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Share some of those " 'AWWW' Moments"....


BSB Addict
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Castle Rock, CO
I thought I would start this thread, to try and get some happiness in the world, to show that all is not bitter, and vendictive. I hope others add to it, and enjoy!:wink:
Awwww... Shit Bob. I spent the whole week trying not to cry about the fact that my oldest went to high school and my baby went to middle school last week. Damn if I'm not sitting here with tears streaming down my cheeks.... ugh. That was so awwwwww inspiring... even if I hate that sappy animal stuff in theory. I'm such a wimp....
i had a stressful encounter with a customer service department.
when it was over, my friend said to me, 'becoming emotionally invested didn't affect the outcome, it just effected your experience.'
he was right.
find the humor in the situation and remain calm.
it makes for a better day for everyone. all i could say was aww.
i had a stressful encounter with a customer service department.
when it was over, my friend said to me, 'becoming emotionally invested didn't affect the outcome, it just effected your experience.'
he was right.
find the humor in the situation and remain calm.
it makes for a better day for everyone. all i could say was aww.
here's an aww moment. just read a thread entitled dear bobby.
no matter what stress is in his life, support of fans and friends can't hurt.

love me when you think i least deserve it, because that's when i most need it.
here's an aww moment. just read a thread entitled dear bobby.
no matter what stress is in his life, support of fans and friends can't hurt.

love me when you think i least deserve it, because that's when i most need it.

This is the kind of love we all want. Thanks for sharing. It really speaks to me.
As I grow older, I have come to realize that in relationships especially those in long-term relationships, it's not always about me. I learned that loving means having to forego my personal wants for harmony in the family. It means a little more understanding and little less demanding. In the end, there is peace and little more love to go around for everyone involved in the family.
thanks for reminding me of clip. the message doesn't get old.
"true friendship last a lifetime".
Although it's a bit late now, it was mentioned to me that the video over on "I love this kid" (a fairly obvious AWWW moment) should have been posted here.

This thread is such a good idea. I'm a big time choker-up: movies with weep moments almost always catch me just were they want me; witnessing little real-time stories of kindness unfold in a waiting room can cause the magazine I'm browsing through to blur up a little. Sunsets. Ladysmith Black Mombaza. Pachelbel. Kids on a talent show who look the least promising as they're introduced but who turn out to have beautiful voices when they open their mouths to sing also do the trick. Thanks Bob.
while listening to a radio program called "only a game", a story was told of a young refreshment server at the football stadium in san diego, who tripped and all the money she was carrying went everywhere. the people in the upper level yelled down 'that's the server's money!'
she got back all the money she was carrying.
that's an aww! moment.
HELL yeah!! :thumbup:
Stories like This is EXACTLY why I decided to create this thread, especially given the current state of the US/world!

while listening to a radio program called "only a game", a story was told of a young refreshment server at the football stadium in san diego, who tripped and all the money she was carrying went everywhere. the people in the upper level yelled down 'that's the server's money!'
she got back all the money she was carrying.
that's an aww! moment.