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Move Over Tyler, Alec is My New Heartthrob!


Well-known Member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Reston, Virginia (DC Suburbs)
Wow! Well I haven't been on this site as much lately due to how hectic my move to the South has been (not to mention the new career, the new social life, and the addiction of social networking sites like Facebook), but I just wanted to say that I was literally panting like a puppy watching the most recent video with Alec! :lol: I LOVED his nervous laughs and his attempt to smile to hide just how shy he truly was.

It's times like this I wish I lived closer to Florida because I'd PAY Mr. Administrator himself for the opportunity to permit a straight boy to explore his bi-curious side. Damn! If I were in the video with Alec instead of Aiden (Ayden?) let's just say he'd be moaning so loudly the neighbors would be calling the police! LOL!

What would I have done differently?

  • When engaging in the hot kiss scene with Alec I would have reached my arm around the back of his neck to flex my bicep a bit and would have let my other hand casually run up the inside of his thigh to send chills through his spine. :scared:
  • When on my knees in front of Alec giving him head I would have grabbed each one of his ass cheeks and pulled him gently back-and-forth to get into a bucking motion as if my mouth was his pussy!
  • I would have been a bit more aggressive in trying to find some more of his "g-spots" to have driven him wild. I know for me my ear lobes and the space between my balls and my ass are both super-sensitive! I might have tried nibbling on Alec's ear lobes a bit before teasing his nipples with my tongue and going to town on his balls and the areas nearby. I also have a bit of a fetish for a nice tummy (which Alec most certainly had), so I would have paid that special attention as well. :001_tt2:
  • I would have been a bit more verbal, whispering in Alec's ear when he announced he was close. I might be like "Yeahh...shoot your load...c'mon dude..." while moaning lightly in his ear.
  • I would have then personally assumed the position to have received a facial from Alec. He's so hot!!! :tongue_smilie:
  • If he wasn't opposed to it (which I doubt he would be) I then would have aggressively flipped him over to his stomach to give him a nice soothing massage for five or ten minutes as his body recovered from orgasm.

Wow! Excuse me now while I go to "tend to some business!"
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Alec? Alec as in Alec got blown by a dude? Sure he's a nice looking boy ; but Tyler has WORKED his very pretty little tail off to keep us entertained, not to mention in a near-permanent state of panting arousal! Alec just got his dick sucked.

A bit premature to crown Alec as Broke Straight Boys's new primo orgasm inducer methinks. On the other hand, how dull this forum would be if we all liked the same guys.

I trust "tending to the business at hand" was goooood? I can relate.

Kind Regards

PS. Nice to virtually meet you.
Alec? Alec as in Alec got blown by a dude? Sure he's a nice looking boy ; but Tyler has WORKED his very pretty little tail off to keep us entertained, not to mention in a near-permanent state of panting arousal! Alec just got his dick sucked.

A bit premature to crown Alec as Broke Straight Boys's new primo orgasm inducer methinks. On the other hand, how dull this forum would be if we all liked the same guys.

I trust "tending to the business at hand" was goooood? I can relate.

Kind Regards

PS. Nice to virtually meet you.

Well naturally I'm not picky. At this stage in life if ANY of the Broke Straight Boys models (except for Dustin---sorry!) walked up to me and flirted with me at Barnes & Noble or Starbuck's I'd SWOON! :001_wub: I'm on the "butch" side, so it irritates me that so many guys in DC are effeminate. If I wanted a girlfriend I'd become bisexual (shudder at the thought of a pussy in my face!) :scared: I'm not meaning to sound like a jerk and sorry to offend the more feminine males on this forum, but I resent that it's impossible for me to land a like-minded guy!

