body that either comes from lifting bales of hay or he is a gym rat. Regardless, he has a nicer than average body. Probably he will be a one-timer, but we definitely have had a lot worse than Steve. With his nice body, that only served to emphasize further his puffy, sleep-deprived eyes resulting from "burning the candle at both ends", no doubt.

If he never returns to Broke Straight Boys, I wish him well. Just don't let that candle flame get too close to your backdoor or get a tatoo declairing "Highly Flamable Area - Exercise CAUTION when backing up!



I agree totally, Stimpy. The first few times I thought he was getting close, I kept looking at the scene time and thought what else is going to happen in this scene if he cums now. Loved your analogy in the first paragraph.

Some people have congenitally puffy eyes and maybe that's the case here. Or I thought maybe he was crying really hard before the shoot thinking how awful his plight that he needs to do gay porn for money - lol!! Hopefully, though, it's nothing serious, just sleep deprivation.
