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Sean and Santos HOT!


Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Some of ya'll seem to not agree, but I think it was a sexy scene. Santos knows how to fuck. He gave it to the str8 boi. U cant exspect these "str8" boi's to take it so easily. I think they did an awesome job. Then again, if we all agreed on the same shit, this would be less interesting. I want to see more of Santos. Can't wait to see how he takes it :001_rolleyes:
Some of ya'll seem to not agree, but I think it was a sexy scene. Santos knows how to fuck. He gave it to the str8 boi. U cant exspect these "str8" boi's to take it so easily. I think they did an awesome job. Then again, if we all agreed on the same shit, this would be less interesting. I want to see more of Santos. Can't wait to see how he takes it :001_rolleyes:
You are right bskin, that "if we all agreed on the same shit" the forum, and the world would be a hell of a lot less interesting. And you are not alone in enjoying the scene, as it currently is rated at 4.8, not a great score, but obviously more folks enjoyed it, than admitted it on the forum, but I'm sure there are tons of members who never post.

By the way, bskin, that's a very nice photo album of yourself on your home page :thumbup:. I used to think that fans of porn were all like me, older gay men, but I've discovered fans of all ages, nationalities, sexual persuasion, and gender.
You are right bskin, that "if we all agreed on the same shit" the forum, and the world would be a hell of a lot less interesting. And you are not alone in enjoying the scene, as it currently is rated at 4.8, not a great score, but obviously more folks enjoyed it, than admitted it on the forum, but I'm sure there are tons of members who never post.

By the way, bskin, that's a very nice photo album of yourself on your home page :thumbup:. I used to think that fans of porn were all like me, older gay men, but I've discovered fans of all ages, nationalities, sexual persuasion, and gender.

I think the rating system is a bit, odd... mathematically speaking.
Some of ya'll seem to not agree, but I think it was a sexy scene. Santos knows how to fuck. He gave it to the str8 boi. U cant exspect these "str8" boi's to take it so easily. I think they did an awesome job. Then again, if we all agreed on the same shit, this would be less interesting. I want to see more of Santos. Can't wait to see how he takes it :001_rolleyes:

I just hope David is the director to this new "Episode"
Santos is a Hot! boy. I love his killer smile.
I agree totally ..he knows how to FUCK and ROUGH(Hard) too.
Its all good
You are right bskin, that "if we all agreed on the same shit" the forum, and the world would be a hell of a lot less interesting. And you are not alone in enjoying the scene, as it currently is rated at 4.8, not a great score, but obviously more folks enjoyed it, than admitted it on the forum, but I'm sure there are tons of members who never post.

By the way, bskin, that's a very nice photo album of yourself on your home page :thumbup:. I used to think that fans of porn were all like me, older gay men, but I've discovered fans of all ages, nationalities, sexual persuasion, and gender.

Haha... Thanks mikeyank. I definitely love me some porn. If you like my pics, you should check jonny831. HE IS SEXY!!!! It's nice to know that he's in Cali and I'm in Seattle. That's not to far right!? lol... Naw, you older guys aren't the only ones that like to watch porn :) I enjoy every second of it.
Well judging by the other thread I wasn't going to watch this one, but in the end as there was so much hype I thought wtf. Glad I watched it and I'm posting on this one because I liked it and gave it a 5. I am now going to jump across to the other thread and make some comments on their comments.
Some of ya'll seem to not agree, but I think it was a sexy scene. Santos knows how to fuck. He gave it to the str8 boi. U cant exspect these "str8" boi's to take it so easily. I think they did an awesome job. Then again, if we all agreed on the same shit, this would be less interesting. I want to see more of Santos. Can't wait to see how he takes it :001_rolleyes:

I agree,i'd love to see more of HOTT SANTOS
I think Santos is hot as hell- he's game for anything, has a good attitude, and yes i love how he give it to Sean in the ass. Was kinda mean too - well what can i say i like that. The way he popped the head of his dick in and out of Sean's ass - he must have known that hurts. And he did it again and again. With that 'what, me?" cute boyish smile - one of my favorites here. And he's hung more than 7 1/2 as he says ...
I remember when this scene first came out. Their was a lot of controversy regarding how Sean was being to "roughed up" and he wanted to stop, but David made him continue. David did post in response to everyones comments that Sean requested that the scene be rough! I liked both of the models so this was a great scene for me. Sean has that young Matt Dillon look and to me thats hot.
Yeah after I posted today I found that other thread of controversy about this scene and definitely feel a bit politicaly incorrect. But I think there was a LOT of overreaction about this - Sean did agree, yes it was rough, yes Santos was aggressive, but Sean could have spoken up at any time and stopped it. And come on this is a porn site about Broke Straight Boys - it's not the waltons. It's supposed to be edgy. And I miss Dave - what happened to him? does he have a new site?
Yeah after I posted today I found that other thread of controversy about this scene and definitely feel a bit politicaly incorrect. But I think there was a LOT of overreaction about this - Sean did agree, yes it was rough, yes Santos was aggressive, but Sean could have spoken up at any time and stopped it. And come on this is a porn site about Broke Straight Boys - it's not the waltons. It's supposed to be edgy. And I miss Dave - what happened to him? does he have a new site?

Hey there, I sent you a private message. Thanks, Beth
I remember when this scene first came out. Their was a lot of controversy regarding how Sean was being to "roughed up" and he wanted to stop, but David made him continue. David did post in response to everyones comments that Sean requested that the scene be rough! I liked both of the models so this was a great scene for me. Sean has that young Matt Dillon look and to me thats hot.
After reading the latest posts to this thread, I am going to watch this scene again tonight. Santos reminds me a lot of a kid that I had a huge crush on, and I liked this scene a lot.

And as I recall Peter, the "other thread" was one of the most contentious that I can ever recall on Broke Straight Boys Talk about a mob mentality. It seemed like half of the forum was ready to tar and feather poor David, and he was accused of standing by while a model was raped.

He did explain that both models asked for a "rough sex" scene. Let this be a lesson that what we think that we are seeing in a scene is not necessarily exactly what really happened.

This is a fantasy sex site, not a documentary site.