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Miss Deidra's Premier on BTS


Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
I just have to say Miss Deidra that you did a great job in the BTS interview with the guys. In spite of being nervous and not a little bit flustered to be in the company of all those sexy men...you were very well spoken. All of us would have loved to have been in your shoes. haha

Way to represent the female members! :thumbup:

So what else can you tell us about the guys, now that the BTS vid has aired? :blush:
Well...I was a nervous wreck for the 1st interview! My voice is an octave higher than it normally is!...I was far more relaxed for the second interview when I was asking the questions. I'm not completely sure they will air that one, but if I find out they are not I will spill all the juicy answers I got from them!

You basically saw the entire interview! After the camera's stopped rolling Diesal and I talked about being into BDSM and Sha asked me to get on the forum and compile some questions for the 2nd interview!
haha thanks tampa or starting this thread! deidra told me earlier on the phone that i wasnt allowed to start a thread about how awesome and gorgeous she is. i give my girl props for even being able to speak in the presence of all that hotness!
Well, Ms. Deidra, you are my hero! I hope they do post the second interview! I'm so curious about what questions you asked, and I think we'd all love to see more of you and hear more from these BSBs.
Way to rep :)))) I hope you have a good time in pitts. I will say this I was wanting to go to an event but was really unsure if I should go and I talked with deidra and she has made me super excited to go! ;) i cant wait to see the the other interview too ;)
i loved it! deidra is awesome. :)
Hey Miss Deidra,

BDSM? For those of us who don't know much about kink, what can you tell us about it? BD...Bondage and Discipline? SM...S&M?

What did Diesal have to say about it? Is he into the kinky stuff? Did he share any stories with you of things he's done along those lines? Either with women or men?
I just checked it out, and it is AWESOME. Yes I want to see the second part, so please guys, do show it. I have to admit, I got a bit excited at the prospect of watching you lick some armpits right there, but I would have been too embarrassed to do it on camera, as well.

And while Austin is not one of my favorite models on the site, I think he has a great personality, and I enjoyed his singing the Miss America song.

And finally, during the later portion of the interview, we could see into the tent, between Sha and Diesal I believe, a really, really cute shirtless fair haired young guy with a can of soda or beer in his hands. Who is this cuite, and can we see more of him? He is totally HOT!!!
Ms. Deidra, you were awesome in your interview. Thanks for sharing and being brave enough to do the interview at all.:thumbup:
Hey Miss Deidra,

I have to give you props for that. Way to Go Girl!!! You were a little nervious and I think that made you all the more cute!!! I loved seeing you in the interview and I think you did a great job. I would so like to have been you there with those guys. Great job and happy you were brave enough to be on camera with the boys.

P.S. Love the new Tat. Very nice!!!!

Jeff V.
Great interview Miss D and hot tattoos. Loved the bit about the armpits and it's an excellent suggestion. Question to Broke Straight Boys is who was the hot blonde who went into the tent behind Miss D in the middle of the interview ?
Excellent BTS! You did great Ms D! I also hope they show part 2 with you asking the questions! :thumbup:

I'm with Jon. Who was the hottie with the blonde spikey hair?

I saw Mark in the background with hottie BCB Nate!
Excellent BTS! You did great Ms D! I also hope they show part 2 with you asking the questions! :thumbup:

I'm with Jon. Who was the hottie with the blonde spikey hair?

I saw Mark in the background with hottie BCB Nate!

My jaw dropped too & I found a pic of him, along with others, on the Past Broke Straight Boys Gatherings forum Pheonix Pride thread, page 3. :thumbup:
The guy you all are talking about is: His name is Travis??? I have no idea where I have seen him before, but I have seen him and I can only recall his name was Travis.....
Ok so I went back again and watched and did a pause on his face and although he looks a lot like the guy I thought was Travis, it is in fact not him. So my bad, I was wrong. I too now want to know who was he.
Was he just a guy or fan of the site that walked in? If so I hope someone got his name, so he can appear on this site at some point in the future.

Jeff V.
Ok so I went back again and watched and did a pause on his face and although he looks a lot like the guy I thought was Travis, it is in fact not him. So my bad, I was wrong. I too now want to know who was he.
Was he just a guy or fan of the site that walked in? If so I hope someone got his name, so he can appear on this site at some point in the future.

Jeff V.

Refer to my previous post on this thread
From what I can find I think his name is Jason Pitt
Congratulations, Girl! You rocked! I am so f'ing jealous. You got to see all of those boys up close and personal. I just want to lick your eyeballs.
And finally, during the later portion of the interview, we could see into the tent, between Sha and Diesal I believe, a really, really cute shirtless fair haired young guy with a can of soda or beer in his hands. Who is this cuite, and can we see more of him? He is totally HOT!!!
I received an answer from Tusconjayace in a Visitor Message on my profile page. He said:

"Hey guy. In the Ms. D BTS epi, that was Nate from College Dudes (we also saw him when the roadshow went to NOLA). And I believe Nate was sitting next to Mark (BluMedia head guy). Nate is a hot Bottom boy. He hasn't had a scene posted in a while. Take care!"
Well done indeed and very amusing to watch.You sure were al-
ready noticed all around before but this performance made you the
star of the Form!