What I like so much about models like Alec, Tyler, Austin, etc. is that these guys might not be so different than the ones I run past everyday on the trails, shoot the breeze with at my office, or shoot hoops with occasionally. Seeing them in THIS sort of "context" though gives me much more motivation to be tempted to be a bit more "bold," not knowing just how open-minded one of those dudes I know might be to letting me go down on them and getting some cash. :001_cool: I could just picture me sitting next to Alec on my couch, having invited him home with me after work to watch the Nationals game on TV. After some talking and a drink or two he starts talking about how horny he is because his girlfriend is on vacation, I mention that I like to give head, and VOILA---instant connection between one always somewhat "curious" straight boy with the girlfriend out-of-town and the masculine gay boy whom nobody would ever suspect.
Wow! Well I haven't been on this site as much lately due to how hectic my move to the South has been (not to mention the new career, the new social life, and the addiction of social networking sites like Facebook), but I just wanted to say that I was literally panting like a puppy watching the most recent video with Alec! :lol: I LOVED his nervous laughs and his attempt to smile to hide just how shy he truly was.

It's times like this I wish I lived closer to Florida because I'd PAY Mr. Administrator himself for the opportunity to permit a straight boy to explore his bi-curious side. Damn! If I were in the video with Alec instead of Aiden (Ayden?) let's just say he'd be moaning so loudly the neighbors would be calling the police! LOL!

What would I have done differently?

  • When engaging in the hot kiss scene with Alec I would have reached my arm around the back of his neck to flex my bicep a bit and would have let my other hand casually run up the inside of his thigh to send chills through his spine. :scared:
  • When on my knees in front of Alec giving him head I would have grabbed each one of his ass cheeks and pulled him gently back-and-forth to get into a bucking motion as if my mouth was his pussy!
  • I would have been a bit more aggressive in trying to find some more of his "g-spots" to have driven him wild. I know for me my ear lobes and the space between my balls and my ass are both super-sensitive! I might have tried nibbling on Alec's ear lobes a bit before teasing his nipples with my tongue and going to town on his balls and the areas nearby. I also have a bit of a fetish for a nice tummy (which Alec most certainly had), so I would have paid that special attention as well.
  • I would have been a bit more verbal, whispering in Alec's ear when he announced he was close. I might be like "Yeahh...shoot your load...c'mon dude..." while moaning lightly in his ear.
  • I would have then personally assumed the position to have received a facial from Alec. He's so hot!!! :tongue_smilie:
  • If he wasn't opposed to it (which I doubt he would be) I then would have aggressively flipped him over to his stomach to give him a nice soothing massage for five or ten minutes as his body recovered from orgasm.

Wow! Excuse me now while I go to "tend to some business!"

Hey RS! It's so good to see you back with us again. I trust the move went well. Sorry you've only met femmes so far up there. But the straight acting ones are around there somewhere. You'll find at least one there eventually I'm sure.

Your desciption of Alec does help to see him an even better light. Thanks for sharing. And again welcome back. :001_smile:
Hey RS You need to be writing porn; I have a suggestion Maybe try letting go of your expectations just a bit and see what the possibilites can be
Hey RS You need to be writing porn; I have a suggestion Maybe try letting go of your expectations just a bit and see what the possibilites can be

Absolutely. You may even find that your highest expectations were set too low. You could easily end up in a relationship that far exceeds what you would have thought possible. You are so young and handsome, with so much potential ahead of you. Don't sell yourself short. Dream BIG! You deserve nothing less.
Hey RS,

Why don't you contact me to do some futon time here at Broke Straight Boys!!! You know we pay for your travel and house you...so think it as a paid sex vacation :) and the money is good too!
Hey RS,

Why don't you contact me to do some futon time here at Broke Straight Boys!!! You know we pay for your travel and house you...so think it as a paid sex vacation :) and the money is good too!

See RS? I told you to dream big! What do you think man? This is quite an opportunity here. You don't get offers like this very often in a lifetime. This could be your ultimate fantasy come true! You've got a very nice body and you would get a lot of support from us in here being the first forumite to make it to the futon.
David wrote : "Why don't you contact me to do some futon time here at Broke Straight Boys!!! You know we pay for your travel and house you...so think it as a paid sex vacation :) and the money is good too!"

Whoa there Big Guy, let's think about this for a minute ; RS is young, gay and, so it would seem, quite innocent. Most of the rest of us are older, we have a duty to our younger brethren to give wise council, and to help them avoid the mistakes we made when we were his age.

As for the equally young straight boys who spent time on the futon, fuck 'em. Breeders are not my problem, young queerlings are. I get the impression young RS is busy building a career, internet porn is permanent, it can, and most probably will come back and bite him on the ass. Who knows what the future may bring for this young man, this is no time to make permanent and indelible errors of judgement.

