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POST HERE TO WIN MONEY, models used underwear & more


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
Hey Everyone,

I'm always thinking of different things and thinking outside of the box. I'm trying to get more people posting here. Here is what I will be giving away in this thread...

1st place - models worn underwear. I will give the winner a couple choices of guys who are currently shooting with us so they can choose who they want the underwear from. I will have that model wear the underwear before sending them to you with a nice video of a personalized message and video of the them taking them off and putting them in the shipping package to be sent to you. Model can also sign them if you would like.

1st place - models used underwear with personalized message from model (you'll have a bunch of models to choose from)

2nd place - models used underwear (you'll have a bunch of models to choose from)

3rd place - $100.00

4th place - $100.00

5th place - Mystery Box

If you haven't ever posted here all you do is register for the message board and post a hello here in this thread with your current post count and you will be entered into the drawing. If you post in other threads and become more active it will increase your chances of winning. Everyone make sure you post in this thread and put your current post amount so I know what post count you started at. If I get enough people to enter I may do this again and I also have some other ideas that I definitely think you guys would like. This contest will end at the end of our last shoots of the year so you may not know when that is haha. Good Luck Everyone!

What a terrific idea Mark. One of the stand-outs of Broke Straight Boys is this forum and the chance it gives the members to comment, share ideas and socialize with each other. It also gives everyone an ownership stake in the direction the company is taking etc. Other sites fail miserably at this so their members are left to comment on sites like Waybig and other blogs, and if you ever have time to check them out, there extremely hostile. Broke Straight Boys has cultivated a family out of fans and forged many friendships. Thanks Mike and Sha.
Sounds like a good idea. Genuine member feedback on what's going well or not so well (e.g. you removed an unpopular model recently after negative feedback) means that I feel my opinion is valued. No other site does that
Very Nice idea!!! I'm in!!!
Thank you Mark! It's a great idea. :)

I've been out of the country for the last week. So I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. lol
Thank you Mark! It's a great idea. :)

I've been out of the country for the last week. So I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. lol

Welcome back to the U.S. tamp24, you picked a miserable day yesterday here, if you came back yesterday. Thanks again for the bright ideas Mark.
So here's another idea that would be a tremendous promotional platform for Broke Straight Boys and models and subscribers. Next spring would be a perfect season to invite back 4 or 5 of our all time favorites who have been out of the industry the last 2 or 3 years. Each week, showcase a new model who will be partnered with a Broke Straight Boys superstar. At the end of the 4 or 5 weeks, celebrate the success of this promotion with a blockbuster orgy where all participants enjoy a great blowout. So much can be tied into this....promo gear....special appearances....special membership rates based on pricing when returning models became superstars....etc.....What do you guys think?
Interesting idea!
Mobile device vs computer is perhaps the main reason for limited post!
Local elections take up much of my wake time.
Still find this bulletin board a good read.
3501post and counting!
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Great idea Mark! I love this forum and this is a great way to get participation from others who do not often or ever post. This reminds me of some of the promotions of the past like auctioning off the salmon color sheets dripping wet fresh from a scene.......

As the old song goes Mark about you and your site, "You're Still The One". :biggrin:
Another way to approach this is maybe an extra $500 to the model who responds the most to comments/questions of members. This is only post#8 for me, but it doesn't mean I don't read the forum.
This indeed sounds very interesting and apparently people start to post already! My post count is 10 so a long way to go but well why not! =)
Neat idea! I'm in.
I would love if more people post in the forums. There is a great group of people in the forums that constantly post but I hope to see more people post soon. I myself am trying to post more but don’t feel as much of a need to like I did before. But maybe I will. Time will tell. I do appreciate that Broke Straight Boys is trying new things.
Hey Everyone,

I'm always thinking of different things and thinking outside of the box. I'm trying to get more people posting here. Here is what I will be giving away in this thread...

1st place - models worn underwear. I will give the winner a couple choices of guys who are currently shooting with us so they can choose who they want the underwear from. I will have that model wear the underwear before sending them to you with a nice video of a personalized message and video of the them taking them off and putting them in the shipping package to be sent to you. Model can also sign them if you would like.

2nd place - $100.00

3rd place - Mystery Box

If you haven't ever posted here all you do is register for the message board and post a hello here in this thread with your current post count and you will be entered into the drawing. If you post in other threads and become more active it will increase your chances of winning. Everyone make sure you post in this thread and put your current post amount so I know what post count you started at. If I get enough people to enter I may do this again and I also have some other ideas that I definitely think you guys would like. This contest will end at the end of our next shoots so you may not know when that is haha. Good Luck Everyone!


Great idea Mark! Love it!