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Russia: New anti gay propaganda law in effect


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
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[h=2]Russia Anti-Gay Bill: Russia Passes Radical Family Values Bill While President Announces Divorce On TV [/h]Russia's lower house of parliament passed a law against the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" (i.e. propaganda from "the gays"). The vote was of 436 in favor, 0 against. You could argue that the bill could have been more homophobic, since its original title was the law against "homosexual propaganda." The law against "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations," which the bill's defenders defined as "relations not conducive to procreation," is a step in the right direction, I guess.

But if you suspect the legislation will not be applied to heterosexual couples who cannot or choose not to have biological children of their own, you are correct. The law imposes significant fines of up to $31,000 for providing information about the LGBT community to minors, holding gay pride events, speaking in defense of gay rights, or equating gay and heterosexual relationships. In a truly egalitarian and internationalist spirit, the bill applies to Russians and foreigners alike, as well as media organizations.

Applying the invaluable English-class lesson that it's better to show than tell, Russia not only passed homophobic legislation (telling) but engaged in homophobia in its violent response to the valiant few protesting the bill (showing). Before the vote, some LGBT Russians staged a kiss-in to protest the bill. Some of the hundreds of Russians protesting in favor of the bill hurled eggs and other objects at them, sang Russian Orthodox songs, chanted "Moscow is not Sodom!" and beat the kissers. Luckily the police were there to ... detain the LGBT protesters!
read more: http://www.policymic.com/articles/4...-bill-while-president-announces-divorce-on-tv
[h=1]Russian 'anti-gay propaganda law' won't be enforced at Sochi 2014 Olympics[/h]The Russian law against “gay propaganda” is not going to apply to the participants and guests of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, a top lawmaker said.

“The Olympics is a major international event. Our task is to be as politically correct and tolerant as we can be. That’s why we made the decision not to raise this issue during the Games,” Interfax news agency cites said Igor Ananskikh, the head of the Russian Duma Committee on physical training, sports and youth, as saying.

Ananskikh’s statement contradicts comments made by Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko on Thursday, who said no concessions would be made to foreign athletes and visitors to the Sochi Olympics.
read more: http://rt.com/news/russia-olympics-gay-law-948/
[h=1]Russia will enforce anti-gay law during Olympics[/h]Russia will enforce a new law cracking down on gay rights activism when it hosts international athletes and fans during the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, the country's sports minister said Thursday, appearing to contradict assurances to the contrary from the International Olympic Committee.Russia's contentious law was signed by President Vladimir Putin in late June, imposing fines on individuals accused of spreading "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" to minors, and even proposing penalties for those who express these views online or in the news media. Gay pride rallies also are banned.
"An athlete of nontraditional sexual orientation isn't banned from coming to Sochi," Vitaly Mutko said in an interview with R-Sport, the sports newswire of state news agency RIA Novosti. "But if he goes out into the streets and starts to propagandize, then of course he will be held accountable."
read more: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-enforce-anti-gay-law-during-olympics-114212670.html
Dutch Filmmakers Jailed Under Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Law

July 24 Even foreigners are not safe from Russia’s anti-gay laws: four Dutch tourists filming a documentary were arrested for allegedly promoting homosexuality to children.

According to the Huffington Post, the tourists arrived in mid-July to the city of Murmansk to make a film about the gay community living there. On July 21, police raided an LGBT group gathered at a local community center where the filmmakers were conducting a seminar, arresting group chairman Kris van der Veen, as well as a camerawoman, a sound technician and a female student.

Police was then able to detain the tourists based on interview footage of a 17-year-old the filmmakers had gathered; the teen had allegedly told the tourists that he was an adult.

Under the country’s “homosexual propaganda” law, anyone giving minors information regarding homosexuality can be put in jail. Foreigners can be detained for up to 14 days.
read more: http://southfloridagaynews.com/arti...ailed-under-russias-gay-propaganda-law/126416

The filmed material got confiscated, the Dutch got a fine, were expelled and received a travel ban to Russia for three years.
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Lady Gaga, Madonna Facing Punishment in Russia

Pop stars Lady Gaga and Madonna are facing punishment in Russia after authorities determined they violated their visas when they held concerts there last year.
Technically, the artists were not allowed to work in Russia on their tourist visas, but experts say it appears the visa warning is a veiled attempt punish the pop stars for their vocal support of gay rights in Russia.
The investigation into their visas came at the urging of a lawmaker who has spearheaded Russia’s anti-gay campaign.

“The Russian government is sending a shot across the bow to Lady Gaga, Madonna, and other performers who are taking up gay rights in Russia,” said Paul Saunders, the executive director of the Center for the National Interest.
During concerts in St. Petersburg last year, both Lady Gaga and Madonna denounced the city’s harsh anti-gay law from the stage.
“Tonight, this is my house Russia. You can be gay in my house,” Lady Gaga said during her performance in December.

A few months earlier, Madonna made similar comments during her concert.
“Gay people here and all around the world have the same rights,” she said.
Those comments have landed the pop stars in hot water in Russia. The two have been accused of spreading what the law calls “gay propaganda” under St. Petersburg’s anti-gay law.
The law makes it illegal to even speak about homosexuality around minors. The measure has been popular in Russia, a country where homosexuals are often the target of violence. It has been so popular, in fact, the law was adopted nationally in June. Violators, including foreigners, face fines, deportation, and even jail.
read more: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/entertainment/2013/08/lady-gaga-madonna-facing-punishment-in-russia/


Putin and his parliament have just passed one of the harshest anti-gay laws in the modern industrialized world. It officially bans any gay pride celebrations. It outlaws anything that could be considered a public endorsement of "non-traditional" sexual relationships. As the English-speaking announcer mentioned later during the parade, the new Russian law is written so broadly that it could include acts as simple as two men kissing in public. The law also includes punishments all the way up to imprisonment. Many attempts at gay pride parades or rallies in Moscow and St. Petersburg have ended up with the police coming in and bludgeoning the participants. This new law has the intent of putting gay rights in Russia back into the 19th century. :/

It will be interesting indeed to see how things play out at the Olympics in Sochi. Many LGBT athlete's and allies will likely use a huge international forum and spotlight such as this, to protest the new Russian law. If and when they do, they risk fines and jail time.
It will be interesting indeed to see how things play out at the Olympics in Sochi. Many LGBT athlete's and allies will likely use a huge international forum and spotlight such as this, to protest the new Russian law. If and when they do, they risk fines and jail time.

I think a boycott is necessary, just as what happened in the Moscow Olympic games.
From Russia with hate

Hang out a Rainbow flag in Russia? That can cost you a fine up to 23.000 euro.

Walking hand in hand on the street? Fine 2500 euro.

Education about homosexual behavior on schools? Fine 12.500 euro

No gay kisses in Russia... Many gay couples plan to leave Russia now.

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IOC using ‘quiet diplomacy’ with Russia over anti-gay legislation: official

Aug 5, 2013
London: IOC presidential candidate Ng Ser Miang says the Olympic body is engaged in “quiet diplomacy” with Russian leaders to make sure next year’s Winter Games in Sochi are not affected by the country’s new anti-gay legislation.

Ng, an IOC vice president from Singapore, says the International Olympic Committee is in talks with “the highest authority” in Russia to avert any problems for athletes and visitors. He predicts there will be a “good solution” and the issue will be resolv’ed “to the satisfaction of all.”

Ng says Russia has invested heavily in the Sochi Olympics and will want to make sure the games are a success. He says calls for a boycott
are “misplaced.”

Ng is one of six candidates to succeed Jacques Rogge, who steps down as IOC president next month after 12 months in office.
source: http://www.firstpost.com/sports/ioc...er-anti-gay-legislation-official-1012293.html
I can only imagine how the whispered conversations are playing out in men's figure skating lockerrooms the world over. Has the world ever fielded a pool of international male figure skaters that wasn't at least 50% gay? Including opposite sex partners in doubles' competitions? Even many of the retired figure skating champs who work as commentators for the Olympics are gay. Johnny Weir is also likely to compete. On top of being a Russophile who loves Russian culture and has tried his best to learn the language...he is also an outspoken, flamboyant and effeminate gay man who's as queer as a $3 bill. I can only imagine how conflicted he is feeling about what Russian lawmakers have done.

And that's just one sport of many that will be impacted by this ruling.
A picture worthy of a thousand words!

Dear Robert,

Must every "paranoid security-freak quasi-politician" have to take after our own Herbert Hoover - FBI Chief. I guess he feels that HH left some unfinished business in the Bureau, a kind of legacy in this twisted world left for a self-hating individual like Putin to accomplish.


PS These photos you included are $imply pricele$$!
The UK GLBT are trying to get the Government to get the UK team to withdraw from the Moscow games. However, David Cameron has backed down in favour of rhetoric. Damn that word..

The BBC are reporting that relations between the US and Russia are getting as bad as they were during the Cold War, since Putin gained power once more last year.
This is why I call for a pro-equality one-world govt. even though most would disagree.
An Open Letter to David Cameron and the IOC

By Stephen Fry
August 7th, 2013


Dear Prime Minister, M Rogge, Lord Coe and Members of the International Olympic Committee,

I write in the earnest hope that all those with a love of sport and the Olympic spirit will consider the stain on the Five Rings that occurred when the 1936 Berlin Olympics proceeded under the exultant aegis of a tyrant who had passed into law, two years earlier, an act which singled out for special persecution a minority whose only crime was the accident of their birth. In his case he banned Jews from academic tenure or public office, he made sure that the police turned a blind eye to any beatings, thefts or humiliations afflicted on them, he burned and banned books written by them. He claimed they “polluted” the purity and tradition of what it was to be German, that they were a threat to the state, to the children and the future of the Reich. He blamed them simultaneously for the mutually exclusive crimes of Communism and for the controlling of international capital and banks. He blamed them for ruining the culture with their liberalism and difference. The Olympic movement at that time paid precisely no attention to this evil and proceeded with the notorious Berlin Olympiad, which provided a stage for a gleeful Führer and only increased his status at home and abroad. It gave him confidence. All historians are agreed on that. What he did with that confidence we all know.

Putin is eerily repeating this insane crime, only this time against LGBT Russians. Beatings, murders and humiliations are ignored by the police. Any defence or sane discussion of homosexuality is against the law. Any statement, for example, that Tchaikovsky was gay and that his art and life reflects this sexuality and are an inspiration to other gay artists would be punishable by imprisonment. It is simply not enough to say that gay Olympians may or may not be safe in their village. The IOC absolutely must take a firm stance on behalf of the shared humanity it is supposed to represent against the barbaric, fascist law that Putin has pushed through the Duma. Let us not forget that Olympic events used not only to be athletic, they used to include cultural competitions. Let us realise that in fact, sport is cultural. It does not exist in a bubble outside society or politics. The idea that sport and politics don’t connect is worse than disingenuous, worse than stupid. It is wickedly, wilfully wrong. Everyone knows politics interconnects with everything for “politics” is simply the Greek for “to do with the people”.
read more at: http://www.stephenfry.com/2013/08/0...vid-cameron-and-the-ioc/#sthash.zWEj3m3Z.dpuf
[h=1]Crisis in Russia - I've signed, can you?[/h]Hi,

Global coverage of the Winter Olympics has just launched, thrusting Russia into the spotlight. That means we have a major chance right now to push world leaders to speak out against the attacks in Russia.

One world leader could really make a difference at this critical moment - the International Olympic Committee. They chose Russia to host the Olympics, despite human rights concerns, and now they’re refusing to speak out against Russia’s anti-gay laws.

If the IOC condemns Russia’s anti-gay laws before the Olympics, it would put huge pressure on President Putin to put an end to them.

Already 200,000 of us have signed a petition to world leaders. When we hit 300,000, every name will be delivered to the International Olympic Committee’s head office in Switzerland in a way they can’t ignore.

Will you join me and sign the petition?
Stephen Fry

The Courage Required To Come Out In Putin's Russia
Journalist Anton Krasovsky has committed a significant act in the small world of Moscow’s elite – he revealed he was gay.

It was January 25, on Kontr TV – a Kremlin-backed Internet and cable television network he helped to launch. The debate focused on the latest initiative of the Kremlin: the adoption by Parliament of a law prohibiting “propaganda” of homosexuality among minors, punishable by fines of up to 12,000 euros. Such measures already exist in rural cities. But ever since its decriminalization in 1993, the Russian government hadn’t organized such an attack on homosexuality – considered by many Russians as a deviancy. A sad legacy of Soviet times.


Aged 37, Krasovsky has frequented the corridors of power for long enough to be immune to sentimentality. That evening, during a show, he dropped a bombshell. He announced that not only was he gay, he was also as human as President Putin, Prime Minister Medvedev and the members of Parliament. He was fired on the spot. Videos of him were deleted from the Kontr TV website and YouTube.
read more: http://www.worldcrunch.com/culture-...exuality-lgbt-moscow-krasovsky-kvir/c3s11414/
Russian anti-gay law backed by pole vault champ Isinbayeva

Criticizes fellow competitors for supporting gays


Pole vault great Yelena Isinbayeva condemned homosexuality Thursday after criticizing fellow competitors who painted their fingernails in rainbow colours to support gays and lesbians in the face of a new anti-gay law in Russia.

The Russian, who won her third world title Tuesday in front of a boisterous home crowd, came out in favour of the law which has drawn sharp criticism and led Western activists to call for a boycott of next year's Winter Olympics in the Russian resort of Sochi.

"If we allow to promote and do all this stuff on the street, we are very afraid about our nation because we consider ourselves like normal, standard people," Isinbayeva, a two-time Olympic champion, said in English. "We just live with boys with woman, woman with boys.

"Everything must be fine. It comes from history. We never had any problems, these problems in Russia, and we don't want to have any in the future."
read more: http://www.cbc.ca/sports/trackandfi...-championships-sweden-emma-green-tregaro.html
U.S. Runner Nick Symmonds Supports Gay Friends While on Russian Soil

This video and accompanying story speaks pretty much for itself. While it's an uplifting story overall it also shows footage of the perils of being a gay citizen in Russia today.
