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R U American or not.

I am heartened by the fact that I was not drawn and quartered for my opinions.

I will go on to say in regards to our current financial crisis, we have met the enemy and it is us.

Decades ago, stock holders and investors were an abstract crowd; faceless suits on Wall Street that someone else worried about.

Enter the age of 401k's, IRA's, and mutual funds. As we became the guardians of our own retirement funds rather than depending on our pensions, we became keenly aware of the returns on our investments. And if fund A returned 8% and fund B returned 9%, we shifted our money into B. Eventually the returns were unrealistic and unsustainable. The only way the companies that those funds were invested in could continue to crank out high returns and attract investors was to cut costs.

The quickest way was to cut labor costs by finding a cheaper work force. Mexico, China, Indonesia, and so many others had the people who were willing to work for a tiny fraction of their American counterparts. Bye bye American jobs. Add to this the artificially low cost of fossil fuels and we have situations where it is cheaper to move materials all over the planet than to pay American workers.

LL Bean, a company with an all-American Down East reputation, could issue a one page catalog of all the products that they carry that are made here. In one case, they are still buying fleece made in Brunswick, Maine, shipping it to the Far East to be cut and sewn into garments, shipped back to Maine and then shipped out to their customers.

When people say we need tariffs to keep the cheaper foreign goods from coming ashore, I wonder what will happen when they have to pay the full price of American made goods. Either they will priced significantly higher than they are now, or the American worker is going to have to settle for a much smaller wage. Either way, Americans are going to end up with less in their wallets and shopping bags. And that, my friends, is the crux of the matter.

We are so used to luxuries that other world citizens can't even imagine that we don't know how to live within our means any longer. It has gotten visible worse just during my lifetime. When I was in high school, you had to have special permission to drive your car to school. Now every high school around me has built giant parking lots for students. "My child HAS to have a car, how else would they get to their jobs/games/fill-in-the-blank?" Well, somewhere south of their genitals (or gentiles, depending on where you learn English) they have legs. That method worked for us when we were growing up.

Speaking of English, I have little patience for those that complain that they don't want to press one to continue in English. Our artificial wealth bubble of the last two decades was built on the backs of the poor people of the world. We have taken their cheap labor and destroyed their environments, do we have to take their language away too? Not to mention when you see and hear what we have done to our language, it ain't 'zackly the Queenz English we be defending. Word.

Our path back to prosperity will not be easy. We need to use resources wisely, pay more for domestic goods and learn to live with less, strive to buy food grown locally (the amount of energy used to transport food back and forth across the country is staggering) and be responsible world citizens.

Unless we get back on track with the founding principles of this great land, the gap between haves and have-nots will widen and implode.

Hoping I still have some friends left,

DISCLAIMER for Broke Straight Boys NON-OFFENSIVE/NO-INSULT POLICY: This post is in no way intended to offend, insult, humiliate or degrade any person(s) imaginary or real, living or dead, in any way, manner, shape, or form: regardless of ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), race, creed, origin, age, gender, sexual preference, diet, weight, complexion, penis size, daily orange juice intake, consumption of red meat, addiction to Viagra, ability to skateboard, inability to spell, AA membership, inability to construct a logical sentence, inability to speak or write French, lack of good taste in fashion, being English challenged, native language, type of automobile owned, frequency of intercourse, previous condition of servitude, masturbatory preferences, intelligence (or lack thereof), or handicap. This posting represents only the personal opinions and/or sexual fetishes of the author and should be interpreted as nothing more than the deranged rantings of a pitiful aging fag.
(Did I leave anything or anybody out? Did I humble myself enough? Are we covered on everything? PC enough?)

I strongly disagree about the language. If you visit Germany, do you expect to be catered to in English? Do you expect them to speak your language? Of course not. Aside from that, if foreigners in this country continue to speak their native foreign language they will never assimilate and thus will become a permanent underclass to be exploited for cheap labor. You cannot move up the ladder unless you speak the language.

When the Italians came, and I know some of them who are fist generation in this country, they immediately immersed themselves in our language. So did the jews of eastern Europe, and they prospered.

