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Need your opinions on members area


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
Ok guys, let's "imagine" that we want to redo the whole members area.
I did say "imagine" ok? doesn't mean we're gonna do it hehe

What would you like to see added to the members area?
Talk to us... :)

Wish List

Ok guys, let's "imagine" that we want to redo the whole members area.
I did say "imagine" ok? doesn't mean we're gonna do it hehe

What would you like to see added to the members area?
Talk to us... :)


Here are a few. It boils down to interaction, the bee in my bonnet always.

See if some of the other Straighties, the more perennial ones, would be into becoming members of the Forum. Tyler's not posted for a while, but that was a real buzz, to be in touch with him. Even when he did collective posts, and kept to generalities, it was still cool.

The catalogue we talked about before Christmas, where we could find the guys and episodes we wanted to re-visit, through some kind of cross referencing system.

Interaction is really key, between members and Blu, members and models, and members and members. Dave has been pretty good about responding, but the members are so voluble and verbal that to find other ways to keep communication lines open and hot would be good. No specific thoughts on this, but I once said in a post that we were all very much into interaction just by the nature of the animals we are, online the whole time.

Maybe get the longer term members to "forum-mentor" newer members and get them chatting and producing feedback and ideas. The omnipresent Jayman often kindly acts as welcoming committee. This could be embedded in the forum by pairing veteran and novice members somehow. Obviously all the chickenhawks in here would like to be indirectly in touch with the Blu Straighties, but that's probably impossible.

This isn't so much of a revamp of the forum as an idea for more interaction. Getting back to an idea mooted before: find an exciting way to get one of the hotter members into a shoot on the sofabed. I was talking to Wahoo about it before Christmas but I may have seemed a bit sinister since the conversation fizzled (you can check it out on my messages). If Blu were more proactive in the initiative it could be absolutely ace. David cleverly picked up on my facetious idea for the auction of elements from the set, and the concept of "used" memorabilia, and developed it into the auctions that are working now. What about a contest to pick a member to be in a shoot? The connection level between your clients and you would take a quantum spurt. Maybe you remember that gaydar.co.uk ran a contest for a couple of years called Sex Factor, to identify the hottest people signed up to the site and award some awesome prizes. A really good friend of mine won in more categories than anyone else, a guy from Australia called Daz. I know from him all the electronic details for assessing the vote, but they wouldn't be necessary with us because ours wouldn't be so massive. Forum members who wanted to be in a shoot could a) enter the contest on their own or b) be nominated by others in the forum and accept the nomination. If they were too shy, they'd refuse the nomination and only member hotties who wanted to would be voted on. Personally I'd like to see all this happen right here. Obviously Patrick could take the contest on the road, but it would get muddled with the bar parties unless the results of field campaigns were religiously brought back to the Forum for voting. One criterion for being the guy on the bed would be that he be a contributing member of the Forum, obviously. Forum would discuss and vote finalists, and a Blu jury would choose the winner in the way you guys regularly choose the models. Our member would get paid just like the other guys in the shoot, unless that produced some kind of conflict for you, but it would be hot if he got paid. Totally hot.

Revamping the forum designwise in userfriendly ways is more what you had in mind, but hope these ideas are at least potentially useful.
Hey Slim, thanks for the feedbacks :) although i meant changes in the actual members area where the episodes are, not the forums.

Like what would you like to have added/changed? A search button to find models easily?...
I would like to see some type of search function implemented for the models. I have a few favorite models, but it is sometimes a pain to go page-by-page through the episodes to find the models I want.

The other suggestion I'd have is to add some searchable keywords to the videos & photo shoots. If a member is looking for a particular type of video, it would again be nice to go directly to those videos without having to page through and sometimes read entire descriptions about sessions.

Keep up the good work!
I would like to see some type of search function implemented for the models. I have a few favorite models, but it is sometimes a pain to go page-by-page through the episodes to find the models I want.

The other suggestion I'd have is to add some searchable keywords to the videos & photo shoots. If a member is looking for a particular type of video, it would again be nice to go directly to those videos without having to page through and sometimes read entire descriptions about sessions.

Keep up the good work!

Yes, that's it exactly. extracheese has put in telegraphic form a suggestion from a while back: models, combinations of models, themes of episodes (jack off, bj, fuck, tenderness, kiss, gay, bi, "straight", facial, bb, SM, etc) and true chronological order of model appearances.

I would like US subscribers to be able to access in some limited way the European (or otherwise "foreign") version of Broke Straight Boys from our Home page if that doesn't violate leasing agreements. Members, especially richardnoggin (dickhead), have noticed that some scenes and elements of the foreign versions aren't available to us, and dh's descriptions make it seem that the Euroversion contains stuff that we've been asking Dave for anyway. Or maybe it's that Broke Straight Boys USA publicity contains stills that suggest much hotter shoots than the versions we get to see. In this case have an outtake/flub facility, also something that's been mentioned before.

We also got enthusiastic about corporate gear as an evolution of our enthusiasm about the auctions. You could incorporate a link to a sales page for that stuff. Allow members who are professionals in industries that make appropriate corporate logo items to bid first on the production of the "souvenirs" in a preferential way. Open a thread for ideas for items. At the moment "used" articles are being auctioned. Similar things could also be sold on a limited edition basis: One week's change of underwear from JacobAnthony. The Straightie would get a 30% share of the price just for wearing 7 tightiewhities and then handing them in to Dave for merchandising. (The 30% would carry as big a fetish charge for the purchaser as the briefs themselves, since it represents a palpable contact with the hottie in question.)

I offered to proofread the episode story texts before Christmas and Mark seemed to take me up on it. They have improved but still are loaded with small unnecessary mistakes that dumb them down to some extent. I haven't heard back on that. I can do it, but if you get someone else I'd hope he/she were able to do it at least as well as I can. Maybe you could let me know on that.
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Picture This!

Ok guys, let's "imagine" that we want to redo the whole members area. I did say "imagine" ok? Doesn't mean we're gonna do it. What would you like to see added to the members area?
Talk to us... :)....Scorpio

Ah....a soft opening to the underbelly of the beast! Thank you for the opportunity....

I would like to see the models pictured individually, (we all have our favorites). Instead of having to go back through all the episodes to spot the episode we're looking for, we can click on the models' picture. When we do, we get a brief statistical biography, i.e. age, height, weight, orientation. Below the bio....or where ever, the name and date of the episode the person has been in, is listed. For example:

Tyler, June 1st, 2007,
Tyler/Alden, August 21st, 2007
Tyler 3-way, Sept. 9th, 2007
Tyler/Austin, April 1st, 2008
Tyler/Corey, January 3rd, 2009

When you click on the person and whoever he's with that you want to see, the episode comes up in the current format, ready for viewing. You get the picture of....for example....Tyler/Austin, the narrative, if there is one, different modes for viewing, and the still pics that have been taken during the video shoot.

So instead of listing all the shoots by date, and having to go through them all to find your favorite, you can just click on your favorite model picture and get all the shoots he's been in....Simple, No?

Just another random thought from a loose leaf notebook. I'm sure other members will have many more ideas that will be grist for the mill. Good luck Scorp, you bit off a big one!
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I would like to see some type of search function implemented for the models. I have a few favorite models, but it is sometimes a pain to go page-by-page through the episodes to find the models I want.

The other suggestion I'd have is to add some searchable keywords to the videos & photo shoots. If a member is looking for a particular type of video, it would again be nice to go directly to those videos without having to page through and sometimes read entire descriptions about sessions.

Keep up the good work!

Absolutley! That's exactly one of the most practical things I'd like to see done. So many times when I read members discussing models and scenes I want to go to them and check out who and what they refer to. It is tedious though to have to search through the whole set looking for the one I want. It would be so much nicer when someone refers to a model to be able to pull up a picture quickly to remember who they are referring to.

On another note I was wondering if there is any way of speeding up the loading time for the videos. When watching old favorites it would be nice to be able to quickly speed through the opening banter and get to the good stuff. lol Would it be a difficult task to upgrade the download speed of the videos?
Ok guys, let's "imagine" that we want to redo the whole members area.
I did say "imagine" ok? doesn't mean we're gonna do it hehe

What would you like to see added to the members area?
Talk to us... :)


I think the forum is nice to gather information and opinions. Sections could be broken up more though.

Broke Straight Boys Previous tours
Broke Straight Boys Up coming tours
Broke Straight Boys Comments and Suggestions
Straight Boys Jerk Off Comments and Suggestions
College Boy Physicals Comments and Suggestions
ABFT Comments and Suggestions
Charity Fund Raisers
Statistic Poles
Opinion Poles
Gay Rights issues
Safer Sex Q&A
True Members Sex Stories

A live real time chat room maybe web cam optional. With each member being able to set up one pvt. room of their own. Also, have models, and company owners stop by and do guest appearance chats with the Forum. (Allow, models to stop by and answer questions, or interactive live shows if they so choose. (**Do not ever make sex shows mandatory**) Please, never put any pressure here in regards to clothing. Make it clothing optional, and if they feel like doing a live show let them. Please, let it always be their choice. ) I would rather interact and talk with the models. I am for members being able to contribute money toward models doing live shows as long as it does not get like Flirt4free or one of those sites.

Have a models area for members. Database driven by model photo. The photo should include basic stats. I.e. ht., wt., eye color, hair color, sexual orientation, penis size, shoe size, favorite hobby, etc. down loadable wallpaper

At the bottom of the stats for that model. Include a gallery link of that models work for all of their shoots on your sponsored web sites.

Example. Maverick has shoots on Broke Straight Boys, and Straight Boys Jerk Off and I can't remember but I think he even had an appearance on College Boy Physicals.

Although, If you did all of this and keep the price very reasonable; I don't think people would ever leave.
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would be nice if a model search were availible, i could then check out my favorite models. ex. mike, anthony, tyler, aiden
I think the forum is nice to gather information and opinions. Sections could be broken up more though.

Broke Straight Boys Previous tours
Broke Straight Boys Up coming tours
Broke Straight Boys Comments and Suggestions
Straight Boys Jerk Off Comments and Suggestions
College Boy Physicals Comments and Suggestions
ABFT Comments and Suggestions
Charity Fund Raisers
Statistic Poles
Opinion Poles
Gay Rights issues
Safer Sex Q&A
True Members Sex Stories

A live real time chat room maybe web cam optional. With each member being able to set up one pvt. room of their own. Also, have models, and company owners stop by and do guest appearance chats with the Forum. (Allow, models to stop by and answer questions, or interactive live shows if they so choose. (**Do not ever make sex shows mandatory**) Please, never put any pressure here in regards to clothing. Make it clothing optional, and if they feel like doing a live show let them. Please, let it always be their choice. ) I would rather interact and talk with the models. I am for members being able to contribute money toward models doing live shows as long as it does not get like Flirt4free or one of those sites.

Have a models area for members. Database driven by model photo. The photo should include basic stats. I.e. ht., wt., eye color, hair color, sexual orientation, penis size, shoe size, favorite hobby, etc. down loadable wallpaper

At the bottom of the stats for that model. Include a gallery link of that models work for all of their shoots on your sponsored web sites.

Example. Maverick has shoots on Broke Straight Boys, and Straight Boys Jerk Off and I can't remember but I think he even had an appearance on College Boy Physicals.

Although, If you did all of this and keep the price very reasonable; I don't think people would ever leave.

Gosh Jayman. You don't want much, do you? :001_rolleyes: LOL
A section for TRUE members sex stories would be way cool!
I'll second that motion! I've posted a few of my stories in various posts, and have encouraged others to post as well. But a section devoted specifically to that purpose would be awesome!! Thanks for the suggestion, Tampa.

