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Orlando Shooting At Gay Nightclub "Pulse". Omg!

We are following the news closely. We are praying and sending our hearts out to all of our friends, family, members, brothers, sisters, and siblings affected by this terrible senseless act of hate and violence. With 50 gone and 53 in medical care, there is no doubt many of you will directly know people affected. We are praying for those 53 still fighting but cant stop crying for those who lost loved ones already.

Thank you Bryce!

I have reached out to Paul Canon. And he is safe and in L.A. right now. He and I were both at two major venues of Orlando Pride exactly a week before this attack. He is reeling from the news, just finding out about it around 7:00 am PST on the West coast.

Gage Owens has posted on Twitter to say he is safe and okay.

Bryce or anyone else...

Can you confirm whether all the Broke Straight Boys models are safe and accounted for? With Broke Straight Boys having been based in Orlando before, I know there are more Broke Straight Boys models who live close enough to Orlando for me/us to be concerned about them.
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We've heard from Mark, owner of Broke Straight Boys, and his booyfriend Ty. Both are ok. We have also heard from Gage Owens who is safe. Gio, who shoots College Dudes, was just in Orlando and he has also reported he is safe. We have a couple of other models in the area and are trying to make sure they are alright.

While we are glad that so far our staff, models, and friends are reporting they are ok, we are very sensitive to the fact that our entire community is in pain and that way too many in our community are now gone or have lost their friends and loved ones.
Chandler has checked in and is safe.
I've been sitting here asking myself what can I do to help. Having been way too close to gun violence in the past, I know there really isn't a lot to do in the moment, but there is a support fund setup by Equality Florida to help the victims. Additionally, if you are in the central Florida area, they are in desperate need of blood and plasma if you are able to donate.

Thank you SO much for all these updates Bryce. I was concerned about Mark and Ty. I wasn't sure if they were still in Orlando. But due to conversations earlier this week with Mark, I was reasonably certain that they would not have been out partying late last night.

Thank you for confirming that Chandler is okay. He was one of the people whose twitter I had checked earlier this morning. At that point I had no definitive word based on older posts.
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Good Afternoon everyone,

I am fine, Chandler is ok, Tyler is fine as well. That's the only ones i've talked to since the incident. It's been a horrible and sad day here in Orlando. I'm still trying to find friends and check on them to see if they are ok. One guy I've spoken to and was a fan was shot and passed away. Thank you everyone for being concerned and I hope everyone stays safe.

Love you all <3

Now a man has been arrested at L.A. Pride with an arsenal of weapons. And Paul is at L.A. Pride.

All these Lonny tune copycats are going to be thinking of doing the same thing. :(
Please just keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers today folks.
Obama has asked that U.S. flags be lowered to half staff in memory of the victims.
I thought of all you guys that might be there because you live near by. My prayers are with everyone that was there.
Many of you in here remember our former forum member Louis who also lives fairly close to here in Florida. He says that he has known a woman for a few years now... She found out that her daughter was killed at Pulse last night. :(
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Just saw a kid Andy Moss on CNN he was with his best friend he doesn't know where he is if he's ok. He was so upset. It tore me apart.