One elderly man I met some years ago was a first generation American, born in NYC. He said his parents, who came over on the boat from Italy, forbade the speaking of Italian in their house. His parents said: "This is not Italy. We live in America. You will be an American and do better for yourself."

Mario Cuomo, the 3 term governor of NY, was the son of Italian immigrants who could not speak English. But they learned as quick as they could. His mother got a job in a store and the jewish owner taught her how to speak English. Mario did not grow up speaking Italian and his parents quit speaking it as soon as they could learn English. Millions of immigrants who came in the late 19th and early 20th century came from all over Europe and they did not waste any time learning English. And you know what? They had to. Nobody was going to cater to them in a foreign tongue and they knew it. It was either learn English or starve. A great incentive that Mexicans don't have today, but they should have it.

And I don't understand what you mean with the broad general statement
"destroyed their environments, do we have to take their language away too." Please tell me which group of immigrants (or illegal aliens), from which country, had the unfortunate experience of having the U.S. "destroy their environments." I would like to know?

I own a business. I have an office downtown. We do not have a phone menu that says "Press 1 for English." We never will. Occasionally we get calls from a person speaking broken English saying they want a "Spanish speaking person to talk to." We hang up on them.
DISCLAIMER for Broke Straight Boys NON-OFFENSIVE/NO-INSULT POLICY: This post is in no way intended to offend, insult, humiliate or degrade any person(s) imaginary or real, living or dead, in any way, manner, shape, or form: regardless of ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), race, creed, origin, age, gender, sexual preference, diet, weight, complexion, penis size, daily orange juice intake, consumption of red meat, addiction to Viagra, ability to skateboard, inability to spell, AA membership, inability to construct a logical sentence, inability to speak or write French, lack of good taste in fashion, being English challenged, native language, type of automobile owned, frequency of intercourse, previous condition of servitude, masturbatory preferences, intelligence (or lack thereof), or handicap. This posting represents only the personal opinions and/or sexual fetishes of the author and should be interpreted as nothing more than the deranged rantings of a pitiful aging fag.
(Did I leave anything or anybody out? Did I humble myself enough? Are we covered on everything? PC enough?)

I strongly disagree about the language. If you visit Germany, do you expect to be catered to in English? Do you expect them to speak your language? Of course not. Aside from that, if foreigners in this country continue to speak their native foreign language they will never assimilate and thus will become a permanent underclass to be exploited for cheap labor. You cannot move up the ladder unless you speak the language.

When the Italians came, and I know some of them who are fist generation in this country, they immediately immersed themselves in our language. So did the jews of eastern Europe, and they prospered.

One elderly man I met some years ago was a first generation American, born in NYC. He said his parents, who came over on the boat from Italy, forbade the speaking of Italian in their house. His parents said: "This is not Italy. We live in America. You will be an American and do better for yourself."

Mario Cuomo, the 3 term governor of NY, was the son of Italian immigrants who could not speak English. But they learned as quick as they could. His mother got a job in a store and the jewish owner taught her how to speak English. Mario did not grow up speaking Italian and his parents quit speaking it as soon as they could learn English. Millions of immigrants who came in the late 19th and early 20th century came from all over Europe and they did not waste any time learning English. And you know what? They had to. Nobody was going to cater to them in a foreign tongue and they knew it. It was either learn English or starve. A great incentive that Mexicans don't have today, but they should have it.

And I don't understand what you mean with the broad general statement
"destroyed their environments, do we have to take their language away too." Please tell me which group of immigrants (or illegal aliens), from which country, had the unfortunate experience of having the U.S. "destroy their environments." I would like to know?

I own a business. I have an office downtown. We do not have a phone menu that says "Press 1 for English." We never will. Occasionally we get calls from a person speaking broken English saying they want a "Spanish speaking person to talk to." We hang up on them.

You honestly can say you don't know where the US has destroyed other environments?
As we have moved our manufacturing to places like China, our demands for cheap goods did not allow for much of a margin for factories to be environmentally responsible. You must have heard about how the whole Beijing area had to close factories so the Olympic athletes did not choke on the air. How many of those factories would even exist if not for the Western demand for the lowest price goods?