I also detect a certain vulnerability about him, I could be wrong of course, but it's a vulnerability absent from the other smoking hot gay boys on Broke Straight Boys, Mike for instance. If it's all the same I chose not to be part of the public identification of this young man ; by all means let us give him the opportunity to discover the wonderful uniqueness of his own sexuality, but allow him to keep his privacy. I do not believe he is a fit candidate for porn.

And to RS, youth, like beauty, is temporary. Don't throw it away, trust me, we are not worthy recipients of your gloriousness.

And David, Broke Straight Boys stands for Broke Straight Boys ; America is one of the wealthiest countries on this earth, by all means accommodate young good-looking breeders too feckless to find gainful employment. But for the love of God, let us have some respect for our own, especially the worthy ones.

With the Utmost Respect
You make very good points Perv. His employment and career goals have to be taken into consideration. That would be my biggest concern in seeing him do this. You are quite right in sounding a note of caution to a young professional man who is new to the workforce and just starting out in life. At the very least though I hope that his self esteem will get a boost from all of our positive feedback and affection for him.

If RS does decide to even consider doing this he needs to weigh all the risks as well. Thank you for your wise counsel Perv.
David wrote : "Why don't you contact me to do some futon time here at Broke Straight Boys!!! You know we pay for your travel and house you...so think it as a paid sex vacation :) and the money is good too!"

Whoa there Big Guy, let's think about this for a minute ; RS is young, gay and, so it would seem, quite innocent. Most of the rest of us are older, we have a duty to our younger brethren to give wise council, and to help them avoid the mistakes we made when we were his age.

As for the equally young straight boys who spent time on the futon, fuck 'em. Breeders are not my problem, young queerlings are. I get the impression young RS is busy building a career, internet porn is permanent, it can, and most probably will come back and bite him on the ass. Who knows what the future may bring for this young man, this is no time to make permanent and indelible errors of judgement.

I also detect a certain vulnerability about him, I could be wrong of course, but it's a vulnerability absent from the other smoking hot gay boys on Broke Straight Boys, Mike for instance. If it's all the same I chose not to be part of the public identification of this young man ; by all means let us give him the opportunity to discover the wonderful uniqueness of his own sexuality, but allow him to keep his privacy. I do not believe he is a fit candidate for porn.

And to RS, youth, like beauty, is temporary. Don't throw it away, trust me, we are not worthy recipients of your gloriousness.

And David, Broke Straight Boys stands for Broke Straight Boys ; America is one of the wealthiest countries on this earth, by all means accommodate young good-looking breeders too feckless to find gainful employment. But for the love of God, let us have some respect for our own, especially the worthy ones.

With the Utmost Respect

Way to go perv ......... good one.. agree with you fully
You make very good points Perv. His employment and career goals have to be taken into consideration. That would be my biggest concern in seeing him do this. You are quite right in sounding a note of caution to a young professional man who is new to the workforce and just starting out in life. At the very least though I hope that his self esteem will get a boost from all of our positive feedback and affection for him.

If RS does decide to even consider doing this he needs to weigh all the risks as well. Thank you for your wise counsel Perv.
Perv and Tampa both make good points. I actually agree that it is something that needs to be considered before putting yourself out there on the Internet. It is good food for thought.
Perv and Tampa both make good points. I actually agree that it is something that needs to be considered before putting yourself out there on the Internet. It is good food for thought.

I must admit to the fallibility of getting caught up in the exuberance at the possibility of seeing him do this. While I'm sure the initial experience would be enjoyable for both he and us, it is not worth the longterm risks. There are no do-overs or deletes for online porn. In his line of work he is very dependent on climbing the corporate ladder. So he needs every advantage that he can get. Other guys who have different career paths are in a much better position than he to get into the business. I have to agree that he is not a good candidate.

I thank David very much for making the offer to RS. It's very gracious and flattering of him. I encouraged David to make him the offer. Because RS is such a great guy and has such a nice body I'm sure any foray by him into porn would be well received. I'm sure that RS will be pleasantly surprised and flattered by the invitation.

