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Pets & Sex

underwear fun

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Firstly, this is not a post about beastiality.........yuk!

I really find it distracting and off putting if there is a pet in the room while I'm having sex. I think cats couldn't care less what you are doing and happily walk over you while dogs have that look like they know what you are doing. For me pets outside and door closed.

Has anyone else got any stories or thoughts to share?

I was once in a relationship with a woman who had a magnificent Dalmatian named
Wigglesworth. My affection for that big hound was clearly reciprocated.

Whenever my lady and I would make love and he was in the room he would hump
his dog-bed to the same beat. Pretty hilarious, but didn't exactly deepen the
connection between the humans.

"Out, Wigglesworth, out!"
When I first adopted two cats as an adult (38) I was single. I put them outside the room even if I masturbated. After I married at 45, I still felt kind of funny but they wouldn't stand being locked out and really didn't pay that much attention. Now, those two cats are no longer on planet earth and we have a cat we adopted just short of two years ago. She has been on the bed when we've had sex. One day a couple of months ago, when I was going down on my husband, she actually came up and sniffed his balls! We were hysterical. Usually she doesn't pay any attention.
One of my Grindr meets was with a guy who had 3 cats. He said do you mind them in the bedroom, I said I've come to fuck you not the cats.. get them out.
I've heard too many stories about pets and the bedroom like feeling a cold nose in your butt or something licking your toes. No thank you, I like to keep the pets out of the bedroom. It makes me really uncomfortable when they watch me making out with someone. One time I was in bed with a guy getting busy and his big dog came in the room and started growling and barking at me like he thought I was hurting his master, that was a mood killer.
She has been on the bed when we've had sex. One day a couple of months ago, when I was going down on my husband, she actually came up and sniffed his balls! We were hysterical. Usually she doesn't pay any attention.

Was she looking for a "scratching post?!" hahaha
Our pets (birds, cats and dogs) know by now that if we are "doing it;" no matter the location, they had better vacate the area. We've been known to throw things "out of our way." (I'm talking about books, pillows...not the animals) When we are making love on our bed, and move the dog stairs, they get the hint right away.
Oh, you sexy thing you. I thought maybe you were out grinding about but here you are!

Mrs V - It's nice to see that you notice that I'm not around on the odd day. Yesterday I worked long hours and had to drive 80 miles after work in order to avoid the bad winter weather today. But now I'm back so you'd better watch your Ps and Qs lol. What does that mean ?