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Nelson and Gino Part 2


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
Slim, Slim, Slim. I hope you're satisfied. Kissing, rimming, fucking (as David said, I saw positions I have never experienced or even seen before. My God does Nelson enjoy being fucked and Gino knows how to do it. And Gino for his first anal experience sure seemed to love it by the end. There is so much to be said and I will await the official review from you know who. It proves it is good to have a few gay boys around to really show how it should be done.
Nelson always leaves me with my mouth hanging open! He is one adventurous, creative, receptive, daring, sexy lover! And Gino a very accommodating partner! That was really incredible to watch! The sheer acrobatics of the whole scene were really impressive. And I liked how Nelson said they could continue playing around with the cuffs while they were visiting!
Wow, wow, wow. I think there were several times there that Gino had an out of body experience. I almost had one myself. Man, Nelson is a freak in bed. And I LOVE it!

Unwrapping the towels to show us their nakedness, the kissings, the feelings, the succulents between them, Gino's enviable package, always plump, always hard, always a fistful, along with the tail-gating performance concluding with Nelson licking up Gino's cum off his sensuous abs, so fucking hot, so fucking nice, so fucking true and loving.
That was so hot, I really am coming to love Nelson, mr hot versatile! Esp after he lost that weird dorky haircut, though I still like the glasses and his nerdy vibe. I used to think he was indian but now he just looks like a regular white guy, what's the story? He's a hot thing either way, loved him and Dustin when out of the blue Dustin went down and started kissing him.
Wow! Just, wow! I can't really comment until Slim does, then I will just agree with everything he says. I am surprised he hasn't already said something. Can someone who has his number call and check on him? This scene may have done him in. Slim, are you OK? Say something! Slim? Slim?
PM from Kianna
It has started already. You have been called on to give a play by play of the Nelson/Gino anal scene. "Slim, Slim,Slim, we want your thoughts!" Are you going to make me vomit, over all the gushing?

She keeps me on a very tight leash. But here's what I think about that scene. Nelson, like Tyler, and Corey the makeup guy from last year, and Zack from the Christmas 2008 special, all work, or have worked, at D&E. They're all at ease with the cameraman and produce great acts (Tyler marvelling at Corey suddenly morphing into an "aggressive top" for instance, remember?). Nelson probably got together with David and told him the sort of scenes he and young Dino could provide for him and David went with it.

Nelson is one of my very favorite kids because of all the stuff I always say: his IQ, his hip BuddyHolly glasses, his chatty, classy good manners and beautiful elocution; but he's also a sex monster, with 7.4 Richter orgasms and a totally at-home pervert mentality. I wonder if you could suggest ANY outlandish sex act to him that wouldn't elicit a bugsbunny smile and an erudite, geeky affirmative.

With their Aztec, Inca or Mayan heritage both these guys share a look with the protagonists of another "Indian" ethnicity, the Hindu. I kept thinking of an animated Kama Sutra as Nelson wound himself up in Gino, tying their limbs together and then untying them, his dick the axis around which all the contortions took place.

All of what I've read so far on the forum about them really chuffs me up terrifically. I came out for Nelson the first time a couple of years ago partly because I thought he was underappreciated. You guys make slimey slim a happy man with your praise for one of my faves.

Thanks Nelson and Gino for a terrific show.

Kianna dear one, how's your gag reflex doing?
Wow! Just, wow! I can't really comment until Slim does, then I will just agree with everything he says. I am surprised he hasn't already said something. Can someone who has his number call and check on him? This scene may have done him in. Slim, are you OK? Say something! Slim? Slim?
Carking, I hate to say I told you so, but................I told you that you would eventually come around and fall for Slimvintage. You've gone from mortal enemies to "besties", (as Slim would say). I love it when all my friends in forumland place nicely together. :thumbup:
Carking, I hate to say I told you so, but................I told you that you would eventually come around and fall for Slimvintage. You've gone from mortal enemies to "besties", (as Slim would say). I love it when all my friends in forumland place nicely together. :thumbup:

....for now.
She keeps me on a very tight leash. But here's what I think about that scene. Nelson, like Tyler, and Corey the makeup guy from last year, and Zack from the Christmas 2008 special, all work, or have worked, at D&E. They're all at ease with the cameraman and produce great acts (Tyler marvelling at Corey suddenly morphing into an "aggressive top" for instance, remember?). Nelson probably got together with David and told him the sort of scenes he and young Dino could provide for him and David went with it.