How about the war in Iraq? Do you think that starting that war enhanced their real estate value?

The world is a different place nowadays. It is smaller. National boundaries are not language boundaries. We import labor from Mexico, (yeah, I know they tend to come up on their own, blah, blah, blah, but if no one here employed illegal aliens at illegal wages, they wouldn't be trying to break in so in essence, we are importing their labor) and pay them crap. If they want to speak Spanish, what threat is that to me?

If you want to hang up on potential customers, so be it, but don't get snarky if someone else wants their pesos.

(Honestly, I appreciate your feedback and enjoy a debate. It would be boring if everyone thought the same way. You can't learn much if we all agree all the time. I take none of this personally, I respect you and look forward to hearing your opinions. At the end of the day, we are all here for some good old fashioned pornographic entertainment and to meet others who enjoy the same. If I ever cross the line from debate to attack, PLEASE slap me back to reality.)

take care my friend.
You honestly can say you don't know where the US has destroyed other environments?
As we have moved our manufacturing to places like China, our demands for cheap goods did not allow for much of a margin for factories to be environmentally responsible. You must have heard about how the whole Beijing area had to close factories so the Olympic athletes did not choke on the air. How many of those factories would even exist if not for the Western demand for the lowest price goods?

How about the war in Iraq? Do you think that starting that war enhanced their real estate value?

The world is a different place nowadays. It is smaller. National boundaries are not language boundaries. We import labor from Mexico, (yeah, I know they tend to come up on their own, blah, blah, blah, but if no one here employed illegal aliens at illegal wages, they wouldn't be trying to break in so in essence, we are importing their labor) and pay them crap. If they want to speak Spanish, what threat is that to me?

If you want to hang up on potential customers, so be it, but don't get snarky if someone else wants their pesos.

(Honestly, I appreciate your feedback and enjoy a debate. It would be boring if everyone thought the same way. You can't learn much if we all agree all the time. I take none of this personally, I respect you and look forward to hearing your opinions. At the end of the day, we are all here for some good old fashioned pornographic entertainment and to meet others who enjoy the same. If I ever cross the line from debate to attack, PLEASE slap me back to reality.)

take care my friend.

My friend, you dodged my question.
You said that people who are immigrants in this country, who speak a foreign language, who we want to learn English, came from a country where we "destroyed" their environment. I asked for specific examples. I have not heard any? You mention chinese, but they are not the problem, no menu ever asked you to push 4 for chinese.

Your implication was plainly that people who complain about spanish menu recordings are trying to take language away from people who came from a country where we "destroyed" their environment. What did we destroy in mexico?
Children who are taught two or even three languages simultaneously have slightly higher IQs as a result of the cerebral activity involved, and express themselves more articulately in both tongues since they have cross references to enhance expression. I personally think everyone in the US should try to learn some Spanish. It's a beautiful language and as Mitch observes, our country is becoming more and more Latino every minute.

Aprendemonos el español! Podemos así comunicar directamente con las personas fascinantes del Centro y Sud America!! Reagan spoke it, Bush speaks it. You speak it.
My friend, you dodged my question.
You said that people who are immigrants in this country, who speak a foreign language, who we want to learn English, came from a country where we "destroyed" their environment. I asked for specific examples. I have not heard any? You mention chinese, but they are not the problem, no menu ever asked you to push 4 for chinese.

Your implication was plainly that people who complain about spanish menu recordings are trying to take language away from people who came from a country where we "destroyed" their environment. What did we destroy in mexico?

In the case of Mexico, perhaps we have not destroyed their environment, (although I doubt moving our manufacturing there has enhanced the landscape) but we have exploited their people. And I will wholeheartedly agree that many have flouted our laws and entered illegally. And some went right to our social programs. Those people should be removed and sent back. But the overwhelming majority came to work and they took jobs that others did not want to do for wages we have declared unlawful.

For those that want to stem the tide of illegal immigration, go arrest every American employer that hires them. Put the sugar bowl away and the ants lose interest. Cut your own grass, clean your own houses, raise your own kids or pay the legal wage to workers that have legitimate documents. Illegal aliens may not pay taxes, but the people who hire them are also skirting the payroll tax laws. Cure the disease and the symptoms go away.

Should they try to learn the language of the land? Sure. Tough to succeed otherwise. But you can't look at past waves of immigration through rose-colored glasses either. I know plenty of Italians my age that have parents who know very little English. I can remember 40 years ago going to Chinese restaurants with my parents and hearing the waitresses talk to each other in Chinese. (It was either Chinese or they were imitating the sound a cat makes when you place it in a washing machine. Chinese is not a pretty language.) But the point is not every immigrant that landed on our shores prior to 1960 went right out to a Berlitz class. Don't over romanticize the early waves.

We speak one of the most vibrant, dynamic languages on the planet and as a result it is a bitch to learn. But we have a commitment to serve the people of this land with certain services. If there was such a thing as 911 when the Italians came over, there would have been an option to press 2 for Italian and 3 to order a pizza.

As long as I am not forced to speak another language, I am unaffected by a voice mail menu to choose another language.

On the same note though, if an applicant comes in that cannot speak English, we would not hire them. It would be inefficient for our business. THAT has an effect on me. I work for a company based in Spain and they have declared their official language to be English.

So to sum up, if someone wants to speak a different language here and they are here legally, I have no problem giving them a choice or if someone wants to cater to them. But they will have to understand that there will be things that they will left out of. Live and let live.

Final note: Before Iberdrola took over my company, they had bought Scottish Power. They claim they are far happier working with us because they can't understand a thing the Scots are saying. So all that glistens is not gold and all that is English is not free of a language barrier.

Language is the source that allows the melting pot in america to work. There are concepts in language that translate into societal norms. For example, in common usage english does not differentiate between the 2d and 3d person (you), as well as the singular and plural for those persons. This translates into our all "men" are created equal. We rarely use the subjunctive denoting uncertainty. That leads us to being a people who tend to be forthright and bold.

I too am from a family that insisted on english being spoken at home. I could have been fluent in german and hungarian otherwise. Fortunately, I was raised in AZ where spanish is spoken as a matter of course. In junior high school spanish, french and german were taught. I chose spanish. I remember signs in the barrios in store windows that said "English spoken here". Now I see "Se habla Espanol" (sorry, my netbook doesn't like alt 164).

Here in AZ our ballots are in english and spanish. I am conflicted about that. The only state in the union that I know of that has two official languages is New Mexico. Can you guess what they are? On the other hand spanish was the predominant language here till the 50's or 60's. It is engrained in our culture: La Fiesta de los Vaqueros (Rodeo), street names (Rancho sin vacas, Camino Seco, Calle Cordova), Place names (Tucson is referred to as the "Old Pueblo", our mountain ranges are the Santa Catalina, Santa Rita, Rincon, the national forest is Coronado NF).

I live an hour's drive north of the border (Nogales, AZ/Nogales, Sonora - BTW Nogales means Oaks). The drug and human trafficking goes straight through Tucson. The truth is as Greatlakes said, the majority are hard workers who are being taken advantage of by americans. They pay sales taxes and those with (fake) ssn pay payroll and ss taxes into the system with no hope of seeing that money again. Most social programs in AZ have citizenship requirements. But what does happen frequently is that pregnant women show up at the border in labor. College Boy Physicals has to let them thru on a medical emergency. The hospital must deliver the baby by law. The child is now a citizen of the USA and of Mexico. As for the worker, there is a guest worker program. However the farmers don 't like it because of the requirements concerning living quarters and that they have to transport these guest migrant workers to the next job. Plain and simple it is too much of a bother to them.

I don't know what the solution is but I do know that we concentrate to much attention on the southern border and generally ignore the same problem along the northern border. Call it what you will, but it smacks of racism or at least the perception of racism. And when it comes to racism and other matters, perception is as valid as reality.

I could go on bbut I think I'll stop here.


