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My story......what's yours?


Well-known Member
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
First, I wanted to thank 'Slim' for the start of the title, especially, since I think there is some similarity in our stories.

Second, I believe since I was in my teens, I've always been at least bi, but with little experience with other guys. I am interested in those of you who have lead a mostly 'hetero' lifestyle for most of your life, but now find yourself on this website. But, by all means, I am interested in all of your stories, but I guess since I'm where I am at now, my first choice would be to hear from those who may have a similar experience as mine.

When I was in my early teens, there was the boy next door who I felt some attraction to, and we fooled around some, but nothing ever 'came' of it. I think when we started, he may have been a late bloomer and not ready (though I was). It was also a little difficult since he was only there part of the year (Miami Beach, FL) and lived the rest of the time in New York. After about 15, he lived in NY all the time.

I've always been somewhat introverted (to say the least), and never had many girlfriends. I guess the same could be said of my sexual experiences. I've only been with three women and one guy (oral only for one night). In college, I was with a girlfriend from high school with a long distance relationship for a year or so and then had a six week fling with another girl. During spring break, I actually had my first sexual experience with a guy (a former teacher from High School), but I was incredibly drunk and really don't remember much about the experience. I have never contacted or seen him since....

Anyway, throughout college, there were several guys I was attracted to and when I finally got up the courage to tell them how I felt, I was rejected. There was a time or two when my advances were made public, which, at the time, made me humiliated and angry.

I met my future wife, Susie, while in college and soon after graduation, we lived together and then eventually married. I will always think she helped make me a better person. She grew up in the sixties (about 9 1/2 years older than me) and was very much my opposite - outgoing (several also called her 'Earth Mother Goddess')! With her, I was totally honest and she accepted me for who I was and what I felt. She fell ill and after 4 1/2 years she passed in April of '07. One of the things I remember her saying before she passed when other people were around was 'Before I go, I need to find you another wife.' However, when we were alone, she would say, 'Before I go, I need to find you another wife' (at which point I would roll my eyes) and the she would add, after a long pause 'or at least and Asian house boy' (at which point I would raise both eyebrows as if saying 'hmmmmm'). I always have fond memories of this to help me with all the pain and suffering she went through...always thinking of other people instead of herself!!!

So, after most of my life thinking about guys since my teens, and never really having any practical experience, this last six months or so, I found myself searching on the web and came across several short clips which were BSG and here I am today...

I can't thank the owners enough for starting the forum as it has been very cathartic for me (I guess along with this post)!

I guess I'm at the point of 'what next'. I've been isolated for some time now (my wife took care of her mother for 3 1/2 years and then six months later she got ill) and do not have a very strong network of friends. I can't imagine going out to a bar and picking up a 'stranger'. I guess I'm missing the guy gene which is 'if it moves, fuck it!', and want to have some sort of relationship and feelings before becoming sexual with someone.

Not sure if this post will gain any traction, but for those of you who read or post, thank you for the time!!!
Not sure if this post will gain any traction, but for those of you who read or post, thank you for the time!!!
Thank you Thomas for your time, posting your story. I would love to hear from other guys who have lived primarily straight lives to tell their stories too. True stories and experiences are most entertaining to read.

I guess I'm missing the guy gene which is 'if it moves, fuck it!', and want to have some sort of relationship and feelings before becoming sexual with someone.

Not sure if this post will gain any traction, but for those of you who read or post, thank you for the time!!!

Thomas there are a lot more of us like that than you can imagine I guess. That was a great story. Thank you for sharring. :thumbup1:
Wow! That is a beautiful and touching story, Thomas, thank you so much for sharing with us.

God Bless You!


Markymark said it so well already Thomas. I don't know how much more I can add to it. Obviously M&M has captured my sentiments for you also. I am very sorry for your loss of your wife. She sounds like a wonderful person. I'm sure she wants to see you find happiness. In whatever direction that takes you... It sounds like she was lucky to have found you also.

God Bless You!
Our Story

First, I wanted to thank 'Slim' for the start of the title, especially, since I think there is some similarity in our stories.

There are lots of similarities, but quite eerie is the fact that my ex-wife died recently as well, after a longish illness. She wasn't all that old considering the age so many people live to these days, and your wife was positively young. Ex-heterosexuals often have coincidences in their stories, but this one is pushing it a bit...
Thomas, your story moved me. To tears. I'm so sorry you lost your wife. She sounds just incredible.

I don't feel like I can tell my story here. It would sound crass in comparison.
This isn't Comparative Lit 101

Thomas, your story moved me. To tears. I'm so sorry you lost your wife. She sounds just incredible.

I don't feel like I can tell my story here. It would sound crass in comparison.

Paris, everything you've posted has been terrifically interesting. No one is gonna compare the sentiment in your story with that in Thomas'. His was touching, maybe yours is amusing or grim or egocentric. I want to hear more from Thomas too, but definitely want to hear Your Story man...:thumbup:
Paris, everything you've posted has been terrifically interesting. No one is gonna compare the sentiment in your story with that in Thomas'. His was touching, maybe yours is amusing or grim or egocentric. I want to hear more from Thomas too, but definitely want to hear Your Story man...:thumbup:

He's right Paris. Everyone is on their own path. Important true life stories are not to be compared side by side like fiction. Please share your story. It enriches us all and if sometimes we are entertained by it, then so much the better. Comparisons are only for fiction. If you have a significant life story that you'd like to share, please do! :biggrin:

Thomas, your story moved me. To tears. I'm so sorry you lost your wife. She sounds just incredible.

