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My First Time Attending a BSB Event

haha smitten you say? oh goodness i hope im even able to speak when i meet the gang!
hahaha you guys crack me up :) glad I am not the only one feeling it ! I am going to become a mute :P
That Diesal has a great body goes without saying. For me, though, it's Diesal's eyes.... . kind of sleepy looking.... kind of like you could fall through them and never come up for air... eyes, someone said, are windows to the soul.... with him, that's true.
Thanks for the recap of your fab weekend with the BSBs, Tampa!

I'm very much looking forward to the next installment. It would be kinda nice to hear about, oh, I don't know, Mikey maybe? Diesal this and Diesal that! :001_tt2: I'm happy to hear you had such a grand time!
That Diesal has a great body goes without saying. For me, though, it's Diesal's eyes.... . kind of sleepy looking.... kind of like you could fall through them and never come up for air... eyes, someone said, are windows to the soul.... with him, that's true.

You are so right. His eyes are like that. Like you want to fall into those pools of milky white tranquility. I'm a Scorpio so I'm all about the eyes too. :001_smile:
Thanks for the recap of your fab weekend with the BSBs, Tampa!

I'm very much looking forward to the next installment. It would be kinda nice to hear about, oh, I don't know, Mikey maybe? I'm happy to hear you had such a grand time!

I will talk more about Mikey. :001_smile: It's just that he didn't attend the event on the first night. So you'll have to wait until I get to the second day. haha Patience. haha
I will talk more about Mikey. :001_smile: It's just that he didn't attend the event on the first night. So you'll have to wait until I get to the second day. haha Patience. haha

You are such a tease Tampa (I am only jealous :cursing: :biggrin:)
It is good to see another side to the guys, not just what we see on camera.
It is good to see another side to the guys, not just what we see on camera.

Exactly Ray. That's why I'm sharing this story. So I can help everyone get a glimpse of the real people behind the cookie cutter porn model facade.
So I arrive at the event at Parliament House. I haven't been there since about 1992. How can I say this kindly? It's not The Ritz. haha The buildings themselves are showing their age a bit. It's still a hugely popular place because it has a storied past. In gay years it's been around forever. haha And it has parking and space to accommodate very large groups of people.

It was still incredibly hot and muggy at night when Sha, Thunder, Bryce and Diesal arrived to set up the booth outside and get started. Thunder is also quite handsome in person. I told him that he looked younger than I expected. In a good way of course. lol He has a great chest and some bulging biceps. lol

Sha is a really, really nice guy. Very approachable and down to earth. He's so easy to talk to. I got a laugh at one point because he had to change his shirt into a Broke Straight Boys one. And he was so shy about it. Now keep in mind that there are partygoers walking around shirtless in practically nothing. And 3 feet away is a huge tent with porn models from several other studios. And those models are walking around in underwear and thongs that are so revealing as to leave nothing to the imagination. lol The whole place looks like an outdoor locker room And Sha's all embarrassed about taking his shirt off. LOL

But I guess I would be the same way. If you put me or David out there and asked us to change our shirts I imagine that we would be self conscious too. LOL And just FYI. Sha has a decent chest. Neatly trimmed chest hair all over. Not bad at all. He could use some sun. Just like me. You know...not that I paid much attention.

The other models Jace and J.C. weren't able to make it to the event. So it turned out to be just Diesal Of course he's more than capable of holding down the event. David had indicated to me earlier that he and Mike would possibly be attending the Saturday event. But that Sunday was a definite. So I go up to the booth around 9:30 or so and ask Sha about David and Mike. He said that David called and said that they were coming. So I thought. "Oh. Okay, great!"

So I'm imagining this scenario playing out. Can any of us relate to this? David and Mike have been hitting Magic Kingdom hard all day. It's been SO hot. It was like a scorching outdoor sauna all day. And lots and lots of walking. They go out for dinner. Finally get their bellies full after a hard day of heavy duty exercise.

So they get back to their hotel room. They shower and get all the sweat and fairy dust off of them. They crank up the A/C. They're in their first clean clothes in what seems like all day. lol They decide they need to take a breather before going out. So they're resting on their beds. Maybe barefoot. They prop themselves up with pillows to watch a bit of TV before heading out. The food is settling in their stomachs. The A/C's feeling really good. They're sinking a little farther into their pillows. The TV show is getting more interesting.

So David says to Mike. "So Mike. Are you ready to go to the event now and get back outside again? And stay outside in that 90 degree steam bath for another 5 hours? And come back all dirty and sweaty again? Until we end up right here where we are now?" Mike purses his lips and says,"Gosh David. I don't know. What do you think we should do?" LOL

It might not have been that way at all. LOL But the end result was the same. I went to Sha about 40 minutes later and he said that David had called and said that they had changed their minds. We gave each other a knowing smile because we both knew what had happened. :biggrin:

More to follow...
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Oh! let me fill in the blanks so Tampa doesn't assume or other members don't assume otherwise and I can clear the air and set the record straight (no pun intended). Actually what happen was that I had plans with a group of non-porn friends that I have known for years. They are my non-porn friends here in South Florida and every year we get together because we just happen to enjoy Disney. Gay Day Disney is a difficult event for me to get involved with because I have my friends in South Florida that are up there and for years we always meet and get together in Disney, plus my whole family lives in Disney so I have to visit them as well.

On Saturday, after meeting with Tampa for lunch, Mike and I were suppose to visit the Magic Kingdom, but since lunch took longer then we expected, we decided to cancel our visit to the magic kingdom and save it for Sunday, the next day. After departing with Tampa on Saturday, Diesal went to the pool and rested and I took Mike on a little tour of the Disney hotels via the monorail and we had a great time. However, I had dinner reservation with my friends that we do every year and we pick one Disney restaurant to eat. This year we went to the fort wilderness lodge and inside the lodge is a very unique restaurant. I gave Mike a choice to do the P-house event or to come to dinner.

Mike is a big nerdy Disney kid and he said he rather go to dinner and meet my nerdy Disney friends for dinner instead. Our intentions was to go to dinner and then swing by the P-House. However, the reservations were set at 8pm but time we actually sat down was 8:45pm and once we all finished dinner and socializing, it was already 12:45am. I called Sha to tell him that it was not worth stopping by the P-house because Mike and I were really tired.

Now I'm going to get ahead of Tampa's story so he doesn't come up with another fantasy of what I was doing in Orlando last weekend. The fact of the matter was that Mike wasn't suppose to do the event. Originally it was Diesal and our newest model named Jeremy, but Jeremy wasn't able to make it. Sha tired to get another model but with no luck. Sha only had Diesal to rely on for the event. Luck would have it, that I already planned ahead and had Mike stay longer. Instead of returning home after his filming and go home on Saturday like the models normally do, Mike stayed until Tuesday. I arrived in Orlando late Friday night after our final Broke Straight Boys shoot and then the next day we met with Tampa. It was decided at the last moment that Mike would help do the events. So you can see that our (myself and Mikes) plans were a bit different then just going to Gay Days for the Broke Straight Boys event. The problem with Gay Days is that there is a lot to do and see and lots of events going on.

On Sunday it was decided to have Mike help at the P-house along with Diesal but I decided to have dinner with my Mom instead. I had dinner with my Mom because I don't see her often and her health is not doing so well. Every chance I get to go to Orlando I make it a point to visit my Mother. I do apologize that I didn't make it to the P-house but again there are so many things and other obligations I had to deal with.