Oh boy, what did i get myself into. lol just kidding.
Like i said "let's imagine". It's a new year and we got so much work to do that we can't really do all the things you guys mentioned, BUT i'm sure we could implement a few things. You guys gave us a few great ideas that i'd be happy to see in the members area.
Mark and i will chat about it and se what we can come up with. If you have any other ideas please do feel free to post them!

Thanks a lot guys for your ideas!
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A live real time chat room maybe web cam optional. With each member being able to set up one pvt. room of their own. Also, have models, and company owners stop by and do guest appearance chats with the Forum. (Allow, models to stop by and answer questions, or interactive live shows if they so choose. (**Do not ever make sex shows mandatory**) Please, never put any pressure here in regards to clothing. Make it clothing optional, and if they feel like doing a live show let them. Please, let it always be their choice. ) I would rather interact and talk with the models. I am for members being able to contribute money toward models doing live shows as long as it does not get like Flirt4free or one of those sites.

Have a models area for members. Database driven by model photo. The photo should include basic stats. I.e. ht., wt., eye color, hair color, sexual orientation, penis size, shoe size, favorite hobby, etc. down loadable wallpaper

At the bottom of the stats for that model. Include a gallery link of that models work for all of their shoots on your sponsored web sites.

Example. Maverick has shoots on Broke Straight Boys, and Straight Boys Jerk Off and I can't remember but I think he even had an appearance on College Boy Physicals.

Although, If you did all of this and keep the price very reasonable; I don't think people would ever leave.

That's quite an exhaustive wish list Jayman but why stop there? For the model stats why not include a mandatory list of questions? Making sure of course that we know every pervy detail of their sex life and that by the end of the list they are left with no dignity whatsever. LOL This would just be for the straights. (The gays and bi's would get some different questions.)

How about: Have you ever had a homoerotic dream? If so, describe in detail. Did you wake up with a hardon?

What was your first memory of playing with yourself?
What were you thinking about at the time?

When was the first time you had an orgasm?
What were you thinking about at the time?

How often do you masturbate?

When was the first time you had sex? Describe in detail.

Have you ever purposely stared across a urinal at another man? If so, describe in detail.

Who has the biggest dick in your family? How big is it? Please provide name, age, address and phone number.

Who is the most handsome guy that you personally know? Please provide name, address and phone number.

Who has the biggest dick you have ever seen in your life? Describe it in detail. If you know him please provide name, age, address and phone number. If he is/was a stranger to you please provide detailed physical description of him fully clothed. Along with this please provide city and state last seen, along with last known location in said city. Please provide name of nearest airport to said city. :tongue_smilie:

What sexual fantasy have you never yet been able to fulfill because you're afraid to discuss it with your partner or therapist? Describe in detail. :ohmy:
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Wanna know exactly what I want? Go look at Corbin Fisher's site. You can have it set to each individual guy and just about every permutation you can think of.
That's quite an exhaustive wish list Jayman but why stop there? For the model stats why not include a mandatory list of questions? Making sure of course that we know every pervy detail of their sex life and that by the end of the list they are left with no dignity whatsever. LOL This would just be for the straights. (The gays and bi's would get some different questions.)

How about: Have you ever had a homoerotic dream? If so, describe in detail. Did you wake up with a hardon?

What was your first memory of playing with yourself?
What were you thinking about at the time?

When was the first time you had an orgasm?
What were you thinking about at the time?

How often do you masturbate?

When was the first time you had sex? Describe in detail.

Have you ever purposely stared across a urinal at another man? If so, describe in detail.

Who has the biggest dick in your family? How big is it? Please provide name, age, address and phone number.

Who is the most handsome guy that you personally know? Please provide name, address and phone number.

