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Men and skin care


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
Hey guys,

Not sure if this was posted before but I'm curious to see who here uses skin care for body/face... I'm not getting any younger and if I can keep my skin smooth and tight using some product, I'm all for it.

I've been trying some products called Zyrh. So far so "so so". I like their exfoliating product. I've tried a lot in the past, but that's the only product I found that I can actually feel the little "beads" removing the dead skin on my face.

I have yet to find a very good moisturizer for men.
What about you? Any products you like and would like to share :)
My problem with facial creams that might help with wrinkles, crows' feet, etc...is that they leave my face shiny and oily looking. Plus I still have acne issues if I put moisturizer on. I'm sure we must have a few cosmetologists in the group who could share some advice.

What about a sunscreen for the face that doesn't leave a sticky, shiny, oily look?
OH BOY! You all hit the jackpot with LL in the house. Lemme do some research and I'll get back to you! I have lots of suggestions, just need to get specifics so you don't get confused! LOL! This is my second favorite topic!!!
Now I'm not exaggerating but cum is the all-natural cream for your skin. Think about it! If you did not know it's cum and someone bottled it up and put a little cologne in it and told you it's facial creme, would you use it or at least give it a try? Of course you would. Well, I asking you to just try using your own cum or your boy friend and see for yourself. Try it, it won't cost you a cent. It's all natural and it's your own body fluid.
OH BOY! You all hit the jackpot with LL in the house. Lemme do some research and I'll get back to you! I have lots of suggestions, just need to get specifics so you don't get confused! LOL! This is my second favorite topic!!!

Awesome :) Looking forward to what you can tell us :)
I have yet to find a very good moisturizer for men.
What about you? Any products you like and would like to share :)

Hey Scorpio!

I have found two good moisturizers that work wonders!

- Cetaphil
- Nivea Moisturizing Creme

I have really sensitive skin so it takes a lot for me to promote a product!

This is an old thread, so you may not even see this, however, let me give it a shot.

First, what you use depends on whether you have oily, or dry skin. In either case, treat your skin type first, then it doesn't matter as much what moisturizer you use. IN both cases, you should exfoliate dry skin before you begin. This can be done with simple soap and water, and a GOOD facial pad. If you have oily skin, use an alcohol based product to cleanse/dry your skin a bit, then you can moisturize. If you have dry skin, then moisten your face first with a skin toner, then you can moisturize. There is no real product that works completely, the key is to do something! I am in my 6th decade, and my face still looks as if I am in my 40s.

Second, deals with what causes of aging. Smoking causes wrinkles, plain and simple. Alcohol and sun both cause the skin to turn leathery. If that happens, the wrinkles that occur become etched deeper into your face and then it is more difficult to treat.

In either case, the key is consistency! To moisturize every single day, whether you are going out or not. I recently found a product, Prime Time, that is actually a base for women, before they apply makeup. This produce softens and relaxes your facial skin like nothing I have seen before. You apply it, let it dry, then you can use a lotion of your face. Hope something helped. Also, the Nivea product Rob mentioned is also good as a facial lotion.
Now I'm not exaggerating but cum is the all-natural cream for your skin. Think about it! If you did not know it's cum and someone bottled it up and put a little cologne in it and told you it's facial creme, would you use it or at least give it a try? Of course you would. Well, I asking you to just try using your own cum or your boy friend and see for yourself. Try it, it won't cost you a cent. It's all natural and it's your own body fluid.

Hell no! I swallow!:001_tongue:
Hey guys,

Not sure if this was posted before but I'm curious to see who here uses skin care for body/face... I'm not getting any younger and if I can keep my skin smooth and tight using some product, I'm all for it.

I've been trying some products called Zyrh. So far so "so so". I like their exfoliating product. I've tried a lot in the past, but that's the only product I found that I can actually feel the little "beads" removing the dead skin on my face.

I have yet to find a very good moisturizer for men.
What about you? Any products you like and would like to share :)

The Aveda products for men are great! I get them for my husband; ok, I really get them because they work really well and smell wonderful! Also, try the cologne.

I know Aveeda quite well, been using their products for 20 years, and I have to say, the women's line is even better! LOL I have no problem buying or using the women's.

I know Aveeda quite well, been using their products for 20 years, and I have to say, the women's line is even better! LOL I have no problem buying or using the women's.

Oh, so you're into "using women," I will turn you to the darkside yet! You know, I think eating seafood helps the skin as well...just sayin":w00t: