BSB Addict
I'm still awaiting a comment from someone who actually asked for this reputation thing. I vote for getting rid or would that put webmonkeys reputation at risk. 

I thought a "like" button would be nice... Sheesh! I am the devil that spawned this grump fest, I guess.
See LoveLumps, honesty gets rewarded as from today! Added a LIKE
to your post and threw in some Respect points
And there are plenty more where those came from!![]()
Everything I always wanted to know about the new rating system, in one comprehensive post. Welcome, o wise one, with humble respect I bow my head for this precisese information!I'm as confused as almost everyone about this supposedly popularly requested feature.
The other websites that make this "like/dislike" feature available is for polling - similar to the neilsen's rating system the TV networks employ. If your content is well liked or well watched: you become more popular. -
You can demand higher advertising dollars,or, get more advertisers. And if your rating is low, you can re-work your content. And if your reputation remained low, ... ... YOU GET CANNED.
Now, As I see it, Web Monkey's experiment might have an un-intended bottom line: to CAN forumites that generate unpopular/negative reputation.
I have been a member of the Broke Straight Boys site for several months before I decided to join the Forum. I was initially intimidated by it because of the FRANK postings, but at the same time drawn to it because it was OPEN. Even though comments that many have considered to have crossed the line were CENSURED, still, that censure was done OPENLY. As I see it, just like anything in life, lest it's gravely threathening to you, take it or leave it. If what you see or read is not to your liking, take it or skip/ ignore it. But DO NOT remove it for others just might WANT it. As I see it, this is an OPEN FORUM and LIKES and DISLIKES should be expressed openly. If I were to generate a "bad" REPUTATION due to my comments, were it may even lead to my deciding to quit posting or leave the forum, I first need to know WHY?![]()
See I'm not afraid to come out of the closet.
See LoveLumps, honesty gets rewarded as from today! Added a LIKE
to your post and threw in some Respect points
And there are plenty more where those came from!![]()
Dear Ms.K, sorry for the unclear message and confusion. After you approve or disprove postings, credits (aka reputation points), will be added or subtracted. The number of points one has, decides what message appears under the green box (
If you score extreme low, heaven knows what sort of fortune cookie obscenity awaits us... 'you are on the road to no good', 'soon your forum accounts gets deleted'.
If you owe thousands of popular votes here on this forum, before you know it you're worth hard cash just to show yourself on the forum! Get paid as a real Broke Straight Boys.. for your postings.
As I see it, this is an OPEN FORUM and LIKES and DISLIKES should be expressed openly.
Just rewarded you with a LIKE too. See I'm not afraid to come out of the closet. I like science and facts...
Hey, I wasn't afraid to come out of the closet! I've been very busy having a social life! Besides, you outed me! I didn't need to come out!![]()
Hi Forum Mavens!
Ive turned on the reputation system. I think you will enjoy this feature! What does this mean?
You can click the icon near the name (justice icon) and express a like/dislike (approve/disprove) to any individual thread post. Oh, the mighty powers you forum mavens now have!
What this does is affect the reputation of the author. So, a negative vote sheds poorly on the author's reputation. A positive vote raises the author's reputation.
I did this in response to a desire by the members to express themselves to a post. For me it was to express what I consider 'over the top' members helping other members with technical issues. Way cool (thank you). And to other long time members requesting a "like" feature. While not a facebooky like, it does allow one to express approval/disapproval.
As reputation grows, the status message is raised. Ill later publish the chart for those that care on the levels. In the meantime, please add your +/- to posts as you deem appropriate.
Try it and tell me what you think
And where are these points shown or stored? Jon said he had 22, and I don't see anything about points.
You have to click on the scale button() next to your own name.![]()
I hear you, you dont like, so its turned off. What you want is most important.