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Politics Discussion (BE RESPECTFUL)

Last night when I saw part of Trump's rally in Georgia, this song came to mind! :evil:


The perfect song. Morning Joe stole your idea.
Quite a night down in Georgia! It appears that the Democrats swept both US Senate seats with likely final victory margins in excess of the statutory recount half of one percent standard to take control of the US Senate and actually permit Biden to get us out of the pandemic!
If I printed all of my feelings right now about what I thought about what was going on... Well, it would not be PG rated. They are not fit to print.

I'll try to restrain myself even in the heat of the moment. A few thoughts:

Down With The Dicktator!! (That is purposely misspelled by the way.)

This is what Trump wanted. It's what he asked for. This is all about massaging the very fragile ego of one very troubled, disturbed and mentally ill mortal man.

He told the proud boys (No capitalization deserved.) months ago to: "Stand back, and stand by." Then he asked them to show up today.

They should have started tear gassing the trespassers immediately.

Demonstrators and protestors out in the streets who are NOT injuring people, threatening people, damaging property, looting or trespassing on federal property...are totally protected by the Constitution. They're fine. Let them blow off some steam if it makes them feel better.

But people who are storming the Capitol Building and trespassing on and damaging property on federal grounds, I have not tolerance for that.

Why the double standard of law enforcement treatment of these hooligans in the Capitol grounds versus the treatment of peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Square? Why are they not arresting these people en masse? They're just letting them just leave so they can be in the streets tonight after dark potentially instigating even more violence and damage to public and private property? Tonight could be very bad in D.C.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But when I hear people say that the law enforcement preparation and response for this day was so inept, unplanned, flatfooted, etc... That it is not unreasonable to ask if demonstrators and hooligans had some inside info and inside help within Capitol Hill security services in order to breech all the compromised levels of security put in place so easily.

When Biden gets in he needs to look at all the top people in charge of Capitol Hill security and really look at who dropped the ball here. Then he needs to fire them with extreme prejudice. They may be traitors. And they may have deliberately under-planned for today's security. (Rather than just doing it through sheer incompetence.) Because there is no sugar coating this. There is no spinning this. Somebody or several people really f*cked up today. This city-wide demonstration/riot of bad and dangerous actors was announced in advance. Nobody but the most deluded conservative partisans are going to say that Capitol security had no idea that this kind of event could unfold and should be forgiven for preparing for only the rosiest of scenarios.

Now in 2 weeks we're going to have an inauguration ceremony in that same spot that will be so thick with law enforcement and security, that it will look like martial law in the capital of a totalitarian police state.

What a sad day for the country.
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I'm very pleased with the news in Georgia. Democratic control of the Senate is a perfect karmic reward for a day like today. Mitch can go f*ck himself. :P
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I'm very pleased with the news in Georgia. Democratic control of the Senate is a perfect karmic reward for a day like today. Mitch can go f*ck himself. :P

Mitch showed his anger with Trump by publicly breaking with him tonight. While probably unintended, Trump did everything possible to throw those two Senate races to the Democrats and make Mitch minority leader! E.g.s Attacking Georgia elections as fraudulent and not worth voting in, but vote anyway. Also blindsiding the bipartisan stimulus agreement which his own Secretary of the Treasury agreed to on his behalf by calling for the direct stimulus payment to be increased from $600 to $2,000 enabling the two Democrats to immediately endorse the $2,000 and point out that their Republican incumbent opponents opposed that.
When you conspire with two or more other persons to by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, you shall each be fined (not more than $20,000) or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. What I saw today is as close as I hope to see this nation come to sedition, if this were not, in fact sedition. If this were to happen in any other country in the world, we in this country would be calling on their government to do as we would do! Respect the rule of law, the results of the election, and the orderly transfer of power!But if it us, who do we hold up as the example to follow!The people's house is taking over by sore lovers who who believe they gain by force what they could not gain at the ballot box!Boys will be Boys!
Mitch showed his anger with Trump by publicly breaking with him tonight.

As well he should. While I'm pleased that he didn't make more excuses for Trump or defend the seditionists last night, I'm not willing to give him too much credit after 4 very long years of continuously doing the wrong thing. So at the eleventh hour, at the culmination of a nascent dictator's selfish fury and orgy of violence and destruction...Mitch finally decides it's time to do the right thing. In the middle of the night with only 13 days left in Trump's term...Mitch sees the light. He's a real profile in courage. Hooray. :jerkit:
Now let's talk about this sudden newfound "integrity" and courage of Mitch's wife Elaine Chao.

I won't be sad to see Mitch's wife get the boot either and get her paws out of the government trough. Elaine Chao's family owns a huge multinational shipping company out of China, Taiwan and oddly enough, New York City. Trump put her in charge as Secretary of Transportation. Given the fact that the agency she heads makes sweeping decisions on international and U.S. domestic shipping...that's just asking for trouble. Talk about an inherent conflict of interest! It's like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. Who knows how much she has enriched herself and her family in her role as S.O.T. Her family's worldwide shipping company is huge and worth billions. Her "official" net worth in the U.S.? $30 million. That's it. Officially that's all she's worth. It would be very naïve of us to take that at face value and assume that she does not have other hidden bank accounts (with vast sums) stashed away in Taiwan, China or just about anywhere else in the world. Away from the sight of the IRS of course.

This shipping company is not just owned by her family. Like by a distant uncle, or a distant cousin, or an in-law. The multi-billion dollar company was founded by her Father. The side of her family living in Asia is stupid rich. But for IRS purposes she declares with a straight face that she's worth only $30M. :jerkit:

Yeah. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

So here's where I'm going with this. Last night she announced that she is considering resigning as Secretary of Transportation in protest over the storming of the Capitol building. So after 4 years of using her office to enrich her family's company (and thereby herself) at the government's trough and defending all of Trump's bad behavior and worst impulses...and knowing full well that she is being pushed out the door by the will of the people and the voters in 2 weeks anyway...Elaine Chao decides that might consider resigning (on lofty principles of integrity, courage and righteous moral indignation) with only two weeks to go in her term. Spare me. :001_rolleyes: She is and was part of the swamp that Trump brought to D.C.