Who has the biggest dick you have ever seen in your life? Describe it in detail. If you know him please provide name, age, address and phone number. If he is/was a stranger to you please provide detailed physical description of him fully clothed. Along with this please provide city and state last seen, along with last known location in said city. Please provide name of nearest airport to said city. :tongue_smilie:

What sexual fantasy have you never yet been able to fulfill because you're afraid to discuss it with your partner or therapist? Describe in detail. :ohmy:

Wow, those are great questions. I think after they answer those we may not need a photo shoot. LOL... Actually I like a little mystery and I like to watch the models character unfold much like reading a good book. :thumbup1:
Wanna know exactly what I want? Go look at Corbin Fisher's site. You can have it set to each individual guy and just about every permutation you can think of.

Yeah, I know CF has us spoiled too. LOL However; they don't have a Forum.:biggrin:
Yeah, I know CF has us spoiled too. LOL However; they don't have a Forum.:biggrin:

Look at the definitions of the two main Forums. They were mostly set up for brainstorming and feedback, suggestions and ideas, to enable Blu to better their product. So from CF's standpoint the Forum that Corbin Fisher doesn't have, Corbin Fisher doesn't need. They've got the formula right without one.

It's only because we've taken it and run with it that this Forum is so full of vitality, and so amusing. It's also, as Sarah Palin might say, "mavericky", since up to a point Blu only wants to hear what it wants to hear. In complaining, and in delving, we've gone way past the original intent, and several times got dande really pissed off. What's cool is that he also has a GSOH, what's not is that he loses his patience and tries to shut us up.

But if we had acted only as amateur consultants to Blu the Forum wouldn't have lasted till Christmas.
I have Needs Too!

It's only because we've taken it and run with it that this Forum is so full of vitality, and so amusing. It's also, as Sarah Palin might say, "mavericky", since up to a point Blu only wants to hear what it wants to hear. In complaining, and in delving, we've gone way past the original intent, and several times got dande really pissed off. What's cool is that he also has a GSOH, what's not is that he loses his patience and tries to shut us up.

But if we had acted only as amateur consultants to Blu the Forum wouldn't have lasted till Christmas.

Slim, you know what's so nice about pounding your head against a wall....it feels so good when you stop!

When you ask questions, you expect answers, when you make suggestions, you expect feedback, when you get nothing back, you stop giving. I've noticed in a few posts that David has responded to, that he has been as a matter of fact in his responses. Case inpoint was his response to the Dustin/Jason post. It sounded like a little kid that got pissed off, said something, and pulled up his pants and went home.

It's nice that Dave can pick and choose his battles as part of the management team, that's his perogative, but that certainly does not bring about change, nor does it win a war. There have been many pointed posts with direct questions that have been left unanswered. Not popular questions, but questions members have been compelled to ask because of situational circumstances.

It makes me feel like a whore with her legs in the air....vulnerable, wanting....yet no one is willing to fill my needs. WHY?
Slim, you know what's so nice about pounding your head against a wall....it feels so good when you stop!

When you ask questions, you expect answers, when you make suggestions, you expect feedback, when you get nothing back, you stop giving. I've noticed in a few posts that David has responded to, that he has been as a matter of fact in his responses. Case inpoint was his response to the Dustin/Jason post. It sounded like a little kid that got pissed off, said something, and pulled up his pants and went home.

It's nice that Dave can pick and choose his battles as part of the management team, that's his perogative, but that certainly does not bring about change, nor does it win a war. There have been many pointed posts with direct questions that have been left unanswered. Not popular questions, but questions members have been compelled to ask because of situational circumstances.

It makes me feel like a whore with her legs in the air....vulnerable, wanting....yet no one is willing to fill my needs. WHY?

I think the members on the Forum have done allot to inspire recent changes. However, change should be slow and progressive. Making change slowly makes sure that the formula for success isn't damaged. It almost seems like every time mgt. answers a question we all have a solution or opinion of how to fix it. In essence that is good. However; making change is more than getting and receiving good ideas. Often times there is a need to conduct sample market testing and so forth. I do think David and Mark do throw us a Dildo from time to time so that we can scratch our itch for knowledge. LOL
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