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Models to NOT bring back


Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Rochester New York
Why on earth was Damien even in a second scene he is hung like a gerbil and has the personality of wet dog shit. If I did not know any better I would say he was one of the over medicated patients at the psychiatric center where I work.
Why on earth was Damien even in a second scene he is hung like a gerbil and has the personality of wet dog shit. If I did not know any better I would say he was one of the over medicated patients at the psychiatric center where I work.

OUCH! I'm really not going to be a fan of this thread. Everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes in a person's physical features. Hell, I've been called both "scrawny" and "defined" by different people within the same hour. I've also been called both "tall" and "vertically-challenged." :confused1: I've been criticized as well as complimented for shaving off virtually all of my body hair. Different strokes for different folks (pun intended).

You may not have liked Damien, but I'm sure others did. As long as Broke Straight Boys doesn't do something to piss Tyler off I'll keep coming on back! :lol:
Don't Bring back

The guy who shoved a jar up his ass. That nelly queen who did the scenes with Derrick. Lauena (sp?) the one who looked like a woman and did the scenes with Nathan.
do not bring back

Corey (Dereck duo)
Ryan (works way too hard at being 'str8' and really not sexy)
Kyle from Sept 8, 2007. OMG. That guy looked like he needed to go to drug rehab, either that or he just woke up, and he really did not do much of anything. I think he was really scared or something. I felt bad for the guy and I understood his possible anxiety. I really felt bad for David having to shoot video of this guy. I think David did a great job keeping his kewl. That guy may have given his best but he had bad performance anxiety. I think the purpose of the shoots are to catch the guys off guard when they are new a bit. However, it really seemed like this guy did not expect sex with other guys at all.

I really liked Nicholas. I had hoped that he would come out of his shell a bit more. It was too bad Nickolas could not take to the cock a little better. He really was straight, I guess so what more could we expect. The sad thing was he seemed ok with a guy sucking his dick after a while. He was cute and he had a nice dick. Not sure what to say there. He did not want to perform it seemed. So, I would say if David could avoid that type of guy too it would be better. He had good looks but he wanted way too much money to do nothing.:scared:
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Why on earth was Damien even in a second scene he is hung like a gerbil and has the personality of wet dog shit. If I did not know any better I would say he was one of the over medicated patients at the psychiatric center where I work.

Dude I see what you are saying. I think Cole needed his hand held by a friend in that case. When cole got fucked he actually got Damien hard and Damien did have an orgasam. In as much as I thought Damien was in the way sometimes, I felt he was needed to get the best performance out of Cole. In this business, I think it is like a game of chess. Sometimes you need to sacrafice something to get what you really want.:sneaky2::blush:
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No respect

:mad:The only thing here I would like to see NOT come back is "THIS THREAD"
It is insulting, and in poor taste. I agree 100% with Running Scorpio, I don't like this thread. It's one thing to not enjoy a scene, but totally wrong to be outrightly cruel and degrading toward someone for the way they look. I have no doubt that every model here has something to offer to a member, just remember, if you don't like the scene, you can always stop watching it!
:mad:The only thing here I would like to see NOT come back is "THIS THREAD"
It is insulting, and in poor taste. I agree 100% with Running Scorpio, I don't like this thread. It's one thing to not enjoy a scene, but totally wrong to be outrightly cruel and degrading toward someone for the way they look. I have no doubt that every model here has something to offer to a member, just remember, if you don't like the scene, you can always stop watching it!

Very good point. All the models have a special quality about them. What makes our site unique is that we don't use the same looking model like other sites do. What others think is hot may not be the same for some. Taste in guys various from model to model. I try not to place my own personal choice on the site. Some guys I find hot and others not so much...but I do see the beauty in everyone...okay I admit at times I do "charity" work and I think to myself what made me bring this model down? I know members get dissappointed if the weekly update is not such a HOT guy...but remember with your access to Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals you also have access to several bonus sites. In addition, if we do a solo scene update for the week, we place up an extra update for that week with an action scene.

