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Rob Ryder is Retired!


College Dudes Model
BSB Model
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
I forgot to mention to everyone before the hail of gun fire caused by my last scenes on Broke Straight Boys, I officially retired in the middle of December. I hope this will at least allow many of those who are angry, to find a little bit of good in the situation.

The solo and my scene with Kodi are the only one's you have to suffer through LOL

But for those who still like me on College Dudes, here is my last scene:
Tom Faulk Fucks Rob Ryder
Why???? You are VERY successful on College Dudes, why are you retiring? Or are you just going to other studios?:confused1:

I forget how the old saying goes, but something like,

"It is better to leave while you are on top, then to wait for everyone to want you to leave."

At any rate, it is just that time in my life to move onto the next phase, music. The past month that I have been retired has been the best month of my life, I am finally doing things that make me happy and fulfilled.

Don't get me wrong, I am still doing webcam, just no more man sex for Robbie Ryder . . .. .

Except for Jimmy Johnson of course hahaha
You definitely ended on a high not with a terrific performance

I forgot to mention to everyone before the hail of gun fire caused by my last scenes on Broke Straight Boys, I officially retired in the middle of December. I hope this will at least allow many of those who are angry, to find a little bit of good in the situation.

The solo and my scene with Kodi are the only one's you have to suffer through LOL

But for those who still like me on College Dudes, here is my last scene:
Tom Faulk Fucks Rob Ryder

Dear Rob,

You certainly ended on a high note with your last performance on CDudes. Your scene with Tom Faulk was terrific and something I will treasure.


Fear not that you will be missed by many but in all areas of business we know inside when we are no longer on our game and that it is time to go. Take your positives with you into your next endeavor; the major one is that you always were a team player with a good sense of humor and a positive attitude. Employers see these as signs of maturity and a good skill set. My best to you and yours in your future.
A huge "thanks" Rob for all your work, you are a real gentleman! I hope whatever you do next, you always find happiness and a sense of accomplishment. As I always tell my daughter: if you are happy, then you are doing what you should do; if you are not happy, then it's time to try something else. I hope you will visit "the old forum" from time to time; I bet we will have some things you can "pull from" to write about in your songs. Let us know YouTubes, concert dates, etc.. It was a pleasure! Thanks, Beth
Only a tool has no choice

So this is not just a hello... it's a goodbye!

You won't be posting anymore here in the forum either Rob? :scared:
I forgot to mention to everyone before the hail of gun fire caused by my last scenes on Broke Straight Boys, I officially retired in the middle of December. I hope this will at least allow many of those who are angry, to find a little bit of good in the situation.

The solo and my scene with Kodi are the only one's you have to suffer through LOL

But for those who still like me on College Dudes, here is my last scene:
Tom Faulk Fucks Rob Ryder

My dearest Rob,

Go to your earlier thread to see my post containing how I feel about you. I am just too devastated by this news to retype it. But I will add the following:

I'm a 70 year old gay man who came out 24 years ago after having been married for 22 years. I was 47 at the time and while already too old in gay years, fortunately I looked quite a bit younger so I had more than my fair share of openly man on man sex. During my closeted years most of my sex was obviously clandestine and because of that with hustlers and trade the vast majority of whom were straight. There were times when I used escort services and even there a lot of straight guys worked, although I could specify gay guys if I wanted. Thus most of my pre-coming out man on man sex was with straight guys. Even after I came out, while I had man sex with more gay guys, I generally preferred straight guys because of all my years doing them, but by that time I had relationships with some of them and money was no longer involved. And I ended up my last active years with one guy whom I met as a hustler but he gave up that life, got married, had a kid, but we were still lovers.