Yes I am an American! I was Born in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. While growing up my grand mother only spoke in her native language, thus we had to learn it and speak it when we talked with her. When we started going to school K - 6 th grade, the teacher's would literly bet us for not speaking English. Then after school we would go to church school and the nunn's would bet us again and call us animals and other names. So when you talk about envierment you should also include culture in that statement. I was BORN a Chippewa Indian and I will DIE a Chippewa Indian.

sorry if I offended anyone. Through the teaching's of my elders I have overcome the hate I held in my heart for those people in my past. So now I can say. With love and peace in my heart to all, your friend i2ina69. :thumbup:
Yes I am an American! I was Born in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. While growing up my grand mother only spoke in her native language, thus we had to learn it and speak it when we talked with her. When we started going to school K - 6 th grade, the teacher's would literly bet us for not speaking English. Then after school we would go to church school and the nunn's would bet us again and call us animals and other names. So when you talk about envierment you should also include culture in that statement. I was BORN a Chippewa Indian and I will DIE a Chippewa Indian.

sorry if I offended anyone. Through the teaching's of my elders I have overcome the hate I held in my heart for those people in my past. So now I can say. With love and peace in my heart to all, your friend i2ina69. :thumbup:
You are more of an American than anyone else on this board. This was your country first, before the white man came and conquered your land and people.

No Offense being yourself

Yes I am an American! I was Born in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. While growing up my grand mother only spoke in her native language, thus we had to learn it and speak it when we talked with her. When we started going to school K - 6 th grade, the teacher's would literly bet us for not speaking English. Then after school we would go to church school and the nunn's would bet us again and call us animals and other names. So when you talk about envierment you should also include culture in that statement. I was BORN a Chippewa Indian and I will DIE a Chippewa Indian.

sorry if I offended anyone. Through the teaching's of my elders I have overcome the hate I held in my heart for those people in my past. So now I can say. With love and peace in my heart to all, your friend i2ina69. :thumbup:

I am glad you have reconciled your past, too often we do not and it has an adverse effect on our present. I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for the culture (and language) of the people of the First Nations (I like that better than Native American - Kudos to the Canadians). I was really too young to truly appreciate your culture when I lived in Michigan. But when we moved to Arizona, well it's a different thing all together. 25% of the state is reserved for the First Nations. Most live in their ancestral homelands (except for the Chiricahua Apache - think Geronimo). They are more prominent and make up a greater percentage of our population. That is not to sway everything is hunky dory, far from it, but our attitude is more inclusive. I have even pick up a few things about showing respect, such as deferirng to the elders and not looking directly into their eyes. I go to the VA and they have programs for traditional medicine including sweat lodges. I also recognize the sacrifice made by many First Nations people during wartime. I am glad you are a Chippewa and an american.


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Thes words are inscribed on a plaque attached to a monument known as th Statue of Liberty. Nowhere, you will notice, does it say ANYTHING about the homeless, tempest tossed having to study English to gain admittance. Personally the four languages I began to study in Grade school, have been of immeasurable benefit to me, but then neither France nor Germany nor Spain or Portugal demanded I learn them. HMMM. And only we here in the USA actually refer to our country as, among other things, "a melting pot" of ideologies, cultures and peoples. Certainly worth thinking about, don't you think?

With Love, and tolerance, I am,
Children who are taught two or even three languages simultaneously have slightly higher IQs as a result of the cerebral activity involved, and express themselves more articulately in both tongues since they have cross references to enhance expression. I personally think everyone in the US should try to learn some Spanish. It's a beautiful language and as Mitch observes, our country is becoming more and more Latino every minute.

Aprendemonos el español! Podemos así comunicar directamente con las personas fascinantes del Centro y Sud America!! Reagan spoke it, Bush speaks it. You speak it.

Je décline poliment. Je ne soigne pas Mexicains dans notre pays. Je les veux tout expulsé comme les étrangers illégaux qu'ils sont.
In the case of Mexico, perhaps we have not destroyed their environment, (although I doubt moving our manufacturing there has enhanced the landscape) but we have exploited their people. And I will wholeheartedly agree that many have flouted our laws and entered illegally. And some went right to our social programs. Those people should be removed and sent back. But the overwhelming majority came to work and they took jobs that others did not want to do for wages we have declared unlawful.

For those that want to stem the tide of illegal immigration, go arrest every American employer that hires them. Put the sugar bowl away and the ants lose interest. Cut your own grass, clean your own houses, raise your own kids or pay the legal wage to workers that have legitimate documents. Illegal aliens may not pay taxes, but the people who hire them are also skirting the payroll tax laws. Cure the disease and the symptoms go away.

Should they try to learn the language of the land? Sure. Tough to succeed otherwise. But you can't look at past waves of immigration through rose-colored glasses either. I know plenty of Italians my age that have parents who know very little English. I can remember 40 years ago going to Chinese restaurants with my parents and hearing the waitresses talk to each other in Chinese. (It was either Chinese or they were imitating the sound a cat makes when you place it in a washing machine. Chinese is not a pretty language.) But the point is not every immigrant that landed on our shores prior to 1960 went right out to a Berlitz class. Don't over romanticize the early waves.

We speak one of the most vibrant, dynamic languages on the planet and as a result it is a bitch to learn. But we have a commitment to serve the people of this land with certain services. If there was such a thing as 911 when the Italians came over, there would have been an option to press 2 for Italian and 3 to order a pizza.

As long as I am not forced to speak another language, I am unaffected by a voice mail menu to choose another language.

On the same note though, if an applicant comes in that cannot speak English, we would not hire them. It would be inefficient for our business. THAT has an effect on me. I work for a company based in Spain and they have declared their official language to be English.

So to sum up, if someone wants to speak a different language here and they are here legally, I have no problem giving them a choice or if someone wants to cater to them. But they will have to understand that there will be things that they will left out of. Live and let live.

Final note: Before Iberdrola took over my company, they had bought Scottish Power. They claim they are far happier working with us because they can't understand a thing the Scots are saying. So all that glistens is not gold and all that is English is not free of a language barrier.

I agree with 92.37% of that.
Language is the source that allows the melting pot in america to work. There are concepts in language that translate into societal norms. For example, in common usage english does not differentiate between the 2d and 3d person (you), as well as the singular and plural for those persons. This translates into our all "men" are created equal. We rarely use the subjunctive denoting uncertainty. That leads us to being a people who tend to be forthright and bold.

I too am from a family that insisted on english being spoken at home. I could have been fluent in german and hungarian otherwise. Fortunately, I was raised in AZ where spanish is spoken as a matter of course. In junior high school spanish, french and german were taught. I chose spanish. I remember signs in the barrios in store windows that said "English spoken here". Now I see "Se habla Espanol" (sorry, my netbook doesn't like alt 164).

Here in AZ our ballots are in english and spanish. I am conflicted about that. The only state in the union that I know of that has two official languages is New Mexico. Can you guess what they are? On the other hand spanish was the predominant language here till the 50's or 60's. It is engrained in our culture: La Fiesta de los Vaqueros (Rodeo), street names (Rancho sin vacas, Camino Seco, Calle Cordova), Place names (Tucson is referred to as the "Old Pueblo", our mountain ranges are the Santa Catalina, Santa Rita, Rincon, the national forest is Coronado NF).

I live an hour's drive north of the border (Nogales, AZ/Nogales, Sonora - BTW Nogales means Oaks). The drug and human trafficking goes straight through Tucson. The truth is as Greatlakes said, the majority are hard workers who are being taken advantage of by americans. They pay sales taxes and those with (fake) ssn pay payroll and ss taxes into the system with no hope of seeing that money again. Most social programs in AZ have citizenship requirements. But what does happen frequently is that pregnant women show up at the border in labor. College Boy Physicals has to let them thru on a medical emergency. The hospital must deliver the baby by law. The child is now a citizen of the USA and of Mexico. As for the worker, there is a guest worker program. However the farmers don 't like it because of the requirements concerning living quarters and that they have to transport these guest migrant workers to the next job. Plain and simple it is too much of a bother to them.

I don't know what the solution is but I do know that we concentrate to much attention on the southern border and generally ignore the same problem along the northern border. Call it what you will, but it smacks of racism or at least the perception of racism. And when it comes to racism and other matters, perception is as valid as reality.

I could go on bbut I think I'll stop here.



