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South Carolina Pride - September 12, 2009


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
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Orlando Florida
We are happy to join Columbia, SC in celebrating Pride this year.
This is our first year doing this event and we are happy to be joining PTs 1109 on Saturday evening for our after party. Stop by our booth during the day and say hello. Don't forget to ask us for a Broke Straight Boys shirt and the most recent issue of the JustUsBoys Magazine. After pride, join us at PTs 1109 where we will be giving out free Broke Straight Boys DVDs.
Not to sound paranoid but what happed to Patrick?
South Carolina Pride

Hey! I look forward to seeing everyone out at SC Pride! Come by the booth and see me and get a tattoo! We will be giving out shirts and other goodies as well! Ill see you guys next weekend!
South Carolina Pride

Hey Mark and Members!

Today was a real eye opener for me. We went to the parade and the whole time i was yelled at by protesters!! I am not one to lose my temper but he almost made me reach my boiling point.... i eventually had to go! He compared me to a dog.. I am still trying to figure that one out?? any ideas?? The protesters were yelling that it was illegal and i thought it was halarious that there were cop cars in the parade throwing out beads lol so i wanted to go back over there and ask mrs who ever her name is why were the cops in the parade lol?? Then this guy told me that he cant even let his kids go in bathrooms because the gays in the bathroom, i just had to laugh that one off.. i only hated to tell him he is the one doing the reach unders in those stalls haha ha ha .... After the parade we went to our booth. I completely admired that such a small town can pull off such a successful event, we had a great day in the park. We say Tiffany, Frenchie Davis, and Ongina from Ru Paul Drag Race. Now we are off to a place called PT's 1109 to give away some porn!!

Broke Jace
Hey Mark and Members!

Today was a real eye opener for me. We went to the parade and the whole time i was yelled at by protesters!! Laters,
Broke Jace

Hi Jace and let me first say thanks for hanging in there and giving your support. It is a shame that you had to see that but more of a shame that any one has to see it. Unfortunately it is something that the people on our side of the fence have been living with all of our lives. I will say that things have gotten much better then it used to be and it looks like we may have a bright future but there is still a long way to go. The good news is supposedly some senator is going to introduce a bill soon to over turn DOMA. It will be a miracle if it makes it through but at least we are gaining visibility. Anyway thanks again, hang in there and just keep doing that thing you do.
Wow Jace that is nuts. I went to the Matthew Shepard funeral and had to deal with those crazy church folk protesting a funeral. Mark

Wow Mark you were at the actual funeral? AS you look back now that had to be a moving experience. I have always wanted to go to the site by the fence but dont know where it is. That dam crazy Phelps and his church wants to put a sign in the city park saying how many days Matt has been in hell. If I ever find myself in the same area as the reverend Phelps I cant guarentee that a terible accident wont happen.
Hey Guys,

Last night was great! We defenetly had the crowd at PT's. There was standing room only! I want to thank those members who came out. Those of you who didnt make this pride, i hope to see you at a future one! We had a great time this weekend and I really enjoyed everyones hospitality! It is time to get up and shower now, and I get to go eat pizza, which is my fav food!!

Broke Jace
Everybody go check out a website called Godhatesshrimp.com it will make you feel much better
Wow Jace that is nuts. I went to the Matthew Shepard funeral and had to deal with those crazy church folk protesting a funeral. They had signs that said Matt burn in hell etc, it was horrible. I don't understand how anyone could hate so much.


That's so great that you attended his funeral Mark. What a way to show support for our community. I had the pleasure about 2 years ago of meeting and chatting with Matthew's mother Judy Shepard. What a lovely woman! She had come to the University of South Florida to speak on behalf of tolerance for gays and minorities. She is a school teacher herself and a good speaker.

One of the more poignant moments was when she described having to tell her younger son and only other child that his big brother was dying. Matt was unconscious and terribly brain damaged. His skull was crushed in so badly from repeated blows that it was not survivable. When she first saw him in the hospital bed he wasn't recognizable to them at first. She said that one of his swollen eye sockets showed a trace of the blue of his eye. She looked at his eye but it showed no sign of life behind it. The doctors told the family that his blood pressure was dropping and that he didn't have much longer. A matter of hours or less.

Judy asked her younger son if he wanted some time to go into the hospital room and say goodbye. He was only about 14. At first he said no. He couldn't do it. As it became obvious that Matt could go at any moment he changed his mind. Judy said that she watched through the window as her younger son very slowly went into the room by himself. Their last private moments together as brothers. This poor young boy who had an older brother and was the baby of the family, would soon be an only child. The heartbreak the whole family endured was immense.

Then of course they had to endure the reverend phelps. He had all these protesters out there at the funeral with pictures of Matthew's face plastered over pictures of red flames saying "BURN IN HELL MATT!" And "GOD HATES FAGS".

What a jerk.
That's so great that you attended his funeral Mark. What a way to show support for our community. I had the pleasure about 2 years ago of meeting and chatting with Matthew's mother Judy Shepard. What a lovely woman! She had come to the University of South Florida to speak on behalf of tolerance for gays and minorities. She is a school teacher herself and a good speaker.

One of the more poignant moments was when she described having to tell her younger son and only other child that his big brother was dying. Matt was unconscious and terribly brain damaged. His skull was crushed in so badly from repeated blows that it was not survivable. When she first saw him in the hospital bed he wasn't recognizable to them at first. She said that one of his swollen eye sockets showed a trace of the blue of his eye. She looked at his eye but it showed no sign of life behind it. The doctors told the family that his blood pressure was dropping and that he didn't have much longer. A matter of hours or less.

Judy asked her younger son if he wanted some time to go into the hospital room and say goodbye. He was only about 14. At first he said no. He couldn't do it. As it became obvious that Matt could go at any moment he changed his mind. Judy said that she watched through the window as her younger son very slowly went into the room by himself. Their last private moments together as brothers. This poor young boy who had an older brother and was the baby of the family, would soon be an only child. The heartbreak the whole family endured was immense.

Then of course they had to endure the reverend phelps. He had all these protesters out there at the funeral with pictures of Matthew's face plastered over pictures of red flames saying "BURN IN HELL MATT!" And "GOD HATES FAGS".

What a jerk.

Jerk? MONSTER! Isn't this the same asshole that goes to service men's funerals protesting that they are defending gay people when they fight in wars? There is a group of motorcycle riders who go to military men's funerals to protect the family from this horror. I haven't heard of him going to a service woman's funeral to do the same. Telling? Evil bastard!

That is NOT Christianity! I wonder who is going to Hell? If there is one, I know who I would send...............
The question here is what should be our response to these "crazies"? Are we going to be like the Jews in WW II and wait until they start throwing us into the gas ovens before we do something? I feel that by doing nothing only embodens these crazies so that they may even show up at one of our gatherings. Wasn't there a quote from a old movie that goes like: Put your faith in God but put your sword in your enemy's belly.
How bout some pics from the event?!! ;o)


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As you can see, it was another eventful trip.
Notice the guy checkin' out Jace's ass? lol


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