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My First Time Attending a BSB Event


Oct 30, 2008
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Hey Everyone!

As Mikeyank has stated on another thread I am absolutely on a cloud after getting to meet all of the Broke Straight Boys staff and models in Orlando on June 6-7th 2010. The whole experience was so surreal (in a good way of course) that I felt like I needed to pinch myself. To make sure that something so extraordinary was really happening for me.

There's no way I can relate all of my thoughts and experiences in one sitting. It would be the length of a novel. haha And nobody wants to read a 25 paragraph post. Not even me! haha So I will break this up over the next few days.

I would have liked to have gotten back to you guys sooner. But I have been struggling to rest up after a 2 day event that required a 4+ hour round-trip drive each day. I am not in perfect health so it took a bit out of me. The heat was really oppressive on Saturday especially. It was forecast to be 94 degrees. And it easily matched or exceeded that. Just the pure emotion of the whole experience was a bit overwhelming at times. I am still reeling from the afterglow. :biggrin:

I will start with meeting up with them for lunch near Disney. I walked in to the restaurant hoping that I am about 5-10 minutes early. As I enter I see this beautiful Disney employee against the wall. He looks twinkish and appears to be about 17-18 y/o. He sees me and flashes me the most beautiful smile as I enter. :001_tt1: I'm not used to someone as handsome (and as young) as him smiling at me like that. But this IS a magical place. haha And smiling at guests is highly encouraged. So my day is already starting off on a very high note.

I went in a few feet more and started looking for the guys in the other direction. As my eyes were adjusting from direct sunlight to a dimly lit restaurant I paused. I said to myself, "Self...I think that beautiful employee was Cousin Mikey." I race over in that direction and there's David, Sha, Mike and Diesal I was ecstatic and very nervous! I'm a hugger, so I handed out hugs all round. Mike is so tiny that he's like hugging a cloud. He just disappeared in your arms. Except that unlike a cloud he is worth every bit of luv and affection. He's just beautiful in person. And a very sweet and gentle soul. :001_wub:

So we go to sit down. Somehow I ended up sitting next to Diesal Don't know how that happened....??? Just pure chance that I waited to see where he would sit and somehow it just turned out that way. Oh! Diesal is every bit of 6'3". I'm 5'11" and if I wanted to look him in the eye I had to be prepared to get on my tiptoes. haha

The conversation quickly went to the topic of female mebers on the site. We all voiced our approval. I said I felt that the women brought a fresh perspective and of course some variety to the site and the forum. Of course Diesal is all about the women. haha So he was all for it. He immediately talked about how much fun they had meeting Miss D. And how he was looking forward to seeing her again in PA. And he said that after talking to her and hearing such nice things about jwglass that he was very anxious to meet him. So JW, we hadn't been there more than 10 minutes before Diesal personally mentioned you by name. I was very impressed from the getgo of how much everyone seemed to care about the members.
Thank you so much for Part 1 of "Tampa24's Excellent Adventure". Some of the highest rated shows in television history were mini-series, like Roots, so if the subject matter is interesting, a long multi-part report would seem quite appropriate. I'm starting to really appreciate who Diesal is as a person, from your first post. I love it that he knows who jwglass is, and wants to meet him. I know of one Starbucks Barista who is just loving reading this.

I do look forward to the next chapter.
Thank you so much for Part 1 of "Tampa24's Excellent Adventure". Some of the highest rated shows in television history were mini-series, like Roots, so if the subject matter is interesting, a long multi-part report would seem quite appropriate. I'm starting to really appreciate who Diesal is as a person, from your first post. I love it that he knows who jwglass is, and wants to meet him. I know of one Starbucks Barista who is just loving reading this.

I do look forward to the next chapter.

Somebody is certainly showing his age - sorry Mikey :biggrin:
YAY Thanks for sharing :) I cant wait to visit with the guys and to know they are down to earth is a great thing to hear and also thanks for the love of us women on the forum. I was a little scared to write but now feel right at home.

I am so glad that you had a great time and cant wait to hear more.
Boy Gusher,

You've already picked up where I'm going with this. The guys are indeed very down to earth. Not pretentious at all. But more on that later...

I'll share more tomorrow. I've had a long day. haha
So glad to hear you had a wonderful time! It's great to hear continued confirmation that this is a group of really thoughtful, kind people! Hope to meet up with them here in Denver... Hurray for the nod to us girls....
I wish Diesal would post on the forum like Mike does!:biggrin:

I'm so glad they made it so great for you. I can't wait to hear more.

Tampa...I am grinning ear to ear! Thank you so much for posting that! And Diesal would really like to post on the forum Ms. K but there is an issue with his login. I guess he's tried several times to get on but can't.
Tampa...I am grinning ear to ear! Thank you so much for posting that! And Diesal would really like to post on the forum Ms. K but there is an issue with his login. I guess he's tried several times to get on but can't.

Can't Scorpio or Chuck fix it? I hear they can do anything!

words cant even describe how awesome it is that he actually WANTS to meet me, i'm on cloud 9 right now, and its not because of the devils lettuce i just enjoyed! fuck yeah deidra, get your ass to pittsburgh right now so we can start this party and burn this city down!
Hey Everyone!

As Mikeyank has stated on another thread I am absolutely on a cloud after getting to meet all of the Broke Straight Boys staff and models in Orlando on June 6-7th 2010. The whole experience was so surreal (in a good way of course) that I felt like I needed to pinch myself. To make sure that something so extraordinary was really happening for me.

There's no way I can relate all of my thoughts and experiences in one sitting. It would be the length of a novel. haha And nobody wants to read a 25 paragraph post. Not even me! haha So I will break this up over the next few days.

I would have liked to have gotten back to you guys sooner. But I have been struggling to rest up after a 2 day event that required a 4+ hour round-trip drive each day. I am not in perfect health so it took a bit out of me. The heat was really oppressive on Saturday especially. It was forecast to be 94 degrees. And it easily matched or exceeded that. Just the pure emotion of the whole experience was a bit overwhelming at times. I am still reeling from the afterglow. :biggrin:

I will start with meeting up with them for lunch near Disney. I walked in to the restaurant hoping that I am about 5-10 minutes early. As I enter I see this beautiful Disney employee against the wall. He looks twinkish and appears to be about 17-18 y/o. He sees me and flashes me the most beautiful smile as I enter. :001_tt1: I'm not used to someone as handsome (and as young) as him smiling at me like that. But this IS a magical place. haha And smiling at guests is highly encouraged. So my day is already starting off on a very high note.

I went in a few feet more and started looking for the guys in the other direction. As my eyes were adjusting from direct sunlight to a dimly lit restaurant I paused. I said to myself, "Self...I think that beautiful employee was Cousin Mikey." I race over in that direction and there's David, Sha, Mike and Diesal I was ecstatic and very nervous! I'm a hugger, so I handed out hugs all round. Mike is so tiny that he's like hugging a cloud. He just disappeared in your arms. Except that unlike a cloud he is worth every bit of luv and affection. He's just beautiful in person. And a very sweet and gentle soul. :001_wub:

So we go to sit down. Somehow I ended up sitting next to Diesal Don't know how that happened....??? Just pure chance that I waited to see where he would sit and somehow it just turned out that way. Oh! Diesal is every bit of 6'3". I'm 5'11" and if I wanted to look him in the eye I had to be prepared to get on my tiptoes. haha

The conversation quickly went to the topic of female mebers on the site. We all voiced our approval. I said I felt that the women brought a fresh perspective and of course some variety to the site and the forum. Of course Diesal is all about the women. haha So he was all for it. He immediately talked about how much fun they had meeting Miss D. And how he was looking forward to seeing her again in PA. And he said that after talking to her and hearing such nice things about jwglass that he was very anxious to meet him. So JW, we hadn't been there more than 10 minutes before Diesal personally mentioned you by name. I was very impressed from the getgo of how much everyone seemed to care about the members.

Wow, Tampa. I attempted to play hookie from work for the Pittsburgh event. LOL... I am glad that JW will get to meet such a positive Broke Straight Boys cast and crew.

As you said meeting these guys can be very surreal. Take your time coming back down from cloud 9. We will be here when you get back. LOL Bless your heart with love and light. :biggrin: Thanks for sharing...
keep your eyes peeled, me and deidra are going to post the whole weekend. maybe we can even sneak some pictures up here!
keep your eyes peeled, me and deidra are going to post the whole weekend. maybe we can even sneak some pictures up here!

