Hey Everyone!
As Mikeyank has stated on another thread I am absolutely on a cloud after getting to meet all of the Broke Straight Boys staff and models in Orlando on June 6-7th 2010. The whole experience was so surreal (in a good way of course) that I felt like I needed to pinch myself. To make sure that something so extraordinary was really happening for me.
There's no way I can relate all of my thoughts and experiences in one sitting. It would be the length of a novel. haha And nobody wants to read a 25 paragraph post. Not even me! haha So I will break this up over the next few days.
I would have liked to have gotten back to you guys sooner. But I have been struggling to rest up after a 2 day event that required a 4+ hour round-trip drive each day. I am not in perfect health so it took a bit out of me. The heat was really oppressive on Saturday especially. It was forecast to be 94 degrees. And it easily matched or exceeded that. Just the pure emotion of the whole experience was a bit overwhelming at times. I am still reeling from the afterglow.
I will start with meeting up with them for lunch near Disney. I walked in to the restaurant hoping that I am about 5-10 minutes early. As I enter I see this beautiful Disney employee against the wall. He looks twinkish and appears to be about 17-18 y/o. He sees me and flashes me the most beautiful smile as I enter.
I'm not used to someone as handsome (and as young) as him smiling at me like that. But this IS a magical place. haha And smiling at guests is highly encouraged. So my day is already starting off on a very high note.
I went in a few feet more and started looking for the guys in the other direction. As my eyes were adjusting from direct sunlight to a dimly lit restaurant I paused. I said to myself, "Self...I think that beautiful employee was Cousin Mikey." I race over in that direction and there's David, Sha, Mike and Diesal I was ecstatic and very nervous! I'm a hugger, so I handed out hugs all round. Mike is so tiny that he's like hugging a cloud. He just disappeared in your arms. Except that unlike a cloud he is worth every bit of luv and affection. He's just beautiful in person. And a very sweet and gentle soul.
So we go to sit down. Somehow I ended up sitting next to Diesal Don't know how that happened....??? Just pure chance that I waited to see where he would sit and somehow it just turned out that way. Oh! Diesal is every bit of 6'3". I'm 5'11" and if I wanted to look him in the eye I had to be prepared to get on my tiptoes. haha
The conversation quickly went to the topic of female mebers on the site. We all voiced our approval. I said I felt that the women brought a fresh perspective and of course some variety to the site and the forum. Of course Diesal is all about the women. haha So he was all for it. He immediately talked about how much fun they had meeting Miss D. And how he was looking forward to seeing her again in PA. And he said that after talking to her and hearing such nice things about jwglass that he was very anxious to meet him. So JW, we hadn't been there more than 10 minutes before Diesal personally mentioned you by name. I was very impressed from the getgo of how much everyone seemed to care about the members.
As Mikeyank has stated on another thread I am absolutely on a cloud after getting to meet all of the Broke Straight Boys staff and models in Orlando on June 6-7th 2010. The whole experience was so surreal (in a good way of course) that I felt like I needed to pinch myself. To make sure that something so extraordinary was really happening for me.
There's no way I can relate all of my thoughts and experiences in one sitting. It would be the length of a novel. haha And nobody wants to read a 25 paragraph post. Not even me! haha So I will break this up over the next few days.
I would have liked to have gotten back to you guys sooner. But I have been struggling to rest up after a 2 day event that required a 4+ hour round-trip drive each day. I am not in perfect health so it took a bit out of me. The heat was really oppressive on Saturday especially. It was forecast to be 94 degrees. And it easily matched or exceeded that. Just the pure emotion of the whole experience was a bit overwhelming at times. I am still reeling from the afterglow.

I will start with meeting up with them for lunch near Disney. I walked in to the restaurant hoping that I am about 5-10 minutes early. As I enter I see this beautiful Disney employee against the wall. He looks twinkish and appears to be about 17-18 y/o. He sees me and flashes me the most beautiful smile as I enter.

I went in a few feet more and started looking for the guys in the other direction. As my eyes were adjusting from direct sunlight to a dimly lit restaurant I paused. I said to myself, "Self...I think that beautiful employee was Cousin Mikey." I race over in that direction and there's David, Sha, Mike and Diesal I was ecstatic and very nervous! I'm a hugger, so I handed out hugs all round. Mike is so tiny that he's like hugging a cloud. He just disappeared in your arms. Except that unlike a cloud he is worth every bit of luv and affection. He's just beautiful in person. And a very sweet and gentle soul.

So we go to sit down. Somehow I ended up sitting next to Diesal Don't know how that happened....??? Just pure chance that I waited to see where he would sit and somehow it just turned out that way. Oh! Diesal is every bit of 6'3". I'm 5'11" and if I wanted to look him in the eye I had to be prepared to get on my tiptoes. haha
The conversation quickly went to the topic of female mebers on the site. We all voiced our approval. I said I felt that the women brought a fresh perspective and of course some variety to the site and the forum. Of course Diesal is all about the women. haha So he was all for it. He immediately talked about how much fun they had meeting Miss D. And how he was looking forward to seeing her again in PA. And he said that after talking to her and hearing such nice things about jwglass that he was very anxious to meet him. So JW, we hadn't been there more than 10 minutes before Diesal personally mentioned you by name. I was very impressed from the getgo of how much everyone seemed to care about the members.