So now I'm old and tired and as old as Methusaleh in gay years. So it's internet porn for me to satisfy my need for sexual gratification. And I found cdudes and Broke Straight Boys and joined last April, actually joining cdudes a few days or weeks before Broke Straight Boys And on cdudes I found you, Rob. I watched every scene one after the other. And have continued to do so. I loved when you started posting on this forum and I loved all the bts scenes. Yes, it may sound pathetic for an old man, but I had a crush on you, Rob Ryder. I fantasized having sex with you even though most of your scenes were as a bottom and I'm a big 'ole confirmed bottom. Because the one thing I know is that some of the best sex I've had with gay guys is with guys who started out as bottoms but then topped, because they know what a bottom likes. And I figured performing as great a bottom as you did and being straight as well, I could only imagine what it would feel like getting fucked by you.

But now you leave us and my heart is heavy yet happy. Heavy because we will no longer have any new scenes from you especially on cdudes where we have lost so many of the really good guys, e.g. Jack and Carter just to name two. But I'm happy for you because you are taking the next path down your road of life and it is one that I'm sure will be a great part of your life. You knew this job wasn't going to be your life's work but if music is your passion I hope it turns out that music can be.

I hope there is some way you can arrange with Mark to stay in touch with us on the forum to let us know how your music career is progressing.

While I have never met you personally, I feel a real sense of loss with your leaving. But Rob, don't leave thinking you do so on a sour note. Take the criticism here with a grain of salt. What you MUST rermember is that you gave countless hours of great performances which made many people, myself at the top of the list, for whatever their reasons, very happy.

Now to my best of Rob Ryder's scenes: Your last scene with Tom Faulk was very good, but here are my choices ( and it was hard because all of yours are great):

Best raw sex scene: You and Scott Isaac (2nd: You and Cole)

Best erotically romantic scene: You and Jack Griffin

Best cdudes outtake: You and Jack Griffin shooting balls at your assholes. (I also like the Christmas egg nog foreskins outtakes with you, Carter, Logan, and Hayden.) These have both been taken down - do you happen to know why?

Best Broke Straight Boys BTS episodes: All of yours. Your personality really came through in these.

I will miss your performances for sure, but I will miss most the Rob Ryder from those BTS episodes. For there we saw as close to the real person you are.

Hail and farewell my dear Rob.



P.S. Please go to the previous thread you posted to see how I feel about you as an actor.

And whether we shall meet again I know not.
Therefore our everlasting farewell take:
For ever, and for ever, farewell, Rob!
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why then, this parting was well made.

apologies and a nod to the bard.
I forgot to mention to everyone before the hail of gun fire caused by my last scenes on Broke Straight Boys, I officially retired in the middle of December. I hope this will at least allow many of those who are angry, to find a little bit of good in the situation.

The solo and my scene with Kodi are the only one's you have to suffer through LOL

But for those who still like me on College Dudes, here is my last scene:
Tom Faulk Fucks Rob Ryder

Awww Rob, I'm going to miss talking to you on the forums. :down:

But alas, I realize all good things must come to an end.......
At any rate, it is just that time in my life to move onto the next phase, music. The past month that I have been retired has been the best month of my life, I am finally doing things that make me happy and fulfilled.

Don't get me wrong, I am still doing webcam, just no more man sex for Robbie Ryder . . .. .

Except for Jimmy Johnson of course hahaha

Dearest Rob,

On this occasion I want to go back to an older post that I sent you a while back. It was in regards to whether you might make it on to The Real World show and how you felt about people who are fans of your porn work finding out your real name once you became famous. Although I wrote it to show my own true feelings for you...I feel that it speaks to how many of us in here feel about you.

I hope you won't forget the people you've met in here when you reach stardom on the national stage. We've loved you and do love you in here, not because you are a household name from television...or because you're a famous rap artist that we want to claim that we know (just to try to impress other people)... We've loved you and do love you because you are a wonderful young man who has always showed us such kindness and warmth. That's the "Rob" who I will always remember and carry with me as you go on to find your own path in later adulthood and make your mark on the world. A rose by any other name is just as sweet. XO

Rob, I do hope that you will still stay in touch with us in here. Whether you are still doing porn matters not. You are still important and dear to us a person and human being. The best thing I saw on your announcement (on what would seem to be a sad occasion) is that you are doing things now that make you truly happy. That's all any of us want for you. Your happiness and success and fulfillment in life is our happiness too. We wish you only the very best. XO
I forgot to mention to everyone before the hail of gun fire caused by my last scenes on Broke Straight Boys, I officially retired in the middle of December. I hope this will at least allow many of those who are angry, to find a little bit of good in the situation.