Just leave if you're going to. And f*ck off already.
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And of course the biggest hypocrite is Lindsey Graham. After figuratively kissing Trump's ass for the last four years and perhaps literally, too, (lol), now last night after Trump can't help him anymore, he said, "Enough is enough". What a fucking hypocrite, Lindsay!

Yes. Another profile in courage after being such a brown-noser and enabler and excuser of all of Trump's behavior for the last 4 years.
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And of course the biggest hypocrite is Lindsey Graham. After figuratively kissing Trump's ass for the last four years and perhaps literally, too, (lol), now last night after Trump can't help him anymore, he said, "Enough is enough". What a fucking hypocrite, Lindsay!

It made me laugh when I saw the words, “Lady G is trending” on twitter last night. Everyone refers to him as Lady G now.
The other one now is Bill Barr. After doing a complete whitewash of the Mueller Report, defending Trump against impeachment, constantly lying for Trump and threatening Trump's perceived enemies... Suddenly Bill Barr has a newfound moral conscience and claims he's not happy with Trump over yesterday's events.
Some of the commentators tonight are putting things much more succinctly than I have so far. What we're seeing right now with many of these resignations is much more akin to rats fleeing a sinking ship rather than profiles in courage. Many of these people resigning (with less than two weeks to go) before they would be unemployed anyway, are doing so as a lame attempt at redemption. They're doing it as a cynical ploy to try to gain public sympathy in order to try to rehabilitate their public images. After working as a loyal enabler and foot soldier for a fascist dictator for up to the full 4 years in many cases...and realizing how harshly history is likely to judge Trump and his administration in hindsight ...they're suddenly terrified of having trouble finding jobs (and public acceptance) for the next 10-20 years or more.

(But if Trump had won re-election most of them would have been happy to carry on as before.)

So they will try to convince the public and potential future employers that at the eleventh hour of the Trump era they had this dramatic Road to Damascus conversion on the day the Capitol was stormed and saw the error of their ways. Whatever. So while I am somewhat pleased to see some resignations...like in the First Lay's staff for instance...color me totally unimpressed when the likes of Elaine Chao or a Betsy De Vos tries to convince us they are fleeing a sinking ship at the very last minute out of a sense of moral conscience, courage, righteous moral indignation or some apparently newly discovered sense of decency. They didn't show us any of that for the last 4 years. So where were all of those wonderful attributes before, if they ever truly had them?

Most of these early resignations are being done more for purposes of craven self-interest. Such as long-term financial and political interests, attempts at public rehabilitation, forgiveness and redemption, along with resume repair.
Most of these early resignations are being done more for purposes of craven self-interest. Such as long-term financial and political interests, attempts at public rehabilitation, forgiveness and redemption, along with resume repair.
Fuck theses early resigning hoes. LOL. We will never forget.
As has been said what happened yesterday was an attempted coup by a man too incompetent to carry it off. He has been aided and assisted by several dolts who snuggled up to his would-be dictator arse in hopes of getting some goodies, support in their own elections, or to snatch some of his followers in their future political careers. They enabled him by supporting his crazy fraud claims. Cruz, Hawley, and several others did so because they have ambitions towards running for president so looking good with the Trump base is good for them. They want to inherit the base when they run in 2024.

Now the coup is over and it failed spectacularly. Now those involved and I mean those at the top like Trump and some others, as well as, the idiots who were stupid to plan it and discuss their actions on Parler and elsewhere need to be arrested, charged, tried, and sent to prison for sedition, insurrection, felony murder, and few other things. Trump was too incompetent to pull off a coup. But the danger is that if he is let off without any serious punishment the next would-be fuhrer out there is not going to see any downside to trying his own luck at it. I was hanging out on Twitter during much of the coup, on the feed of a person I know who is a former Special Forces. Several of his buddies were there hanging out as well and it was interesting to read their comments as they picked apart everything that was going wrong in that coup. They were brutal.

The fact is that many of the people who marched on the Capitol thought Trump was marching with them. In his rally, just before they started to march, he had told them he was going to be with them. They believed him. They also believed all the delusional stuff they have been telling each other for four years about how Trump was going to take control and clean house - all that crazy Q-anon drivel they have been spreading around. They also believed that once they reached the Capitol the police and the military would join them in their efforts. They were amazed when the military did not show up to help them and when the cops started spraying them with unpleasant chemicals. They were lucky in a way that everything was so disorganized. They started to leave voluntarily as the FBI and military swat teams were suiting up and being dispatched to remove them from the Capitol. If they had not, it is likely there would have more than a few body bags being removed from that building.

This has to be punished so no one decides there is no downside to trying it in the future. The US has been amazingly lucky that it has gone this long in as good a condition as it has maintained. But it can happen here just as it has happened in other places. We are weaker now than we have ever been in a very long time. There are nations out there who would be delighted to take advantage of our current problems to cause us harm. We need to stop this craziness and re-unite as a nation. But first, Trump and his cronies need to go to prison. His name needs to go down in the history books as the man who never should have been elected and who was the worst president the nation ever had.
Very well said. You are right Juanjo. I certainly hope the democrats don’t forgive and forget the way they always do. The republicans persecute their enemies forever look what they did to Hillary. But what happened to Bush and Cheney for their fake war and raping the economy to fill the pockets of Halliburton and Black water. I hope they have learned their lesson. This is way to serious to forgive and forget.