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On-Line Funny Shit & Cute Stuff

Soooo....does this mean you're cop calling days are now behind us??? lololol
I had that happen to me this week...not with God, but with my bank. I tried to access my account and got a notice to change my password. So I changed my password and was still denied access. A notice popped up telling me the new password did not match bank records. So I called the bank and they straightened it all out. I now have access to my $4.36...retirement sucks!!! lololol
I just had lunch with an old college buddy and he looks nothing like a college kid today...........and I don't either. :smile: lolololol
I learned that lesson a few years ago when I attended a high school reunion. Everyone looked so different and so much older than I remembered, and I thought how lucky I was to have aged so well, not changing hardly at all. Then I came home and for the first time took a realistic look in a mirror...hence my signature line at the bottom of each of my posts. lol