I wanted to see him have a joyful moment in the spotlight that he so richly deserves. I also wanted him to see how attractive he was, both physically and otherwise to the rest of us here in the forum. He is a beautiful person both inside and out. Enough so that he could easily do porn. And I wanted him to know that. I hope he sees the high regard in which we all hold him. It is for that very reason that I must concur with others in advising him against it.

So how about showing him some luv guys!
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RS certainly has all the qualifications for Futon duty! :thumbup1:

I would give the same advice to any young man with career plans, gay, bi, or straight. You would be well advised to stay away from doing porn modeling.

But isn't it wonderful that so many boys want to get busy on the Futon? I have the utmost appreciation for them doing this for my entertainment. I'm assuming the lives they lead will not be affected by the porn that they do.

RS, I loved the scenario you painted with Alec! :drool:
Hey RS! It's so good to see you back with us again. I trust the move went well. Sorry you've only met femmes so far up there. But the straight acting ones are around there somewhere. You'll find at least one there eventually I'm sure.

Your desciption of Alec does help to see him an even better light. Thanks for sharing. And again welcome back. :001_smile:

Thanks! It feels awesome to be back in the midst of the hottest site on the Internet! :w00t: The move went surprisingly well for me. Since I was the last one to leave the "nest" back in Pennsylvania my mom took it exceptionally hard, but within a day of moving to Virginia I was already acclimated. I can get around without a GPS, have joined a church, made many new friends, am learning the ropes of my new job, and am enjoying being a bit of a domesticated butch boy (i.e. I spent 30 minutes scrubbing years of pollutants off of the outside of my bedroom window the other day!)

Hey RS You need to be writing porn; I have a suggestion Maybe try letting go of your expectations just a bit and see what the possibilites can be

Well considering a full 50% of my monthly net income goes to pay my rent (and Virginia is pretty damn expensive), I don't exactly have much left over each month to treat myself to anything nice. I was thinking of picking up a second part-time job back at Lowe's, where I worked all through college, but being paid to write erotic fiction (or non-fiction?! :cool:) might be a good avenue to consider.

Absolutely. You may even find that your highest expectations were set too low. You could easily end up in a relationship that far exceeds what you would have thought possible. You are so young and handsome, with so much potential ahead of you. Don't sell yourself short. Dream BIG! You deserve nothing less.

Methinks I owe Tampa a dinner the next time I'm in the Sunshine State! You're flattering me more than I brown-nose my new boss! LOL!

Hey RS,

Why don't you contact me to do some futon time here at Broke Straight Boys!!! You know we pay for your travel and house you...so think it as a paid sex vacation :) and the money is good too!

Thanks very much for the offer, but as several others below have stated it's just too "risky" for me to potentially have my employer stumble upon any "work" I may do and black-list me for promotions, give me the cruddy audit assignments, etc., etc. I have the potential to earn $10,000 annual raises and can be earning nearly six-figures before I'm 30. I don't want to ruin that, even if it is EVER so tempting to bike on over to Dulles and catch the next plane down to South Florida! My career is just too important to me. I'm living paycheck-to-paycheck, and if I lose this job during this recession I might be out on the street or retreating with my tail between my legs back to PA (shudder!)

Trust me when I tell you it has definitely come across my mind though. When I was 18 I was propositioned by another reputable gay porn producer from my native Northeastern Pennsylvania who was shockingly and brutally murdered a couple of years later by a rival from Virginia over laying claim to a model we probably all know. With the career being the way it is I just wouldn't be able to justify taking so much time off from work so soon to go touring clubs or anything either to meet fans (assuming my first video was a smash and not a dud).

Thank you very much for the consideration though. I really appreciate it!

See RS? I told you to dream big! What do you think man? This is quite an opportunity here. You don't get offers like this very often in a lifetime. This could be your ultimate fantasy come true! You've got a very nice body and you would get a lot of support from us in here being the first forumite to make it to the futon.

Actually "very nice body" is all relative. Those pics were taken a couple of weeks ago, and I've further toned up since then. I ran 10 miles yesterday and am planning to hit up my Total Gym for a couple of hours straight today. Given my small frame I'll never get "Schwarzenegger-ized," but then again guys with the builds of Alec, Tyler, etc. are what really turn me on the most anyways.

