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Porn Piracy on the Net (Great Article)


Active Member
Sep 18, 2014
Reaction score
Miami, FL
This is why I choose to be a paying member. Not only for the quality, but because it is stealing when you download porn from other sites without paying.

I especially wanted to emphasize this from the article for the performers. These boys truly are broke and will never make a living from doing just porn. I hope they realize that.

Adult film performers are obviously indispensable to porn films. But when a studio has to make budget cuts, there is no unnecessary fat left to trim off the meat—so performers are forced to take the hit. A decade ago, the average female adult performer made about $100,000 a year. Today, she’s lucky to make half that amount. Male performers make even less. Now, most performers have to supplement their income with Web camming, doing personal appearances, dancing at gentlemen’s clubs, or escorting, all while maintaining their social media presence to connect with their fans. But even doing all that might not be enough to make a decent living.

Unlike Hollywood actors, adult film performers are not millionaires. This is not a get-rich occupation. Even the most popular and successful among us, or about 10 percent of performers, earn the same approximate annual income from shooting scenes as that of an IT manager. The other 90 percent of performers would be lucky to make the same annual income as a high school teacher. And they’re the ones who are forced to take the biggest pay cuts for their per-scene rates, just to get hired.

Read the article here:

My daughter and I argue about this. I think it comes down to the difference in our generations: I believe if you want something, you need to pay for it. She, 22, believes that "if it's out there (on the internet)," then you don't need to pay for it.
My daughter and I argue about this. I think it comes down to the difference in our generations: I believe if you want something, you need to pay for it. She, 22, believes that "if it's out there (on the internet)," then you don't need to pay for it.

I kinda agree with your daughter Beth. Not many things in life are free these days, so if you see a bargain, whether it is cheap or free then go for it. I see no technical difference between watching the free porn to listening to music through the radio or mediums such as Spotify. And whilst the porn stars may allegedly be getting less money, the site owners seem to be living the life of luxury..
But, Jon, when you listen to the music on the radio, the broadcaster is paying for the use of the material so income for the producer and artist is being generated. In the case of free stuff on the Internet no income is generated and the artist is cheated.
This is a very interesting question ~

The question of intellectual and artistic content, and who gets to use it, and who has to pay for it. In this matter, I agree more with Dr. M. and Beth, and less with Jon.

Artistic and intellectual creation takes a lot of work, and up-front investment. Great newspapers (for example) require well-educated, articulate, and (in the case of some international bureaus) truly courageous reporters, to bring back the news, and report upon it in a fair and balanced way.

Great recording studios (at least in classical music, I don't know about "rap") require hosts of talented technicians, to condense the brilliance of great musicians like Jan Lisiecki or James Ehnes, into a perfect hour of perfect MUSIC. (Not to mention, a nice Bosendorfer piano runs at about $160,000 U.S., these days.) *I bought my sister, who is an opera-coach, a lovely Petrof piano, at a fraction of that cost, but, suffice it to say, I am still paying it off.*

And, likewise, the best sites which specialize in gay erotic video must expend a great deal of money to build studios, hire talented directors and photographers, and recruit and compensate models, fairly. (Though only the best studios are fair to their models, financially. I think Broke Straight Boys is one of these.)

Nothing in life is ever FREE. (Ever, EVER.) Everything good, costs MONEY. And must be paid for, in the end. By SOMEONE.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It opens up communication to everyone. It allows people from far across the globe to become friends - in the way that MikeYank and PeterH have become friends, on this site. (That has never happened for me, on Broke Straight Boys, but it has happened for me on other sites.) It allows the sharing of information and IDEAS, instantly - and all these things are quite wonderful!

The downside is, though, that when people decide (less consciously, than by default):
*I'm not going to subscribe to a newspaper, anymore - I'm just going to see what I can find, online; or,
*I'm not going to pay for a College Dudes, or even for a song on iTunes, anymore - I'm just going to see what I can find on the Internet; or,
*I'm not going to buy that author's book - because I think someone has uploaded it to a site; or,
*I'm not going to watch that beautiful Tom Faulk scene on College Dudes - I am just going to see if I can download it from a secondary source online. . . .

Well, all of those decisions might seem quite rational. And they ARE rational, in the short-term. BUT. . .

Every time someone makes a decision like the ones noted above:
*A reporter loses his job. (And the newspaper business is in crisis, now. Because the Internet has fooled people into thinking they can have quality reporting, for FREE.)
*A talented musician starves, or, more likely, doesn't get a job, in the first place.
*A gifted first-time author doesn't get his first novel published, because the prospective publishers out there think upon it, and say, "Hey - we'd be better off publishing cheesy, badly-written soft-porn, like Fifty Shades of Grey. . . . or, COOKBOOKS.
*The erotic video-sites you love to see lose another great model, or go out of business altogether. And so then, YOU - as someone who appreciates such erotica - are left, bereft of a talented director like Damian Christopher, and end up scrolling through endless Chaturbate profiles, trying to find the one guy, in a badly-lit room, who actually HALF-turns you ON.