Nelson is one of my very favorite kids because of all the stuff I always say: his IQ, his hip BuddyHolly glasses, his chatty, classy good manners and beautiful elocution; but he's also a sex monster, with 7.4 Richter orgasms and a totally at-home pervert mentality. I wonder if you could suggest ANY outlandish sex act to him that wouldn't elicit a bugsbunny smile and an erudite, geeky affirmative.

With their Aztec, Inca or Mayan heritage both these guys share a look with the protagonists of another "Indian" ethnicity, the Hindu. I kept thinking of an animated Kama Sutra as Nelson wound himself up in Gino, tying their limbs together and then untying them, his dick the axis around which all the contortions took place.

All of what I've read so far on the forum about them really chuffs me up terrifically. I came out for Nelson the first time a couple of years ago partly because I thought he was underappreciated. You guys make slimey slim a happy man with your praise for one of my faves.

Thanks Nelson and Gino for a terrific show.

Kianna dear one, how's your gag reflex doing?

You were always so right on Slim. First we come to realize that Nelson is anything but geeky from the neck down. What a body and what a cock. Then after a while, and when you have seen him in action, you realize there is nothing geeky about him at all. Just watch him fuck makes you realize that, not to mention when he takes up the ass.
I've always liked Nelson and especially after the film Tyler made in the hotel room - that was hot. This film takes Nelson to another level and also Broke Straight Boys to another level. You guys have got to admit dudes, there is no hotter films than two kinky gay guys getting into it. I know, I am one of them.
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I've always liked Nelson and especially after the film Tyler made in the hotel room - that was hot. This film takes Nelson to another level and also Broke Straight Boys to another level. You guys have got to admit dudes, there is no hotter films than two kinky gay guys getting into it. I know, I am one of them.

Then you'll have noticed that they blew the cuff element completely. If I'm gonna fuck you with restraints on your beautiful british wrists I want the cords tensed so you can't wave your hands around like an orchestra conductor. It would have been so effing hot if Nelson had taken Gino by the hips and pulled him halfway down the bed, till his arms were pulled tight over his head, before pushing his big Inca dick into Dino's Aztec ass.
She keeps me on a very tight leash. But here's what I think about that scene. Nelson, like Tyler, and Corey the makeup guy from last year, and Zack from the Christmas 2008 special, all work, or have worked, at D&E. They're all at ease with the cameraman and produce great acts (Tyler marvelling at Corey suddenly morphing into an "aggressive top" for instance, remember?). Nelson probably got together with David and told him the sort of scenes he and young Dino could provide for him and David went with it.

Nelson is one of my very favorite kids because of all the stuff I always say: his IQ, his hip BuddyHolly glasses, his chatty, classy good manners and beautiful elocution; but he's also a sex monster, with 7.4 Richter orgasms and a totally at-home pervert mentality. I wonder if you could suggest ANY outlandish sex act to him that wouldn't elicit a bugsbunny smile and an erudite, geeky affirmative.

With their Aztec, Inca or Mayan heritage both these guys share a look with the protagonists of another "Indian" ethnicity, the Hindu. I kept thinking of an animated Kama Sutra as Nelson wound himself up in Gino, tying their limbs together and then untying them, his dick the axis around which all the contortions took place.

All of what I've read so far on the forum about them really chuffs me up terrifically. I came out for Nelson the first time a couple of years ago partly because I thought he was underappreciated. You guys make slimey slim a happy man with your praise for one of my faves.

Thanks Nelson and Gino for a terrific show.

Kianna dear one, how's your gag reflex doing?

Forgive my ignorance, this is the first gay site I've paid for, but what is D&E?
Forgive my ignorance, this is the first gay site I've paid for, but what is D&E?

It's the production company that David, the cameraman/director, and his partner Eddie, set up to film porn. Most of us assume it stands for David & Eddie but that could easily not be the case.
hahaha hypothetical, just hypothetical...:w00t:

But do you agree they could have done that better?

Everyone can do better in hindsight and to think one cannot improve in any aspect of life is short sighted. However, this was a first bit of kink we've had at Broke Straight Boys and with the kissing, rimming, flip flopping and some cum eating, I do feel there is more to this film than your average jerk off.

This film is for the archive unlike the Diesal/MikeR which is for the scrap heap.