It's something I've always fantasized about, but my family IS ultra-conservative (Hey, I'm a small-town boy). If they found out I was doing this line of work I'd definitely be shunned.

David wrote : "Why don't you contact me to do some futon time here at Broke Straight Boys!!! You know we pay for your travel and house you...so think it as a paid sex vacation :) and the money is good too!"

Whoa there Big Guy, let's think about this for a minute ; RS is young, gay and, so it would seem, quite innocent. Most of the rest of us are older, we have a duty to our younger brethren to give wise council, and to help them avoid the mistakes we made when we were his age.

As for the equally young straight boys who spent time on the futon, fuck 'em. Breeders are not my problem, young queerlings are. I get the impression young RS is busy building a career, internet porn is permanent, it can, and most probably will come back and bite him on the ass. Who knows what the future may bring for this young man, this is no time to make permanent and indelible errors of judgement.

I also detect a certain vulnerability about him, I could be wrong of course, but it's a vulnerability absent from the other smoking hot gay boys on Broke Straight Boys, Mike for instance. If it's all the same I chose not to be part of the public identification of this young man ; by all means let us give him the opportunity to discover the wonderful uniqueness of his own sexuality, but allow him to keep his privacy. I do not believe he is a fit candidate for porn.

And to RS, youth, like beauty, is temporary. Don't throw it away, trust me, we are not worthy recipients of your gloriousness.

And David, Broke Straight Boys stands for Broke Straight Boys ; America is one of the wealthiest countries on this earth, by all means accommodate young good-looking breeders too feckless to find gainful employment. But for the love of God, let us have some respect for our own, especially the worthy ones.

With the Utmost Respect

Wow! I'm speechless! Thanks for the concern on my behalf! I suppose "innocence" is a good term to use, although I may prefer to deem myself to be "gullible." I'm the type of guy who routinely bends over backwards to try to make others happy (no, not in that way), and this shows because I've been the one to financially prop up all of my exes thus far. I yearn to find a like-minded masculine-acting gay/bi guy in Northern Virginia who actually HAS an income (perhaps so we could even pool resources to buy a condo in Arlington in a few years), but this has been very difficult to achieve. Most guys down here are ONLY interested in sex, and while I'm admittedly a huge horn-dog that moans and humps my pillow at night (much to the chagrin or delight of my female neighbor upstairs I'm sure) I'm also maturing in life to the point where I just want something more meaningful out of life.

You make very good points Perv. His employment and career goals have to be taken into consideration. That would be my biggest concern in seeing him do this. You are quite right in sounding a note of caution to a young professional man who is new to the workforce and just starting out in life. At the very least though I hope that his self esteem will get a boost from all of our positive feedback and affection for him.

If RS does decide to even consider doing this he needs to weigh all the risks as well. Thank you for your wise counsel Perv.

Thanks once again for the concern. I was actually feeling very down on Friday night, but my long country run and trip to the farmers' stands on Saturday, going to church this morning, and coming online to read these nice comments have really turned the tide for me. Now I can wake up at 4:30 AM tomorrow and head into work with a smile on my face!

Way to go perv ......... good one.. agree with you fully

Perv does have a way with words.

Perv and Tampa both make good points. I actually agree that it is something that needs to be considered before putting yourself out there on the Internet. It is good food for thought.

Sigh. If only I had been a bit more "ballsy" (pun intended) when I was 18 and hadn't turned down that proposition I had as I was entering college as a Freshmen. I've just turned 22, and I'm at the point now where doing anything like this would jeopardize my professional pursuits. I plan to have my MBA and CPA in hand by 2011 (possibly even a Ph.D. by 2013), and it would all be for naught if all I could do with it would be to bend over on camera.
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I must admit to the fallibility of getting caught up in the exuberance of the possibility of seeing him do this. While I'm sure the initial experience would be enjoyable for both he and us, it is not worth the longterm risks. There are no do-overs or deletes for online porn. In his line of work he is very dependent on climbing the corporate ladder. So he needs every advantage that he can get. Other guys who have different career paths are in a much better position than he to get into the business. I have to agree that he is not a good candidate.