The solo and my scene with Kodi are the only one's you have to suffer through LOL

But for those who still like me on College Dudes, here is my last scene:
Tom Faulk Fucks Rob Ryder

Rob, congrats on a very long and very successful run in the business, and may the wind always be at your back!
Don't go Rob... you can change your mind, you know just yell: "DO OVER!" I am a newer member, but I can tell from the body language on Broke Straight Boys that you are really a sweet guy... ever known a gorgeous person that RUINS it by being an asshole? You're not only gorgeous, but we can tell that you're a nice guy - one of the nicest... so change your mind buddy and be the first to fuck Jimmy!
Definitely sad to see you go Rob. Rob is definitely one of my favorite models that I've met. He is very down the earth and a very nice guy. It has been a huge pleasure for all of us to have worked with Rob. I hope you will stay in touch Rob and I wish you the best with your music. I know that is your passion. :)

WHAT?!?!?!?! You're the BEST thing that ever happened to Broke Straight Boys and College Dudes! DAMN! I have always said that if I could "sleep" with
any porn star it would be Rob. You're a freak! And I love it. I mean a freak in bed of the best kind. Shit! This is NUTS! How in the hell did this happen?

Resignation denied

Dear Rob.

Sorry to inform you, however your resignation has not been excepted. Members really want to see - for 8 months now - the blockbuster video Rob vs. Jimmy. And I'm afraid that we members do insist, after waiting so long. In movies dreams suppose to come true.

Is this a threat? Well let's say we (certain members) make Broke Straight Boys an offer they can't refuse. Rob I'm sure that you don't wanna insult the family unnecessary.

Wanted to stop on your top? Sorry to inform you that you failed to reach your and Jimmy's peak by an 8 inches only. You are going nowhere Rob! Don't jump the gun, or do finally jump the gun. How do you Americans say that?
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Rob, Life is a journey. Most of us have many opportunities that we can take advantage of but too often we choose not to take the chance. I salute you in choosing to move on in life. Hopefully, you will never fear change or a new challenge. If you bring the same kind of work ethic and dedication to everything you do, you will have a very exciting and rewarding life. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey with us. I wish you only the very best in whatever you do and hope that you'll keep in touch with some of your old friends here. Job well done, Rob.
Retired? Can an artist truly retire? No one can do the moves you can do, Rob, so why be concern about peaking and then descending. You can take a dick and thrill whoever is on the other end. And that's hard to do especially as often as you have done. Your ass isn't loose, it's still firm and ready to do what it does best. On top with skill to bottom, you have charm and personality - hard traits to find in porn industry. You may retire from the general crowd in the porn business; but somehow I feel that you'll never quite retire as completely as you lead us to believe - you're just too good!
Retired? Can an artist truly retire? No one can do the moves you can do, Rob, so why be concern about peaking and then descending. You can take a dick and thrill whoever is on the other end. And that's hard to do especially as often as you have done. Your ass isn't loose, it's still firm and ready to do what it does best. On top with skill to bottom, you have charm and personality - hard traits to find in porn industry. You may retire from the general crowd in the porn business; but somehow I feel that you'll never quite retire as completely as you lead us to believe - you're just too good!

He said he was still going to do his "flirt4free" chatroom. Maybe you can discuss his "charm" there.:thumbup:
Good Luck!

Hey Rob,
Even though I was indifferent towards your scenes on Broke Straight Boys, I didn't hate them. I thoroughly enjoyed your work on College Dudes and saw everyone of your episodes when I was a member. Good luck on the next rung of your ladder of success! May it be just as successful as your previous rungs! XO:001_wub: