About the Seven Churches
The History of the Churches
The churches are seven different types of people who have different gifts and traps. It takes these seven different types of people to create a working society. We call them churches, but they can also be referred to as archetypes, clans, or tribes. They are "ways of being or giftedness". Each of the seven churches has attributes and gifts that none of the other churches have so readily at hand. Each church has a musical note, a color, a stone, and even a day of the week.
Of all the ancient cities, Smyrna, or “Old Smyrna” is the only city still standing. Today, it is the largest city and commercial center in Turkey renamed Izmir. A thriving port on the Aegean Sea, this ancient city was built surrounding the Pagos mountain. Because of its hilltop splendor, it was known as the crown of Smyrna. The healing ointment of Myrrh is associated with Red, or the church of Smyrna.
SMYRNA is the first church. This church is female in nature and as female it is intuitive. The people of this church have a gift for teaching others to see the truth in themselves. The faith they call forth in others opens the door to that of insight. They know things without being told and have faith in what they know. They lead others to a better place in life, from darkness to light. Where they go, others follow. They are always being enlightened with God's love for them and others.
The trap that is for them is made by themselves. They will speak of themselves as unworthy. They will listen to the lies of others about them and believe it is so. They will lose union with their gift and sleep though they are awake. In this sleep, they are truly lost for they can't lead and they will not follow. For them to awaken, they must listen to what God is telling them and know the power they are.
The church of SMYRNA takes the role of leader or a pathfinder. The way that they do this is through the gifts that they are and their attributes. The attributes of Smyrna are illumination, faith, intuition and the balance between love and wisdom. They are truly ministers of justice and keepers of the peace. They are physical in nature and know the true meaning of oneness and faith. This gives them their driving force of courage and heroism in all that they do. Their color is RED and like the color red, they stand out in a crowd. The stone that vibrates with their frequency is ruby. The musical note for this church is G and their day is Sunday.
EPHESUS - Orange
The name of this ancient city Ephesus means "desirable". It was the best port or harbor in the world being one of the main commercial centers known as the light of Asia. The Temple of Diana, located here, was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and made this city famous. The city was known for the Priest and Priestesses dedicated to prostitution and in service to the Temple. Today, archeologists are rediscovering the beauty of Ephesus because the Romans built a city in and around Ephesus and in this instance did not destroy the original city. The brick paved streets built by the Greeks show the ruts of Roman Chariots and the metal rings used to access the Roman aqueduct running under the city.
EPHESUS is the second church. This church is female in nature and as female, it is a mother to all. This church has been called the church of Mary. Like the Mother of Jesus, their gift is the uplifting of others. The men and women of this church are people of divine love. Their joy is giving of themselves for the happiness of others. They can see the divine light that shines in everyone and everything. They speak of it freely, wanting God's children to play and find the joy of life. They will support others in their work and will defend the greatness of those they love.
There is a trap for them in their very nature that they must be watchful of. Their desire to lift everyone and everything up to its true magnificence is the nectar of life for them. They may find themselves as a butterfly fluttering from one flower to the next being lost in the excitement of the flight. As an old bride to a new spouse, the fire of the moment burns with passion and the children are forgotten. They forget the gifts they are and look to what they do to make them worthy. This church thinks it has need to suffer and do penance if all does not go well. Their freedom rests in the gifts they are and only when they see this will they give to themselves. The gift to themselves opens their hearts to the divine love they hold.
EPHESUS is the church of the advocator and is truly a defender of divine love. Through a motherly love, it wants only the best for others. They are instructors of heathy living and experiencing the fullness of life. This church is emotional, generous and forgiving. It embraces duality by being able to see both sides of anything. Their color is ORANGE and the stones vibrating with its frequency are orange sapphire and orange calcite or carnelian. The musical note for this church is E and their day of the week is Monday.
In ancient times, Pergamum was situated on the lofty hills. The name Pergamum means height, tower, lofty and was known as the exalted city. This church is of the higher mind or the intellect; higher learning, higher thinking. Homer and Herodotus studied and wrote there because of its great library. The city was situated so that there was only one way in, thereby safeguarding the residents. The same is true of the people of this church. They are seekers of truth and there is only one way to reach them, through their mind.
PERGAMUM is the third church. This church is male in nature and seeks truth and knowledge to give to his children. Like a father who will find light to guide the way for his children in the darkness, this church is the one that makes the maps. Into uncharted territory he will explore the best paths lest his children should come to harm. Of all the churches, this church will find the truth in the most cunning of lies. The sum of all wisdom is at their beck and call and that which is true, they will find.
The trap for those of this church is lack of faith in themselves. It is their desire to be certain of what they say is true and THAT will be their undoing. They become internal and lose the reason for their work and their gift is lost to them. They will give bits and pieces of the truth until not even they can put them together again to make sense. The way out of this trap is for them to give themselves the gift of natural knowing, to connect to their own consciousness and reason. That is the gift that will set them free.
PERGAMUM is the church of the higher mind or the intellect. Of this church come philosophers, conscious thought, natural knowing and seekers of truth. They are holders of great knowledge and will reason out any sums. This church is mental in nature and in their thinking lies divine creativity. Their color is YELLOW and the stone vibrating with their frequency is yellow sapphire or calcite and yellow topaz. Their musical note is D and their day is Tuesday.
SARDIS - Green
Sardis was the capital city of the ancient province of Lydia. It's people were very successful in the fields of commerce and economics. As inventors of the coined money, they thought that their city was secure and protected as there was only one entrance to the city, through a very steep ingress. Eventually however, the city was destroyed and all was lost.
SARDIS is the fourth church. This church is also male in nature and those of this church are drawn to cure things. That which is bent, they will make straight and that which is broken, they will mend. They are truly the healers of the churches in the works they do. Their work consumes them and is nourishment for them.
The trap that they fall into is that they begin to feed on the gift they have. They become their task and are lost in the drunkenness of their authority, only to find themselves empty and alone. The path out of this trap is to give from nothing save for the love of God. The power that they have comes from God alone and no other can fill it. This is the gift they have and must give to themselves.
SARDIS is known as the church of the healers. Those of this church are of a willingness to give of themselves to others. They teach awareness and divine wisdom. They bring enlightenment and insight. Their knowledge is mystical and can heal both physical and mechanical. They are at peace in the spiritual sense and are in touch with their five senses and through this, they bring the health of all around. GREEN is the color of their vibrations. The stones equal to this are emerald, kyanite and fluorite. The musical note that vibrates to their essence is A. Their day is Wednesday.