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Ponderings for April 16th 2022

Today was a bittersweet day. I lost my Mom a bit over a year ago. She was an amazing person, always there for me, encouraging me to be a better person, and handing out constructive criticism when deserved. I miss her terribly. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

I spent the morning with family and watching my nephew play baseball at a scrimmage match. It was only about 50 F outside, but the wind was whipping, had to have been 30 mph+ or so. I felt frozen solid despite having multiple layers on. I'm thankful for whomever discovered coffee because it certainly hits the spot when you are cold!

Hugs to my fellow forumites!
Same to you Chac. As gay men, I think it is especially true for many of us, but no one will ever love you as much as your mother did. I completely understand how you are feeling on your first Mothers Day without her. Hugs to you as well. :smiley-love021:
Same to you Chac. As gay men, I think it is especially true for many of us, but no one will ever love you as much as your mother did. I completely understand how you are feeling on your first Mothers Day without her. Hugs to you as well. :smiley-love021:

Big hugs back to you Chac. My condolences on the loss of your mom.

I still have my mom this year for now. So it was very nice to spend it with her today. She's really getting up there. So I know that each birthday and Mother's Day could be her last. It's a sad part of the mortal saga.
Hugs from me as well & a loving mother will always be missed. I lost mine just before the turn of the century and she remains with me. I was also blessed with a great father and a special brother who thankfully is still living.
Monday and Tuesday are done for this week, I've already worked nearly 23 hours in 2 days. Still have 4 days to go for this week (working Saturday too). What do you all do to relax?? I need some ideas on how to let some steam out before I boil over.

I scheduled a vacation for the end of this month, no big travels other than 2 nights at Foxwoods in a suite. I was looking at flights and holy crap are they expensive right now. I think I'm going to get my passport and do a Caribbean cruise maybe later this year. I have 4 weeks vacation that I need to take and I'll still carry 2 weeks into next year.

Hugs all!
I worked 44 years following college usually five days a week, sometimes six. I retired in 2016 but still work two days a week to stay occupied. But I feel for you Chac. Tuesdays can be rough with three or four days to go. Life is full of trade offs. It’s great being retired but not great getting old. I think I’d trade working full weeks if I could be young again. Life is what it is. We have to appreciate what we have. Hugs to you too Chac.:smile:
I worked 44 years following college usually five days a week, sometimes six. I retired in 2016 but still work two days a week to stay occupied. But I feel for you Chac. Tuesdays can be rough with three or four days to go. Life is full of trade offs. It’s great being retired but not great getting old. I think I’d trade working full weeks if I could be young again. Life is what it is. We have to appreciate what we have. Hugs to you too Chac.:smile:

Agreed! With age comes experience and more responsibility. In re-reading my comment it came off as complaining, but I really didn't mean it that way (sorry!)
Although I got a PHD ,I fell for a man way before Jeff who had major mental issues & was warned to stay clear of him and arrogantly thought I could help him. The end result I lost my job & then fell into the trap you are too over qualified for any decent job. At that time the only option left was house cleaning. That is an extremely hard physical job working for some one else and is famine or very long hours. My being in top physical shape made it easy while my partners fell by the way side exhausted. I know what long hours mean but it is better than the alternative or is the case now of barely being able to anything physical.
On vacation this week, I'm on my hotspot while laying in my hotel room. Took a few days to myself, I went out of state and stayed at a casino resort. I've done some self reflection, along with losing some money in the process :crying2: (all within my budget for the vacation, I'm very disciplined when it comes to money) I'm going to start back at the gym again, I took some long walks while here (why does a casino make things so damn far apart LOL) and it really felt good, my heart rate was high but it started to feel OK and not as winded. I've kept to my "diet" for the most part, I had some sort of Asian dumplings and a Cobb salad for dinner, breakfast was coffee and a breakfast sandwich, I skipped lunch as I got up late and took a nice long bath. I'd normally hit the sweets hard while here and I didn't. I'm proud of myself for that.

Hugs everyone!!

PS: if I get into one of those complaining and whining moods again, please feel free to slap some sense back into me :biggrin:
Chac sounds good. You may find your appetite & consumption decreases with age. I know mine has. For example I eat one meal a day with snacks & that meal yesterday consisted of 1 piece of bread with a bit of tuna and grilled cheese on it.
Chac sounds good. You may find your appetite & consumption decreases with age. I know mine has. For example I eat one meal a day with snacks & that meal yesterday consisted of 1 piece of bread with a bit of tuna and grilled cheese on it.