I agree with all of what you said, except the last paragraph. Canadian are not flooding across the border and signing up to suck the government titie. They have jobs and a good standard of living, including free health care. About a year ago I was on the official website for the provice of Quebec and they actually had a page on their site where they were begging foreigners with college degrees to move up there because they have more jobs than they can fill. Of course they did require that you speak French, which is reasonable.
You are more of an American than anyone else on this board. This was your country first, before the white man came and conquered your land and people.


DISCLAIMER for Broke Straight Boys NON-OFFENSIVE/NO-INSULT POLICY: This post is in no way intended to offend, insult, humiliate or degrade any person(s) imaginary or real, living or dead, in any way, manner, shape, or form: regardless of ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), race, creed, origin, age, gender, sexual preference, diet, weight, complexion, penis size, daily orange juice intake, consumption of red meat, addiction to Viagra, ability to skateboard, inability to spell, AA membership, inability to construct a logical sentence, inability to speak or write French, lack of good taste in fashion, being English challenged, native language, type of automobile owned, frequency of intercourse, previous condition of servitude, masturbatory preferences, intelligence (or lack thereof), or handicap. This posting represents only the personal opinions and/or sexual fetishes of the author and should be interpreted as nothing more than the deranged rantings of a pitiful aging fag.
(Did I leave anything or anybody out? Did I humble myself enough? Are we covered on everything? PC enough?)

My good friend Michael,
I beg to differ. White people did not conquer this country, we built it up from nothing. We built the towns and cities, the factories, bridges, roads, and the ports. We cleared the land and plowed the fields and turned America into the breadbasket of the world. We created the largest industrial empire the world had ever seen. There was nothing here but wilderness when we got here, and we tamed it and made it useful and productive, and we prospered.
Why the self loathing?

Yours in Christ,

Last edited:
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Thes words are inscribed on a plaque attached to a monument known as th Statue of Liberty. Nowhere, you will notice, does it say ANYTHING about the homeless, tempest tossed having to study English to gain admittance. Personally the four languages I began to study in Grade school, have been of immeasurable benefit to me, but then neither France nor Germany nor Spain or Portugal demanded I learn them. HMMM. And only we here in the USA actually refer to our country as, among other things, "a melting pot" of ideologies, cultures and peoples. Certainly worth thinking about, don't you think?

With Love, and tolerance, I am,

And your point is?
Northern Border vs Southern

I agree with all of what you said, except the last paragraph. Canadian are not flooding across the border and signing up to suck the government titie. They have jobs and a good standard of living, including free health care. About a year ago I was on the official website for the provice of Quebec and they actually had a page on their site where they were begging foreigners with college degrees to move up there because they have more jobs than they can fill. Of course they did require that you speak French, which is reasonable.

I'm not worried about the canadians, some of them are more american than we are! But the northern border is as porous as the southern and anybody and their grandmother can come thru. The northern border is where most of the asians come thru illegally. Not to mention certain bombers with ill intent and malice towards all. But that doesn't seem to register with anyone. If you want to stop illegal immigration then we need to secure all of our borders and all ports of entry (land, air and sea). Full stop end of sentence.

Estimates indicate that 20% of illegal immigrants enter thru the northern border and that south and east asians make up 20% of the illegal immigrants in the US. Correlation between the 2 is unknown.


I'm not worried about the canadians, some of them are more american than we are! But the northern border is as porous as the southern and anybody and their grandmother can come thru. The northern border is where most of the asians come thru illegally. Not to mention certain bombers with ill intent and malice towards all. But that doesn't seem to register with anyone. If you want to stop illegal immigration then we need to secure all of our borders and all ports of entry (land, air and sea). Full stop end of sentence.

Estimates indicate that 20% of illegal immigrants enter thru the northern border and that south and east asians make up 20% of the illegal immigrants in the US. Correlation between the 2 is unknown.



