The Egyptian military is correct in takintg the necssary actions they did. Islamist party/MusBros in Turkey under Erdogan insulted the Turkish Constitution thatwas secularist because back in the 1920's when Ataturk wrote it he saw that the Muslim Brotherhood was a source of societal backwardness because they oppressed women and opposed modern education that embraced all sorts of ideas. Turkey had thriving gay community as did Egypt until now.
The Egytian military must establish itself as the defenders of a secularist universal Constitution that respects all beliefs (atheism/secularism/Islam-Shia/Islam-Shiite/Islam-Wahabbi/Islam-Salafi/Islam-Sufi/Coptic Christians/Roman Catholics/Human Rights liberals/Womyn's Rights liberals)....the main problem here is that Morsi and his MusBros do not nor ever have really accepted democracy. Muslim Brotherhood groups include Hamas and Fatah and AlQaeda and Taliban - all groups that oppose democracy and open societies wherein Womyn, gays, secularists all can participate.
The best model is the Republic of South Africa's Constitution that was inclusive.
If Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood had not betrayed democracy by trying to use the fact that Morsi received 51% of the vote as a justification for an Islamo-fascist Sharia-uber-alles state governed by men such as Morsi who believe that 1)women should be satisfied being married, wearing burqas and having children and 2) women should be happy being raped because sexual assault is viewed by the MusBros as proper social relations and 3)lynch all gays because they are subhuman and 4) murdering non-Muslims is part of jihad and 5)wipe Israel off the map.
Removing the Muslim Brotherhood as had happened in the 1950's and continued by Nasser then Sadat then Mubarak it turns out was the wisest way to maintain a stable state where Islamic jihad was not used as an excuse. Note that the Muslim Brotherhood does not enjoy jihad against themselves.
We in KRU have sent money to the sympathetic organizations to buy technological equipment(computers) and condoms and lube because we have bros from these nations who know who to contact.
Our democracy is imperfect and not as great as Canada and the Netherlands but damn we can at least fuck in the back of a pick-up truck in a high school parking lot or on a university campus in the library.
The Egytian military must establish itself as the defenders of a secularist universal Constitution that respects all beliefs (atheism/secularism/Islam-Shia/Islam-Shiite/Islam-Wahabbi/Islam-Salafi/Islam-Sufi/Coptic Christians/Roman Catholics/Human Rights liberals/Womyn's Rights liberals)....the main problem here is that Morsi and his MusBros do not nor ever have really accepted democracy. Muslim Brotherhood groups include Hamas and Fatah and AlQaeda and Taliban - all groups that oppose democracy and open societies wherein Womyn, gays, secularists all can participate.
The best model is the Republic of South Africa's Constitution that was inclusive.
If Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood had not betrayed democracy by trying to use the fact that Morsi received 51% of the vote as a justification for an Islamo-fascist Sharia-uber-alles state governed by men such as Morsi who believe that 1)women should be satisfied being married, wearing burqas and having children and 2) women should be happy being raped because sexual assault is viewed by the MusBros as proper social relations and 3)lynch all gays because they are subhuman and 4) murdering non-Muslims is part of jihad and 5)wipe Israel off the map.
Removing the Muslim Brotherhood as had happened in the 1950's and continued by Nasser then Sadat then Mubarak it turns out was the wisest way to maintain a stable state where Islamic jihad was not used as an excuse. Note that the Muslim Brotherhood does not enjoy jihad against themselves.
We in KRU have sent money to the sympathetic organizations to buy technological equipment(computers) and condoms and lube because we have bros from these nations who know who to contact.
Our democracy is imperfect and not as great as Canada and the Netherlands but damn we can at least fuck in the back of a pick-up truck in a high school parking lot or on a university campus in the library.