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Sexiest actors...


BSB Addict
Feb 4, 2013
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Being new here, I don't know if anybody ever made a thread this. If someone did, then I'm sorry.

If not, here's my question to you:
Who are the sexies actors for you?
Who does it for you?

I'll get the ball rolling:
James McAvoy (he just pushes all of my buttons and that scene in 'Atonement' in the library... HOT!!)
Michael Fassbender (everything about the man oozes sex!! And 'Shame', anyone?)
Ryan Gosling (damn, that love scene in 'The Notebook')
Ryan Reynolds
Alex Pettyfer

There's a lot more but that's your turn!!
Being new here, I don't know if anybody ever made a thread this. If someone did, then I'm sorry.

If not, here's my question to you:
Who are the sexies actors for you?
Who does it for you?

I'll get the ball rolling:
James McAvoy (he just pushes all of my buttons and that scene in 'Atonement' in the library... HOT!!)
Michael Fassbender (everything about the man oozes sex!! And 'Shame', anyone?)
Ryan Gosling (damn, that love scene in 'The Notebook')
Ryan Reynolds
Alex Pettyfer

There's a lot more but that's your turn!!

I'll call you and raise you with:
Vigor Mortenson
Ewin McGreggor
or any guy with a dick that is breathing (okay I have low standards, but at least I have standards!):thumbup:
I'll call you and raise you with:
Vigor Mortenson
Ewin McGreggor
or any guy with a dick that is breathing (okay I have low standards, but at least I have standards!):thumbup:

Haha... Great choices!! I love Viggo and I have a soft spot for brits, scots like Ewan!

How about:
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Colin Farrell...


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Andrew Garfield, Alex Pettyfer, Robert Pattinson... and also what you guys and girls already said. There are so many to chose from though lol.
Robert Redford (in his prime); Brad Pitt; George Clooney; Alex Pettyfer; Channing Tatum; Henry Cavill; Jonathan Rhys Meyer; Matt Bomer; Stephen Amell; Colin Farrell; Bradley Cooper; Chace Crawford; ...and that's just off the top of this 'ole queen's head. More later - lol!!!

Robert Redford (in his prime); Brad Pitt; George Clooney; Alex Pettyfer; Channing Tatum; Henry Cavill; Jonathan Rhys Meyer; Matt Bomer; Stephen Amell; Colin Farrell; Bradley Cooper; Chace Crawford; ...and that's just off the top of this 'ole queen's head. More later - lol!!!


I agree with all of the above!! I can't believe I forgot to mention Matt Bomer, Henry Cavill, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Jeremy Rnner, Kris Holden-Ried, Ian Somerhalder (Been a fan since Young Americans!), Jamie Bamber, benedict Cumberbatch, Joseph Gordon-Levitt...
Damn, the list is really long!
Andrew Garfield, Alex Pettyfer, Robert Pattinson... and also what you guys and girls already said. There are so many to chose from though lol.

I love Andrew and Robert Pattinson is so HOT!!!! Btw, Blake reminds of Rob sometimes in the way he smiles and in his demeanor...
I love ryan reynolds also jared padalecki, johnny depp, leonardo, ashton kutcher, matt dylan and warren beatty circa 1970.
Oh yeah Eric Balfour has the perfect body and he's a leftie, which I love!!!
And he's a sweetheat!
I love ryan reynolds also jared padalecki, johnny depp, leonardo, ashton kutcher, matt dylan and warren beatty circa 1970.

Oh yeah, and Jensen too! Love me some Jared and Jensen!
go back twenty years and remember Mr. Pitt's buttocks (movie with Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis) and Kevin Bacon dancing in those jeans all Foot loose (sp?). Works for me in my little dream world.
Robert Redford (in his prime); Brad Pitt; George Clooney; Alex Pettyfer; Channing Tatum; Henry Cavill; Jonathan Rhys Meyer; Matt Bomer; Stephen Amell; Colin Farrell; Bradley Cooper; Chace Crawford; ...and that's just off the top of this 'ole queen's head. More later - lol!!!


Holy shit, you've had these guys on the "top of this 'ole queen's head!" Fuck, do tell.....:scared:
Oh yeah Eric Balfour has the perfect body and he's a leftie, which I love!!!
And he's a sweetheat!

Wow, "c(k)indred cunts," I love lefties too! It began in 6th grade with a really hot male teacher I had (I wish). He was my Social Studies teacher and one day he taught us (don't know why) about doing CPR. Okay, this was back in the 70's. We all took turns "practicing" on each other. Then he asked who would like to practice with him; I could not have ran faster to the table....it's still one of my "go to" memories!