Leave the tuna off and I'll have some! I just can't eat tuna, I've tried both fresh grilled and canned, but strong fishy things are not my favorite, I like the milder stuff, such as cod, scallops and shrimp.
Leave the tuna off and I'll have some! I just can't eat tuna, I've tried both fresh grilled and canned, but strong fishy things are not my favorite, I like the milder stuff, such as cod, scallops and shrimp.

I'm right there with you Chac. I also can't deal with canned salmon either. I don't do pungent fishy food items. I typically avoid fish. On a lark I might try a tuna sandwich about once every 4-5 years. lol While I very occasionally can be convinced to go for a nice mild, mild fish and chips with a good dipping sauce...as far as seafood I'm much more into crab legs, shrimp, scallops and lobster.
I watched a good movie this past weekend, "The Survivors" with Robin Williams, Walter Matthau and Jerry Reed. I think what made it so good was the actors, the plot was just OK. I really miss Robin, he had such a playful manner about him, probably one of my favorite movies of his was "Patch Adams", it's really so hard to pick just one, I grew up watching Mrs Doubtfire, and Jumanji.

If you like podcasts, Dan Cummins does one called Timesuck that does a deep dive into the life of Robin and his illness of LBD (lewy body dementia.) Most of Dan's podcasts are 2 to 3 hours, so it is a commitment and well worth the time spent. He does other episodes on prostitution, Betty White, Chernobyl, and so many other topics. Be forewarned, it is very NSFW


Wishing you all an amazing night!!
Seems my night was less than stellar I awoke unrefreshed but the porn should take care of that!
I love this thread as “Ponderings” is a good place to just “ponder” about whatever is on our minds. I do miss the old days of this forum where at any time of day there would be one of my forum friends online, be it on the East Coast of the U.S. or any other time zone including my friends in England, Spain, Australia, France or Amsterdam to name a few. (I’m sure that Tampa & Peter know the names of one from each of these areas who were regular forumites). So while we are now a small group, I still love the freedom of expression that Mark has granted us here and I like that Chac has created this thread where we can just ramble about any random thoughts in our head on any random day.

Yesterday was the last day of the school year for New York City schools, and is the unofficial beginning of summer today. It doesn’t feel like that long ago when the last day of school and the beginning of summer applied to me too, but it has been 54 years since the end of high school for me, but it sure goes by in a flash. A couple of days ago I posted a song on Jon’s “Members Favourite Music” thread, called “The Circle Game”, written by Buffy St. Marie and performed most famously by Joni Mitchell.

The chorus is:

“ And the seasons, they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look
Behind, from where we came
And go round and round and round, in the circle game”

Those are my ponderings for today. :smile::smile:
Just to remind you you still have friends on the Forum on almost all the time.
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I love this thread as “Ponderings” is a good place to just “ponder” about whatever is on our minds. I do miss the old days of this forum where at any time of day there would be one of my forum friends online, be it on the East Coast of the U.S. or any other time zone including my friends in England, Spain, Australia, France or Amsterdam to name a few. (I’m sure that Tampa & Peter know the names of one from each of these areas who were regular forumites). So while we are now a small group, I still love the freedom of expression that Mark has granted us here and I like that Chac has created this thread where we can just ramble about any random thoughts in our head on any random day.

Yesterday was the last day of the school year for New York City schools, and is the unofficial beginning of summer today. It doesn’t feel like that long ago when the last day of school and the beginning of summer applied to me too, but it has been 54 years since the end of high school for me, but it sure goes by in a flash. A couple of days ago I posted a song on Jon’s “Members Favourite Music” thread, called “The Circle Game”, written by Buffy St. Marie and performed most famously by Joni Mitchell.

The chorus is:

“ And the seasons, they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look
Behind, from where we came
And go round and round and round, in the circle game”

Those are my ponderings for today. :smile::smile:

That's a great chorus, I'll have to play the song.

Where is 2022 going?? It's almost July now!!??
That is one powerful song about life. I've never listened to Joni Mitchell before, she has such a beautiful voice.
That is one powerful song about life. I've never listened to Joni Mitchell before, she has such a beautiful voice.
Thank you Chac for taking the time to listen. I think you are in your 30’s which is very cool. Yes Joni Mitchell does have a beautiful voice. Thanks again so much for listening and appreciating one of my favorite songs from well before you were born.