Overall, it was great meeting Tampa and I had a blast this past weekend. Okay...back to Tampa....
Well I guess my fantasy was all wrong then. LOL I'm sorry David. I didn't mean to push you into describing your personal itinerary. But you must admit that the scenario I came up with was much funnier though. haha

David is quite right that Mike's presence there was an added bonus. David brought Mike up to Orlando during Gay Days as a gesture of kindness. Because Mike loves Disney so much. And Gay Days IS one of the most magical times of the year at Disney. lol He was not brought up for the express purpose of working the event. It worked out well though that he could.

Nobody ever needs to apologize for visiting an ailing mother. I'm very glad that you were able to put the weekend to good use by reconnecting with old friends and visiting your mom. As I mentioned to Diesal I made the point that these are the moments and priorities in life that we live for. The daily grind of work, paying bills, obligations and going through the motions to keep our heads above water...are not the things that are important in the grand scheme of our existence.

It's memories of this weekend where I got to meet David, Sha, Mike, Diesal, Thunder and Bryce that I will treasure.

The things most precious to me that I will take to the grave are not things like a promotion at work or the great 2 for 1 special I got at the grocery store one time. It's about meeting new people, making new friends, and solidifying the bonds of friendship and love with friends and family who are already close and dear to me. I was blessed to have met all of these men this weekend. And that's why 4 days later I'm still basking in afterglow. :biggrin:

Offering our dear sweet Mike a free weekend at Disney speaks volumes of how well you treat your models David. And I know that's just one example. As we touched on at lunch and have discussed many times in the forum, all of us members in here are in awe of how the models are treated by you and Eddie as decent human beings. Not a rented "human resource". You listen to their problems, offer them guidance in their personal lives, and develop close bonds of friendship with them. In many cases your advice and guidance leave them better off in their personal lives than when they arrived at your door.

At lunch David gave me a few more examples of models who he has worked with and helped out. I won't go into details. But suffice to say that it confirmed everything that we longer term mebers already know. (And have discussed at length in the past) For newer members though I wanted to make that point again. Eddie and David put a strong emphasis on getting to know the models as people and treating them with respect. To the point that many of them feel like family. They follow the Golden Rule.

That is NOT the norm in the industry. If you think it is, then you're living in Cinderella's Castle. haha Broke Straight Boys is not like that at all. They are not typical. And that's one reason of many why I'm such a huge fan.
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This is great!! I can hear that recurring song that we all know, “It’s a small world after all…” of course this song has no tie-in to Diesal’s cock or for that matter most all the cocks I have seen on this site. Thanks Tampa for the narrative and David for the travel log. Log? Am I thinking about Diesal again? I know, I know some of you are saying “There goes MacTee, bloviating again!” OK, I’ll stop. Anyway, thanks Mickey, Donald, Pluto, David and Tampa!!!:thumbup::ohmy::thumbup::001_tt1:
Okay. So this is Saturday night at Parliament House. Tons of young gays have left Disney. They've showered, eaten and now they are piling in to party. I feel so lucky to be there for the event. It's over a 2 hour drive from my home. Each way. And I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Diesal is there, Sha is there, Thunder is there... It's gonna be a good night. Good doesn't begin to describe how fantastic it was going to be.

Diesal is a very down to earth, easygoing guy. He handles his internet fame very very well. He doesn't have an over-inflated sense of self importance. He's unassuming and gracious with everyone who comes up to the booth. Just to give you a for instance of how great these guys are... At no point on either night did Diesal or Mike go charging out into a group of people and brag that they were big popular pornstars for Broke Straight Boys They would identify themselves as models for the site to those who asked. But it was never in an egotistical way. In my opinion Diesal has every right to claim that he's a star. But he doesn't. And neither does Mike.

The models are very humble and unassuming in that way. It kind of goes along with what Scorpio said about not liking it when guys identify themselves in person or online with monikers like Hotboi24. As Scorpio says.."Keep that to yourself." Let me decide for myself how hot you are. Thank you. The fact that you are trying to impress upon me how hot you are is already making you less "hot" in my eyes. lol If you know what I mean.

