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Nelson girth really fucks up Gino but GOOD!


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
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Yes, Nelson with his nerdish ways has really brought being a nerd back into style. First of all, Nelson has found the secret to widening any body's ass with his PGD (penile girthmaster deluxe). This is precisely the stimulus package this country needs to get the economy going! I feel after once experiencing this girth monster in any orifice, you would instantly recognize the owner and be able to read the serial number imprinted on this monster during a second attempt even with blindfolds. I am all for people broadening their horizons, but not so literally or rectally. Second, Nelson gets the prize for introducing the "inverted flipflop doggie-style fucking technique" he so aptly demonstrated much to Gino's distress one minute and unimaginable pleasure the other. As a nickname, I think we should refer to his form of fucking as an "emotional roller-coaster" due to the high-highs and low-lows it creates internally. There needs to be a warning sign issued, namely "DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS IN YOUR HOME UNLESS YOU ARE A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL!"

Hardly the traditional "doggie style" we all were raised up on since kindergarten. As a casual observer with my mouth stuck wide open seeing these unique proceedings , I assumed this position was going to require both: (1.) the advanced skills of an EMT crew plus, (2.) a well equipped tow truck with all the high-tech doodads to get them separated (much like separating two fucking dogs that are stuck together because the female can't or won't let go of the male's dick). My one regret in all of this is that Gino is relegated to 2nd fiddle through no fault of his own. One thing for sure, Gino will in the future think long, hard, and wide before entertaining another duet with Nelson unless he desires a "barn door sized" tail end.

You really have to hand it to Nelson - the Girthmaster. This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. What other crazy fucker would have no use for traditional fucking methods but a nerd on a mission. From the looks of things, this is one time you can say in an unqualified way MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! :blushing::drool::001_tt2::ohmy:
Yes, Nelson with his nerdish ways has really brought being a nerd back into style. First of all, Nelson has found the secret to widening any body's ass with his PGD (penile girthmaster deluxe). This is precisely the stimulus package this country needs to get the economy going! I feel after once experiencing this girth monster in any orifice, you would instantly recognize the owner and be able to read the serial number imprinted on this monster during a second attempt even with blindfolds. I am all for people broadening their horizons, but not so literally or rectally. Second, Nelson gets the prize for introducing the "inverted flipflop doggie-style fucking technique" he so aptly demonstrated much to Gino's distress one minute and unimaginable pleasure the other. As a nickname, I think we should refer to his form of fucking as an "emotional roller-coaster" due to the high-highs and low-lows it creates internally. There needs to be a warning sign issued, namely "DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS IN YOUR HOME UNLESS YOU ARE A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL!"

Hardly the traditional "doggie style" we all were raised up on since kindergarten. As a casual observer with my mouth stuck wide open seeing these unique proceedings , I assumed this position was going to require both: (1.) the advanced skills of an EMT crew plus, (2.) a well equipped tow truck with all the high-tech doodads to get them separated (much like separating two fucking dogs that are stuck together because the female can't or won't let go of the male's dick). My one regret in all of this is that Gino is relegated to 2nd fiddle through no fault of his own. One thing for sure, Gino will in the future think long, hard, and wide before entertaining another duet with Nelson unless he desires a "barn door sized" tail end.

You really have to hand it to Nelson - the Girthmaster. This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. What other crazy fucker would have no use for traditional fucking methods but a nerd on a mission. From the looks of things, this is one time you can say in an unqualified way MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! :blushing::drool::001_tt2::ohmy:

I love your post Cumrag, very well written. -J
Cumrag, I suspect that the nerd Nelson had plenty of time on his hands in high school, being frustrated and laughed at. He spent many evenings alone in front of his computer and had ample time to study innumerable positions. He possibly even tried some of them out with a pillow or something. Little did those who scoffed at him know that they were inadvertantly helping to mold someone who would become one of the most talented and hot fuckers in gay porn.

In another thread, someone asked if an online degree is any good; well, in my opinion, Nelson has an online doctorate in fuckology. He teached classes on a futon in Miami, and Gino just passed his final exam.

You mention that Gino will think long and hard before he ever attempts to be coupled with the Nelsonator2010 again. I disagree. I can actually see these two dating outside the studio, and I think their private sessions would be just as hot or even hotter than what we have witnessed. Oh, to be a fly on the wall! These two just took Broke Straight Boys to a whole new level.