I thank David very much for making the offer to RS. It's very gracious and flattering of him. I encouraged David to make him the offer. Because RS is such a great guy and has such a nice body I'm sure any foray by him into porn would be well received. I'm sure that RS will be pleasantly surprised and flattered by the invitation.

I wanted to see him have a joyful moment in the spotlight that he so richly deserves. I also wanted him to see how attractive he was, both physically and otherwise to the rest of us here in the forum. He is a beautiful person both inside and out. Enough so that he could easily do porn. And I wanted him to know that. I hope he sees the high regard in which we all hold him. It is for that very reason that I must concur with others in advising him against it.

So how about showing him some luv guys!

Get out of my head! AHHHH!!! You've pinpointed much of my thought process VERBATIM! :scared: Granted I'll probably always sit here in my boxers with my legs spread atop my PC desk with my eyes closed and my tongue pursing my lips fantasizing about some of the models on here, but it is just that---a fantasy. I saw the same level of "innocence" or "gullibility" in Alec that I probably would have exuded myself if put in his position. You could tell with all of his frequent laughing and nearly forced smiles that he was very nervous (but open-minded). I'd be the same way for certain. I know what I'm doing sexually and have even managed to get guys off orally who have told me that NOBODY has ever been able to do the same for them previously, but flying down to Florida and making $100 to be in the middle of an Alec and Tyler sandwich would be stupid if I came back to Virginia jobless.

RS certainly has all the qualifications for Futon duty! :thumbup1:

I would give the same advice to any young man with career plans, gay, bi, or straight. You would be well advised to stay away from doing porn modeling.

But isn't it wonderful that so many boys want to get busy on the Futon? I have the utmost appreciation for them doing this for my entertainment. I'm assuming the lives they lead will not be affected by the porn that they do.

RS, I loved the scenario you painted with Alec! :drool:

Thanks! I was hard and stroking at the time, so obviously there was very little blood in the head above my waist because the one below was hogging it all! LOL! When I'm more lucid the possibilities are endless for what I can write. Some of my lifetime goals include running the Boston Marathon, hiking the Appalachian Trail, touring every European capital, and writing a best-selling novel. If it's an erotic one, then even better! LOL!

P.S. Thanks for the heartfelt private message. That was really touching and thoughtful of you! :001_tt1:
While I was preparing this post RS posted his incredibly lucid response. It is an honour to see part of your soul, seeing your face and learning your name would be a classic case of 'casting pearls before swine.' One thing you said bothers me a little bit, don't for a single minute believe that the innocence I detect in you (I think I'm right about that) is in anyway an indication of naivety. You are not naive, quite the contrary actually. Many of us (me specifically) would have jumped at the chance to have my beauty validated when I was young. You are not tempted. Respect young man. Now read and feel free to passionately disagree with me. Freedom, Freedom for everyone, including the Enemies of Freedom. The flip-side of that sentiment is that my own vacuous, embittered emptiness is there for all to see. You don't know where I live, and you don't know what I look like, but baring my soul is an entirely different matter. I revel in my own imperfection.

I fear I may have given the impression that I despise heterosexuals, allow me to state this quite clearly : A man has to do a lot more evil than loving a woman to be my enemy. However, we are not talking about decent well raised youths facing life's challenges while trying to provide for a young family, we are talking about supposedly heterosexual guys performing homosexual acts for money - that is, I'm afraid, the very definition of a whore. Do I care that most of them are neither evil nor bad? No I do not. Furthermore, exactly how much respect do you want me to have for someone who provides me with a visual masturbatory aid? About as much respect as I have for the real life whores I fuck, that's how much I'm willing to give. I'm old, I'm ugly, ergo, I pay for sex. Actually I pay so they can piss off when I'm done, but I think you get where I'm going with this.

RS is indubitably a very beautiful young man, but he is not a loser, he is someone throwing his shoulder to the wheel and dragging himself up his chosen career path using his talents, his wits, his street-smarts and most all, sheer old-fashioned hard work. There are better ways to celebrate being young and beautiful than becoming a whore. He's too good for that, just as he is too good to ever hear me say : "Shut the fuck up and suck my dick." I think you will find young RS in total agreement with that sentiment.

