I certainly did not have the impression he was begging for money and I don't think he did anything wrong. I thought it was kind of sweet to include us in his plans. Some of us have a different way of looking at things. I've never had the chance to travel and it is my biggest dream but one I'm sure will go unfulfilled. If I would have been able to help a couple of sweet boys do some traveling and I'd be able to share in the journey in some small way it would make me a part of it. If one person has 1 view of a situation they should remember it's not the only view. There is another reason why people would have liked to help out, appreciation. Some people after time develop a connection with a model and they might feel that they receive a lot and they want to show their appreciation back to that model. Many models have a wish list on amazon so you can show your appreciation there. Some fans just send gifts to models, but they might be guessing at the gift and it might not be something the model could use. I would not be surprised if many of the models get frequent requests from fans asking if they can show their appreciation in one form or another. Knowing how popular these 2 guys are with the community I wouldn't be surprised if they received a lot of offers from fans and I see the original post simply as a response to fan requests.
I see no reason to get upset by or judgmental or looking for something that isn't there, if you didn't want to participate it was your call but for some people I think they were really happy to see the post and have a way to show their appreciation. For some fans doing something like this would make them happy and for those of us who weren't in a position to participate it made us sad. If these guys came to my city I'd love to take them to dinner and buy them some drinks and I think a lot of other fans feel the same way, this was an alternative to buying dinner.