Most of the people at these events are not members anyway. They may know of the site. But they don't know the site. They couldn't care less if the Broke Straight Boys model in front of them has done 30 videos or 3. They just want to chat with the guy and find out what he's like. And maybe decide if they would consider joining the site. And then you have members like me who are a bit star struck just to be in their presence. LOL Diesal handles both groups of people very well.

Diesal has a very sexy charisma about him. When you're with him he just oozes testosterone effortlessly. It can be quite intoxicating. For men and women. Yet he is so worldly and mature that he takes it in stride. He doesn't use it as a weapon to manipulate or control people. He uses it to spread the luv around.

You would think that a 22 y/o guy with his looks, and success on the site, would be hamming it up for as much attention as he could get. Instead he totally turns that energy around and showers it on the person to whom he's giving his attention. He's so confident in himself that he doesn't crave the outside praise. When he turns his attention and personality on you he makes you feel like you're the one who's special. Not him. When he engages people in conversation and that personality shines through....everybody feels like they've had "a moment" with him. Where they were made to feel like he gave them his full attention. And who's to say that they were wrong for feeling that way? If they feel that they shared a moment of connection with him and he thought they were special, who's to say they are wrong?

More in the morning... haha :biggrin:
As I was saying Diesal just has a way of making you feel like you're the one who's special, rather than him. When quite obviously he's pretty special too. I experienced it myself that first day when we talked one on one. And then I watched him doing it the whole time with other people.

Quick story... I'll briefly jump ahead to the next day to make a point. A guy approaches him who is about 20 y/o. He's kinda cute and seems sweet enough. He starts flirting with Diesal and Diesal takes it i n stride and is very gracious. The guy is getting stars in his eyes. For all the reasons I stated above. He asks Diesal if he will autograph something for him. Even though he's not a member of the site. He's just taken by Diesal's looks, charm and personality. Diesal agrees. The guy is smitten. He tells Diesal his room number and tries to convince him to come up later. Of course Diesal declines but the guy still clings to hope. lol

So about 5 minutes later a cute girl walks by and Diesal is over there chatting with her and some of her friends. Obviously he's working some of his same magic with them. The other guy sees this from a few feet away and starts stomping his feet and pretending to carry on. (In a lighthearted way) :001_smile: He says stuff like, "Stay away from him! He's mine. All Mine! I saw him first. He likes ME!!" And then he's chuckling. He sees that I'm getting a kick out of his tantrum. lol So he comes over and leans into me and says, "The sad thing is, I really half believe all that." I kind of chuckle and give him a look of support. All of us in here know exactly what he felt at that moment.

I wanted to touch on another subject in here about whether the models are really straight. I know that some people are tempted to believe that this might all be fake. That the models are really all gay. It's not true.

Diesal for instance is all about the ladies. During the time that I was with him the only time that he would turn his head around for a look and a gasp was when a cute girl walked by. He would really flirt with the girls. Diesal is still mostly straight. I never once saw him crane his neck to get a better look at a hot looking guy. That doesn't mean that it never happens. lol I just didn't see it. He did it alot for the women though. Trust me. lol Just in my brief time with him I'd have to say that he is 70-80% into girls and 20-30% into guys. If that makes sense. Those are my numbers though of course. Not his. But he is kind and gracious and generous with his time and attention to all people. Straight, gay, male or female.

Doing the gay porn though has really broadened his horizons as to how he looks at the human experience and how he views people sexually. He seems almost grateful that the porn released him from the box of his previously very plain vanilla, strictly mainstream, missionary, hetero view of what sex could be all about. Now he's out of the box and into the streets. haha He's unleashing his inner freak and loving it! :001_smile:
How nice to know that David has a life! I sometimes think many of us on this site get caught up in our own little fantasy worlds and forget that the people who run the site, do the videos, the models--all of them have a life quite apart from Broke Straight Boys Sounds pretty healthy to me. And good for you, David, that you take care of yourself and others by HAVING a life.