I agree 100% with that.
DISCLAIMER for Broke Straight Boys NON-OFFENSIVE/NO-INSULT POLICY: This post is in no way intended to offend, insult, humiliate or degrade any person(s) imaginary or real, living or dead, in any way, manner, shape, or form: regardless of ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), race, creed, origin, age, gender, sexual preference, diet, weight, complexion, penis size, daily orange juice intake, consumption of red meat, addiction to Viagra, ability to skateboard, inability to spell, AA membership, inability to construct a logical sentence, inability to speak or write French, lack of good taste in fashion, being English challenged, native language, type of automobile owned, frequency of intercourse, previous condition of servitude, masturbatory preferences, intelligence (or lack thereof), or handicap. This posting represents only the personal opinions and/or sexual fetishes of the author and should be interpreted as nothing more than the deranged rantings of a pitiful aging fag.
(Did I leave anything or anybody out? Did I humble myself enough? Are we covered on everything? PC enough?)

My good friend Michael,
I beg to differ. White people did not conquer this country, we built it up from nothing. We built the towns and cities, the factories, bridges, roads, and the ports. We cleared the land and plowed the fields and turned America into the breadbasket of the world. We created the largest industrial empire the world had ever seen. There was nothing here but wilderness when we got here, and we tamed it and made it useful and productive, and we prospered.
Why the self loathing?

Yours in Christ,


He was probably talking about the titled Conquistadores whose very name tells you what they did.
DISCLAIMER for Broke Straight Boys NON-OFFENSIVE/NO-INSULT POLICY: This post is in no way intended to offend, insult, humiliate or degrade any person(s) imaginary or real, living or dead, in any way, manner, shape, or form: regardless of ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), race, creed, origin, age, gender, sexual preference, diet, weight, complexion, penis size, daily orange juice intake, consumption of red meat, addiction to Viagra, ability to skateboard, inability to spell, AA membership, inability to construct a logical sentence, inability to speak or write French, lack of good taste in fashion, being English challenged, native language, type of automobile owned, frequency of intercourse, previous condition of servitude, masturbatory preferences, intelligence (or lack thereof), or handicap. This posting represents only the personal opinions and/or sexual fetishes of the author and should be interpreted as nothing more than the deranged rantings of a pitiful aging fag.
(Did I leave anything or anybody out? Did I humble myself enough? Are we covered on everything? PC enough?)

My good friend Michael,
I beg to differ. White people did not conquer this country, we built it up from nothing. We built the towns and cities, the factories, bridges, roads, and the ports. We cleared the land and plowed the fields and turned America into the breadbasket of the world. We created the largest industrial empire the world had ever seen. There was nothing here but wilderness when we got here, and we tamed it and made it useful and productive, and we prospered.
Why the self loathing?

Yours in Christ,


We did everything you said. We could have been a bit nicer about it, but I am not going to get into that debate.

What is curious is that no one was truly successful in doing the same to Africa. Africa is rich in resources, had a sparse population, has climate diversity, and was discovered much earlier than the Americas. Of course there has been some claiming of the wild, but not nearly as successful as the North American efforts. I am not trying to stir any racial debates, I am just curious why we grew the way we did and where we did.
We did everything you said. We could have been a bit nicer about it, but I am not going to get into that debate.

What is curious is that no one was truly successful in doing the same to Africa. Africa is rich in resources, had a sparse population, has climate diversity, and was discovered much earlier than the Americas. Of course there has been some claiming of the wild, but not nearly as successful as the North American efforts. I am not trying to stir any racial debates, I am just curious why we grew the way we did and where we did.

Somehow, I have a felling that I am going to regret this because as usual I am telling truth and facts and that is rarely PC........

Quite simply because of decolonization. When the Europeans left, everything fell apart. Nothing left behind by the Europeans was maintained by the natives. I had a long talk about this with a retired French Army Col. who was the chief engineer in one of those Fench colonies in Africa back in the 50's. He told me all about it. Not my opinon, just historical fact. Look at Zimbabwe today as a good example of what has gone wrong. The worst thing the Europeans ever did to those people was leave them to govern themselves and manage their own affairs. Now there is nothing but genocide (Rawanda) and famine (Zimbabwe) and tribal warfare. Since they seized all the productive farms from the white people and expelled, or murderd the whites, the farms have failed and they have severe food shortages now. Just go research it on news websites, you will find the recent articles.