Kindly let us not fall into the farcical self-delusion, thought up by, who else, American victim feminists, that whores deserve to be treated as equals. A sentiment as patently absurd as that lie in the American Constitution that all men are born equal. Really? And the cheque's in the mail, and don't worry, I won't cum in your mouth. The great comedian Groucho Marx once turned down an invitation to a country club because he did not care to belong to a club who will have someone like him for a member. In exactly the same way I do not care for anyone prepared to sleep with someone like me - for free. I pay for my membership of Broke Straight Boys, it is my right and my privilege to regard the actors any way I damn-well please.

I would hate for a handsome ambitious young queerling to feel the need to lower himself in such a manner. After all, the internet is full of young men who have nothing but good looks. At least by whoring themselves out they're serving a very useful function - they're not using up welfare money. In my life I have made grave errors, faced up to them, overcome huge obstacles and not only have I survived, I am thriving. So do I believe I'm better than a mere whore? Yes.

I am Yours Unapologetically
Wow RS!

Your response is all I could have hoped for. I had an inkling of how career focused you were. Your goals are impressive and attainable. I hope you see the invitation and all of the attention in the very flattering and positive spirit in which it was intended. It's quite a compliment to be given a standing invitation to do porn. At last I hope you see it that way. :001_smile:

Many of us alas will have to cry ourselves to sleep tonight knowing that we won't have the pleasure of seeing you on the futon. LOL We are left only to ponder what might have been. Sighhhh.... But the little that you have shared with us is very nice indeed. :drool:

So you can go into work tomorrow with your head held high. The same goes for any clubs where you see guys that you think are better looking than you. How many of them have had standing invitations to do porn? How many of them would be envious of you? A fair amount I would guess. For the rest of your life you can brag to friends that you were invited to do video work for a reputable mainstream studio. And in spite of how much they begged and pleaded...that you turned them down.

I'm sure that for some of the newbies they don't understand why you're thought of so highly in here. They aren't aware of the history. I must hand it to Perv. For being a newbie he picked up on a lot about you just from the nuances of our current conversations. And he's obviously very well written. You are very well written and articulate yourself RS. I hope that you take from this that you are well regarded in here, regardless of the frequency of your visits. Okay... I'll stop with the compliments now so I don't get hit with a restraining order. haha

Take care RS! :wink:
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Get out of my head! AHHHH!!! You've pinpointed much of my thought process VERBATIM! :scared: Granted I'll probably always sit here in my boxers with my legs spread atop my PC desk with my eyes closed and my tongue pursing my lips fantasizing about some of the models on here, but it is just that---a fantasy.

Well we are both Scorpios, remember? LOL And so is David as I very recently found out. Not only that but you and he have the same birthday. Except he's about 5 years older. haha :thumbup1:
Kudos to RS but.......

I am, like others, really impressed by RS's maturity and clarity of vision for his future. That is a good thing.

I was much the same when I was 16. I graduated HS in three years and got an appointment to one of the "federal" schools. I was the youngest person in my class - I had just turned 17 2 months before I reported to school. Needless to say, if I had my life to do over again, I would not follow that path. I never let myself be a teenager and do all the stupid things like going into porn. At school I found that I couldn't keep up with 26 yo classmates that had 2 years of college under their belts AND I started to deal with my sexuality in a military school of 1100. Not good....

All that being said, let me pose a question. If RS were to go to florida for a weekend and do a couple of scenes (oral only thank you) with alec and another model, say, Tyler, if his identity were disguised, ala zorro or ski mask, why wouldn't he take up the opportunity to make a fantasy come to life? There will come a time on your life RS when memories are dear because the present is a bitch.

Knowing what I know now, I would jump at the chance (albeit with some caveats). Please know that I am only proposing an alternative that hasn't been discussed. I will respect and defend any decision that RS makes.

Broke Straight Boys could use a mystery man on camera. The cocksucker who doth not dare speak his name.

BTW Remember the MTV DJ Rex? He did a jo video in college. When the news broke MTV only said "if you got it, flaunt it".

I am, as always, yours brothers.