Sounds like a great plan...:biggrin:
Hey Tampa, the first part was very interesting - didn't David try and get the meet and greet guy onto the site LOL.. Hope you guys and girls have a good time in Pitsburgh and it's so nice to see the models being so genuinely friendly with the site members and their fans. Go for it dudes...
Oh Chuck, if you can get Diesal on the forum, I will revoke hero status I have handed out to anyone else and make you Broke Straight Boys's Official Resident Hero! But, I can not guarantee that you wouldn't get mobbed by your adoring fans.


Well the guys out there in Colorado that we've been introduced to so far have been great men. Mark and Chuck. :001_tt1: And of course there's our beloved Scorpio out in Texas. But if they can get his password issue sorted out they will go even higher up on the pedestal. haha

I'm not sure even Diesal knows just how anxious people are to show him the luv and appreciation for all the work he's done here on the site.
Well I will pick up again and try to give you more insights into the models and the Broke Straight Boys guys. I have to say that Diesal has always been someone who fascinated me from his earliest work. I've been a fan of his for the full 2 years I've been a member. When he identified himself as straight in his very first vids I had no trouble believing that. I always felt that there was a whole lot of depth to him. And that he had an interesting story to tell if we were ever able to get him to share some of it.

I have said repeatedly said here over these 2 years that I would love to be able to sit down with Diesal in an outdoor cafe near the beach. And just spend the afternoon chatting away. With no expectation of sex. Just the thought of getting to spend time with him would be such a thrill. I always felt that he would be a fascinating person to talk to. I sensed that there were many many layers to him. Once this daydream/fantasy pretty much came true I found that I was not mistaken....:001_smile: haha

To say that his whole weekend exceeded every expectation for me...and to say that I will treasure the memories for eternity, would be an understatement. I can't possibly thank them all enough.

So anyway we are sitting around talking. And I am trying to eat my meal. But food was so inconvenient because it was getting in the way of conversation. haha And now I know all about what Miss D was saying about how your voice goes an octave higher when you are so nervous, giddy and hyped up to be around people you're so anxious to get to know. And you're very well aware that you have limited time.

You know that when we gays, bi's (and allies haha) get together to talk, the conversations can sometimes leave the Disney G rating. haha It happens. :biggrin: And we were surrounded by families with small children. At one point I got carried away talking about something and I quickly realized that I was loud enough to be heard by surrounding tables. I immediately stopped and cringed. I thought, "Whoa... I need to rein that voice in a little bit." haha "A little deeper and more of a hushed tone." lol

David is just the nicest guy. I hadn't seen the latest update from the night before. So he told me that it was doing very well in the ratings and was well received in the forum. You could just see the happiness and pride he felt in the telling. So it's obvious that he does take to heart how his vids do in the ratings, here in the forum, in emails and so on. I wish I could have had more time with him. I guess I'll just have to go to another event sometime. haha

Sha is even more handsome in person. The camera doesn't do him justice. You look into his eyes when he's talking to you and you can see the warmth, sincerity and intelligence behind them.

At last we had to leave the restaurant and we went out into the blazing sun. lol We came up with a surprise for all of you later. About the time that we all thought our bodies were going to melt into blobs on the pavement we had to part ways. Mike and Diesal had to take their shirts off because it was so hot. I had to put up with seeing them walk around bare chested. Oh darn! LOL And that wasn't helping to cool me down any either. Believe me. :biggrin:

David and Mike were ducking into every shaded spot they could find. haha Temps in the mid 90's are very common in Florida. We Floridians are used to it. It just seems though that after such an extremely cold winter here (by our standards) that the real heat came on awfully quickly this year. This weather is much more common for July and August rather than the first days of June.

As I close this portion I just wanted to talk about Diesal's body for a moment. haha I know. I know... You aren't really interested in any of that. But I'll share a bit of it quickly with you anyway. :-)

There are some vids where we see him and assume that his hair is all dark brown. That's not really true. He has beautiful silky blonde hair covering his forearms. Which rather surprised me. Then on his chest he has some blonde hair that slowly turns to a light brown and then a darker brown in the center. His treasure trail is a blondish light brown. Not that I was paying much attention... When he's indoors you swear that his hair color is just your standard issue dark brown. But outdoors when the sun glistens on it it's more of a hazel color. Almost like an antique brass color at certain moments. Very unusual... But obviously VERY attractive. Depending on the lighting it's a rainbow of various blondish, dark brown hues. And that's just one thing of many that makes him such a unique and special person. :001_smile:

Next up: The Event