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My First Time Attending a BSB Event

I know you guys may be tired of hearing about Diesal But I've got to tell you more about him. One thing that's really cool about him is that you don't have to a 20 something to relate to him. When he's with his younger peers he meets them at their level and has a great time. When he's with people older than himself he meets them at their level and has a great time. He really just likes people. And he enjoys the company of older people.

There's no generation gap with him. If you're just a genuine person and you're respectful to him he will relate to you. I'm 25 years older than him and we never lacked for something to talk about. I didn't make a fool out of myself pretending to know all about the music that younger people listen to. I could just be myself. Which is what he wants from people anyway. So for us older members if you get a chance to meet him, you'll love him. And you still have a very good chance of engaging him in great conversation. If you're younger and meet him you'll love him. And you'll have great conversation. When he talks to you he's very present.

So I'm having a great time at the event. Diesal's there, Sha's there, Thunder's there. Diesal is being so nice to me. I couldn't imagine how it could get any better. To keep from monopolizing Diesal at the event I purposely leave the booth area several times and just walk around to people watch.

There was this one bartender there. OMG! He was wearing nothing but tight baby blue briefs (my favorite color) with a white waistband and white piping on the legs. He was sporting a package like you wouldn't believe. Holy crap! I swear that you could see that bulge from the International Space Station. haha You would swear that he had a hardon. Because the head of his dick was so large. Even from a distance of several yards. But he wasn't hard. haha It's just normally that way. He shaved his scalp so he had no hair to speak of. As I walked by his booth many times already in the first hour and a half of the evening I couldn't get over how handsome he looked. Even with no hair. Other than Diesal of course (haha) he was the one other guy there that I couldn't keep my eyes off of. I made a mental note that as soon as I was ready to get a drink that I would go to THAT bartender. haha

So a little while later I go over to Diesal and he says,"Hey Tampa. There's a bartender here who's a Broke Straight Boys model also." My jaw just hit the ground! There were about 30 bartenders there that night. Scattered all over the place. I knew he was going to say it was the bartender in the blue briefs. I just knew. My mind was whirling through the mental Rolodex catalog of Broke Straight Boys models. haha I find the model in my mind.... I'm not one to normally cuss. But in my mind I'm screaming, "Oh, HELL No! Oh, HELL NO!!" haha I'm in total, total shock. I'm dumbfounded. Yet it's all starting to make sense. I innocently ask Diesal which bartender it is, as the adrenaline rush surges over me. He says it's the guy in the blue briefs.

Time to buy a drink!!! LOL I race over there. I'm thinking, "Oh Hell no! These kinds of things don't happen to me. I don't get days or weekends where I can experience true joy and happiness of this magnitude." I race up to his stand. Before I can say a word he flashes me a smile that would melt an iceberg, reaches out his hand, shakes my hand, introduces himself...I introduce myself. I ask him what scene he is in on Broke Straight Boys "Aiden and Jamie."

People. It's freakin Aiden!! Aiden of the famous neck nuzzle. Aiden whose scene is at the top of the preview clips every time we log on to the site. Of the Aiden & Jamie scene of May 20th of 2006. Back in the ancient days of Broke Straight Boys When David had to colorize the black and white talkies before he posted them. haha

Aiden's also in a poolside orgy scene on College Boy Sex Parties. Which is a free bonus site over on BCB.

He looks great! In 4 years it looks like he has aged 1 and a half, lost 5 lbs and taken his hair even shorter.

More later...
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I'm going to try to wrap this up soon so that I'm not giving the impression of competing with Deidra and JW's story of their weekend in PA.

So totally unexpectedly I have run into Aiden at he event. He's just the nicest guy. I never in a million years would have expected to meet him. And certainly not that night. The stars were just aligned that night and that weekend for wonderful things to happen to me.

So I'm still walking around on a cloud. I'm finally here at first event. Diesal is being so nice to me. And we are hitting it off very well. He's so laid back and easy to talk to. He's not pretentious or conceited at all. Aiden is a dream. Just like I was saying with Diesal the same goes with Aiden. There's no generation gap with him. I'm over 20 years older than him and it made no difference at all when I talked to him. I chatted with him with a sense of familiarity more like that of an old friend that I had lost touch with and was catching up with again. Rather than a guy I was meeting for the first time. How does Broke Straight Boys find these guys? They are such extraordinary men. And not just in their bodies and physical appearance.

So I'm thinking to myself, "My gosh. What's next? Can this night get any better?

So I go back to the booth and there's a cute blonde guy chatting with Diesal Aiden I had been recognizing all night on a subconscious level. The blonde guy I was recognizing a bit more strongly. So I excitedly asked Sha if the blonde guy was from BCB. He smiled and said yes. Once the blonde guy and Diesal finish chatting I go and introduce myself. It's C.J. from College Dudes. haha Just knowing that Diesal was there that night was plenty for me. But then I'm getting all these totally unexpected bonuses piled on. haha

More later....
Okay. So I'm wondering what else could possibly happen tonight. I mean,Is a flying saucer going to appear over the stage of the drag queen show and beam down Logan, Danny, Austin and Jace? haha After everything that had happened to me I had to wonder. haha

I went on to have even more fun watching Diesal keep charming other people. He isn't one who wants to soak up all the attention like a sponge to himself. He believes in spreading the luv around. And making other people feel special too.

Well the night was quickly drawing to a close. Saying goodbye to Diesal was so difficult for me. I was almost heartbroken if the truth be told. He sensed my sadness and suggested that I come back the next day. I hadn't planned on that at all. As I explained to him I had family obligations on Sunday that I couldn't get out of. (Plus the fact that it's almost a 5 hour drive round-trip.) Diesal and I gave each other a quick hug and said goodbye.

The whole drive home was just wave after wave of emotions. Very good ones of course. Which unfortunately I'm not all that used to. I replayed the day's events in my mind and I was just so grateful to David, Sha, Diesal, Cousin Mikey, Sha and Thunder for giving me such an unforgettable day. I was physically wiped out from all the exertion in the heat, and all of the strong emotions from the last 15 hours of my day. But I was also pondering just how impossible it would be to at least try to make it back the next day. I was formulating a plan as to how I might do it. By the time I arrived home at around 5:00 am I had already decided that I was going to go back again that evening. haha

So I'll tell you all about day 2 a bit later. haha

I love hearing about things :) it makes me giggle at some of the feelings that you were feeling. I have a clear view that the guys are awesome and I cant wait to share my fun times with them :) I kinda started a count down yesterday :) 11 days and I am leaving for st louis :)))))

thanks for the writting
What about Day 2?

Ok, Tampa. We are waiting! What's the hold up? Out there living or something? :biggrin:
Tampa, man are you one lucky guy. Cousin Mikey and Diesal I know you had a great time, last weekend, even with the 5 hour car drives round trip. By the way, great pic of the three of you.


Good Times


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Okay... So I manage to get things taken care of at home and I head back to Orlando on Sunday night. I'm so thrilled to be able to be back. Plus Cousin Mikey is there. lol And he looked as handsome as ever standing out there with no shirt on. hehe Diesal is very surprised to see me back. In a good way. lol And of course I'm very happy to see him. It's so nice on the second day because Diesal and I are getting along really well. I'm even more relaxed around him and I can just be myself. The nervous energy I felt meeting him the day before was giving way to just the joy of being able to spend time with him. And joy is not too strong of a word. He's a great guy with very good social skills. There's a whole lot more depth to him than just the "porn star". And he was being so nice to me as usual.

When I met up with him he said that the drink he had gotten a short while before was watered down and not very good. I looked over to where Aiden's bar stand had been the night before and he wasn't there. I was a bit disappointed to realize that I wouldn't see Aiden tonight. I said as much to Diesal and he told me that Aiden WAS there. Just in a different place than the night before. I knew that Diesal hadn't gotten the last drink from Aiden because he would have hooked him up right. The two of them get along really well.

So I go find Aiden. I'm standing 2 people back in his line. He had no idea I would be coming back this evening. I didn't even know that myself. haha He calls out to me by name. I'm amazed that he remembered my name! He's standing there in sexy underwear like the night before. He and I are chatting away like old friends again. Just as I said with Diesal, Aiden is the same way. Age differences don't matter to them. Age is just a number.

I order a drink and tell him that it's for Diesal So of course Aiden makes sure it's a strong one the way Diesal likes it. haha I can't help but notice that he has leg brace on his left leg. I said with concern , "Bro...What happened with the leg?" He went on to explain that the night before he had twisted the knee pretty badly. And was in so much pain that he left there around 2:30 at closing and went straight to the emergency room. I can only imagine that he had gotten very little sleep. I asked if he was in pain and he said no. He had taken some mild over the counter stuff and that was working fine. By the time he finished making the drink he's offering ME a hug and we're giving each other a kiss on the cheek.

He had nothing to gain by being so nice to me. He just really is that nice of a guy. For the rest of the night when I went up to get a drink I usually walked away with a hug or a kiss on the cheek, or both. I tell that to you and there is some bragging there I guess. But it's also to make the point that if you ever get to meet him in person you will be truly blessed.

Of course Diesal liked his second drink of the night a whole lot better. haha
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So I'm there on the second night and Cousin Mikey is there. And I'm very happy to see him. The night before I went to Sha with a concern of mine. I told him that I felt really bad that I didn't give Mike as much attention earlier in the day. My biggest concern was that I might hurt Mike's feelings. And of course that's the last thing I would ever want to do. Sha said it was not a problem. That all the models know that most people will usually gravitate towards a particular model who they are especially attracted to. I felt glad to get the reassurance from Sha. But I also made up my mind that if and when I saw Mike again that I would talk to him about it personally also. He is a very dear and sweet person.

So on the second night I did get to see again. I talked to him about it. I told him that I hoped that I hadn't offended or hurt his feelings at all by giving so much attention to Diesal Mike was very kind and gracious and repeated almost verbatim what Sha had told me the night before. That the models know that people will usually be attracted to a particular model at any given time. I told him that I thought he was very attractive and so on. And that on another night if someone was really into the twinkish look that he would be getting all of the attention then. He chuckled a bit at that. Maybe because I had called him "twinkish". haha Or maybe as Diesal called him earlier..."Man pretty". LOL

I told Mike that if Slim had joined us for lunch that by the end of the meal Slim would have had him sitting in his lap. haha Mike looked and sounded quite dubious at that prospect. I assured him that it was far more likely than he might give the ole Slim Meister credit for. haha He just rolled his eyes. haha

Mike is actually not all that femme. He can definitely pass for straight. Obviously he's not a brawny, hairy manly man. But he is definitely quite handsome in person. His body build is very similar to that of my brother and I when we were his age and younger. I'm part Italian and I recognized the look. I asked him if he was Italian and he said yes. He said that he was also part Cherokee. Funny thing. As I stated on the 10 Random Things thread a long time ago, I am part Cherokee too. LOL So it was cool to have the Italian/Cherokee thing in common.
The company that Mike works for in his personal life is one that I worked for for several years myself. I later went on to another major company in the same business. I worked in a management capacity for over 17 years. Doing much the same thing as Mike does now. People assume that because it's not rocket science that the job is easy. It's NOT! It's stressful and very physically demanding. With very long hours. I got into management when I was 23. Mike is in a management/leadership job now at 21. Yeah... Our beloved Mike has people 20 to 60 y/o who report to him. (Give or take a few years, plus or minus) I have a tremendous amount of respect for him that he can handle the job so well. And especially at such a relatively young age.

I had often wondered about how his family felt about his doing porn. Obvious question...Right? Well I was about to get an answer. I go up to the Broke Straight Boys booth and there's a man and woman there talking to Mike. I quickly ascertain that this lovely woman is Mike's mom. We imagine all these other Broke Straight Boys models who are sweating bullets every night at the thought of their parents ever finding out about their video work. And here Mike's mom is, at an event, (with her gay hairdresser friend) to give him support. How many Broke Straight Boys's would love to have a mom like that?

I introduce myself to Mike's mom and her friend and we chat for a bit. Obviously since she is there in a gay bar, with a gay friend...she is supportive. Still I ask her the question..."So, what do you think of what he's doing?" Without a moment's hesitation, and in a forceful voice, brimming with motherly pride... she says, "I'm proud of him!!" I looked over at Mike standing behind the table. He looked so handsome. And so young. With a life ahead of him full of wondrous possibilities. And I was so happy for him that he had a family who supported him. And on that steamy night, in which I which I felt happier than I had in years...I said to both of them,"Who wouldn't be proud to have a son like that?"

I would count my lucky stars at night to realize that I had been blessed with a son like him. :001_wub:
So on my second and final night with Mike, Diesal and the gang I felt like I could not have been any happier. I got a kick out of the fact that Mike was crushing on another model in the tent beside us. haha His stage name is Chad Matthews. He does work on a site that many of us are familiar with. So Mike went over to chat with Chad. They are both about the same age. In fact Chad might even be a bit younger than Mike. Even from a distance it looked so cute seeing the two of them nervously trying to talk to each other. :blushing: No word on whether Mike ended up with a phone number. LOL

At one point I was talking to a guy who was admiring Mike and Diesal He had been up to the booth already and I asked him if he had thought of joining the site. He said he was thinking about it but wasn't sure. Of course we know that if somebody joins even for a couple days that they will see the huge amount of content in here. And they'll usually opt to stick around for a while. Then if they discover the forum they may never leave. haha

You know me. I'm telling him how great the site is. So I mentioned that they often run the $1 for 3 day trial specials. Now see if this conversation sounds familiar... He said that he wouldn't do any trial memberships on pay sites or maybe not even paysites in general after what happened to him with this site called Haze Him. He just starts winding up and sputtering as he tells me how awful that site is with its "trial membership" that doesn't let you see anything. It was actually rather amusing because he was telling me almost verbatim the same conversations that we were having just a few weeks ago on another thread. About how Haze Him and some of these other sites were getting so underhanded in the way they were trying to rip people off by not giving them access to any of the good content. So there is a backlash building out there against those kinds of practices. Of course I told him that Broke Straight Boys was much more civilized and reputable and did not have those issues. So maybe he will join.
I was impressed right away by how close the models and event staff are. When they are on the road travelling they become so close. They are like their own little family when they travel on the road. They are away from their families and loved ones and they are in all of these new places together where they don't know a soul. So they are very devoted to each other.

I was speaking to Sha about this and he tells me that they are all like family when they are on the road. He said things like, "The way I feel about that guy over there..." Looking over at Diesal as his voice trails off. "If he was ever in trouble he knows I would have his back in a heartbeat." Of course Diesal was the only model there at the time that we were talking. But I know the same applies to all of the models in his charge. I spoke to Thunder and I know he feels the same way about looking after and protecting the models. I applaud them both.

I was very impressed by the way they all rallied around Mike to make sure he stayed safe. Since Mike was new to working the events they were all watching out for him. Thunder, Bryce, Diesal, and even me to an extent. Whether Mike was even consciously aware of it or not. Fortunately Mike could take care of himself just fine. He was never approached in a threatening way. But the help would have been there instantly if he had needed it.

After meeting Sha and Thunder in person I can assure everybody that all of our favorite models on tour, who we care about as real human beings more than they may ever know....are in safe and competent hands. They are being well fed. They are being lodged in nice places. Not dumpy ones. And their emotional needs of feeling safe, protected and cared for while in strange new places, are being met. The event staff are doing a great job. I can't say enough nice things about the staff.

When Mike and Diesal were given a little break from the booth to watch some of the show the 3 of us took off. Diesal watched Mike like a hawk when we were wading into the bigger crowds. With Diesal being 6'3" he can spot a midget in a crowd of 100 from 10 feet away. With just a slight turn of the head. LOL It was so sweet to watch how Diesal took on something akin to a big brother role with him. We stopped first at Aiden's bar stand so that I could get Diesal a drink. Aiden made him a Jack and Coke. A double. With diet Coke. haha Of course any time you go to visit Aiden it's a happy occassion. Aiden just radiates such a positive glow. He and Diesal get along great of course and we all happily chatted for a couple minutes.

Then we waded into the massive crowd in front of the pool stage area. With Diesal leading the way, with his tall and take-charge charismatic self (haha) we were soon making our way towards the stage. Diesal decided he didn't like the area we had first settled upon, to the right of the stage. He says to me, with a smirk and a glimmer of mischief in his eyes,"I'm gonna get us to the front of that stage." Sure enough we were off. Diesal led the way and the seas parted. With Mikey safely in the middle of us and me holding up the rear. (Don't go there! LOL) Soon we were front and center. The performers were singing to the Glee version of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing". A roar of approval arose from the crowd. I asked Mike if he likes Glee. He does. haha
At one point Diesal brought up the subject of Broke Straight Boys selling molds of some of the models' dicks. Don't know how he found out about that suggestion. The fact that he mentioned it might mean that they will do it. Who knows? I told him that if they did an impression of him that he would break the mold. Of course Mike is packin' also. They might need extra large molds for them. haha Could you imagine though if a fan wrote them and said, "Mike, Diesal.. I've been practicing my technique on you for 3 months. I can work some magic with my tongue that will have your eyes rolling into the back of your head." LOL That's an offer that they probably shouldn't reject out of hand. haha
LOL, Tampie! Thanks for filling us in on your fab weekend with the BSBs.

Hhhmmmmmm..... I wonder if Diesal would need any help making the mold? I wonder which Forumite would volunteer for that duty? :wink::001_tt2:
where do I sign up with that one :P I have enjoyed reading the weekend though :) it great to see the guys are just as awesome as we thought.
Well guys and gals,

The rest of the night flew by. It was important to me to make the point to Diesal and Mike and any other models who may gt into the forum that we really care about them as people. As well as just performers and entertainers. It matters to us that they are in a good place in their lives and that they are happy.

Going to the event meant alot to me obviously. I'm not into a cult of celebrity. Where people appear to love to fall all over these people who are famous for nothing more than being famous. Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, etc... Having said that, it was still quite a thrill to meet these guys in person. The lead up to the event gave me something to look forward to that I could get excited about like few other things over the past many years.

Part of what made the weekend all the more magical was something that Slim alluded to on another thread. That being that it had a Beauty and the Beast quality to it. LOL If these guys hadn't been so mature beyond their years, with such great social skills, I would never have had the experience that I did. But the fact that time at this point is quickly stealing my youthful looks didn't seem to matter at all. All of them welcomed me with open hearts and open arms. I was never made to feel like I didn't belong. Dieasal, Aiden and the rest of the gang had no problem meeting me at my level as an adult and allowing me to soak up every bit of the experience.

Diesal and I connected on a very comfortable level. We got along great. I could have talked to him all night . haha Same with Aiden of course. As well as the others there. Of course as I've said before, Diesal has a way of making everybody feel like they have shared a moment and made a connection with him. haha But the idea that a 20 something member and a 40 something member can go to an event and both have a fantastic time with these guys is just extraordinary. These guys really are unique.

Part of why I wrote this thread was to help myself remember the experience. The medications that I take wreak havoc on my short term memory. So if I can get it written down I stand a better chance of remembering it later. And this was a fantastic experience that I didn't want to forget. And get all hazy on the details.

As I told Diesal I do not expect this life to be an especially long one. And I'm okay with that. With my health I think I'm pretty sure that I've got 5 more years. But I probably don't have more than 10 at the most. I hold no illusions that I'll make it to 70 or above.

I am grateful to all the guys to all the staff and models who helped give me such a fantastic weekend. I was blessed to have met all of them. David, Sha, Thunder, Bryce, Diesal, Mike and Aiden... And I will never forget that in the summer of 2010 I met such wonderful people face to face. The feelings of joy are indescribable. And joy is not to strong of a word. When life is throwing alot of adversity our way we all need something wonderful that we can look forward to. In this case the weekend exceeded all of my expectations. And I was happier and more content than I have been in a long time.

The evening did finally have to end. Saying goodbye to Diesal was terribly difficult for me. He gave me some hugs that just melted my heart. I might have been brought to tears had it not been for the joy and gratitude I still felt towards everyone who went out of their way to spend time with me and make me feel so welcome. Rather than as an outsider.

Mike had already taken off with stuff to pack the van and was busy. So I wasn't able to say goodbye to him face to face. Or get a farewell hug. One of my few regrets about the evening on the second day. But we still have our dear Mike in the forum so that's a blessing. haha

I'll never forget that weekend in 2010 when I met all these wonderful people. And life suddenly felt very good.
Tampa, I really enjoyed reading all that you contributed to in this thread. I know that you will have memories to relish and reflect back on. I am so happy that you were able to make the event, even with the distance of travel, which must have been tiresome.
Keep well and keep in touch. We all love you.
