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Ole Carking is hitting the trail


Well-known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Marion, OH
Just wanted to let everyone know that at the end of my current subscription, I am leaving Broke Straight Boys I want to thank everyone who has been my friend, my mentor, my confidant, and my antagonist.

I am not comfortable with where the site is headed and feel that perhaps the site has run its course. It is no longer fulfills its original purpose and has stagnated.

I wish Mark all the best and hope to speak with or email my friends in the future.

Again, thanks, everyone.

Happy Trails...

I enjoyed your perspective and sense of humor...

You'll be missed...
All the best Carking, you'll be missed! I always loved your posts and your witty humor, you are a funny guy!

Good Bye Carking1. Sorry to see you go!

Dear Carking1,

I know where you are coming from on your call to cancel your subscription. I too do not like the direction Broke Straight Boys appears to be heading. I am not ready to thrown in the "cumrag" but I fear it won't be too far off in the near future.

Best of luck to you and your partner! You were a clarifying and at the same time humorous contributor to our forum. I always enjoyed your posts and I will miss you!
Dear Carking,

I am very sad to hear that you are leaving. If you do in fact leave I hope that you will consider coming back to join us at a later date. I have always held you in high regard. Even at times when we disagreed. You always speak your mind and stand by your convictions. Live long and prosper my brother...
Dear Man,

I'm very glad we got back on an even keel after being antagonists several months ago, especially since you've now made this decision. You're an excellent guy, full of fun and wisdom and these threads will be poorer for your absence. I'm going to be looking at other D&E sites, perhaps ones with forums(?) and hope that if you do the same, we might see each other in the future.
Sorry to say it, but I'll probably be the next one. You all have heard my comments, and they've been along the same line. I think that we all got the "new models" line one too many times. The format of the site was changed and THAT was going to be the start of new things... in HD!!! Well, it's all the same - we just see it clearer than before. I started paying for a subscription to a cam website just to get some variety a while back. Oh, well, all good things must come to an end. And I finally progressed to the next forum level! You guys have been the only fresh thing on the site.
We will hate to see you go Troublemaker. I do hope you'll join us again further down the road.