HEY - I'm not passing judgement on ANYONE. Neither am I trying to be impossibly nostalgic. The Internet is what it is - and it has changed EVERYTHING to do with communications, and the consumption of aesthetic and intellectual information, forever. It is a tough transition, but leaders in all the cultural and aesthetic fields are working on it. (If they don't go under, first!)

But it isn't EASY- because of the Internet, and people's changing reading and viewing habits: most newspapers in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. (apart from a couple of VERY BIG brand-names) are in sheer financial crisis. Most publishing-houses are in great peril (hardly anyone reads BOOKS anymore, anyway). Most companies which sell music are struggling to stay above water. And most of the great companies which used to purvey erotic video in film, are quite decidedly sickly.

What this means, for the discriminating consumer, is:
*We get bad or inadequate reporting in newspapers - as it is being supplanted, increasingly, by wire-service bullshit about Justin Bieber's latest hangnail.
*We have access to fewer great new musicians, and authors. AND ~
*Even gay erotica is becoming more and more trite, insipid, and BORING. With fewer good models, and MUCH LESS inspired direction.


This is nobody's fault. It's just the way the world is, now.

Beth, and Dr. M. - Sure, I enjoy seeing the readily-available previews of gay videos on sites like www.waybig.com. However, this is where my OCD helps me out:
*I like relatively FEW models;
*If I find a model I TRULY like, I will almost always subscribe to his site; AND -
*In those cases, I am happy to pay for quality work and good downloads, featuring models whom I love.

That is how I am coping, with the current Internet crisis - LOL!

So no one will be looking at the pictures that are copyrighted but pasted on CuteBoyFriday threads and similar again will they !
So no one will be looking at the pictures that are copyrighted but pasted on CuteBoyFriday threads and similar again will they !


LOL, Jon!!!!

No, you are quite right - everybody enjoys (I think) the unprecedented access to information, images, and music, that the Internet now affords!

All I'm suggesting, Jon, is that this is not quite a "cut-and-dried", or "black-and-white" question. There are still a lot of consequences which are being sorted out. Some of them are positive, and some of them are negative. And we all have to do our best (I think) to make the most of the "free" content that is available on the Internet, but also to support those organizations which bring us news, information, literature, or music - which wouldn't be available to us, if we didn't contribute financially.

Like always, in life, it's a tightrope that we have to walk.

It's all relative Ambi. I have 2 x annual subscriptions with Broke Straight Boys and College Dudes but still like to look at the free sites. Furthermore, many sites allow 5 min clips of movies to be shown on these free sites, as it is a form of advertising. In fact, it was via such a free site that I found Broke Straight Boys all those years ago.

The owners of internet sites made their money in the 90's and early part of the decade. Many of them are still holding on to what they gained during that period:
Adult film performers are obviously indispensable to porn films. But when a studio has to make budget cuts, there is no unnecessary fat left to trim off the meat—so performers are forced to take the hit. A decade ago, the average female adult performer made about $100,000 a year. Today, she’s lucky to make half that amount. Male performers make even less. Now, most performers have to supplement their income with Web camming, doing personal appearances, dancing at gentlemen’s clubs, or escorting, all while maintaining their social media presence to connect with their fans. But even doing all that might not be enough to make a decent living.

But then you complain about quality, the need for good, fresh, new meat, and everything else. Perhaps they go hand in hand? Don't steal. It's that easy.....
The decision to share 3 to 5 minutes of a video, is not the same as giving the whole scene away for free.
Very true Another1. Posting entire scenes from pay sites just doesn't seem fair.
I bet you God fearing people would take take a $10 note that you found in the street to the local police station. Yeh...
So no one will be looking at the pictures that are copyrighted but pasted on CuteBoyFriday threads and similar again will they !

Well hell, you got me; I am one of the "bitches" that do like to "share a good boy" with everyone.
I bet you God fearing people would take take a $10 note that you found in the street to the local police station. Yeh...
my posture on the subject of piracy has very little to do with some moral imperative. it comes from protecting my own self interest. if you can get the milk for free, who feeds the cow?
subscription porn is not free. the fee is paid to stream or download content. without a separate agreement, there is no right granted to upload content. sites make their content available to other sites through third-party contracts. tubes and torrents get what the giver had possession of, but not ownership of.
I would likely pocket a found 10 spot. however, I wouldn't witness someone mugged for 30 dollars and accept a generous 10 from the mugger. being found is nothing like being taken.
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subscription porn is not free. the fee is paid to stream or download content. without a separate agreement, there is no right granted to upload content. sites make their content available to other sites through third-party contracts. tubes and torrents get what the giver had possession of, but not ownership of.
I would likely pocket a found 10 spot. however, I wouldn't witness someone mugged for 30 dollars and accept a generous 10 from the mugger. being found is nothing like being taken.

Totally disagree with your views A1. Guess I should read the Bible again
I am struggling to recall a passage where it is written, take all you can.
This simple property law. In common terms it is possession is 9 tenths of the law. A man with possession has claim against the whole world, but the rightful owner.
Back on track, I will continue to use the free sites because I don't feel bad about it. I have 2 x annual subscriptions to this site and College Dudes so I do put money back into the business.