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My trip to see Slimvintage


Nov 29, 2008
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Hey one and all! Came across the pond for a special birthday and decided I was going to see if slim was up for some company. The answer was a resounding Yes! Anyhow we made arrangements for a brief overnight and day stay at Slim's in Palma de Mallorca. Well, I couldn't book any tickets on the airlines that fly out of the nearest airport to where I was going to be. Default was to fly to Barcelona. Cool. Hadn't been there before. So I proceeded to check fares. The two airlines that flew out of Leeds-Bradford to Barcelona were Jet2 and RyanAir. Now for us Americans, these are discount airlines based on the Southwest model. However, they are substantially different - more like Southwest Minus. To book you get a fare then you get your taxes (in this case more than the fare), then a fee for either online check in or counter check in, a fee (per person/per leg) if you want to reserve your seats, hold baggage fees, in flight meal fee (everything else is SOLD of of the trolley including water and drinks), a fee for using your credit card AND to add insult to injury a discount of GBP2.00. Yippee!!!!!

Now we're on our way to jolly ole England and it is COLD and there is SNOW and a hard frost every morning. Oh but Barcelona is soooo much better and will be warmer.

Get to the airport for a 2PM flight and the jet is late arriving and then experiences the same mechanical fault that caused the delay. Now Jet2 brings in a new plane from Belfast. So we're off, only 2.5 hours late. Get to our hotel (very nice) and planned on some touristy kinda things today. Our hotel is very nice but the shower cannot hold a temperature that is not either freezing or scalding. Breakkie was good and check the weather, cold and raining. Ok, Mikey and I are drip dry. We like to use the local transport and Barcelona has a pretty good metro system. Took that to the Mercat de Boqueria (I'm probably mangle spelling as I don't speak catalan).
Then we walked to the old Cathedral. Very beautiful. Being restored. On the way saw remnants of the Roman fortifications. We get out of the Cathedral and IT'S SNOWING! Yes snowing. Forst little flakes then those big flakes that latch onto you and build up. We ducked into Barrio Gotico and Cuitat Viexa to get out of the wind and snow. Had a nice lunch at a local deli...... damn that coffee was nice! Decided to go to the Castel de Montjuic. The Asians and us were the only people there. Took the cable car up but couldn't see a thing! Used te Metro to come back to the hotel where we are thawing out. Snow is coming down fairly heavily at the moment and it is sticking! Have attached a couple of pics from the Castel. Tomorrow we're of to Palma to see the redoubtable Slimvintage.......

P.S. Left my flannel lined jeans in the UK. Could used them here!


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Great post Jayce. Sorry to hear that you are getting some bad weather there. But this winter seems to have been especially brutal all over the northern hemisphere this year. March snowfall is unusual in Catalonia but not unheard of. A few snowflakes on the palm trees, huh? haha

Well I hope you have a great visit with our beloved Slim. Please give him some of our love in person. I so wish I could be there for that visit...

!Buen viaje! :wink:
Sorry to hear about your airline probs Jayce but if you choose cattle carrier airlines such as Jet2 and Ryanair then that's what you get. Enjoy your trip at Slim's dude..
No we're not talking a little snow, it got FAR HEAVIER! The cars are covered, but I'm not venturing out to take a pic!!!!!

And yes, John, cattle carriers are what they are, but unless you want to go thru London, what choice is there at LBA? KLM? Way too expensive!
I'm meeting them at the airport tomorrow at 4.45 p.m. and am going to take a bodyguard with me named Hubert. He's an hispanified Pole who's helped me on the restoration sites, big and strong and loyal, in case Jayce and Mikey are so livid with cold and rage, and so fiercely repentant that they undertook this wintery folly to sunny Spain, that they go directly for the jugular right out of the arrivals gate. I'm not taking Hubert in order that he manhandle them away from my person in case of attack, but rather to lure them away from the object of their ire with his lovely smile and attractive physique. I hope it works.

Can't tell you guys how much I'm looking forward to hugging them both, administering medicinal brandy against frostbite, showing them a few of the least snowy bits of the island and keeping them warm till they go back.
I would love to meet Slim.

Well, you know that there isn't anyone who posts on the forum who wouldn't give his eyeteeth to meet you mister. I'm gonna make a pilgrimage to Broke Straight Boys headquarters one day soon. You know how the Pope kisses the tarmac when he gets out of Vatican I?

You all have a fantastic time! Doh! Of course you will! Sunny Spain my ass! LOL!

Now you have a taste of what I've been putting up with all winter!! :001_rolleyes::biggrin:
Have FUN guy's!!! We want to here all about it, With pic's.lol

I don't understand what your are complaining about regarding the weather. When you get to visit Slim, in checking the weather you might have some initial showers, but the Temperature, well, it will break 50. And at night, why it won't even make it to the 30's, at worst 40.

Had you been home in Tucson, you would be experience rain and more showers with the temperature that might break 60 with lows hovering around 40.


Live Long and Prosper (and have fun with Slim),

Had you been home in Tucson, you would be experience rain and more showers with the temperature that might break 60 with lows hovering around 40.

Actually we, people of Tucson, only saw about 30 minutes of actual rain today and the rest of the day was around 75 degrees....lovely day....
Unfortunately it's pretty cold here at the mo and it rained all night. There's nothing worse than planning a trip for when you would normally have good weather, only to find yourself buddyfucked by climate change. I'm putting lots of heaters in their apartment.
Off to see slim in 6 hours. The mountains (hills) around BCN are covered in snow, but it is a bright clear day! Slim has some great plans for our little visit..... Roman ruins - Way to go Slim - I love the old stuff!

More pics to come!!!!!


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It sounds like a great time. You guys enjoy the sights... and each other's company. Cuanto me gustaria estar alli' con vosotros tambien. Me encanta Espana* I'd love to meet Slim's mom too. She sounds like a wonderful woman.

* How much I'd like to be there with you guys also. I love Spain.
Made it to Palma. Gave Slim a big hug! His place is fantastic! Roman foundations, a garden shown on an 11th century Moorish map, etc. Going out to a local taverna for dinner. Will take some pics tomorrow and get them posted.

Day was lovely in BCN. Walked Las Ramblas from Placa Catalunya to de Pau and along the waterfront. Then back up thru La Ribiera to Placa Catalunya. What a great day.

Take care one and all!!!!
Made it to Palma. Gave Slim a big hug! His place is fantastic! Roman foundations, a garden shown on an 11th century Moorish map, etc. Going out to a local taverna for dinner. Will take some pics tomorrow and get them posted.

Day was lovely in BCN. Walked Las Ramblas from Placa Catalunya to de Pau and along the waterfront. Then back up thru La Ribiera to Placa Catalunya. What a great day.

Take care one and all!!!!

Hey Jayce,

Try not to have too much fun. Some of us have to work.

Live Long and Prosper,
