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Meet and Greet?

Will you be atending the Meet and Greet?

  • Sorry but no way

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I want to but it will be hard. 50/50

    Votes: 14 33.3%
  • I should be able to make it but not sure yet. 75/25

    Votes: 14 33.3%
  • I already bought my tickets, hell yes I will be there

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
Ok guys and gals get ready to pack your bags as a great opportunity is coming our way. As was mentioned on the lunch bunch thread David has agreed that a meet and greet would be a good idea. With that in mind I contacted him this morning and yes he is as excited about the idea as I am however does not have the time to organize it. I there fore stepped up to the plate and offered to throw myself under the bus and try to spear head this project. So here is the basic idea and please give me your thoughts but please try to keep them brief and to the point as I expect to be overwhelmed with replies. This would happen in either February or March of 2011 to allow folks to save up and to book for cheep transportation. We would try to make a deal with a hotel for room rates and a place to meet up. It would be a Friday and Saturday night thing and you would get to meet all the other members as well as management and few models. We would get a guided tour of the studio as well as some door prizes and maybe a surprise or two.

I have a pretty good idea that all of us will want to come but what I need to know is a rough idea of how many of us will come or at least will try. This is not a confirmation but rather just a rough idea. Please answer the poll but please be as sincere in your answer as possible if you will be attending.
Thanks for the invite DennyB.

Maybe David will let us each get some futon time with our favorite(s), I have an entire year to get myself ready..please think it over. ;)
I know I'm not as active a member as the rest of you, but I would love to attend the meet and greet. I live within an hour drive from the studio, so if the meet and greet happens, I will most likely attend.
I know I'm not as active a member as the rest of you, but I would love to attend the meet and greet. I live within an hour drive from the studio, so if the meet and greet happens, I will most likely attend.

Thats great Erikj, did you answer yes to the poll? Also for those that may not be members but would still like to attend you can email directly at [email protected]
Now if the Meet & Greet could be here in FNQ Oz I would definitely be there :crying:
Thanks for the invite DennyB.

Maybe David will let us each get some futon time with our favorite(s), I have an entire year to get myself ready..please think it over. ;)

Not likely, unless you're just sitting next to them! Guys, these boys do it for pay ON CAM, generally not on the side....... So don't get too excited. As I have said before. You can look at the menu, but you can't order. You can fondle the merchandise in some cases, but it is display only.

That being said..... I think it's a great idea. Denny if you need help let me know. Can't look in the crystal ball that far right now, but a tentative yes.
Denny thanks for bringing this up again... I know many of us wanted to do this a year or so ago. I love the whole idea and the time line is definitely do able. A lot of employers ask that employees schedule their vacations 6 mos. to a year in advance. So, I think that is perfect to schedule for 2011. :thumbup:
Damn Tuscan let a girl fantasize for a few!! you came and squashed that in like a millisecond! since you're an obvious elder i won't tell you what i really want to say. and since when is u these boys pimp??? they can chose when they wanna have sex and who with.

THE END!!!!!
Damn Tuscan let a girl fantasize for a few!! you came and squashed that in like a millisecond! since you're an obvious elder i won't tell you what i really want to say. and since when is u these boys pimp??? they can chose when they wanna have sex and who with.

THE END!!!!!


My apologies for raining on your parade...... No I ain't no boys pimp...... Yes, they can and do choose....... You are more than welcome to go for it!
Please forgive me?????

It seems you beat me to the punch about calling David regarding this/cruise that I had brought up. Did you bring up the subject of a cruise when you spoke with David? On the other post, you had mentioned a post tour cruise. Is that something to be considered?

Just looking at Feb. 2011 6-7 day cruises start at $389 per person with 5 night cruises starting at $259 per person.

I vote 75/25 but would go if the date does not conflict with work.

Live Long and Prosper,

OK, I accept the challenge and even if I have to sell myself I will be there for the meet and greet. I do expect orgies and gladiator fights when I arrive. Let it be like Rome under Caligula - togas, wine, food, dance, song and the games.
OK, I accept the challenge and even if I have to sell myself I will be there for the meet and greet. I do expect orgies and gladiator fights when I arrive. Let it be like Rome under Caligula - togas, wine, food, dance, song and the games.


I've been on a Costa Cruise in the Carribean and the ship had a Toga Party, wine, food, dance, song and games (the rejected performers were sent to the Lions).

Live Long and Prosper,


It seems you beat me to the punch about calling David regarding this/cruise that I had brought up. Did you bring up the subject of a cruise when you spoke with David? On the other post, you had mentioned a post tour cruise. Is that something to be considered?

Just looking at Feb. 2011 6-7 day cruises start at $389 per person with 5 night cruises starting at $259 per person.

I vote 75/25 but would go if the date does not conflict with work.

Live Long and Prosper,


Using the two threads to talk about this is confusing me. LOL I answered in the other one what David said about the cruise and he would be in favor of doing both the way we mentioned. First the meet and greet followed by the cruise. He needs 15 or more people to make it worth while for the meet and greet and I think we will hit that easy. You think we will need to confirm 10 rooms to get a deal on a ship? Also will boarding on a Sunday be a problem?

So how about it folks first are you going to make the party please click to confirm on the poll then if your interested in the cruise option sound off and let us know so we can start talking to venders. Also I asked on the other thread how nice of hotel does everyone want to stay in?
Does the empty arms hotel ring a bell.lol