I am a little jealous, though Cumrag, I didn't learn about doggy style until third grade. I soon caught up, though! LOL
I love Nelson's inventiveness. He'll try anything.
I've seen something similar in one of the bonus sites - He Likes it BIG. A character, Billie, I think he's Canadian, is in many of the older scenes. He plows away, doggie style til the receiver is flat then spins 180 degrees with his cock still inside and then pushes backward. Rather incredible to watch.
Yes, Nelson with his nerdish ways has really brought being a nerd back into style. First of all, Nelson has found the secret to widening any body's ass with his PGD (penile girthmaster deluxe). This is precisely the stimulus package this country needs to get the economy going! I feel after once experiencing this girth monster in any orifice, you would instantly recognize the owner and be able to read the serial number imprinted on this monster during a second attempt even with blindfolds. I am all for people broadening their horizons, but not so literally or rectally. Second, Nelson gets the prize for introducing the "inverted flipflop doggie-style fucking technique" he so aptly demonstrated much to Gino's distress one minute and unimaginable pleasure the other. As a nickname, I think we should refer to his form of fucking as an "emotional roller-coaster" due to the high-highs and low-lows it creates internally. There needs to be a warning sign issued, namely "DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS IN YOUR HOME UNLESS YOU ARE A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL!"

Hardly the traditional "doggie style" we all were raised up on since kindergarten. As a casual observer with my mouth stuck wide open seeing these unique proceedings , I assumed this position was going to require both: (1.) the advanced skills of an EMT crew plus, (2.) a well equipped tow truck with all the high-tech doodads to get them separated (much like separating two fucking dogs that are stuck together because the female can't or won't let go of the male's dick). My one regret in all of this is that Gino is relegated to 2nd fiddle through no fault of his own. One thing for sure, Gino will in the future think long, hard, and wide before entertaining another duet with Nelson unless he desires a "barn door sized" tail end.

You really have to hand it to Nelson - the Girthmaster. This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. What other crazy fucker would have no use for traditional fucking methods but a nerd on a mission. From the looks of things, this is one time you can say in an unqualified way MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! :blushing::drool::ohmy:

OMG Cumrag, I haven't laughed this hard in DAYS! Your post was hilarious, and downright amazing!!!! Thanks for livening up my day, and giving me a great laugh -- you and Carking both!!!!! :69:

For a Gay Boy, I get tired of keeping things straight!

OMG Cumrag, I haven't laughed this hard in DAYS! Your post was hilarious, and downright amazing!!!! Thanks for livening up my day, and giving me a great laugh -- you and Carking both!!!!! :69:


With all due respects to you Abe, I just finished another reply to you and then I was greeted with this one! Of all the falsehoods! This spineless accusation and coming from the likes of YOU? Before you know it, you are going to be spreading them other false rumors just like I'm really seeing CarKing1 on the side. Kinda like putting salad dressing on the side (and I don't mean in those cheap plastic throw away packages either) in one of your uptown "classy restaurants" somewhere you actually have to leave a T I P and figure it up all on your lonesome! My tip is universal, when in doubt and you don't want to get your panties in a wad, "always head for a restaurant with them gas pumps displayed out front, flowbeds encased in used and fluted tractor tires, and a drive up window in the shade".

It is not that I am cheap or anything, but Carking1 and I, I mean really now! Must you put us on the defensive? You must be from the National Enquirer or the Star or something spreading them cheap trailer-trash rumors again like, you know, like Carking1 insists I use them new-fangled minature and multicolored marshmallows between his toes when putting on his toenail polish! It is absolutely untrue and, as God is my witness, Carking1's toes demand nothing less than the very best, the "original" full-sized marshmallows. Poor thang he's allergic to them there cotton balls, ya know. Or balls of any kind or description! Anywho, them cotton balls have to much defoliant or some such and it makes his toes itch so much, I cant keep my hands steady enough to suit him.

I won't stand them rumors for one dab-blamed minute! Rest assured, this kind of vindictiveness and slanderous talk we mountain folk call simply a "feud". And, its likely to bite you straight in the ass again, just like last time. Remember, Abe?

Remember the movie "Deliverance", Abe? Them third degree gummarks and Tetanus Shots not withstanding, I've hardly got enough of them greenbacks left over from the last time and my allotment for Neosporin is pert neer runnt plane out, ya know! These are hard times!

(That's a just a representative sampling of more enlightened Arkansas mountain people/trailer trash lingo where the "Deere and the cantalope play".)
Nelson did mention that he has studied the Kama Sutra, and perhaps that is where he first learned of that unusual position he tried on Gino. Gino's eyes were literally rolling back in his head during many parts of their coupling, which just proves that studying pays off! I'll have to check my copy of the KS and see what else we might have to look forward to if we are fortunate and more Nelson is "in the can"! And maybe what I might have to look forward to, as well... nothing like reading a good book before bed....:blushing: