Active Member
my membership has not run out quite yet, and I have been looking in on you guys every once in awhile just 2 see if I might want 2 change my mind about being a member or not........I'm at a loss here, I can't figure out just what happened 2 cause this shipwreck...Who is making these horrible so-called creative decisions, members have been jumping ship or screaming 4 you 2 stop this madness.. I understand that you Mark may have a vision of where you want 2 go with this site, but good heavens you are still a business man, and you know it all comes down 2 the bottom line. Your losing customers and if things don't change in a hurry your going 2 lose even more customers.. It saddens me terribly 2 see this happening 2 a wonderful idea, (Broke Straight Boys) if you look at my log in dates Mark you'll see that I have been coming back just 2 check up on your progress in hopes that I could possibly change my mind about my membership here at Broke Straight Boys Also I have been going through some of the greatest hits of BSBs older videos. And it sickens me to realize what has become of this truly wonderful site, as compared 2 what it once was.. the new models are attractive, but we get the sense that some of them really are disgusted with having 2 lower themselves 2 our level just 2 make a buck.. The quality is just not the same as when you had D&E productions. I know you want 2 shake up things, jazz it up some, but this is just not happening in a positive way with this new production crew..I want 2 be fair, you do have new models that show promise, but I think the problem is with the people that are directing your new product. Remember when I implored you not 2 "throw out the baby with the bath water", well maybe YOU have not, but your new production crew has done just that, their direction is taking this site down a new road that is very hard 2 accept. I can only hope that you will see and hear just what is going on with your "baby". Count me as a customer who is still looking 4 a reason 2 stick around....Forgive me if I have upset you, but sometimes friends need 2 be straight with one another, pardon the pun....I really do want 2 stay, honestly! but this new direction of men having 2 perform "disgusting" or "sickening" sex acts with other men just 2 make a buck, is very sad and leaves a gay person with the idea that they are sick or perverted, I believe we as gay men have heard that message loud and clear most of our lives, from the bigots in our society, so why would we want 2 have that message shoved into our faces from a "gay" web site?? Mark please return 2 the str8 guys/gay sex angle, where str8 men actually discover that they ENJOYED the sex after all. A more positive view.....and just maybe change a few minds about gay men and their can only hope.