Lets try to keep this thread clean without "bashing" models...they have temp. ID & passwords and they may not participate in this forum. They may read what you write so please be careful of what you write and state in this forum.

-Thank you in advance

Very good point. All the models have a special quality about them. What makes our site unique is that we don't use the same looking model like other sites do. What others think is hot may not be the same for some. Taste in guys various from model to model. I try not to place my own personal choice on the site. Some guys I find hot and others not so much...but I do see the beauty in everyone...okay I admit at times I do "charity" work and I think to myself what made me bring this model down? I know members get dissappointed if the weekly update is not such a HOT guy...but remember with your access to Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals you also have access to several bonus sites. In addition, if we do a solo scene update for the week, we place up an extra update for that week with an action scene.

Lets try to keep this thread clean without "bashing" models...they have temp. ID & passwords and they may not participate in this forum. They may read what you write so please be careful of what you write and state in this forum.

-Thank you in advance


Very well said.:thumbup:
If i don't like a scene or a model i just don't watch it i'm sure other members would find those same scenes and models hot!
:mad:The only thing here I would like to see NOT come back is "THIS THREAD"
It is insulting, and in poor taste. I agree 100% with Running Scorpio, I don't like this thread. It's one thing to not enjoy a scene, but totally wrong to be outrightly cruel and degrading toward someone for the way they look. I have no doubt that every model here has something to offer to a member, just remember, if you don't like the scene, you can always stop watching it!
I kind of feel the same way about this thread.
Why on earth was Damien even in a second scene he is hung like a gerbil and has the personality of wet dog shit. If I did not know any better I would say he was one of the over medicated patients at the psychiatric center where I work.
almost 8 years later and I agree "I just don't watch it"
Wow Sparty. You are really getting into this site and this forum, going WAYYYYYY back in time to 2008 to find this thread. Please keep in mind that the original poster was no regular here and I see he only made 13 posts and he was rather negative and cruel. What I find most fascinating on this thread were the comments by David, the producer of the site back then and how much his comments in 2008 can still apply to today's scenes and models.

Very good point. All the models have a special quality about them. What makes our site unique is that we don't use the same looking model like other sites do. What others think is hot may not be the same for some. Taste in guys various from model to model. I try not to place my own personal choice on the site. Some guys I find hot and others not so much...but I do see the beauty in everyone...okay I admit at times I do "charity" work and I think to myself what made me bring this model down? I know members get dissappointed if the weekly update is not such a HOT guy...but remember with your access to Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals you also have access to several bonus sites. In addition, if we do a solo scene update for the week, we place up an extra update for that week with an action scene.

Lets try to keep this thread clean without "bashing" models...they have temp. ID & passwords and they may not participate in this forum. They may read what you write so please be careful of what you write and state in this forum.

-Thank you in advance

I really do love this forum and I see that you are digging on it too Sparty, and I appreciate that you are becoming such a big fan. For a Red Sox fan, you are turning out to be a pretty cool dude! :wink:
Very good point. All the models have a special quality about them. What makes our site unique is that we don't use the same looking model like other sites do. What others think is hot may not be the same for some. Taste in guys various from model to model. I try not to place my own personal choice on the site. Some guys I find hot and others not so much...but I do see the beauty in everyone...okay I admit at times I do "charity" work and I think to myself what made me bring this model down? I know members get dissappointed if the weekly update is not such a HOT guy...but remember with your access to Broke Straight Boys or College Boy Physicals you also have access to several bonus sites. In addition, if we do a solo scene update for the week, we place up an extra update for that week with an action scene.

Lets try to keep this thread clean without "bashing" models...they have temp. ID & passwords and they may not participate in this forum. They may read what you write so please be careful of what you write and state in this forum.

-Thank you in advance


Wow Sparty. You are really getting into this site and this forum, going WAYYYYYY back in time to 2008 to find this thread. Please keep in mind that the original poster was no regular here and I see he only made 13 posts and he was rather negative and cruel. What I find most fascinating on this thread were the comments by David, the producer of the site back then and how much his comments in 2008 can still apply to today's scenes and models.