I don't feel like I can tell my story here. It would sound crass in comparison.

Paris - Since I started this mess, by all means, I agree with the others and please don't let my story keep you from posting yours.
Thanks, Thomas.

Oddly enough, I live a rather straight life, now, (but I love Broke Straight Boys, LOL!). I first had sex with boys. The first was when I was 13. He was in my class, but almost 2 years older than me. I started school at 4. We lived quite a distance from each other, so we dicked around in school. We never got caught. I'm not sure how, because we would sit next to each other in class and we had a hand in each others pants many times. Sitting in the back of the room helped. The library was another good spot. Lots of study rooms in there! LOL!! I moved to a different school and met my friend. He was the first boy in my class I spoke to. We became good friends and I had a sleep over at his house. He made the first move, of course I wasn't averse to this activity. LOL!! One time on another sleep over, we were spooning and I was just about asleep. He tried to stick his dick in my ass. No lube. Could just as well have been a lit cigarette. I never have had interest in bottoming since then. LOL! We were friends with benefits for more than 20 years.

We both dated girls, too. A lot of them. I first had sex with a girl on my 15th birthday. Best birthday gift I've ever received. She was a hot blonde, and she had been with 4 or 5 of my other friends. She was a beauty and liked to fuck. I'm in. I had sex with her 2 or 3 times after that, but we never really dated, as she was on to her next conquest. My friend has been with far more women than I have. I've been with 20 something women in my life. Some one night stands, but he dated, I had relationships. I'm a softy. I fall in love very easily.

After my friend finished college, he moved into the house. I moved in not long after, and lived there for 10 years. Technically, I suppose about 5, as I stayed at my various girlfriend's houses half the time. I met the first female love of my life there. I was in the kitchen, and a girlfriend of one of the roomies girlfriends walked in. I said "Hi" she said, "Wow". I said, "Back at ya." We were together for 4 years. She was five two, 110#. Sweet. She had the most endearing quality. To have an orgasm, she rode me. The moves she made didn't do much for me, but I just sat back and enjoyed the show. She'd come, and then fall on me and cry. I loved that! LOL!!

I met another woman several years after we broke up. I still lived in the house, but moved out after I met her. We lived together for several years. Sex was never our problem, but she is Irish, and I'm English. She tried to control me. Typical joyless woman. LOL! We broke up, and I moved to a city more than an hour away. She is my best friend. We call each other and email several times a week. I see her 2 or 3 times a month. Sometimes more. I still spend the holidays with her family. When we are together, she will put her head on my chest and ask, "Why aren't we married?" I tell her "You know why. One of us would be dead, (most likely, me), and the other in prison." She'll cry and agree. I love this woman.

I no longer have my friend with benefits, (so here I am on Broke Straight Boys).

Since I've given myself carpal tunnel typing this, you will have to see my House thread on another day, to read about all the fun times at the house. I'll post about, Opera girl and her boyfriend that got paid for sex by a married couple. Motor boat couple, corvette girl, the hot tub parties, the party my friend had when he sold cars. If you are ever invited to a party where 90% of the people are car salesman, run! (No offence to anyone that sells cars!) Even if one of the guys did have a small stable of hookers that tagged along.

Later, parisnoyd
Hey Paris,

Great story. Do you live in England? You say you're English and you use some British spelling. If all that was allowed to happen in a British elementary school I'm amazed! I imagine British elementary schools as being run by stern, overbearing, humorless, constipated acting prudes. lol Or is that "humourless" for you? :) Thanks for sharing!
I'm American. . The personalities aren't far off from the countries. LOL!
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Hey Paris,

Great story. Do you live in England? You say you're English and you use some British spelling. If all that was allowed to happen in a British elementary school I'm amazed! I imagine British elementary schools as being run by stern, overbearing, humorless, constipated acting prudes. lol Or is that "humourless" for you? :) Thanks for sharing!

I actually went for 2 years to a boarding school in England. One of the teachers, a Mr. Ferguson-Young (Fergie, of course), had really small classes, of about 7 or 8 boys. He'd stalk around the classroom telling us about past participles and GROPING us as he went by, or at least pretending to tickle us and trying to cop a feel at the same time. I went back to teach English for a year after university at Chapel Hill, and he was still there, terrorizing his writhing and giggling scholars. It's extraordinary to me how he got away with it, even before the increased sensibility to child abuse which came later. And we all really liked him! He was a terrific teacher, a dapper, skinny 50 year old with masses of curly gray hair. He had this lovely urbane sense of humor, was about the same size as we were (16 year olds) and the rough housing seemed totally natural after you got to know him. Strange though that not a soul ever complained.
I actually went for 2 years to a boarding school in England. One of the teachers, a Mr. Ferguson-Young (Fergie, of course), had really small classes, of about 7 or 8 boys. He'd stalk around the classroom telling us about past participles and GROPING us as he went by, or at least pretending to tickle us and trying to cop a feel at the same time. I went back to teach English for a year after university at Chapel Hill, and he was still there, terrorizing his writhing and giggling scholars. It's extraordinary to me how he got away with it, even before the increased sensibility to child abuse which came later. And we all really liked him! He was a terrific teacher, a dapper, skinny 50 year old with masses of curly gray hair. He had this lovely urbane sense of humor, was about the same size as we were (16 year olds) and the rough housing seemed totally natural after you got to know him. Strange though that not a soul ever complained.

Sounds. like he really worked you nerves in a good way.:thumbup:
Sounds. like he really worked you nerves in a good way.:thumbup:

Paris' post made me think of him again, not because us students necessarily did any mutual classroom stiffy-checking, but because Fergie kept us hopping. I actually learned a lot from him. In retrospect I think it could only have been through the laying on of hands:confused1:
Slim, you reminded me of a boss I had in my youth. He was the opposite of urbane. I was the HR person for a large construction company. This guy was fat, bald, and a perv. Married with children, like that makes a difference. He asked me if I liked it wet or dry. Pig. He would tell me stories about the young men that labored there. They would party with him and get drunk. Some of them would puke, and he'd take them to the shower to "clean" them up. I can't even imagine. I'd be outside talking to the employees sometimes. On a hot day, I'd lift my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. If he was there, I'd see him checking me out. Shudder! The company had their own gas pumps. One day, I walked past the pumps when he pulled up to fuel. He had a piss hard on, and pissed right in front of me. He just grinned at me. I quit not long after. What really drove me from there, is the horse. His wife showed horses and kept them on that property. A young filly that was born there coliced when she was 3. She was doomed, but he kept her drugged. She had to die naturally for him to get the insurance money. Being the horseman that I am, this about killed me. I watched that poor drugged up filly suffer for 3 days. That was it. I was gone.
Slim, you reminded me of a boss I had in my youth. He was the opposite of urbane. I was the HR person for a large construction company. This guy was fat, bald, and a perv. Married with children, like that makes a difference. He asked me if I liked it wet or dry. Pig. He would tell me stories about the young men that labored there. They would party with him and get drunk. Some of them would puke, and he'd take them to the shower to "clean" them up. I can't even imagine. I'd be outside talking to the employees sometimes. On a hot day, I'd lift my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. If he was there, I'd see him checking me out. Shudder! The company had their own gas pumps. One day, I walked past the pumps when he pulled up to fuel. He had a piss hard on, and pissed right in front of me. He just grinned at me. I quit not long after. What really drove me from there, is the horse. His wife showed horses and kept them on that property. A young filly that was born there coliced when she was 3. She was doomed, but he kept her drugged. She had to die naturally for him to get the insurance money. Being the horseman that I am, this about killed me. I watched that poor drugged up filly suffer for 3 days. That was it. I was gone.

You quit for the right reason. It's despicable to do something like that for the money. As far as his eyeing your abs when you mopped off your forehead, it was you inadvertently spreading the joy a little, and I bet a bunch of the builders liked it when you did that too. Your boss enjoyed it and it didn't do you any harm. I've always been :001_rolleyes: flattered :001_rolleyes: by stuff like that happening to me, no matter who was doing it. Sad.
Slim, you reminded me of a boss I had in my youth. He was the opposite of urbane. I was the HR person for a large construction company. This guy was fat, bald, and a perv. Married with children, like that makes a difference. He asked me if I liked it wet or dry. Pig. He would tell me stories about the young men that labored there. They would party with him and get drunk. Some of them would puke, and he'd take them to the shower to "clean" them up. I can't even imagine. I'd be outside talking to the employees sometimes. On a hot day, I'd lift my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. If he was there, I'd see him checking me out. Shudder! The company had their own gas pumps. One day, I walked past the pumps when he pulled up to fuel. He had a piss hard on, and pissed right in front of me. He just grinned at me. I quit not long after. What really drove me from there, is the horse. His wife showed horses and kept them on that property. A young filly that was born there coliced when she was 3. She was doomed, but he kept her drugged. She had to die naturally for him to get the insurance money. Being the horseman that I am, this about killed me. I watched that poor drugged up filly suffer for 3 days. That was it. I was gone.

I am glad you quit. It is one thing to humiliate people who can defend themselves, It is another thing to kill an innocent animal for financial gain.
I am glad you quit. It is one thing to humiliate people who can defend themselves, It is another thing to kill an innocent animal for financial gain.
Jayman, the horse should have been put to sleep. There was no hope for her. She had a twisted intestine. This rarely happens, but sometimes when they roll, it does. They roll to scratch an itch. Her intestine twisted. The creep did have a veterinarian come each day to dope her up. I've been a horse person my whole life. I still have a horse. Can't live without them. I don't know how much pain she was in, but you can only imagine. She was so drugged, that she would stand in her pen with her head hanging down almost to the ground. She should have been put down. It would have been the merciful thing to do for the poor filly.