I really do love this forum and I see that you are digging on it too Sparty, and I appreciate that you are becoming such a big fan. For a Red Sox fan, you are turning out to be a pretty cool dude! :wink:

Wow, I've gone back and done the video archives but have never ventured into the ancient forum threads! Sparty - you certainly get the award for taking advantage of all the options this site offers!

Reading through this draws me to one conclusion: There is and always has been a fine line between critiques (that can be constructive) and outright "bashing" of models on the site. David the first "producer" made the right appeal way back in 2008 when he requested: "Lets try to keep this thread clean without "bashing" models...".

Critique them, YES, but any outright, cruel "bashinig" is truly distasteful. I've entered the forum less frequently in the past 10 days because I have found the treatment somewhat severe. I have posted even less frequently in that time trying to get my entertainment from viewing the scenes and signing off. This "old thread" was interesting in that it demonstrates model "assessment" by members has always been an aspect of posts. Everyone can say whatever they are moved to state on here. But outright bashing is just plain going too far in my eyes.
I really do love this forum and I see that you are digging on it too Sparty, and I appreciate that you are becoming such a big fan. For a Red Sox fan, you are turning out to be a pretty cool dude! :wink:

Sparty IS a cool dude. haha :biggrin:
Reading through this draws me to one conclusion: There is and always has been a fine line between critiques (that can be constructive) and outright "bashing" of models on the site. David the first "producer" made the right appeal way back in 2008 when he requested: "Lets try to keep this thread clean without "bashing" models...".

Critique them, YES, but any outright, cruel "bashinig" is truly distasteful. I've entered the forum less frequently in the past 10 days because I have found the treatment somewhat severe. I have posted even less frequently in that time trying to get my entertainment from viewing the scenes and signing off. This "old thread" was interesting in that it demonstrates model "assessment" by members has always been an aspect of posts. Everyone can say whatever they are moved to state on here. But outright bashing is just plain going too far in my eyes.

I guess it depends on the individual and how they react to certain things that are read over all. I relate to exactly what you're saying Ertas23; I've enjoyed the forum for a while and now, I find when the "atmosphere" get's a bit uncomfortable for me...I take a break. I come to the site for my entertainment from viewing scenes by downloading them, then sign off to watch them at my leisure off site. "It's like I come to the Buffett, fix my plate, and take it to another room, free of distractions, to consume and enjoy it". I totally feel what your saying.

But, an interesting observation I've made is; the forum conversations over the 7 or 8 years tend to be cyclic. Same or similar conversations play out over and over again, with different input from different participants.....and of course,...different models.
I've enjoyed the forum for a while and now, I find when the "atmosphere" get's a bit uncomfortable for me...I take a break. I come to the site for my entertainment from viewing scenes by downloading them, then sign off to watch them at my leisure off site. "It's like I come to the Buffett, fix my plate, and take it to another room, free of distractions, to consume and enjoy it". I totally feel what your saying.

But, an interesting observation I've made is; the forum conversations over the 7 or 8 years tend to be cyclic. Same or similar conversations play out over and over again, with different input from different participants.....and of course,...different models

Betu - I've not ever downloaded one of the scenes but may go ahead and place them on an external hard drive, henceforth. Love the concept of the "Buttet"!!! The only thing about doing this is it doesn't give one the opportunity of immediacy for rating and commenting on the scene. I feel like I should do that as that has been my practice since the beginning. Yet, if I am truly "stirred", I guess I can go back onto the site, re-access a scene and rate and comment. Sounds like a plan - Thanks for sharing!!

Your observation - as one who has been a long-time forumite is enlightening. The only "old" (a 1-year ago thread) that I have read through was the one about Mikey, Peter and you getting together in New York. That was interesting and fun to read the adventures of buddies who connected through the forum.
